SPAC  [洋書]
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My First Big Book of Outer Space COLOR BK-MY 1ST BBO OUTER SPAC (My First Big Book of Coloring) [ Little Bee Books ]

COLOR BKーMY 1ST BBO OUTER SPAC My First Big Book of Coloring Little Bee Books LITTLE BEE BOOKS2019 Paperback English ISBN:9781499809701 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 1,584円

Color with Stickers: Space: Create 10 Pictures with Stickers! STICKERS-COLOR W/STICKERS SPAC (Color with Stickers) [ Jonny Marx ]

STICKERSーCOLOR W/STICKERS SPAC Color with Stickers Jonny Marx Tiger Tales TIGER TALES2021 Paperback English ISBN:9781664340107 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction 1,425円

The Usborne Book of Astronomy & Space USBORNE BK OF ASTRONOMY & SPAC (Usborne Book Of... (Paperback)) [ Lisa Miles ]

USBORNE BK OF ASTRONOMY & SPAC Usborne Book Of... (Paperback) Lisa Miles Alastair Smith Judy Tatchell EDUC DEVELOPMENT CORP2010 Paperback English ISBN:9780794526269 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction 1,988円

Eyelike Stickers: Space STICKERS-EYELIKE STICKERS SPAC (Eyelike Stickers) [ Workman Publishing ]

STICKERSーEYELIKE STICKERS SPAC Eyelike Stickers Workman Publishing WORKMAN PR2014 Paperback English ISBN:9780761179658 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction 1,091円

New Initiatives in the Malaysian Capital Market With a Focus on LEAP and SPAC【電子書籍】[ Hon Wei Leow ]

<p>This book covers the most recent initiatives in the Malaysian capital market. In doing so, it discusses the Leading Entrepreneur Accelerator Platform Market (LEAP Market), and Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC).</p> <p>With regard to the LEAP Market, the book elaborates on its inception, value proposition, governance, performance, issues, and strengths. It also compares LEAP Market with the Main and ACE Markets, and draws the experience of the Korea New Exchange (KONEX) for LEAP Market to emulate and improve its operation, showing how KONEX provides valuable lessons for Malaysia's LEAP Market, as the former has two times more listed firms than the latter. Similarly, the book also includes discussions on the inception of SPAC, its features, volumes, risk, issues, strength, life cycle and time frame of SPAC IPO, and includes case studies of the four firms listed under SPAC IPO.</p> <p>Put together, the book offers a compilation of facts, analysis and insights from these new market initiatives, and provides a reference for the financial market industry, regulators, market practitioners, analysts, researchers, government authorities and universities.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,860円

From Outer Space to Inner Space: An Apollo Astronaut's Journey Through the Material and Mystical Wor FROM OUTER SPACE TO INNER SPAC [ Edgar Mitchell ]

FROM OUTER SPACE TO INNER SPAC Edgar Mitchell Avi Loeb Dean Radin NEW PAGE BOOKS2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781637480090 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit 3,643円

How Do Satellites Stay in Space?: A Book about How Satellites Work HOW DO SATELLITES STAY IN SPAC (How Do?) [ Jessica Taylor ]

HOW DO SATELLITES STAY IN SPAC How Do? Jessica Taylor Srimalie Bassani FLOWERPOT PR2022 Paperback English ISBN:9781486725618 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction 1,108円

How Do Satellites Stay in Space?: A Book about How Satellites Work HOW DO SATELLITES STAY IN SPAC (How Do?) [ Jessica Taylor ]

HOW DO SATELLITES STAY IN SPAC How Do? Jessica Taylor Srimalie Bassani FLOWERPOT PR2022 Hardcover English ISBN:9781486722778 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction 1,584円

Live outside the Space【電子書籍】[ Violet McDougald ]

<p>Space seemed therefore gorgeous and calm aided by the an incredible number of twinkling movie stars that filled the backdrop associated with complete Moon plus the planet that is stunning.</p> <p>An area that is little through the earth Neila raced through area.</p> <p>It zoomed toward the Moon through the way of Mars.</p> <p>The probe ended up being elliptical which was approximately four foot very long and two foot dense.</p> <p>It had four ports during the backend, that have been the exhausts for the machines being very advanced. The four machines emitted a purple flame, and also the probe zoomed through room at super, super high rates.</p> <p>The probe zoomed across the Moon then raced toward planet.</p> <p>It began to decrease whenever it reached a thousand kilometers from planet.</p> <p>The probe traveled for the next a hundred kilometers towards planet.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,071円

