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KEN/ZIGMARMI BLANCHARD, PATRICIA WILLIAM MORROW & COMPANY (USA)2013 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780062309440 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics 3,643円

Capitalism without Capital The Rise of the Intangible Economy【電子書籍】[ Jonathan Haskel ]

<p><strong>The first comprehensive account of the growing dominance of the intangible economy</strong></p> <p>Early in the twenty-first century, a quiet revolution occurred. For the first time, the major developed economies began to invest more in intangible assets, like design, branding, R&D, and software, than in tangible assets, like machinery, buildings, and computers. For all sorts of businesses, from tech firms and pharma companies to coffee shops and gyms, the ability to deploy assets that one can neither see nor touch is increasingly the main source of long-term success.</p> <p>But this is not just a familiar story of the so-called new economy. <em>Capitalism without Capital</em> shows that the growing importance of intangible assets has also played a role in some of the big economic changes of the last decade. The rise of intangible investment is, Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake argue, an underappreciated cause of phenomena from economic inequality to stagnating productivity.</p> <p>Haskel and Westlake bring together a decade of research on how to measure intangible investment and its impact on national accounts, showing the amount different countries invest in intangibles, how this has changed over time, and the latest thinking on how to assess this. They explore the unusual economic characteristics of intangible investment, and discuss how these features make an intangible-rich economy fundamentally different from one based on tangibles.</p> <p><em>Capitalism without Capital</em> concludes by presenting three possible scenarios for what the future of an intangible world might be like, and by outlining how managers, investors, and policymakers can exploit the characteristics of an intangible age to grow their businesses, portfolios, and economies.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,024円

Human Compatible Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control【電子書籍】[ Stuart Russell ]

<p><strong>"The most important book on AI this year." <em>--The Guardian</em></strong></p> <p><strong>"Mr. Russell's exciting book goes deep, while sparkling with dry witticisms." --<em>The Wall Street Journal</em></strong></p> <p><strong>"The most important book I have read in quite some time" (Daniel Kahneman); "A must-read" (Max Tegmark); "The book we've all been waiting for" (Sam Harris)</strong></p> <p><strong>A leading artificial intelligence researcher lays out a new approach to AI that will enable us to coexist successfully with increasingly intelligent machines</strong></p> <p>In the popular imagination, superhuman artificial intelligence is an approaching tidal wave that threatens not just jobs and human relationships, but civilization itself. Conflict between humans and machines is seen as inevitable and its outcome all too predictable.</p> <p>In this groundbreaking book, distinguished AI researcher Stuart Russell argues that this scenario can be avoided, but only if we rethink AI from the ground up. Russell begins by exploring the idea of intelligence in humans and in machines. He describes the near-term benefits we can expect, from intelligent personal assistants to vastly accelerated scientific research, and outlines the AI breakthroughs that still have to happen before we reach superhuman AI. He also spells out the ways humans are already finding to misuse AI, from lethal autonomous weapons to viral sabotage.</p> <p>If the predicted breakthroughs occur and superhuman AI emerges, we will have created entities far more powerful than ourselves. How can we ensure they never, ever, have power over us? Russell suggests that we can rebuild AI on a new foundation, according to which machines are designed to be inherently uncertain about the human preferences they are required to satisfy. Such machines would be humble, altruistic, and committed to pursue our objectives, not theirs. This new foundation would allow us to create machines that are provably deferential and provably beneficial.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,247円

Everything Isn't Terrible Conquer Your Insecurities, Interrupt Your Anxiety, and Finally Calm Down【電子書籍】[ Kathleen Smith ]

<p><strong>In the spirit of <em>You Are a Badass</em> and <em>The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck</em>, a helpful and humorous guide to shedding our anxious habits and building a more solid sense of self in an increasingly anxiety-inducing world.</strong></p> <p>Licensed therapist and mental health writer Dr. Kathleen Smith offers a smart, practical antidote to our anxiety-ridden times. <em>Everything Isn't Terrible</em> is an informative and practical guide -- featuring a healthy dose of humorーfor people who want to become beacons of calmness in their families, at work, and in our anxious world. <em>Everything Isn't Terrible</em> will inspire you to confront your anxious self, take charge of your anxiety, and increase your own capacity to choose how you respond to it. Comprised of short chapters containing anecdotal examples from Smith's work with her clients, in addition to engaging, actionable exercises for readers, <em>Everything Isn't Terrible</em> will give anyone suffering from anxiety all the tools they need to finally...calm...down.</p> <p>Ultimately, living a calmer, less anxious lifeーone that <em>isn't</em> terribleーis possible, and with this book you'll learn how to do it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,283円

Making It in America: The Almost Impossible Quest to Manufacture in the U.S.A. (and How It Got That MAKING IT IN AMER [ Rachel Slade ]

MAKING IT IN AMER Rachel Slade PANTHEON2024 Hardcover English ISBN:9780593316887 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics 4,435円

Trust. Responsible AI, Innovation, Privacy and Data Leadership【電子書籍】[ Dominique Shelton Leipzig ]

<p>Every company today relies on data, yet many leadership teams struggle to fully leverage data as an asset while avoiding ethics scandals that erode consumer trust. This indispensable guide provides executives and board members an actionable playbook to transform their organization into an ethical data leader poised for innovation and growth.</p> <p>Drawing from her decades advising Fortune 100 companies on data strategy, privacy, AI, and digital innovation, author Dominique Shelton Leipzig reveals how to align your data practices with long-term strategic goals, build an ethical data culture focused on trust, avoid costly legal missteps, and drive revenue through responsible AI implementation.</p> <p>You'll learn the key questions to ask to truly understand your customers, streamline operations with legal AI, monetize data opportunities, and ensure legal compliance in a rapidly evolving regulatory environment. With clear solutions to common data dilemmas, this book gives you the strategies and framework needed to derive maximum value from data while earning customer loyalty.</p> <p>Become the CEO who boldly steers their company toward data-driven profits, innovation, and success. Equip yourself with a playbook to transform your organization into a responsible data steward that stakeholders can trust. Don't leave your data strategy to chance - read this book and lead.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,067円

