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Sun Tzu - The Art of War for Managers: 50 Strategic Rules Updated for Today's Business【電子書籍】[ Sun Tzu ]

<p>The Art of War is a Chinese military treatise that was written during the 6th century BC by Sun Tzu. Composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it has long been praised as the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time. The Art of War is one of the oldest books on military strategy in the world. It is the first and one of the most successful works on strategy and has had a huge influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, and beyond. Sun Tzu was the first to recognize the importance of positioning in strategy and that position is affected both by objective conditions in the physical environment and the subjective opinions of competitive actors in that environment. He taught that strategy was not planning in the sense of working through a to-do list, but rather that it requires quick and appropriate responses to changing conditions.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 100円


CAROL/MESSING MCCLOUD, DAVID OTHERS2015 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780996099936 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction 1,584円

English After RP Standard British Pronunciation Today【電子書籍】[ Geoff Lindsey ]

<p>This book concisely describes ways in which today's standard British English speech differs from the upper-class accent of the last century, Received Pronunciation, which many now find old-fashioned or even comic. In doing so it provides a much-needed update to the existing RP-based descriptions by which the sound system of British English is still known to many around the world.</p> <p>The book opens with an account of the rise and fall of RP, before turning to a systematic analysis of the phonetic developments between RP and contemporary Standard Southern British (SSB) in vowels, consonants, stress, connected speech and intonation. Topics covered include the anti-clockwise vowel shift, the use of glottal stops, 'intrusive r', vocal fry and Uptalk. It concludes with a Mini Dictionary of well over 100 words illustrating the changes described throughout the book, and provides a chart of updated IPA vowel symbols.</p> <p>This book is an essentialresource for anyone interested in British pronunciation and sound change, including academics in phonetics, phonology, applied linguistics and English language; trainers of English teachers; English teachers themselves; teachers of voice and accent coaches; and students in those areas.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,038円

Modern Freight Cars: Rolling Stock from the 60's Through Today MODERN FREIGHT CARS [ Jeff Wilson ]

MODERN FREIGHT CARS Jeff Wilson KALMBACH MEDIA2019 Paperback English ISBN:9781627005852 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Crafts & Hobbies 3,484円

The Decline and Rise of Democracy A Global History from Antiquity to Today【電子書籍】[ David Stasavage ]

<p>**"One of the most important books on political regimes written in a generation."**<strong>ーSteven Levitsky, <em>New York Times</em>?bestselling author of <em>How Democracies Die</em></strong></p> <p><strong>A new understanding of how and why early democracy took hold, how modern democracy evolved, and what this history teaches us about the future</strong></p> <p>Historical accounts of democracy’s rise tend to focus on ancient Greece and pre-Renaissance Europe. <em>The Decline and Rise of Democracy</em> draws from global evidence to show that the story is much richerーdemocratic practices were present in many places, at many other times, from the Americas before European conquest, to ancient Mesopotamia, to precolonial Africa. Delving into the prevalence of early democracy throughout the world, David Stasavage makes the case that understanding how and where these democracies flourishedーand when and why they declinedーcan provide crucial information not just about the history of governance, but also about the ways modern democracies work and where they could manifest in the future.</p> <p>Drawing from examples spanning several millennia, Stasavage first considers why states developed either democratic or autocratic styles of governance and argues that early democracy tended to develop in small places with a weak state and, counterintuitively, simple technologies. When central state institutions (such as a tax bureaucracy) were absentーas in medieval Europeーrulers needed consent from their populace to govern. When central institutions were strongーas in China or the Middle Eastーconsent was less necessary and autocracy more likely. He then explores the transition from early to modern democracy, which first took shape in England and then the United States, illustrating that modern democracy arose as an effort to combine popular control with a strong state over a large territory. Democracy has been an experiment that has unfolded over time and across the worldーand its transformation is ongoing.</p> <p>Amidst rising democratic anxieties, <em>The Decline and Rise of Democracy</em> widens the historical lens on the growth of political institutions and offers surprising lessons for all who care about governance.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,311円


ERIC CARLE PHILOMEL BOOKS (USA)2001 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780399236051 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 1,267円

改變世界的九大演算法:讓今日電腦無所不能的最強概念(暢銷經典版) Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future: The Ingenious Ideas That Drive Today's Computers【電子書籍】[ 約翰?麥考米克(John MacCormick) ]