The mystery of the universe and the frontiers of space【電子書籍】[ Charlotte Mays ]

<p>Being a total results of the top Bang concept, we now have gained a much better comprehension of the world's origins. Findings regarding the world that is very early studies of cosmic history radiation continue steadily to refine our understanding. Lots of findings may be explained by the idea for the Big Bang, but inaddition it raises concerns which are interesting just what existed ahead of the singularity. Learning the top Bang and its particular effects provides a glimpse of exactly how complex and gorgeous the world is.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,080円

Never Too Small: Vol. 2: Reinventing Small Space Living NEVER TOO SMALL VOL 2 [ Joel Beath ]

NEVER TOO SMALL VOL 2 Joel Beath Camilla Janse Van Vuuren SMITH STREET BOOKS2024 Hardcover English ISBN:9781923049079 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) House & Home 6,336円

National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Space NATL GEOGRAPHIC LITTLE KIDS 1S (National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books) [ Catherine D. Hughes ]

NATL GEOGRAPHIC LITTLE KIDS 1S National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books Catherine D. Hughes NATL GEOGRAPHIC SOC2012 Hardcover English ISBN:9781426310140 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction 2,376円

The Great Music City Exploring Music, Space and Identity【電子書籍】[ Andrea Baker ]

<p>In the 1960s, as gentrification took hold of New York City, Jane Jacobs predicted that the city would become the true player in the global system. Indeed, in the 21st century more meaningful comparisons can be made between cities than between nations and states. Based on case studies of Melbourne, Austin and Berlin, this book is the first in-depth study to combine academic and industry analysis of the music cities phenomenon. Using four distinctly defined algorithms as benchmarks, it interrogates Richard Florida’s creative cities thesis and applies a much-needed synergy of urban sociology and musicology to the concept, mediated by a journalism lens. Building on seminal work by Robert Park, Lewis Mumford and Jane Jacobs, it argues that journalists are the cultural branders and street theorists whose ethnographic approach offers critical insights into the urban sociability of music activity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 10,938円

Knowledge Encyclopedia Space!: The Universe as You've Never Seen It Before KNOWLEDGE ENCY SPACE (DK Knowledge Encyclopedias) [ Dk ]

KNOWLEDGE ENCY SPACE DK Knowledge Encyclopedias Dk DK PUB2022 Hardcover English ISBN:9780744028928 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction 3,960円

超級專案管理:牛津大學教授?示計畫成敗的法則,教?順利完成任何專案 How Big Things Get Done: The Surprising Factors That Determine the Fate of Every Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration and 【電子書籍】