The Risk Management of Contingent Convertible (CoCo) Bonds【電子書籍】[ Jan De Spiegeleer ]

<p>This book provides an overview of the risk components of CoCo bonds. CoCos are hybrid financial instruments that convert into equity or suffer a write-down of the face value upon the appearance of a trigger event. The loss-absorption mechanism is automatically enforced either via the breaching of a particular accounting ratio, typically in terms of the Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) ratio, or via a regulatory trigger.</p> <p>CoCos are non-standardised instruments with different loss-absorption and trigger mechanisms. They might also contain additional features such as the cancellation of coupon payments.</p> <p>Different pricing models are discussed in detail. These models use market data such as share prices, CDS levels and implied volatility in order to calculate the theoretical price of a CoCo bond and its sensitivities, providing the investor with insides to hedge from adverse changes in the market conditions.</p> <p>The audience are professionals as well as academics who want to learn how to risk manage CoCo bonds using cutting edge techniques as well as all the risk involved in CoCo bonds.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,900円

The Future of the Responsible Company: What We've Learned from Patagonia's First 50 Years FUTURE OF THE RESPONSIBLE COMP [ Yvon Chouinard ]

FUTURE OF THE RESPONSIBLE COMP Yvon Chouinard Vincent Stanley PATAGONIA INC2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781952338113 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics 3,484円

不當決策:行為經濟學大師教?避開人性偏誤 You’re About to Make a Terrible Mistake!How Biases Distort Decision-Making-and What You Can Do to Fight Them【電子書籍】[ 奧利維.席波尼 ]

<p><strong>9種造成錯誤決斷的思考陷?</strong></p> <p><strong>40道高勝算的決策技巧</strong></p> <p><strong>讓?戰勝人性弱點,鍛造贏家策略思維</strong></p> <p>★第一本將行為經濟學應用在管理決策的重量級作品</p> <p>★高階經理人、職場工作者、創業家、政策制定者、創意思考人必讀</p> <p>★投資、開拓市場、制定政策……避免決策失誤的最佳指引</p> <p>★強力推薦</p> <p>台大經濟系副教授馮勃翰</p> <p>年度暢銷書《人生路引》作者楊斯?醫師</p> <p><strong>本書是管理決策最新觀念的精采入門。出乎意料的是,本書讀來也饒富興味。</strong></p> <p><strong>──丹尼爾.康納曼,《快思慢想》作者</strong></p> <p>Netflix曾經向百視達提議併購,但百視達回?了。</p> <p>如今,百視達破?,Netflix事業一飛衝天,百視達到底犯了什麼錯?</p> <p>蘋果專賣店原本是成功的商業典範,</p> <p>為何傑西潘尼公司以同樣的模式開設專賣店卻差點破?,</p> <p>傑西潘尼公司的領導人掉入什麼決策陷??</p> <p><strong>在生活與職場中,隨時隨地都在做決策。</strong></p> <p><strong>但即使是最聰明、最有經驗的人,</strong></p> <p><strong>都有可能頻繁犯下難以察覺、但可以避免的錯誤。</strong></p> <p><strong>這些決策偏誤非常常見,像是:</strong></p> <p>.至少有兩代的人都相信過可以用飛在天空的飛機找出石油礦藏<strong>→確認偏誤</strong></p> <p>.許多人以為只要模?賈伯斯之類的典範人物就會成功<strong>→歸因謬誤+光環效應+倖存者偏誤</strong></p> <p>.雖然巴菲特過往都反對企業管理階層使用股票選擇權當作薪酬獎勵,</p> <p>但在可口可樂董事會上卻默許這樣的薪酬獎勵通過<strong>→群體迷思</strong></p> <p>.全球食品大廠桂格的執行長盲目相信自己的直覺,</p> <p>以過高的價格收購斯納普,結果慘敗收場<strong>→直覺陷?+慣性偏誤</strong></p> <p>.通用汽車加碼投資失敗的?星事業單位,</p> <p>最後?星仍然無法起死回生<strong>→?沒成本謬誤</strong></p> <p>麥肯錫資深管理顧問奧利維.席波尼擅長用?故事的方式講解商業策略。</p> <p>在本書中,他藉由許多知名商業案例歸納9種常見的決策陷?,</p> <p>並提煉出務實可行的40種技巧,包括促進對話的技巧、</p> <p>從不同角度看待事物與改善決策的流程和文化,</p> <p>引領我們戰勝人性弱點,做出明智、有效的決策!</p> <p><strong>本書特色:</strong></p> <p>1.行為經濟學專家用淺顯易?的故事,讓我們學會零錯誤的決策思考。</p> <p>2.在高度競爭卻又強調合作的年代,更需要建立有助決策的團隊與流程。</p> <p>3.各章附上簡短摘要,加上詳實的附?,讓?輕鬆複習重點,清楚又實用。</p> <p><strong>作者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>奧利維.席波尼</strong></p> <p>教授、作家和企業顧問,專門研究策略思維與決策流程的設計。</p> <p>他在巴黎高等商學院(HEC Paris)教導策略、決策與問題解決課程,</p> <p>並擔任牛津大學賽徳商學院(Sa?d Business School)副研究員。</p> <p>此外,他長期在麥肯錫公司(McKinsey&Company)巴黎、紐約?事處擔任顧問與合夥人,</p> <p>也在歐洲許多機構任職,以顧問或董事會成員的身?為商業領袖提供諮詢。</p> <p>席波尼的研究專注在藉由減少偏誤的影響來増進決策品質。</p> <p>他也是許多學術及一般出版品的作者,</p> <p>與諾貝爾經濟學獎得主康納曼合著新書《Noise》。</p> <p><strong>譯者簡介</strong></p> <p><strong>周宜芳</strong></p> <p>讀過幾年書,識得一些字,現為自由譯者、全職媽媽,</p> <p>分身於書房與廚房,在創造裡領受無窮樂趣。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,749円

