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Racial Inequality in Mathematics Education Exploring Academic Identity as a Sense of Belonging【電子書籍】[ Thierry Elin-Saintine ]
<p>Reform initiatives in mathematics education have been reluctant to embrace racial equity as a core or guiding principle. The field is replete with studies on Black students' poor performance in mathematics education and of its persistence. Conversely, success in mathematics is rarely associated with groups of African or African American descent.</p> <p>The abundance of data on the failure of Black students in mathematics has contributed to mainstream beliefs of a <em>racial hierarchy of mathematics ability</em> in America. This perception has not only shaped attitudes and behaviors of educational practitioners, but it has contributed to the alienation of many students from the community of 'doers of mathematics.' This study examines the mathematics identity of a group of seniors enrolled in honor's pre-calculus at a comprehensive high school. Data collected and analyzed for this book shows that participants, in spite of a history of success in mathematics and despite viewing the classroom as opportunity to challenge disparaging views of Black Americans, refused to seek membership in the math community.</p> <p>Saintine focuses on the mathematic identity construction of 11 Black students and their own perception of mathematics education. This work offers new insights into the racial opportunity-gap in mathematics and challenges longstanding assumptions about 'what' or 'who' is a math person.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Emperor of Wine The Rise of Robert M. Parker, Jr. and the Reign of American Taste【電子書籍】[ Elin McCoy ]
<p>The first book to chronicle the rise of Robert M. Parker, Jr., the world's most influential and controversial wine critic, who, over the last twenty?five years, has dominated the international wine world and embodied the triumph of American taste.</p> <p>This is the story of how an American lawyer raised on Coca?Cola caused a revolution in the way wines around the globe are made, sold, and talked about.</p> <p>To his legions of fans, Parker is a cross between Julia Child and Ralph Nader ?? part enthusiastic sensualist and part consumer crusader. To his many enemies, he is a self?appointed wine judge bent on reducing the meaning of wine to a two?digit number. The man who now rules the world of wine has been the focus of both adulation and death threats. He rose to his pinnacle of power by means of the traditional American virtues of hard work, determination, and integrity ?? coupled with an unshakeable ego and a maniacal obsession with a beverage that aspires to a seductive art form: fine wine.</p> <p>Parker's influential bimonthly newsletter, The Wine Advocate, with more than 45,000 subscribers across the United States and in more than thirty?seven countries, exerts the single most significant influence on consumers' wine?buying habits and trends in America, Europe, and the Far East, and impacts the way wine is being made in every wine?producing country in the world, from France to Australia. Parker has been profiled in countless magazines and newspapers around the world and most of his dozen books have been best sellers in the United States and abroad. Yet, despite the world's attention and unending acclaim, Robert Parker stands at the center of a heated controversy. Is he a passionate lover of wine who, more than anyone else, is responsible for its vastly improved quality, or is he, as others claim, waging a war against centuries of tradition and in the process killing the soul of wine?</p> <p>The Emperor of Wine tackles the myriad questions that swirl about Parker and reveals how he became both worshipped and despised, revered as an infallible palate by some and blamed by others for remaking the world's wine industry into a single global market, causing prices to skyrocket, and single?handedly reshaping the taste of wine to his own preference.