<p><strong>為何計畫總是出錯?為何專案不是超支就是超時?</strong><br /> <strong>讓牛津大學商學院教授傅以斌,</strong><br /> <strong>帶領?避開計畫中的各種地雷與陷?。</strong></p> <p><strong>★亞馬遜書店、《紐約時報》暢銷榜</strong><br /> <strong>★《經濟學人》、《金融時報》、《CEO》雜誌、《晨星》2023最佳圖書</strong><br /> <strong>★《金融時報》與施羅徳商業書獎2023年度最佳商業書決選入圍</strong><br /> <strong>★2023年廊燈商業書獎(Porchlight Business Book Award)決選入圍</strong><br /> <strong>★洞見趨勢圖書獎(Non-Obvious Book Awards)年度非?構類作品決選入圍</strong></p> <p>想想執行專案時那些讓?灰心的經驗,有時賠上的代價遠遠超過想像。然而,就算一再反省檢討,挫敗經?仍舊會接踵而來,到底為什麼?</p> <p>根據研究,超過99.5%的大型專案,不是預算超支,就是進度延遲,或者兼而有之。雪梨歌劇院的興建成本,比預估高了14倍;美國加州高鐵的預算,從330億美元飆升到1000億美元,仍然無法完成。類似問題一再發生,不只國家級的大型工程計畫,我們的日常生活與工作也是如此。看似簡單的小事,似乎遠比我們想像的困難。</p> <p>全球頂尖專案管理專家傅以斌,曾為超過百件耗資十億元以上的專案擔任顧問,並於牛津大學領導專業團隊,花費數十年,蒐集世界各地上萬件專案數據,彙聚成?大資料庫。在《超級專案管理》中,他分析各種失敗案例的共同問題,以科學方法,?示那些極少數專案得以順利完成的關鍵,並提煉出人人能?應用的勝利心法,教?把願景變成可行的計畫,將專案推向成功!</p> <p><strong>? 問始問「為什麼?」</strong><br /> 協助?專注於重要的事,以及最終的目的與結果。</p> <p><strong>? 慢思快行</strong><br /> 良好規劃、有效執行,縮短可能發生風險的時間段,盡速?定一切。</p> <p><strong>? 採取外部觀點</strong><br /> ?的專案?非獨一無二,記得多參考他人的經驗。</p> <p><strong>? 知道最大的風險是?自己</strong><br /> 留意認知與行為的偏誤,別把注意力全放在眼前的事。</p> <p><strong>專業推薦(依姓氏筆畫排列)</strong><br /> Ada|筆記女王<br /> 丁菱娟|影響力品牌學院創?人<br /> 瓦基|「?讀前哨站」站長<br /> 李君?|資深企業顧問、講師<br /> 洪震宇|《精準提問》作者<br /> 洪瀞|暢銷書《自己的力學》作者、成大教授、雙寶?<br /> ?旭烈|企業知名策略顧問<br /> 曾?ギョク|作家、運動員生涯規劃發展協會理事長<br /> 愛瑞克|《?在原力》系列作者、TMBA共同創?人<br /> 劉奕酉|ハクテツ行銷顧問策略長<br /> 蘇書平|先行智庫執行長</p> <p><strong>國?外齊聲推薦</strong><br /> 例子淺顯易?,讓我知道怎麼改進我的專案了!<br /> ── Ada(筆記女王)</p> <p>專案管理幾乎是?個職場工作者都必須要學的一項硬實力。<br /> ──丁菱娟(影響力品牌學院創?人)</p> <p>對於所有負責專案的職場人而言,這本書將帶給?遠超出想像的收穫。<br /> ──瓦基(「?讀前哨站」站長)</p> <p>幾乎所有的專案都不會100%照著原本的計畫順利前進,越有實務經驗越覺得這本書的建議很真實。<br /> ──李君?(資深企業顧問、講師)</p> <p>這本書用有趣的故事與具體?驟,帶我們從「問題是什麼?」的上游,一直到下游的執行過程,思考?個環節的盲點。<br /> ──洪震宇(《精準提問》作者)</p> <p>這本書將使?深刻理解「精心擬定計畫」的重要性與實踐方法,?對?得收藏。──洪瀞(暢銷書《自己的力學》作者、成大教授、雙寶?)</p> <p>本書透過11種捷思法和豐富案例,讓?的專案?動後再也不走冤枉路。<br /> ──曾?ギョク(作家、運動員生涯規劃發展協會理事長)</p> <p>此書令我大開眼界、拍案叫?,專案管理者們?快來看!<br /> ──愛瑞克(《?在原力》系列作者、TMBA共同創?人)</p> <p>用科學化的做法,??提高計畫達標的勝算。<br /> ──劉奕酉(ハクテツ行銷顧問策略長 )</p> <p>「趣味性十足……傅以斌與嘉徳納兩位作者以令人信服的論點,點出為什麼大大小小的專案一般會出錯……各行各業的管理者都能獲益匪淺。」