如何衡量萬事萬物(經典紀念版):做好量化決策、分析的有效方法 HOW TO MEASURE ANYTHING: Finding the value of “intangibles” in business【電子書籍】[ 道格拉斯?哈伯徳(Douglas W. Hubbard) ]

<p>★麻省理工學院指定教材,長踞亞馬遜網站商業類暢榜,一生受用的衡量技術!</p> <p>商業、科學、生活上所有問題的解答</p> <p>任何需要做分析、決策的人必讀之書</p> <p>世界上沒有什麼事物是不能被衡量的。</p> <p>所有看似無法量化的難題,</p> <p>只要能讓?知道得比以前多,就是一項成功的衡量。</p> <p>本書對於降低決策風險、排除不確定性,大有?助!</p> <p>面對個人生活選擇或商業上的決策,我們往往相信直覺或過往經驗,但難免重蹈覆轍。輕者不免聳聳肩自責,上一次當還不能學一次乖;嚴重的話或許是動輒上億元的企業損失,這時再怎麼喚回時光也無法翻轉情勢。然而,若持續對於決策抱持如此輕忽的態度,上述損失恐怕只有不斷重複的命運。</p> <p>這本書從簡單的觀念開始,?明了深具實用性、直覺上又容易應用的統計技巧;同時也顯示出,在我們對企業和世界的了解上,衡量具有多麼大的力量。作者道格拉斯?哈伯徳(Douglas W. Hubbard)為國際公認的決策分析、風險管理專家,在這本具深刻見解且令人著迷的書中,將告訴?如何衡量看似完全無法量化的事物,包括新科技的投資報酬率、組織的彈性、消費者滿意度,以及企業風險。這本書提供衡量的重要?驟,讓?能衡量所有的事物,尤其是其不確定性和風險。不僅如此,還可利用符合經濟效益的方式完成衡量。</p> <p>不妨接受作者提出的挑戰:在?讀本書之前,請寫下?在家庭生活或工作上的一項或多項抉擇難題,然後抱持著「找到衡量它們的方法」這個特定目的來?讀此書。希望從本書中學習到的衡量知識,能為?個人或專業生涯的改善帶來意想不到的收穫!</p> <p>?讀本書,?將了解:</p> <p>看似無法衡量的事物,其實是有?法予以量化的。</p> <p>表面上不可能的衡量,卻能用意外簡單的方法解決。</p> <p>即使樣本數很少,也能獲得許多資訊。</p> <p>衡量風險的錯誤方法。</p> <p>軟性事物像是幸福、滿意度、品質等等的衡量方法。</p> <p>如何將人類的判斷,訓練為強有力、校準的衡量工具。</p> <p>如何將網際網路當作衡量工具使用。</p> <p>本書分四大部分:</p> <p>第一部分:?明為什麼任何事物都可以測量,同時輔以例子佐證,以及給出關於衡量的精確定義。</p> <p>第二部分:開始具體進入如何做衡量──特別是不確定性、風險、資訊的價?。?會學到如何以「校準的機率評估」來衡量自己主觀的不確定性,以及如何用這項資訊去計算風險和做更多衡量的價?。</p> <p>第三部分:如何利用一些觀察方法以降低不確定性,例如隨機取樣與控制實驗等等。也會談到一些概算(快速評估)的方法;還有若是有新資訊加入,如何重新衡量以降低不確定性(貝氏分析)。這部分會涵蓋一些最初級的統計學。</p> <p>第四部分:一些比較「軟性」的評估項目,例如偏好、價?、彈性(可變性)、品質等等如何衡量,並且再加入新的衡量工具,包括校準的人的判斷或利用網際網路。最後會集合所有的評量知識,來應用在兩個個案研究上。</p> <p>【本書關鍵字】</p> <p>資訊經濟學、商業分析、風險、不確定性、費米提問、校準、信頼區間、蒙地?羅模擬、機率分配、貝氏分析</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,609円

Edible Economics: A Hungry Economist Explains the World EDIBLE ECONOMICS [ Ha-Joon Chang ]

EDIBLE ECONOMICS HaーJoon Chang PUBLICAFFAIRS2023 Hardcover English ISBN:9781541700543 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics 4,435円

不可能的任務:創造心流、站上?峰,從25個好奇清單開始,破解成就公式 The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer【電子書籍】[ 史蒂芬?科特勒(Steven Kotler) ]