<p>榮獲美國出版人協會(Association of American Publishers)電腦資訊科學最佳書籍獎</p> <p>電腦網路技術無所不在:?天,我們從海量的資訊中搜尋到所要的資訊、我們上傳照片到臉書上、我們運用公鑰加密來傳送私人資訊例如信用?號碼等等、我們使用數位簽章來確認所造訪的網站的真偽……</p> <p>這本書介紹了讓電腦網路世界得以運作,塑造今日人類生活的九種最重要的演算法(algorithm)。作者挑選這九大演算法的標準是:</p> <p>1.?天會被一般電腦使用者用到的演算法。</p> <p>2.必須能解決現實世界的具體問題。</p> <p>3.主要是與資訊科學理論有關的演算法。</p> <ol start="4"> <li>美、簡潔、優雅。</li> </ol> <p>本書所介紹的九大演算法是:搜尋引ケイ的索引(search engine indexing)、網頁排序(page rank)、公鑰加密(public-key cryptography)、錯誤更正碼(error-correcting codes)、模式辨識(pattern recognition,如手寫辨識、聲音辨識、人臉辨識等等)、資料壓縮(data compression)、資料庫(databases)、數位簽章(digital signature),以及一種如果存在的話將會很了不起的偉大演算法,並探討電腦能力的極限。</p> <p>作者將我們日常生活會用到的電腦功能背後的道理,以淺顯易?的方式介紹,不具備資訊科學的背景也可以了解。而且令人驚喜的是,?一種演算法,都是一個解決問題的創意與線索,也讓我們得以一窺近代數學家、資訊科學家的努力探索成果。面對越來越科技化的現代生活與職場挑戰,這些基本原理和概念?得我們去了解、吸收,為未來世界做好準備。</p> <p>媒體好評:</p> <p>「這是一本很容易讀的書,介紹了一些很重要的演算法。最重要的是,這本書傳達了一種神奇ーー不光是指科技的成就,而是使得電腦發揮神奇功能的美麗科學。」</p> <p>Andreas Trabesinger,《自然物理學》(Nature Physics)</p> <p>「這本書寫得非常好……風格相當平易近人,適合廣大讀者?讀。」</p> <p>John Gilbey,《泰晤士報高等教育專刊》(Times Higher Education)</p> <p>「作者讓讀者有一種發動機的感覺,這台發動機為網路世界提供動力……本書讓讀者體會真實世界,開始看到這些演算法在?我周遭活跳跳。」</p> <p>Kevin Slavin,《新科學家》(New Scientist)</p> <p>「成功地把電腦科學呈現給廣大群?。」</p> <p>Ernest Davis,《工業與應用數學學會通訊》(SIAM News)</p> <p>「作者讓大家稍稍體會到,我們電腦科學家們之所以對演算法如此興奮的原因ーー因為演算法的功用,還有它們的美與優雅。」</p> <p>Paul Curzon,《科學》(Science)</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,231円

Reading for Today Series New Edition Level 3 Issues for Today 5th Edition Text

ぐるぐる王国 楽天市場店
Student’s Book発売日2016/1/4詳しい納期他、ご注文時はご利用案内・返品のページをご確認ください関連キーワードLorraine C. Smith / Nancy Nici Mare商品説明Reading for Today Series New Edition Level 3 Issues for Today 5th Edition Textナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツや世界の様々なトピックを扱ったリーディング素材を提供し、スキミング、スキャニング、クリティカル・シンキングや言い換えなど多彩な演習を通して、アカデミックリーディングに必要な語彙力や読解力を養います。クリティカル・シンキングのセクションでは、学生にグローバルなテーマやトピックについて意見やアイディアを発言させ、考える力や発信する力も育みます。商品スペック 種別 グッズ Student’s Book JAN 9781305579989登録日2020/07/31 3,806円

Land of the Free: The Most Important Legal Documents That Built America We Know Today Key Civil Rights Acts, Constitutional Amendments, Supreme Court Decisions & Acts of Foreign Policy【電子書籍】[ U.S. Government ]