<br /> ──《經濟學人》(The Economist)</p> <p>「從雪梨歌劇院,一直到舊事不斷重演的奧運,各種燒很多錢的大紕漏,除了令人直搖頭,也是令人想一探究竟的故事。傅以斌與嘉徳納兩位作者從中整理出寶貴的心得,一一細數如何能規劃、預測與執行各種規模的專案。不論是裝修廚房或蓋高鐵,全都能應用。」<br /> ──《金融時報》(Financial Times)二〇二三年夏季最佳商業書</p> <p>「錯過這本書是?的損失。」<br /> ──彼得.柯伊(Peter Coy),《紐約時報》(The New York Times)</p> <p>「?一位立法委員、市議員、企業高階主管的必讀。」<br /> ──《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)</p> <p>「我研究過規劃誤區的特性,我能?針對這個主題的研究,傅以斌的深度與廣度勝過所有人。他的關注範圍很廣,從奧運到裝??家的狗窩無所不包。」<br /> ──納西姆.尼可拉斯.塔雷伯(Nassim Nicholas Taleb),紐約大學坦登工學院(NYU Tandon School of Engineering)特聘教授、不確定系列書籍(Incerto Series)作者</p> <p>「充滿智慧,敘事生動,令人難忘,將數十年的實務研究與經驗,融入故事之中……平日和大型專案打交道的人士,已經迫不及待讀起這本書。我們其他人同樣也能開心學到東西。」<br /> ──提姆.哈?特(Tim Harford),《數據偵探》(The Data Detective)作者</p> <p>「本書替規劃大型專案,篩選出最理想的科學建議,可?是讀一本勝十本。」<br /> ──菲利普.E.泰特洛克(Philip E. Tetlock),《超級預測》(Superforecasting)共同作者</p> <p>「本書……點出令人意外的明確模式,解釋為什麼幾乎是所有的人類大型計畫,結果都不盡理想。幸運讀到書中提供的路線圖後,就不會掉進陷?。」<br /> ──奧拉.羅斯林(Ola Rosling),蓋普曼徳基金會(Gapminder)執行長與共同創始人、《真確》(Factfulness)共同作者</p> <p>「人類如果要在未來的數十年存活,就得打造很多東西……而且是以便宜快速的方法。這是一本極度實用的手冊!」<br /> ──比爾.麥可斌(Bill McKibben),《國旗、十字與旅行車》(The Flag, the Cross, and the Station Wagon)作者</p> <p>「傅以斌研究全球的大型建築計畫後,得出巨型專案的鐵律就是一次次超過預算、超時、效益不彰。他深知為什麼大型專案會失敗──也知道為什麼偶爾會成功,整個?讀體驗令人感到興味?然。」<br /> ──捷爾徳.蓋格瑞澤(Gerd Gigerenzer),《直覺思維》(Gut Feelings)作者</p> <p>「在這個資源日益稀缺的時刻,本書作者指出開發專案的明路。我們有?法以對社會來講更公平、更有利的方式,運用我們的環境、人力與財務資源。」<br /> ──法蘭克.蓋瑞(Frank Gehry)</p> <p><strong>?作者/譯者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>作者:傅以斌(Bent Flyvbjerg)</strong><br /> 牛津大學賽徳商學院榮譽教授,被會計集團KPMG譽為「全球最頂尖的巨型專案專家」,為麥肯錫外部顧問,英美等地大型企業顧問,此外還擔任丹麥哥本哈根資訊科技大學的拉斯謬森講座教授。《巨型專案與風險》(Megaprojects and Risk)的主要作者與《牛津巨型專案管理手冊》(The Oxford Handbook of Megaproject Management)的主編。輔導過一百多項造價十億美元以上的專案。</p> <p><strong>作者:丹.嘉徳納(Dan Gardner)</strong><br /> 新聞工作者,著有紐約時報排行榜暢銷書《風險》(Risk)與《七嘴八舌的未來》(Future Babble),與菲利普.泰特洛克(Philip E. Tetlock)合著《超級預測》(Superforecasting)。</p> <p><strong>譯者:許恬寧</strong><br /> 自由譯者,師大翻譯所畢,譯有《高成長思維》、《走出貧窮》、《如何改變一個人》等。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,245円

Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space CHALLENGER [ Adam Higginbotham ]

CHALLENGER Adam Higginbotham GALLERY BOOKS2024 Hardcover English ISBN:9781982176617 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) History 5,544円


. OTHERS2019 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9781338317183 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction 3,801円

The Ultimate Book of Space ULTIMATE BK OF SPACE (Tw Ultimate) [ Anne-Sophie Baumann ]

ULTIMATE BK OF SPACE Tw Ultimate AnneーSophie Baumann Oliver Latyk TWIRL2016 Hardcover English ISBN:9791027601974 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction 3,960円


HIGHLIGHTS PENGUIN BOOKS USA2020 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9781684379170 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction 1,584円

Paint by Sticker Kids: Outer Space: Create 10 Pictures One Sticker at a Time! Includes Glow-In-The-D PAINT STICKER KIDS OUTER SPACE (Paint by Sticker) [ Workman Publishing ]

PAINT STICKER KIDS OUTER SPACE Paint by Sticker Workman Publishing WORKMAN PR2021 Paperback English ISBN:9781523513017 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction 1,742円

Chase's Space Case (Paw Patrol) CHASES SPACE CASE (PAW PATROL) (Step Into Reading) [ Kristen L. Depken ]

CHASES SPACE CASE (PAW PATROL) Step Into Reading Kristen L. Depken Mike Jackson RANDOM HOUSE2016 Paperback English ISBN:9780553538861 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 897円

Lego Space: 1978 - 1992 LEGO SPACE 1978 - 1992 [ Lego ]

LEGO SPACE 1978 ー 1992 Lego Tim Johnson DARK HORSE COMICS2023 Hardcover English ISBN:9781506725185 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Antiques & Collectibles 7,920円

Never Too Small Reimagining small space living【電子書籍】[ Joe Beath ]

<p>Joel Beath and Elizabeth Price explore this question drawing inspiration from a diverse collection of apartment designs, all smaller than 50m2/540ft2. Through the lens of five small-footprint design principles and drawing on architectural images and detailed floor plans, the authors examine how architects and designers are reimagining small space living. Full of inspiration we can each apply to our own spaces, this is a book that offers hope and inspiration for a future of our cities and their citizens in which sustainability and style, comfort and affordability can co-exist. Never Too Small proves living better doesn’t have to mean living larger.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,242円

Chris Packham's Nature Handbook Explore the Wonders of the Natural World【電子書籍】[ Chris Packham ]

<p><strong>Chris Packham will pass on his passion for nature and make you an enthusiastic and knowledgeable amateur naturalist.</strong></p> <p><em>Chris Packham's Nature Handbook</em> reveals how easy it is to enjoy and learn about plants, animals, habitats, and ecological processes. It features visual studies of habitats - full of photos of the animals and plants that live there and illustrations of how they interact. All the habitats in your region (Europe in the UK edition, or North America in the US edition) are included, from accessible urban and farming landscapes to wilderness areas. This ebook reveals the sights, sounds, and smells you can encounter and shows you how to connect with nature without intruding. It provides illustrated guides to activities for every season. Many of these, like pond dipping and raising butterflies from caterpillars, can be done close to home and without expensive equipment. The ebook promotes conservation and demonstrates simple ways to contribute to the health of the natural world.</p> <p>First published in 2010, this edition has been revised to present more local information relevant to the habitats where you live, and to include the latest equipment and conservation issues. A blend of inspirational guide, essential reference, and "how-to", this ebook will make you wild about the natural world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,387円

Air & Light & Time & Space How Successful Academics Write【電子書籍】[ Helen Sword ]

<p>From the author of <em>Stylish Academic Writing</em> comes an essential new guide for writers aspiring to become more productive and take greater pleasure in their craft. Helen Sword interviewed one hundred academics worldwide about their writing background and practices. Relatively few were trained as writers, she found, and yet all have developed strategies to thrive in their publish-or-perish environment.</p> <p>So how do these successful academics write, and where do they find the “air and light and time and space,” in the words of poet Charles Bukowski, to get their writing done? What are their formative experiences, their daily routines, their habits of mind? How do they summon up the courage to take intellectual risks and the resilience to deal with rejection?</p> <p>Sword identifies four cornerstones that anchor any successful writing practice: <em>B</em>ehavioral habits of discipline and persistence; <em>A</em>rtisanal habits of craftsmanship and care; <em>S</em>ocial habits of collegiality and collaboration; and <em>E</em>motional habits of positivity and pleasure. Building on this “BASE,” she illuminates the emotional complexity of the writing process and exposes the lack of writing support typically available to early-career academics. She also lays to rest the myth that academics must produce safe, conventional prose or risk professional failure. The successful writers profiled here tell stories of intellectual passions indulged, disciplinary conventions subverted, and risk-taking rewarded. Grounded in empirical research and focused on sustainable change, <em>Air & Light & Time & Space</em> offers a customizable blueprint for refreshing personal habits and creating a collegial environment where all writers can flourish.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,665円