<p>如果能將工作成效提升5倍、創造力提升6倍,</p> <p>?想迎接什麼不可能的挑戰?</p> <p>??????????</p> <p>透過本書提供的工具和方法,</p> <p>?個人都能達成「不可能」。</p> <p>◆本書簡介◆</p> <p>如何才能完成?心目中不可能的任務?</p> <p>要怎樣才能打破我們的限制、超越我們的期望,並將我們最大的夢想變成我們最近的成就?</p> <p>作者認為,成就「不可能」有公式可循。</p> <p>當我們看見不可能化為可能時,我們見證到的是4種技能交織而成的成果:動機、學習、創造力和心流,能?熟練地運用,並經過顯著地増強。</p> <p>透過大量的案例與生理學的解釋,作者解析出上述4種技能和大腦之間交互運作的關係。我們會看到這些能力是如何影響大腦和身體,運用這些知識加強心流,可讓自己在通往不可能的道路上加速前進。</p> <p>◆本書特色◆</p> <p>刻意練習真的有用??</p> <p>許多人相信,想要成為某個領域的頂尖者,10,000個小時的「刻意練習」是必要的。但真的是如此??許多極限運動者的案例顯示並非如此。為何有人可以在5天?學習13項困難的技能?其中是什麼祕訣有助於達成不可能的成就?</p> <p>破解創造力!</p> <p>如何讓生物機制?助我們,而不是?累我們?作者提出了7 種練習方式。他也告訴我們,大腦的3大網絡如何聯手?生創造力,以及它們如何以不尋常的方式合力運作,使心流發生。</p> <p>奇妙的心流!</p> <p>心流就是大腦創造力的超速運轉,它能模?4?孩童的發明創造力,卻不會有4?大腦的缺點。要在生命中真正地培養心流,就要把心流觸發因子納入生命中的?個面向。</p> <p>不可能的成就其實就是一張檢?清單。</p> <p>如果?完成了今日明確目標清單上的所有任務,這代表?又離崇高、困難目標更進1?,代表著?肩負著任務,而?在驅力正在發揮功效。持續繼續堆疊小小的勝利,其中有些勝利能?生心流,就可以増加?的衝勁,持續往前進。</p> <p>★專家推薦★</p> <p>看到書名「不可能的任務」,不曉得?會不會想:?又沒想要成為極限運動員、或是創?跨國大企業、或者是像電影情節一樣出生入死,那這本書對?會有?助??</p> <p>答案是:很有?助!而且在我身上,這些方法一而再,再而三的有用!讓我實現了許多原本認為「不可能」的目標,完成過去「想不到」的任務!</p> <p>ーー王永福《線上教學的技術》作者</p> <p>原來長期穩定的進入心流?態將引導人們在各領域超越?峰。至於如何進入心流?態,如何維?心流?態於不墜,甚至如何從普通的心流變成強大的心流,他也一一細數。</p> <p>能自由進入宏心流?態者得天下,是我為本書下的註?。</p> <p>ーー楊斯?《人生路引》作者</p> <p>★各界好評★</p> <p>史蒂芬.柯特勒不但是暢銷書作者,同時也是顛峰表現的專家,他的這本書為大家解開在運動、藝術、科學、企管……等各界精英表現者的祕密。這改變了我們對於不可能的定義,告訴我們如何探求原以為無法企及的界線,使不可能的夢想成為可能。</p> <p>ーー《紐約時報》</p> <p>史蒂芬.柯特勒在書中精彩地?明了許多對顛峰表現者而言很直觀卻無法解釋的事實:達成不可能是有公式可循的。柯特勒解開這個謎團、破解公式,並告訴讀者可以使用?些工具去達到夢想,不論是多遠大的夢想。</p> <p>ーー衝浪高手,?爾徳.漢密爾頓 (Laird Hamilton)</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,422円

How to Have Confidence and Power In Dealing With People【電子書籍】[ Les Giblin ]

<p>Taking a brass tacks approach to communication, <strong><em>How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing With People</em></strong> explains how to interact with others as they really are, not as you would like them to be. The goal is to get what you want from them successfully ? be it cooperation, goodwill, love or security.<br /> <br /> Les Giblin, a recognized expert in the field of human relations, has devised a method for dealing with people that can be used when relating with anyone ? parents, teachers, bosses, employees, friends, acquaintances, even strangers. Giblin shows step by step how to get what you want at any time and in ways that leave you feeling good about yourself. Moreover, the people who have given you want you want wind up feeling good about themselves, too. The result? Nobody gets shortchanged. It’s a win-win situation.<br /> <br /> Each chapter includes a handy summary, so there’s absolutely no chance of missing the book’s key points. You can also use these recaps to refresh your memory after you’ve finished the book. Instead of feeling miserable about your interpersonal skills, read this best-selling guide and learn to succeed with people in every area of your life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,334円

洋書 Capitalism without Capital: The Rise of the Intangible Economy

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Invisible Women the Sunday Times number one bestseller exposing the gender bias women face every day【電子書籍】[ Caroline Criado Perez ]

<p><strong>*THE <em>SUNDAY TIMES</em> NUMBER ONE BESTSELLER*</strong><br /> <strong>*OVER A MILLION COPIES SOLD*</strong></p> <p><strong>Discover the shocking gender bias that affects our everyday lives.</strong></p> <p>'<strong>HELL YES. This is one of those books that has the potential to change things - a monumental piece of research' Caitlin Moran</strong></p> <p><strong>Imagine a world where...</strong></p> <p>・ <strong>Your phone is too big for your hand</strong><br /> ・ <strong>Your doctor prescribes a drug that is wrong for your body</strong><br /> ・ <strong>In a car accident you are 47% more likely to be injured.</strong></p> <p><strong>If any of that sounds familiar, chances are you're a woman.</strong></p> <p>From government policy and medical research, to technology, workplaces, and the media. <em>Invisible Women</em> reveals how in a world built for and by men we are systematically ignoring half of the population, often with disastrous consequences. Caroline Criado Perez brings together for the first time an impressive range of case studies, stories and new research from across the world that illustrate the hidden ways in which women are forgotten, and the profound impact this has on us all.</p> <p><strong>Find out more in Caroline's new podcast, <em>Visible Women</em>.</strong></p> <p><strong>'A book that changes the way you see the world' <em>Sunday Times</em></strong></p> <p><strong>'Revelatory, frightening, hopeful' Jeanette Winterson</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,659円

Ergodicity (3rd edition) Definitions, Examples, And Implications, As Simple As Possible【電子書籍】[ Luca Dellanna ]