<p>"Land of the Free" is a meticulously edited collection of U.S. Government legal documents that shaped and built the American democracy. From the Declaration of Independence to the Civil Rights Act of 1968, this collection contains 40 most important acts and decisions which forged the legal system and democratic principles of USA: Declaration of Independence (1776) U.S. Constitution (1787) Bill of Rights (1791) Amendments (1792-1991) The Federalist Papers (1787-1788) Marbury v. Madison (1803) The Louisiana Purchase Treaty (1803) Treaty of Ghent (1814) Monroe Doctrine (1823) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) Emancipation Proclamation (1863) Gettysburg Address (1863) The Civil Rights Act of 1866 Treaty of Fort Laramie/Sioux Treaty (1868) The Enforcement Act of 1870 The Second Enforcement Act of 1871 (Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871) Civil Rights Act of 1875 Interstate Commerce Act (1887) Dawes Act (1887) Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890) Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) Keating-Owen Child Labor Act of 1916 (1916) President Woodrow Wilson's 14 Point Program (1918) National Industrial Recovery Act (1933) Social Security Act (1935) Lend-Lease Act (1941) Brown v. Board of Education (1954) Civil Rights Act of 1957 Civil Rights Act of 1960 Establishment of the Peace Corps (1961) Test Ban Treaty (1963) Equal Pay Act of 1963 Civil Rights Act of 1964 Tonkin Gulf Resolution (1964) Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States (1964) Voting Rights Act (1965) Loving v. Virginia (1967) Civil Rights Act of 1968 Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Songs of the 1990s - The New Decade Series: E-Z Play Today Volume 369 SONGS OF THE 1990S - THE NEW D [ Hal Leonard Corp ]

SONGS OF THE 1990S ー THE NEW D Hal Leonard Corp HAL LEONARD PUB CO2016 Paperback English ISBN:9781495062742 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Music 4,276円

You Can Teach Your Child To Read Better Today:【電子書籍】[ Anthony Giordano ]

<p>You Can Teach Your Child To Read Better Today is a clear, concise description of reading and the learning process. Written in easy to understand terms, it enables anyone to teach reading to anyone.<br /> The book walks the reader through the concepts needed to understand why a student isn't learning and how to correct the problems. It is a hands-on approach that has succeeded with hundreds of poor readers.<br /> Suggestions for exercises and methods to teach the basic concepts in reading are given in a simple manner so that all parents regardless of education level or teaching experience can succeed and help the student become a great reader!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 106円

當代古典占星研究:入門古典占星的第一本書 Traditional Astrology for Today: An Introduction【電子書籍】[ 班傑明?戴克 ]

<p>占星之難,難在融會貫通,</p> <p>若能縱觀全盤正確解出星盤密碼,</p> <p>就能指引迷津,解答生命的疑惑!</p> <p>?相信人是帶著預先設定的生命藍圖而來??</p> <p>?認為自由意志可以在多大程度??轉「命中注定」?</p> <p>我是誰?我為何如此?我生命的極限何在?</p> <p>本書將帶?認識古典占星,教?從星盤中看出?的宿命與解?!</p> <p>占星學、神祕學在二十世紀末期,隨著經濟成長的停滯衰敗,讓人們開始轉向心靈與精神層面的追求及依頼。這股風潮帶動許多相關領域的學問,成為現代人追求的安慰劑。但占星學與其他神祕學不甚相同,它奠基於天文、四季、環境等自然變化的規律上,古典時期的占星學是相當具有邏輯的嚴謹架構,不僅是數千年來古哲人的智慧結晶,更是留給後世人們最寶貴的資?。</p> <p>本書集結作者多年專攻於古典占星典籍與實證而成的專業著作,輕鬆簡要又具邏輯地逐??明古典占星的架構,並在章節之後附上演練案例,讓讀者輕鬆上手,學習古典的推論法則。更重要的是,作者於本書中逐一釐清、導正現代占星學家對於古典占星學的批評,讓讀者能以更完整的面向去理解古典占星學的智慧。</p> <p>現代占星學的出版品?多,而多數僅以片斷性的資料論述,例如單獨以一個行星的影響力作為書寫主題,缺乏了占星學整體推論的架構觀點,似乎只要某個行星的力量,就能造成人生巨大、層面廣泛的影響力。讀者們接觸到許多這類的論述,對占星學的理解,就會停留在見樹不見林的階段,難以全面性、整體地學習占星知識。</p> <p>也正好因為市面上現代占星的出版品相當豐富,因此培育出大量的占星愛好者。這些占星愛好者,需要、也期待著更多、更好的占星學知識,繼續灌?他們對於累積占星學知識的熱情。本書所提供的古典占星知識,正是時下許多占星出版品所缺乏,及未被重視的重要?容。相信本書不僅是提供占星愛好者及專業占星師開闢解盤技術的精進書,也?對是業餘愛好者認識古典占星的知識入門書!</p> <p>名人推薦</p> <p>?天人之際占星學會會長 秦瑞生老師</p> <p>?華人占星學會會長 楊國正老師?專文推薦!</p> <p>本書是奠定古典占星學重要觀念的入門書、極佳的指南。可以滿足讀者對古典占星學基本架構、專有名詞、?史及史上占星名家與其重要著作的初?瞭解;也能符合理解古典技巧、提升解盤能力的期望,又可回應現代心理占星師對古典占星學的質疑。</p> <p>─ 秦瑞生 天人之際占星學會會長</p> <p>星盤是我們生命?程的縮影,它可以告訴我們在人生?個時期、?個角落,?得我們駐足,或者要我們快?離開。……古典占星的解讀是以理性的態度,試圖瞭解我們生命底層的運作模式;透過星盤預測,讓我們重新開?跟靈魂溝通的管道,將靈魂原本已有的能力重新找回來!</p> <p>─ 楊國正 華人占星學會會長</p> <p>本書為第一本西方古典占星作家的中文譯本,是占星學上的重要讀物。班傑明.戴克博士以其多年來研究古典文獻之學養,為古典占星的初學者,以簡單明瞭的字義,具體描繪古典占星的?史、概念、判讀星盤的法則、流年預測方法。雖然是定位給初學者,但更適合具有現代占星學背景的讀者,或現代心理占星師們。</p> <p>─ 韓キ瑩(Cecily Han) 星空凝視占星學院(SATA)院長/星空凝視文化事業股?有限公司董事長</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,273円