</p> <p>Elin McCoy met Robert Parker in 1981 when she was his first magazine editor, and she has followed his extraordinary rise ever since. In telling Parker's story, McCoy gives readers an unmatched, authoritative insider's view of the eccentric personalities, bitter feuds, controversies, passions, payoffs, and secrets of the wine world, explaining how wine reputations are made, how and why wine critics agree and disagree, and tracking the startling ways wines are judged, promoted, made, and sold today. This fascinating portrait of a modern?day cultural colossus shows how a world that once was the province of gentlemen's clubs and the pastime of stuffed shirts turned into a sensual hobby for the middle class, creating a luxury industry bent on making money on a worldwide scale ?? and how one man has revolutionized the way the world thinks about wine.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Spiritual Solutions【電子書籍】[ Elin S?fstr?m ]
<p>Emma Bentley is a professional medium, and she’s the real deal: a kid-you-not, bona fide psychic. Not being up front about her abilities in the past has lost her the love of her life but now ? and perhaps because of it ? she’s more determined than ever to be who she is and not pretend otherwise. There are people in her life who know her well and fully accept her abilities but they constitute a rare group of believers. Using her talents, Emma gives her all to help both clients and friends, although more often than not, this proves to be no easy feat. Unable to control the flow and content of visions and information reaching her through the ether, she generally has to piece things together to make a qualified guess, which at times can leave her barking up the wrong tree.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Elin under havet【電子書籍】[ Sofia Malmberg ]
<p>Elin leder efter et kampsportstr?ningscenter p? internettet og f?r kontakt med tr?neren Andr?. Han virker s?d og vil gerne hj?lpe hende. Andr? forklarer Elin, hvordan hun skal tr?ne. Efter at have skrevet sammen en tid, foresl?r han, at hun skal komme forbi tr?ningscentret til en pr?vetime. Men det viser sig, at Andr? har helt andre tanker med m?det.</p> <p><strong>Pressen skrev:</strong></p> <p>"En dyster og alvorlig fort?lling fortalt i et poetisk visuelt univers af sort-hvide tegninger i manga-stil med meget lidt tekst. En kr?vende, men symbolrig fort?lling, der kan t?le at f? sat mange ord p? i en efterf?lgende refleksion. Mesterlig, flot og original debut. Der findes flere b?ger om seksuelle overgreb, men den her er helt s?rlig, fordi den meget originalt afs?ger et tabubelagt emne i et grafisk univers fuld af symboler, billeder og poesi."<br /> <em>- Morten Halskov Jensen, Lekt?r</em></p> <p>"Denne ?dende ondskab beskriver Malmberg n?nsomt og n?sten ordl?st i en effektiv og let mangaagtig tegneseriestil, hvor virkelighed og fantasi flyder sammen. Almberg lader s?ledes Elin udk?mpe sin frig?rende mentale kamp i en symbolfyldt dr?mmeagtige verden under havet. En yderst lovende debut."<br /> <em>**** - Kari S?nsthagen, Berlingske</em></p> <p>"En fremragende bog, en ekstraordin?rt flot fortalt og helst?bt billedfort?lling, et tungt emne h?ndteret virtuost, Elin under havet kan varmt anbefales!"<br /> <em>- Anette Gr?nholt Andersen, B?rn & B?ger</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Stor & stark: Tr?ningsguide f?r motvilliga【電子書籍】[ Elin Junsj? Bj?rkstedt ]