<p><em>Some reviews of Luca's previous books</em></p> <p>"This book is like a magnificent suspension bridge, linking <strong>the science of the human brain to the practical craft of applying it in everyday life.</strong> I loved it." ? Rory Sutherland, Ogilvy's Vice Chairman</p> <p>“<strong>So insightful with common sense applications of Complexity and the ability to communicate clearly!!</strong>” ? Bob Klapetzky.</p> <p>“<strong>A SUPERB book […] by one of the profound thinkers in our field</strong> [behavioral economics].” ? Michal G. Bartlett</p> <p>What's ergodicity, and why it matters?</p> <p><em>"The Most Important Property to Understand in Probability, in Life, in Anything."</em> ? Nassim Nicholas Taleb on ergodicity.</p> <p><em>"I think the most under-rated idea is ergodicity."</em> ? David Perell, author.</p> <p>Is ergodicity the most important concept in decision-making and behavioral sciences? (Yes.)</p> <p>Is it relevant for you in your daily life? (Yes.)</p> <p>Is it possible to explain it so simply that a grandma or a high-schooler can understand it? (Yes.)</p> <p>Even if they know nothing about maths? (Yes.)</p> <p>That's because ergodicity is an important idea with so many practical applications. Sadly, most books describe it in a very technical way, making it inaccessible to most people.<br /> In this short book, 6-times author Luca Dellanna describes <strong>ergodicity as simply as possible</strong>. You will read stories about how not knowing about it destroyed his cousin’s career as a skier, or how misunderstanding it caused additional deaths during the pandemic. You will learn how to spot situations in which ergodicity matters and the three strategies to react appropriately.</p> <p><em>The book is approximately 169 pages long, of which 143 are pure content and the rest tables of content, etc.</em></p> <p><strong>Who is this book for?</strong></p> <p>This book is for readers interested in growing themselves, their career, or their business, and who want to <strong>learn about ergodicity and its practical applications without having to understand its mathematical foundation.</strong> No mathematical knowledge is required, only a high-school level understanding of English.</p> <p>Readers who want to master the theory and mathematical foundation of ergodicity are better off reading a more formal manuscript. This book is not a substitute for it, but a complement.</p> <p><strong>About the author</strong></p> <p>Luca Dellanna is the author of 6 books. He is a researcher in complexity science and emergent behaviors, and an operational excellence consultant. He spoke at Nudgestock and regularly teaches risk management in masters.</p> <p>His personal website is Luca-Dellanna.com and his Twitter is @DellAnnaLuca.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,400円

週休三日工時革命:掀起「四天工作制」全球風潮的企業主現身?法,如何實現工時縮短,但生?力、獲利、幸福感不減反増? The 4 Day Week: How the flexible work revolution can increase produc【電子書籍】

<p><strong>科技演進,工作型態變革,</strong></p> <p><strong>當工時長不再象?生?力,</strong></p> <p><strong>週休三日,</strong></p> <p><strong>將是時勢所趨的工時制!</strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>跨國推動四天工作制企業主現身?法</strong></li> <li><strong>美、加、英、法、俄、日、紐、南非、烏克蘭</strong>**……<strong><strong>全球</strong></strong>75****國媒體相爭報導**</li> <li>**《紐約時報》**<strong>熱門新聞,點?率僅次川普與普丁高峰會</strong></li> <li><strong>TEDx****演講破萬人觀看次數</strong></li> </ul> <p><strong>◎ 19****世紀的工時觀念,不合時宜</strong></p> <p>1870年代,工業革命後的全職工作通常?週工作60至70小時,</p> <p>勞工長時間賣力工作,工作時數象?一個人的生?力。</p> <p>但隨著網路、科技、AI自動化的進?,效率提高,但工時並未跟著減少,</p> <p>過去的工時觀念還深深影響著?個人,</p> <p>反而讓勞工在?上、週末、休假期間一直處於「上班?態」。</p> <p>工作侵入私人時間,不僅生活受到干擾,勞工無法好好放鬆,</p> <p>身體沒有復原的時間,很常感到疲累、壓力大,已成為現代人的流行病。</p> <p><strong>◎</strong> <strong>企業主實驗週休三日,從「被視為不可行」到「成效出奇」</strong></p> <p>紐西蘭企業家安徳魯.巴恩斯看到《經濟學人》的研究,</p> <p>「週休二日、一天工作8小時的上班族,一天的生?力只有1.5〜2.5小時。」</p> <p>身為雇主的他心想,如果?位員工?天只有2.5小時的生?力,</p> <p>只要?天再多提升40分鐘的生?力,四天就能做完五天工作,</p> <p>一週多放一天假,更能讓員工有較多時間休息或做自己想做的事。</p> <p>他抱著實驗的心態,開始在自己的公司進行週休三日,</p> <p>減少工作天數,但不減工作量,也不減薪。</p> <p>起初,公司的主管和員工多半視為不可行又不合理,</p> <p>試行「四天工作制」8週後,團隊發現,</p> <p>員工達到工作與生活平衡的比例從54%提升到74%,</p> <p>無論是生?力、績效、留任意願、投入度、幸福感都明顯提高。</p> <p><strong>◎</strong> <strong>掀起「週休三日」工時革命的風潮</strong></p> <p>一年後,巴恩斯受邀瑞士達沃斯世界經濟論壇,出席「週休三日」主題的議程,</p> <p>「四天工時制」成為美國、英國、日本、烏克蘭、法國、加拿大、南非等全球75國的矚目話題,</p> <p>他的公司實施四天工作制一度成為《紐約時報》的熱門報導,?覽率僅次於川普與普丁高峰會。</p> <p><strong>◎</strong> <strong>工時革命,無痛執行,勞資雙贏</strong></p> <p>不過,很多人還是懷疑「週休三日」是否能帶來同樣的生?力與效率,</p> <p>會不會造成企業重大的負面影響……</p> <p>因此,巴恩斯將成功實施「週休三日」的方法寫成書,</p> <p>在本書中,他詳細記?執行的過程──</p> <p>.執行「四天工作制」如何開始?</p> <p>.要做好?些準備?</p> <p>.同?改變了?些制度?</p> <p>.老?、主管和員工之間,會?到?些挑戰?如何解決?</p> <p>.需要顧及?些相關的法律問題?</p> <p>.公開各種量化數據:工作績效、團隊凝聚力、生?力、工作態度、幸福感……</p> <p>雖然彈性工時、週休三日尚未全面普及,</p> <p>但本書作者擔任工時革命的先鋒,用親身經?、各國企業的經驗談,</p> <p>讓政府、企業、勞工團體、勞工體認到四天工作制的價?和好處,</p> <p>就算工時縮短,也不損生?力、獲利、幸福感,更能達成勞資雙贏的局面!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,129円