The Far Right Today【電子書籍】[ Cas Mudde ]

<p>The far right is back with a vengeance. After several decades at the political margins, far-right politics has again taken center stage. Three of the world’s largest democracies ? Brazil, India, and the United States ? now have a radical right leader, while far-right parties continue to increase their profile and support within Europe.</p> <p>In this timely book, leading global expert on political extremism Cas Mudde provides a concise overview of the fourth wave of postwar far-right politics, exploring its history, ideology, organization, causes, and consequences, as well as the responses available to civil society, party, and state actors to challenge its ideas and influence. What defines this current far-right renaissance, Mudde argues, is its mainstreaming and normalization within the contemporary political landscape. Challenging orthodox thinking on the relationship between conventional and far-right politics, Mudde offers a complex and insightful picture of one of the key political challenges of our time.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,254円

A Queer and Pleasant Danger The true story of a nice Jewish boy who joins the Church of Scientology, and leaves twelve years later to become the lovely lady she is today【電子書籍】[ Kate Bornstein ]

<p>A stunningly original memoir of a nice Jewish boy who joined the Church of Scientology and left twelve years later, ultimately transitioning to a woman. A few years later, she stopped calling herself a woman and became famous as a gender outlaw.</p> <p>Kate Bornsteinーgender theorist, performance artist, authorーis set to change lives with her compelling memoir. Wickedly funny and disarmingly honest, this is Bornstein's most intimate book yet, encompassing her early childhood and adolescence, college at Brown, a life in the theater, three marriages and fatherhood, the Scientology hierarchy, transsexual life, LGBTQ politics, and life on the road as a sought-after speaker.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,923円

Yesterday’s Melodies Today’s Memories【電子書籍】[ Manek Premchand ]

<p>Yesterday’s Melodies Todays Memories is a rare collection of profiles of all important music-makers of the Hindi Film Industry between 1931 and 1970. It not only gives a biographical background of each music artiste, but it goes further to interview many of the surviving giants and completes the task by listing some of the best songs with which that person is associated.</p> <p>Here are singers that include the whole gamut from KL Saigal to Asha Bhosle, lyricists that include Sahir and Gulzar, music composers from Naushad to RD Burman, artistes that were part-time singers and full time actors like Ashok Kumar, melody queens like Noor Jahan and Lata Mangeshkar, gentlemen lyricists like Prem Dhawan and gentlemen singers like Manna Dey, mischief-makers like Kishore Kumar and rebels without pause like OP Nayyar and Majrooh Sultanpuri.</p> <p>In fact, this book is a house in which all these great talents live happily, each in a separate room, given space for self-expression. The serious research that has gone into this book is evident as you move from one chapter to another, opening layers after layers presented non-seriously. Over 100 music makers are presented this way and many more in a huge single chapter.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 317円