<p>≫Denna l?ttl?sta, inspirerande och r?ttframma tr?ningsbok passar ypperligt f?r alla som vill komma ig?ng med tr?ning.≪ Betyg 4 av 5 BTJ</p> <p><strong>En k?rleksfull och personlig tr?ningsguide som hj?lper dig att hitta din egen v?g!</strong></p> <p>Det h?r ?r inte en klassisk tr?ningsbok. Det ?r en bok som handlar om att bli stor och stark. En k?rleksfull och personlig guide som riktar sig till m?nniskor som inte k?nner igen sig i utbudet av vanliga tr?ningsb?cker.</p> <p>Med personlig och professionell erfarenhet av att arbeta med kropp och knopp bjuder Anna och Elin in till ett perspektiv i tr?ningsv?rlden d?r du ?r din egen kapten. V?r f?rhoppning ?r att denna bok ska f? dig att k?nna dig kompetent i din egen tr?ning och att den inspirerar dig till att vilja och v?ga b?rja anv?nda kroppen. Bli ditt inre djungeldjur, stor, stark och smidig.</p> <p>Hur sv?rt kan det vara att r?ra lite p? sig? V?ga misslyckas, learning by doing. Fuck ≫perfekt≪.</p> <p><strong>Anna Suvanna Davidsson</strong> har m?nga str?ngar p? sin lyra; f?rfattare, instagramprofil, kr?nik?r, programledare, folkh?gskoll?rare och ensamst?ende mamma. Hennes angreppss?tt ?r personligt, rakt och ?rligt vad hon ?n ger sig i kast med. Or?ddheten ?r hennes signum.</p> <p><strong>Elin Junsj? Bj?rkstedt</strong> ?r den personliga tr?naren som uppt?ckte skivst?ng och kettlebell strax efter att hon i t?t f?ljd f?tt sina tv? barn. Hon har bland annat drivit ett crossfitgym, skrivit kr?nikor och reportage till tr?ningstidningar samt coachat i SVT-programmet Svett och etikett. Elin h?vdar att livet som tr?nare inneb?r att arbeta med feministiska fr?gor p? ett strukturellt och individuellt plan.</p> <p><strong>Jenny Brandt Gr?nberg</strong> ?r fotograf och bloggare. 2019 startade hon kursen kreativ struktur som hj?lper kvinnor skapa system och rutiner f?r sitt f?retagande. Jenny h?ller till i sin studio p? den sk?nska landsbygden utanf?r Ystad d?r hon g?r bilder tillsammans med maken, illustrat?ren Jens Brandt Gr?nberg, i det gemensamma f?retaget JennyoJens.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Secret Gardener【電子書籍】[ Elin Unnes ]
<p>Vi nygamla odlare ?r sn?la, envisa, skeptiska, nyfikna och bryr oss inte s? mycket om vad andra tycker. Vi odlar f?r att ?ta och f?r att k?nna oss oberoende men ?ven f?r att gr?nsaker ?r fascinerande och vackra, och att dra stenh?rda gr?nser mellan det vackra och det funktionella ?r ?nd? ointressant eftersom de flesta blommor ?r ?tliga och dessutom har medicinska egenskaper.</p> <p>N?r du v?l blivit odlingsintresserad ? vilket intr?ffar, utan undantag, f?rsta g?ngen ett fr? du stoppat i jorden gror ? finns det ingen ?terv?ndo, d? ?r du fast.</p> <p>Men vad h?nder sen? Vilka problem m?ter en urban nyodlare som fascineras av sj?lvf?rs?rjning? Hur bevaras sk?rden b?st och hur blir gr?nsakerna som godast? G?r det verkligen att plocka f?rsk rabarber mitt i vintern? Och varf?r ska man aldrig n?nsin grodda linfr??</p> <p>Med hj?lp av de fyra ur?ldriga teknikerna torkning, syrning, syltning och inl?ggning i sprit g?r v?gen fr?n den mest effektiva odlingen och tipsen om de n?rdigaste gr?nsakssorterna fram till den allra godaste maten och botemedlen mot b?de h?snuva och lakansskr?ck.</p> <p><strong>Elin Unnes</strong> ?r rockjournalisten som b?rjade leva ett hemligt dubbelliv som gr?nsaksodlare. Hon har varit redakt?r p? tidningar som Darling, Vice och Bon, och skriver regelbundet om musik f?r Dagens Nyheter. N?r hon fick en kolonilott strax utanf?r Stockholm drabbades hon av ett v?ldsamt odlingsintresse och b?rjade blogga under pseudonymen The Secret Gardener. Numera skriver hon f?r Allt om Tr?dg?rd och ser en supertidig potatissk?rd som en av sina st?rsta bedrifter.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
You Got No Guts Vision Quest for Nontoxic Schools【電子書籍】[ Zana K. Elin ]