Restarting the Future How to Fix the Intangible Economy【電子書籍】[ Jonathan Haskel ]

<p><strong>From the acclaimed authors of <em>Capitalism without Capital</em>, r****adical ideas for restoring prosperity in today’s intangible economy</strong></p> <p>The past two decades have witnessed sluggish economic growth, mounting inequality, dysfunctional competition, and a host of other ills that have left people wondering what has happened to the future they were promised. <em>Restarting the Future</em> reveals how these problems arise from a failure to develop the institutions demanded by an economy now reliant on intangible capital such as ideas, relationships, brands, and knowledge.</p> <p>In this groundbreaking and provocative book, Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake argue that the great economic disappointment of the century is the result of an incomplete transition from an economy based on physical capital, and show how the vital institutions that underpin our economy remain geared to an outmoded way of doing business. The growth of intangible investment has slowed significantly in recent years, making the world poorer, less fair, and more vulnerable to existential threats. Haskel and Westlake present exciting new ideas to help us catch up with the intangible revolution, offering a road map for how to finance businesses, improve our cities, fund more science and research, reform monetary policy, and reshape intellectual property rules for the better.</p> <p>Drawing on Haskel and Westlake’s experience at the forefront of finance and economic policymaking, <em>Restarting the Future</em> sets out a host of radical but practical solutions that can lead us into the future.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,132円

Performance-Based Certification How to Design a Valid, Defensible, Cost-Effective Program【電子書籍】[ Judith Hale ]

<p>Are your employees qualified?</p> <p>Looking for qualified people to do competent work? How do you ensure that the people you hire can do the job right? An ever-increasing number of organizations are asking the same questions.</p> <p>Certification planning is the answer and Performance-Based Certification is the key. This is the only book on the market that addresses the growing need to monitor the qualifications of employees. You'll be able to quickly customize the certification tests and other job aids provided on the accompanying disk.</p> <p>Create a certification program within your organization to:</p> <ul> <li>Instill confidence that employees, members, or suppliers are qualified to meet the needs of your customers</li> <li>Ensure that your workforce is trained and competent to their job</li> <li>Make your hiring process more cost effective and legally defendable</li> <li>Recognize competence and consistency of your employees</li> </ul> <p>Once you've identified the need for a certification program, what's the next step? All of the answers are here!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 11,332円

Money Changes Everything How Finance Made Civilization Possible【電子書籍】[ William N. Goetzmann ]

<p><strong>"[A] magnificent history of money and finance."ー<em>New York Times Book Review</em></strong></p> <p><strong>"Convincingly makes the case that finance is a change-maker of change-makers."ー<em>Financial Times</em></strong></p> <p>In the aftermath of recent financial crises, it's easy to see finance as a wrecking ball: something that destroys fortunes and jobs, and undermines governments and banks. In <em>Money Changes Everything</em>, leading financial historian William Goetzmann argues the exact oppositeーthat the development of finance has made the growth of civilizations possible. Goetzmann explains that finance is a time machine, a technology that allows us to move value forward and backward through time; and that this innovation has changed the very way we think about and plan for the future. He shows how finance was present at key moments in history: driving the invention of writing in ancient Mesopotamia, spurring the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome to become great empires, determining the rise and fall of dynasties in imperial China, and underwriting the trade expeditions that led Europeans to the New World. He also demonstrates how the apparatus we associate with a modern economyーstock markets, lines of credit, complex financial products, and international tradeーwere repeatedly developed, forgotten, and reinvented over the course of human history.</p> <p>Exploring the critical role of finance over the millennia, and around the world, Goetzmann details how wondrous financial technologies and institutionsーmoney, bonds, banks, corporations, and moreーhave helped urban centers to expand and cultures to flourish. And it's not done reshaping our lives, as Goetzmann considers the challenges we face in the future, such as how to use the power of finance to care for an aging and expanding population.</p> <p><em>Money Changes Everything</em> presents a fascinating look into the way that finance has steered the course of history.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,237円

No B.S. Trust Based Marketing The Ultimate Guide to Creating Trust in an Understandibly Un-trusting World【電子書籍】[ Matt Zagula ]

<p>“ My research shows we are heading into a major shake-out in business that will determine the leaders for decades to come. This will REQUIRE creative marketing and positionin, and there is no better source than Dan Kennedy on this topic. His book No B.S. Guide to Trust-Based marketing is rich with vital insights.” -Harry S. Dent, Jr., author, The Great Crash Ahead</p> <p>Trust Between Consumers and Businesses is Gone<br /> Here's How to Fix It</p> <p>Internationally recognized “millionaire maker,” Dan S. Kennedy, joined by entrepreneur and financial consultant, Matt Zagula, show you how to break down the barriers caused by the “trust no one” mantra invading every customer’s mind today.</p> <p>They deliver an eye-opening look at the core of all businessーtrust, and teach you the secrets to gaining it, keeping it, and using it to build competitive differentiation, create price elasticity, attract more affluent clients, and inspire referrals. You'll get the essential strategies required to build trust in an understandably untrusting world, and in turn, attract both business and profits.</p> <p>Covers</p> <ul> <li>8 ways to demonstrate trustworthiness to prospective clients</li> <li>The #1 secret desire of today’s untrusting prospectsーhow to understand it, respond to it, and use it to transform marketing, prospecting, and presentations</li> <li>How to avoid dumb mistakes that scream “salesman” to prospects</li> <li>Why “Where can I find clients?” is the wrong question. The right question is: How can I construct a business persona and life so that clients seek me out, with trust in place in advance?</li> <li>How to keep products, services and prospects away from the avalanche of competitive and confusing information online</li> <li>The incorrect assumption that trust is built by imparting information and knowledge and a breakthrough technique to replace this mistake</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,067円