Content Marketing for PR How to build brand visibility, influence and trust in today’s social age【電子書籍】[ Trevor Young ]

<p>Are you struggling to cut through the noise and convey your message to the marketplace?</p> <p><em><strong>Become your own media channel and tell your stories like a PR pro!</strong></em></p> <p>We live in a fast-paced, digital-first world cluttered with brands and individuals telling the world how great they are. It’s no wonder consumers are so cynical and distrustful. They resent being interrupted with meaningless ads, pitches and promotional messages. They simply don’t care about you or your businessーbecause you haven’t given them a reason to.</p> <p>Meanwhile, marketers and PR pros are beginning to accept that many of the methods they’ve been using to reach potential customers and influencers simply don’t work anymore.</p> <p>Bottom line: Standing out, getting noticed and resonating in the marketplace is a growing challenge for businesses and organizations, large and small.</p> <p><em><strong>Trust and reputation have never been more important in business.</strong></em></p> <p>Learn how to harness the power of both public relations <em>and</em> content marketing to build recognition, influence and credibility for your business, organization or personal brand.</p> <p>In this book, veteran public relations practitioner and marketing speaker <strong>Trevor Young</strong>ーaka “The PR Warrior”ーshows you how to strategically use content marketing for PR to:</p> <p>- Humanize your company or organization</p> <p>- Deepen the connection your brand has with consumers</p> <p>- Grow your influence within the industry you operate</p> <p>- Build familiarity and trust in the marketplace</p> <p>- Connect with the people who influence your clients and customers</p> <p>- Increase new business leads and sales</p> <p>- Reduce the customer’s buying cycle</p> <p>- Make paid-for advertising work harder</p> <p>Written for entrepreneurs, change agents, business leaders, marketers and PR practitioners, <em>Content Marketing for PR</em> is your essential guide to building a visible brand that’s recognized, respected and relevant in today’s noisy social world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 880円

Niv, Quest Study Bible, Hardcover, Comfort Print: The Only Q and A Study Bible NIV QUEST STUDY BIBLE HARDCOVE [ Christianity Today Intl ]

NIV QUEST STUDY BIBLE HARDCOVE Christianity Today Intl Zondervan ZONDERVAN2019 Hardcover English ISBN:9780310450818 洋書 NonーClassifiable(その他) 7,128円

Worldwide English Language Education Today Ideologies, Policies and Practices【電子書籍】

<p>This book explores the ideologies, policies, and practices of English language education around the world today. It shows the ways in which ideology is a constituent part of the social realities of English language teaching (ELT) and how ELT policies and practices are shaped by ideological positions that privilege some participants and marginalize others.</p> <p>Each chapter considers the multiple ideologies underlying the thinking and actions of different members of society about ELT and how these inform overt and covert policies at the national level and beyond. They examine the implications of investigating ELT ideologies and policies for advancing socio-political understandings of practical aspects such as instruction, materials, assessment, and teacher education in the field.</p> <p>Introducing new persepctives on the theory and practice of language teaching today, this book is ideal reading for researchers and postgraduate students interested in applied linguistics and language education, faculty members of higher education institutions, English language teachers, and policy makers and planners.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,071円

The World English Bible (WEB): Luke Exploring Luke's Gospel: A Modern Translation for Today's Readers【電子書籍】[ Anonymous ]

<p>The World English Bible (WEB): Luke is an important text that provides readers with a modern translation of the Gospel of Luke. Written in a clear and accessible style, this edition stays true to the original content while making it easier for contemporary audiences to engage with the text. The literary context of this translation allows readers to explore the teachings and stories of Jesus in a fresh and compelling way. It is a valuable resource for both scholars and individuals interested in understanding the Bible from a modern perspective. The style of writing in this edition is simple yet powerful, making it a valuable addition to any library. Anonymous's careful attention to detail and accuracy in translating Luke showcases their dedication to sharing the teachings of the Bible with a global audience. The author's commitment to providing a clear and accessible translation of the Gospel of Luke makes this edition a must-read for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 310円