Jumbo Stickers for Little Hands: Outer Space: Includes 75 Stickers STICKER BK-JUMBO STICKERS FOR (Jumbo Stickers for Little Hands) [ Jomike Tejido ]

STICKER BKーJUMBO STICKERS FOR Jumbo Stickers for Little Hands Jomike Tejido WALTER FOSTER PUB INC2018 Paperback English ISBN:9781633225473 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction 1,267円

Mannerist Fiction Pathologies of Space from Rabelais to Pynchon【電子書籍】[ William Donoghue ]

<p>In <em>Mannerist Fiction</em>, William Donoghue re-conceptualizes the history of formalism in western literature. Rather than presuming that literary experimentation with form ? distorting space and time ? began in the twentieth century with Modernism, Donoghue identifies the age of Copernicus as the crucible for the first experiments in spatial de-formation, which appeared in mannerist painting and literature. With wide-ranging erudition, <em>Mannerist Fiction</em> connects these literary and pictorial developments and traces their repetition and evolution over the next five hundred years.</p> <p>Time and again, Donoghue explains, scientific and literary paradigm shifts have occurred in parallel. Rabelais and Jonson wrote in the aftermath of changes in the western sense of space wrought by Copernicus and the voyages of discovery, Jonathan Swift and the Marquis de Sade in the age of Newton, Thomas Pynchon in the age of Einstein. With his analysis, Donoghue establishes disfigurement and deformation as perennial sources of literary fascination.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,264円

Bizzy Bear: Space Rocket BIZZY BEAR SPACE ROCKET (Bizzy Bear) [ Benji Davies ]

BIZZY BEAR SPACE ROCKET Bizzy Bear Benji Davies NOSY CROW2015 Board Books English ISBN:9780763680039 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 1,267円

Queer Art From Canvas to Club, and the Spaces Between【電子書籍】[ Gemma Rolls-Bentley ]

<p><em><strong>We love and strongly recommend this beautifully curated book. Celebrating the massive and lasting global impact of LGBTQI+ artists, a book like this is long overdue!</strong></em> <strong>Russell Tovey & Robert Diament, co-hosts of Talk Art podcast.</strong></p> <p><strong>Celebrate the LGBTQI+ community with this vivid collection of artworks that charts queer voices from around the world.</strong></p> <p>The twentieth century saw key shifts for the LGBTQI+ community across the western world: from the <strong>Stonewall uprising to the first pride parades and homosexuality law reforms</strong>. The years following these milestone moments have seen queer life face new challenges, celebrations, injustices and liberations.</p> <p>As ever, <strong>this journey has been closely mapped by art and culture</strong>. Artists working across all mediums ? from painting, performance, digital and beyond ? have captured key moments, from the HIV/AIDS crisis and the rise of drag, to marriage equality and the fight for trans liberation. The artists include:</p> <ul> <li>Andrew Logan, sculptor and founder of the Alternative Miss World party</li> <li>Leading artists David Hockney, Nicole Eisenmann and Zanele Muholi</li> <li>Late greats Greer Lankton, Andy Warhol, Francis Bacon and Tom of Finland</li> <li>Pioneers of Queer Cinema Derek Jarman and Sir Isaac Julien</li> <li>Ground-breaking photographers Nan Goldin, Ajamu X, Wolfgang Tilmans and Catherine Opie</li> <li>Contemporary art stars Sin Wai Kin, Zackary Drucker and Clifford Prince King</li> </ul> <p>With nearly 200 artworks selected by leading LGBTQI+ curator Gemma Rolls-Bentley, this book mixes the high-brow with the low, gallery stalwarts with Instagram stars, and the racy with the fabulous. This is a unique celebration of queer life ? a must-have for the LGBTQI+ community, art lovers and anyone interested in the culture surrounding queer identity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,739円

Satellite Space Mission (the Magic School Bus Rides Again): Volume 4 SATELLITE SPACE MISSION (THE M (Magic School Bus Rides Again) [ Annmarie Anderson ]

SATELLITE SPACE MISSION (THE M Magic School Bus Rides Again Annmarie Anderson Artful Doodlers Ltd SCHOLASTIC2018 Paperback English ISBN:9781338262513 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 1,003円