How to Work with (Almost) Anyone: Five Questions for Building the Best Possible Relationships【電子書籍】[ Michael Bungay Stanier ]

<p>Your happiness and your success depend on your working relationships<br /> The people you manage. How well you work with your boss. The way collaboration happens with colleagues and peers. How you connect with important prospects and key clients.<br /> But the hard truth is this: most of us leave the health and fate of these relationships to chance.<br /> We say “Hi,” exchange pleasantries … and hope for the best.<br /> But every relationship becomes suboptimal at some point, whether it’s a good one that goes off the rails or one that was poor from the start.<br /> Mostly we are resigned to the fact that this is what happens: relationships always get a little broken, or a little stale, or a little worse. C’est la vie, c’est la guerre. Carry on.<br /> But it doesn’t have to be like this.<br /> Every working relationship can be better.<br /> This book shows you how to build the best possible relationship.<br /> One conversation. Five questions. Detailed guidance on how to prepare and set the relationship up for success. Key insights on how to maintain the relationship so that it will continue to thrive.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,299円

Irresistible The Seven Secrets of the World's Most Enduring, Employee-Focused Organizations【電子書籍】[ Josh Bersin ]

<p><strong>In this book, renowned industry analyst Josh Bersin distills decades of research into seven practical yet profound management principles that help business leaders create organizations that thrive.</strong><br /> Irresistible companies grow faster, they’re more profitable, and they innovate and lead their markets. Most importantly, their employees, customers, and stakeholders are drawn to them like magnets.</p> <p><strong>What does it take to build an organization like this?</strong></p> <p>Throughout <em>Irresistible</em>, Bersin shares eye-opening examples from his consulting work with HR and executive teams around the world. Alongside these inside stories, each chapter includes tips and discussion questions to bring the lessons to life. Inspiring yet highly pragmatic, <em>Irresistible</em> is the leader’s handbook for today’s unpredictable business world, where people and culture are more important than ever.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,067円

The NFT Handbook How to Create, Sell and Buy Non-Fungible Tokens【電子書籍】[ Matt Fortnow ]

<p><strong>Learn how to create and profit from NFTs</strong></p> <p><em>The NFT Handbook</em> is a detailed guide on how to create, sell and buy non-fungible tokens without the need for a technical background. Learn exactly what NFTs are, how they evolved, and why they have value.<br /> We’ll delve into the different types and aspects of NFTs and discuss the different NFT marketplaces and the pros and cons of each.</p> <ul> <li><strong>Create Your Own NFTs</strong>: Step by step instructions on all aspects of NFT creation, including what types of content to use, where to source content, adding artistic design, writing the NFT’s description, adding optional unlockable content and setting an optional ongoing royalty.</li> <li><strong>Mint Your NFTs</strong>: You’ll learn the process of how to get your NFTs on the blockchain.</li> <li><strong>Sell Your NFTs</strong>: We’ll go through the whole process including creating a collection, and the different options such as setting a price or starting an auction.</li> <li><strong>Buy NFTs</strong>: What you’ll need to bid on and purchase NFTs, and how to avoid getting scammed.</li> <li>You’ll also get a primer on blockchain, particularly the Ethereum cryptocurrency and “gas” fees. You’ll also be shown step by step how to create, secure and fund your own cryptocurrency wallet, where you’ll store your NFTs and cryptocurrency.</li> </ul> <p>Whether you’re experienced with the blockchain and crypto or a complete noob (beginner), <em>The NFT Handbook</em> will guide you in the process of creating, minting, selling and buying NFTs.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,243円

The Handbook of Hybrid Securities Convertible Bonds, CoCo Bonds, and Bail-In【電子書籍】[ Jan De Spiegeleer ]

<p><strong>Introducing a revolutionary new quantitative approach to hybrid securities valuation and risk management</strong></p> <p>To an equity trader they are shares. For the trader at the fixed income desk, they are bonds (after all, they pay coupons, so what's the problem?). They are hybrid securities. Neither equity nor debt, they possess characteristics of both, and carry unique risks that cannot be ignored, but are often woefully misunderstood. The first and only book of its kind, <em>The Handbook of Hybrid Securities</em> dispels the many myths and misconceptions about hybrid securities and arms you with a quantitative, practical approach to dealing with them from a valuation and risk management point of view.</p> <ul> <li>Describes a unique, quantitative approach to hybrid valuation and risk management that uses new structural and multi-factor models</li> <li>Provides strategies for the full range of hybrid asset classes, including convertible bonds, preferreds, trust preferreds, contingent convertibles, bonds labeled "additional Tier 1," and more</li> <li>Offers an expert review of current regulatory climate regarding hybrids, globally, and explores likely political developments and their potential impact on the hybrid market</li> <li>The most up-to-date, in-depth book on the subject, this is a valuable working resource for traders, analysts and risk managers, and a indispensable reference for regulators</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 12,557円

Contingent Convertible Bonds, Corporate Hybrid Securities and Preferred Shares Instruments, Regulation, Management【電子書籍】[ Marcin Liberadzki ]

<p>This book is a comprehensive guide to the new generation of hybrid securities: subordinated and perpetual bonds with deferrable coupon first issued around 2003, and the youngest member of the hybrids family named CoCos (contingent convertibles) being a product of Basel III or European Union CRD IV regime (2014). Contingent capital constitutes a contractual recapitalization mechanism for troubled financial institutions. An increasing number of European banks have issued CoCo bonds in order to bolster their capital ratios. Following the EU pattern, CoCos issues have become increasingly popular within banks in Asia and the Pacific. The EU regulatory treatment of the contingent convertibles issued by banks and insurers together with bank bail-in instruments is at the forefront of the book. Furthermore, the book provides an overview of hybrids pricing and risk assessment approach and covers the non-voting preferred stocks as another hybrids class.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 8,507円