What Have The Romans Ever Done For Us? 30 ways in which the ancient Romans influence our lives today.【電子書籍】[ Colin C. Murphy ]

<p><strong>The Roman State, either as a Republic or an Empire, existed for 1,000 years and encompassed a vast area spanning Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Their influence was so enormous that even though the Roman Empire ended 1,600 years ago, we can still feel their presence in our everyday lives, although most of the time we aren’t usually aware of the fact. Everything from our architecture to our calendar, from our infrastructure to our spoken and written language, from our legal systems to many of the little traditions we take for granted such as birthday cakes, wedding rings or Christmas celebrations - all can trace their roots back through the centuries to the days of Augustus and Cicero and Caesar. And although we may consider ourselves 100% American, British, Irish, French, Australian, Italian or whatever, you'll be surprised at the number of ways in which we're also all more than a little bit Roman!</strong></p> <p>Written in an accessible, light-hearted style, What Have The Romans Ever Done Done Us? is perfectly balanced to both entertain and inform. So let’s travel back to the time of the ancients, and explore how we can still sense their spirits in our modern world...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 133円

Complete Book of Home Preserving: 400 Delicious and Creative Recipes for Today COMP BK OF HOME PRESERVING NEW [ Judi Kingry ]

COMP BK OF HOME PRESERVING NEW Judi Kingry Lauren Devine Sarah Page ROBERT ROSE INC2024 Paperback New and Updated English ISBN:9780778801313 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Cooking 3,960円

Heart and Mind Activities for Today's Kids Workbook, Age 4 - 5 HEART & MIND ACTIVITIES FOR TO (Heart and Mind Activities for Today's Kids) [ Evan-Moor Educational Publishers ]

HEART & MIND ACTIVITIES FOR TO Heart and Mind Activities for Today's Kids EvanーMoor Educational Publishers EVAN MOOR EDUC PUBL2022 Paperback English ISBN:9781645141624 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Nonfiction 1,900円

Red Roulette: An Insider's Story of Wealth, Power, Corruption, and Vengeance in Today's China RED ROULETTE [ Desmond Shum ]

RED ROULETTE Desmond Shum SCRIBNER BOOKS CO2021 Hardcover English ISBN:9781982156152 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Biography & Autobiography 4,752円

Today I Will Fly!-An Elephant and Piggie Book TODAY I WILL FLY-AN ELEPHANT & (Elephant and Piggie Book) [ Mo Willems ]

TODAY I WILL FLYーAN ELEPHANT & Elephant and Piggie Book Mo Willems HYPERION2007 Hardcover English ISBN:9781423102953 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 1,584円

今天 Today is the day【電子書籍】[ 張梓鈞 ]