<p>This is a cautionary tale told by Ms. Fly, who is well into her beloved professional career. Unfortunately, she notices that fellow faculty and administrators seemingly did not get the memo about bullying and its destruction of schools as a safe place.</p> <p>Ms. Fly, who is usually humorous and lighthearted, was deeply concerned about the memo. The topic sparks her curiosity about escalating hostility in today's American schools. Although she had been recently diagnosed with a compromising medical condition, Ms. Fly could not resist her need to journey into the higher expectations of pedagogy and humanity.</p> <p>Looking at her own safe place work environment, Ms. Fly falls back on her deepest convictions: perseverance, truths, and hard work. She must do something to rid the toxic notion of bullying and its devastating effects on schools in America. Her quest is engaging, interactive, and inspirational.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Gravid p? dina villkor - Sj?lvmedk?nsla f?r en blivande mamma【電子書籍】[ Elin Borg ]
<p>Graviditeten ?r en av de mest omtumlande h?ndelserna i en kvinnas liv. Du och din kropp skall f?rvandlas till mamma. Boken Gravid p? dina villkor ? Sj?lvmedk?nsla f?r en blivande mamma hj?lper dig att m?ta den kroppsliga och psykologiska f?rvandlingen.</p> <p>Du f?r en f?rst?else f?r vad som h?nder i kroppen och l?r dig att hantera hormoner, illam?ende och vikt?kning. Med hj?lp av sj?lvmedk?nsla blir du lika ink?nnande och varm emot dig sj?lv, som du dr?mmer om att bli emot din bebis.</p> <p>Samma sj?lvmedk?nsla ger dig de b?sta f?ruts?ttningarna f?r att lugna din bebis n?r han eller hon ?r orolig. Din trygghet blir din bebis trygghet.</p> <p>Med boken f?ljer ett antal ljudfiler med ?vningar i sj?lvmedk?nsla, sj?lvuppskattning, mindfulness och mindful eating anpassade f?r dig som gravid och mamma.</p> <p>?vningarna l?gger grunden f?r det f?r?ldraskap som passar allra b?st f?r just dig och din bebis ? en graviditet p? dina villkor.</p> <p>F?r b?sta resultat rekomenderar vi att du laddar ner den tillh?rande appen med samma namn.<br /> P? appen hittar du ett antal tr?ningsprogram och skriv?vningar i sj?lvmedk?nsla.</p> <p><strong>Om Elin Borg</strong> Socionomen och mindfulnessl?raren Elin Borg driver f?retaget Well-Aware-ness. Hon ?r en uppskattad kursledare, f?rl?sare och f?rfattare till boken Mindful Eating. Elin ?r ?ven projektkoordinator och metodutvecklare i projektet Tr?ning f?r medveten n?rvaro och resiliens (TMR). 2016 blev Elin mamma till Wilmer, och boken Gravid p? dina villkor ? Sj?lvmedk?nsla f?r en blivande mamma har sin utg?ngspunkt i hennes egen graviditet.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
The Complete Cookbook for baby-led weaning Guide to raise independent and happy eaters from baby to toddler | Delicious Baby-Led Feeding Recipes to Introduce Your Baby to Solids【電子書籍】[ Elin Mackay ]
<p>The Only Book You Need for Baby-Led Weaning the Safe and Stress-Free Way!</p><p>Have you tried breastfeeding before, but found it difficult to wean your infant on to solid foods? Or maybe you're just unsure of how to go about it? If so, then is the book for you. Written by a child care expert, this user-friendly book outlines the stages of weaning and provides tips and tricks on how to make the transition smoother for both you and your little one. So, take the first step towards a healthy life for your infant</p><p>Go beyond other baby food books about feeding, with advice for:</p><p>Getting startedーDiscover a basic overview of how baby-led weaning works, and find out if and when it's the right approach for your baby.</p><p>Staying safeーBreathe easy with safety guidelines that include information on prohibited foods and smart kitchen habits.</p><p>Identifying allergiesーFind out how to navigate or even prevent allergies and sensitivities as your baby tries new foods for the first time.</p><p>With this book in hand, mealtimes will be easier and more enjoyable for everyone-from your six-month-old to your picky toddler, to the other kids and adults in the family.</p><p>Help your baby take the lead on their exploration of solid foods with this accessible guide to baby-led weaning.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。