The Sensible Guide to Program Management Professional (PgMP)? Success【電子書籍】[ Te Wu ]

<p>A Sensible Guide to Program Management Professional (PgMP)? Success is for program managers preparing to take the PgMP exam based on <em>The</em> <em>Standard for Program Management ? 4th Edition</em> (PgM4 Standard). It is designed for busy professionals whose responsibilities have taken them into the realm of coordinating, facilitating, managing, and leading programs. Program managers are leaders who are directly managing large amounts of project resources for their organizations.</p> <p>This study guide addresses three main concerns facing PgMP exam candidates:</p> <ol> <li></li> <li>What are the essential concepts, processes, and tools that form the foundation of today’s program management?</li> <li></li> <li>Since program management is still an emerging profession with professionals often working in different ways, what does this mean for a "standard" exam? More specifically, how does that impact your ability to pass the PgMP exam?</li> <li></li> <li>What is the best way to prepare for the PgMP exam?</li> </ol> <p>To address the first concern, this book highlights the underlying rationale for program management: why it exists in organizations; why it is becoming ever more important; what programs are, especially for the purpose of passing the exam; how to think like a portfolio manager; and what the most important concepts, processes, and tools are for this profession. By simplifying complex ideas and communicating them in plain English with relevant examples, this book aims to help readers not only to pass the PgMP exam but also to serve as an essential guide for program managers.</p> <p>For the second concern, this book differs from other study guides by describing the author’s personal experience as a program manager and addressing the most pressing questions for each of the performance domains in <em>The Standard for Program Management.</em></p> <p>To address the last concern, this book contains 420 practice questions, access to an online exam simulator and an online PgMP community, and a time-tested approach for passing the PgMP exam.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 9,306円

Jugaad Innovation Think Frugal, Be Flexible, Generate Breakthrough Growth【電子書籍】[ Navi Radjou ]

<p><em>"Jugaad Innovation</em> is the most comprehensive book yet to appear on the subject [of frugal innovation]."<br /> <em>ー<strong>The Economist</strong></em></p> <p><strong>A frugal and flexible approach to innovation for the 21st century</strong></p> <p>Innovation is a key directive at companies worldwide. But in these tough times, we can't rely on the old formula that has sustained innovation efforts for decadesーexpensive R&D projects and highly-structured innovation processes. <em>Jugaad Innovation</em> argues the West must look to places like India, Brazil, and China for a new approach to frugal and flexible innovation. The authors show how in these emerging markets, <em>jugaad</em> (a Hindi word meaning an improvised solution born from ingenuity and cleverness) is leading to dramatic growth and how Western companies can adopt <em>jugaad</em> innovation to succeed in our hypercompetitive world.</p> <ul> <li>Outlines the six principles of <em>jugaad</em> innovation: Seek opportunity in adversity, do more with less, think and act flexibly, keep it simple, include the margin, and follow your heart</li> <li>Features twenty case studies on large corporations from around the worldーGoogle, Facebook, 3M, Apple, Best Buy, GE, IBM, Nokia, Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, Tata Group, and moreーthat are actively practicing <em>jugaad</em> innovation</li> <li>The authors blog regularly at <em>Harvard Business Review</em>; their work has been profiled in <em>BusinessWeek, MIT Sloan Management Review, The Financial Times, The Economist</em>, and more</li> <li>Filled with previously untold and engaging stories of resourceful <em>jugaad</em> innovators and entrepreneurs in emerging markets and the United States</li> </ul> <p>This groundbreaking book shows leaders everywhere why the time is right for <em>jugaad</em> to emerge as a powerful business tool in the Westーand how to bring <em>jugaad</em> practices to their organizations.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,651円

Making Work Visible Exposing Time Theft to Optimize Work & Flow【電子書籍】[ Dominica DeGrandis ]

<p>Today's workers are drowning: nonstop requests for time, days filled to the brim with meetings, and endless nights spent heroically fixing the latest problems. This churn and burn is creating a workforce constantly on the edge of burnout.</p> <p>In this updated edition, IT time management expert Dominica DeGrandis reveals the real crime of the centuryーtime theft, one of the most costly factors impacting enterprises in their day-to-day operations.</p> <p>Through simple solutions that make work visible, DeGrandis helps people round up the five thieves of time and take back their lives with time-saving solutions. Chock-full of exercises, takeaways, real-world examples, colorful diagrams, and an easy-going writing style, readers will quickly learn effective practices to create high-performing workflows within an organization.</p> <p>And now, with this updated second edition, readers will get more exercises plus a new afterword from the author featuring new learnings from the past five years.</p> <p>The technology worldーand indeed the whole business worldーis moving at a pace faster than ever before, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Instead of consigning ourselves to the pressure cooker of the modern world, it's time to elevate how we work. It's time to level up our game. It's time to make work visible.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,602円

Agile for Everybody Creating Fast, Flexible, and Customer-First Organizations【電子書籍】[ Matt LeMay ]

<p>The Agile movement provides real, actionable answers to the question that keeps many company leaders awake at night: How do we stay successful in a fast-changing and unpredictable world? Agile has already transformed how modern companies build and deliver software. This practical book demonstrates how entire organizationsーfrom product managers and engineers to marketers and executivesーcan put Agile to work.</p> <p>Author Matt LeMay explains Agile in clear, jargon-free terms and provides concrete and actionable steps to help any team put its values and principles into practice. Examples from a wide variety of organizations, including small nonprofits and global financial enterprises, bring to life the on-the-ground realities of Agile across industries and functions.</p> <ul> <li>Understand exactly what Agile is and why it matters</li> <li>Use Agile to address your organization’s specific needs and goals</li> <li>Take customer centricity from theory into practice</li> <li>Stop wasting time in "report and critique" meetings and start making better decisions</li> <li>Create a harmonious cycle of learning, collaborating, and delivering</li> <li>Learn from Agile experts at companies like IBM, Spotify, and Coca-Cola</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,350円