<p><strong>波隆那兒童觀?插畫比賽、英國麥克米倫圖畫書獎、美國<strong><strong>3x3</strong></strong>插畫大賽等國際獎項肯定。台灣插畫家:張梓鈞全創作繪本。</strong></p> <p><strong>用富有?度的眼光去看待土地和建築,視之為人們生命的一部分,</strong></p> <p><strong>以更?柔的姿態去對待在其中生活的人們。</strong></p> <p><strong>今天居住一輩子的家就要被拆除,該怎麼度過這一天?</strong></p> <p><strong>就是今天了,我知道他們在來的路上。</strong></p> <p><strong>我細數屋子裡的一切,</strong></p> <p><strong>把?菊搬到後院,讓它能與蝴蝶為伴。</strong></p> <p><strong>我泡好茶想找老張來坐坐,才想到他已搬到城裡更角落的角落</strong>**……**</p> <p>得獎畫家張梓鈞用簡單詩意的文字,搭配彩色鉛筆與?貼的手法構築主角的生活片段,打包生活的記憶、與相伴的植物道別,回憶和夥伴奮戰的過去……</p> <p>今天就是最後一天,終究還是得離開最熟悉的家。</p> <p>用更?柔的眼光看待土地與建築,理解它們是居民生命的部分,是安身立命的地方。當大企業入侵他們的「家」,破壞的不僅是土地與建築物,還有在其中的生命經?。</p> <p>梓鈞用?柔的色調帶我們進入??的家,?細心維護,與?相伴一生的家。畫面情緒平穩,不帶控訴,淡然得像個觀局者,卻讓讀者深切感受到不捨與無奈。雖然改變是必須,但希望有更多人傾聽這些少數的聲音,也許他們未受到合理的對待?也許下一次我們看到相似的新聞,可以停下來,**#**<strong>聆聽少數。</strong></p> <p>──────────</p> <ul> <li>巴奈|歌手、原住民族權力倡議者</li> </ul> <p>○尤美女|人權律師</p> <ul> <li>林幸萩|童里繪本洋行店主</li> </ul> <p>○林廉恩|金鼎獎作家、波隆那拉加茲獎得主</p> <ul> <li>林蔚イン|作家</li> </ul> <p>○徐書磊|法律白話文運動營運長</p> <ul> <li>夏琳|南?小書店店主</li> </ul> <p>○劉清?|童書作家/兒童節目主持人</p> <ul> <li>盧郁佳|作家</li> </ul> <p>○頼嘉綾|作家、繪本評論人</p> <p>──集體推薦!</p> <p>(以上按姓氏筆畫排列)</p> <p><strong>推薦語</strong></p> <p>尤美女|人權律師:「作者張梓鈞以簡單的筆觸,?馨的同理,畫出被迫遷者抗爭的核心,家不只是建築物,而是他們一輩子甚至世代傳承的生命記憶,與這塊土地、環境、人文連結的根。若要被連根拔起,能不同理、善待?」</p> <p>徐書磊|法律白話文運動營運長:「居住本應是令人安心平靜的事,但在現今社會常成為無奈與哀愁的所在,並盡現在主角的表情中。」</p> <p>劉清?|童書作家/兒童節目主持人:「創作者以?柔的圖文,幽幽淡淡?了一個?重嚴肅,卻?暖動人的故事。」</p> <p>頼嘉綾|作家、繪本評論人:「在世事好與壞、幸與不幸的模糊邊際裡,我們努力生活在各個角落。」</p> <p><strong>作者</strong></p> <p><strong>張梓鈞</strong></p> <p>台中人,畢業於劍橋藝術學院童書插畫研究所,現為自由插畫工作者。喜歡電影、哲學和大自然。於波隆那「兒童觀?」比賽連續兩年獲獎(2020、2021年)、獲2019英國麥克米倫圖畫書獎、2019、2020美國3x3國際插畫賽榮譽提名。</p> <p>想用圖像?故事,把人權、社會議題推送到讀者面前。</p> <p>?的IG:chunchun.c_</p> <p>獲獎:</p> <p>▲波隆那「兒童觀?」比賽連續兩年獲獎(2020、2021年)</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,040円

Reading for Today Series New Edition Level 2 Insights for Today 5th Edition Student Book

ぐるぐる王国 楽天市場店
Student’s Book発売日2015/11/5詳しい納期他、ご注文時はご利用案内・返品のページをご確認ください関連キーワードLorraine C. Smith / Nancy Nici Mare商品説明Reading for Today Series New Edition Level 2 Insights for Today 5th Edition Student Bookナショナルジオグラフィックのコンテンツや世界の様々なトピックを扱ったリーディング素材を提供し、スキミング、スキャニング、クリティカル・シンキングや言い換えなど多彩な演習を通して、アカデミックリーディングに必要な語彙力や読解力を養います。クリティカル・シンキングのセクションでは、学生にグローバルなテーマやトピックについて意見やアイディアを発言させ、考える力や発信する力も育みます。商品スペック 種別 グッズ Student’s Book JAN 9781305579972登録日2020/07/31 3,586円

Futuromania Electronic Dreams, Desiring Machines, and Tomorrow's Music Today【電子書籍】[ Simon Reynolds ]

<p><strong>A collection of writing by Simon Reynolds, centered on music that seemed, in its moment, to prefigure the Future</strong></p> <p>Simon Reynolds's first book in eight years is a celebration of music that feels like a taste of tomorrow. Sounds that prefigure pop music's futureーthe vanguard genres and heroic innovators whose discoveries eventually get accepted by the wider mass audience. But it's also about the way music can stir anticipation for a thrillingly transformed world just around the corner: a future that might be utopian or dystopian, but at least will be radically changed and exhilaratingly other.</p> <p>Starting with an extraordinary chapter on Giorgio Moroder and Donna Summer, taking in illuminating profiles of Ryuichi Sakamoto, Boards of Canada, Burial, and Daft Punk, and arguing for Auto-Tune as the defining sound of 21st century pop, <em>Futuromania</em> shapes over two dozen essays and interviews into a chronological narrative of machine-music from the 1970s to now. Reynolds explores the interface between pop music and science fiction's utopian dreams and nightmare visions, always emphasizing the quirky human individuals abusing the technology as much as the era-defining advances in electronic hardware and digital software.</p> <p>A tapestry of the scenes and subcultures that have proliferated in that febrile, sexy, and contested space where man meets machine, <em>Futuromania</em> is an enthused listening guide that will propel readers towards adventures in sound. There is a lifetime of electronic listening here.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,388円

College Bound Strategies The Practical Guide to Choosing and Paying for Today’s Higher Education【電子書籍】[ Justin Duncombe ]

<p>College Bound Strategies is a guide for every parent and student seeking answers about education after high school. This guide addresses the values, advantages, and challenges of different higher education options. Once a family and student evaluate their options, the guide discusses what students must do in the application process to get accepted. The guide takes a unique approach to breaking down the concerns surrounding paying for college: how schools differ in distributing financial aid, minimizing student debt, and how higher education may be less expensive than conventional wisdom leads us to believe. Students and families can then evaluate schools based on what will best help a student to thrive and reduce the effect that cost has on those decisions. Whether a family is looking to do-it-yourself or seeking assistance, the guide provides a list of resources, and some guidance to using those resources, to help successfully navigate through higher education.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 693円

Green Witchcraft Beginners Handbook Start Magical Gardening Today with Easy-To-Grow Plants, Herbs, and Flowers and At-Home recipes for Tinctures, Essential Oils, Shampoo, Soap, Candles, and Fragrance!【電子書籍】[ Kara Lawrence ]

<p><strong>Have you ever dreamed of a garden that feels like a secret hideaway, where every plant whispers ancient secrets and every herb holds mystical powers?</strong></p> <p>Imagine a place where you can manifest your desires and enhance your everyday life through the power of nature. Join author Kara Lawrence on a journey into the world of magical gardening, where you'll learn how to create your own enchanted oasis and harness the extraordinary properties of plants and herbs.</p> <p>Step into the realm of magical gardening and unlock the secrets of plants that can transform your life. In this captivating guide, you'll discover:</p> <ul> <li>The art of selecting the perfect plants for your magical garden and how to harness their energies to align with your intentions.</li> <li>Step-by-step instructions for setting intentions and infusing your garden with your desires and goals, creating a truly powerful and transformative space.</li> <li>Proven techniques for harvesting and preserving plants, ensuring that their magical properties are preserved for future use.</li> <li>A comprehensive guide to recognizing poisonous plants and keeping yourself and others safe in your magical garden.</li> <li>How to harness the power of candle magic to manifest your desires and perform rituals and spells.</li> <li>The secrets of glamour magic and how to enhance beauty, confidence, and personal charm using magical plants and herbs.</li> <li>Recipes for homemade beauty products infused with magical properties, including shampoo, soap, and fragrance.</li> </ul> <p>Embark on an extraordinary adventure into the world of magical gardening and unlock the limitless possibilities that nature has to offer. Unleash the magic within your garden and transform your life in ways you never thought possible.</p> <p>Are you ready to dive into the enchanting world of magical gardening? Start your own mystical journey today and discover the transformative power of plants and herbs.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 500円

Against the Vortex Zardoz and Degrowth Utopias in the Seventies and Today【電子書籍】[ Anthony Galluzzo ]

<p><strong><em>'Like a pastry chef who can MacGyver a five-star dessert out of a Twinkie or a Jell-O packet, Anthony Galluzzo confects something special from the unlikeliest of industrial products: the 1974 Connery-Rampling vehicle Zardoz.'</em> Matt Tierney, author of What Lies Between: Void Aesthetics and Postwar Post-Politics</strong></p> <p>Alongside scientific knowledge and collective effort, building a degrowth ecological society will require a different set of stories and myths than the big and fast Promethean fables we're accustomed to. Using Boorman's Zardoz as a tool, Into The Vortex unearths the artistic and intellectual output of a decelerationist 1970s, with an eye toward imagining a very different sort of future.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 854円