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Fluxo de pot?ncia Teoria e implementa??o de c?digos computacionais【電子書籍】[ Igor Delgado de Melo ]

<p>Este livro aborda os principais algoritmos destinados ? an?lise de redes el?tricas, incluindo o fluxo de pot?ncia tradicional em coordenadas polares, varia??es como o uso de coordenadas retangulares, fluxo de segunda ordem e o m?todo da inje??o de correntes para c?lculo de tens?es em sistemas de distribui??o de energia el?trica. Al?m disso, aborda-se o fluxo de pot?ncia ?timo, o fluxo de pot?ncia intervalar, a an?lise de conting?ncias, o fluxo de pot?ncia trif?sico e equivalente de redes. A obra apresenta ainda, de maneira original, o m?todo do fluxo de pot?ncia holom?rfico (em ingl?s, holomorphic embedding load-flow method ? HELM). Este m?todo foi desenvolvido recentemente e contorna problemas cl?ssicos envolvendo o fluxo de pot?ncia, como a n?o unicidade da solu??o, e a sensibilidade dos m?todos iterativos a condi??es iniciais estipuladas. A solu??o ? encontrada de forma direta mediante a expans?o de fun??es complexas expandidas em s?ries de pot?ncia associadas ?s aproxima??es de Pad?. Por meio de exemplos ilustrativos, exerc?cios de fixa??o e apresenta??o de c?digos que permitem a implementa??o computacional das principais metodologias abordadas, esta obra permite ao leitor entender n?o apenas a teoria, mas tamb?m a aplica??o pr?tica dos principais algoritmos destinados ? avalia??o dos sistemas el?tricos de pot?ncia em tempo real. O principal p?blico-alvo s?o os alunos de gradua??o e p?s-gradua??o em Engenharia El?trica com interesse em an?lise da opera??o de sistemas el?tricos de pot?ncia, bem como aqueles profissionais do setor el?trico que desejam aprender sobre os temas e aperfei?oar seus conhecimentos acerca da ?rea.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,800円

Filtro Ativo de Pot?ncia e Armazenamento em Sistemas de Distribui??o uma Busca pela Qualidade e Efici?ncia Energ?tica em Sistemas com Gera??o Intermitente【電子書籍】[ Francisco Kelson Pereira Alves ]

<p>Este trabalho apresenta o estudo e modelagem de um Filtro Ativo Paralelo de Pot?ncia (FAPP) integrado a um Sistema de Armazenamento de Energia (SAE) visando a melhoria da qualidade de energia em um t?pico sistema de distribui??o de energia el?trica. O sistema de distribui??o ? composto por cargas n?o lineares, gera??o distribu?da (com car?ter intermitente) e um FAPP integrado a um SAE (banco de baterias) atrav?s de um conversor CC/CC conectado ao link CC comum. O objetivo ? realizar, ao mesmo tempo, a filtragem de correntes harm?nicas de alta frequ?ncia (5? e 7? harm?nicos s?o as componentes mais significativas) inseridas pelas cargas n?o lineares e a suaviza??o da demanda de pot?ncia ativa da rede, eliminando a componente oscilante em baixa frequ?ncia inserida pela gera??o distribu?da intermitente. O circuito de pot?ncia do FAPP consiste em um Conversor de Fonte de Tens?o (Voltage Source Converter - VSC) de seis pulsos, cujo controle ? implementado a partir da medi??o de pot?ncias instant?neas do conjunto cargas-gera??o. O banco de baterias ? conectado ao link CC do FAPP atrav?s de um conversor CC/CC bidirecional em corrente e com controle baseado na medi??o de pot?ncia ativa da rede. Desta forma, o SAE tem o objetivo de controlar o balan?o de energia gerada e consumida, fazendo com que a demanda na rede seja aproximadamente constante, ou seja, aplicando-se o nivelamento de carga.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,300円

Rastreamento do ponto de m?xima pot?ncia (MPPT) para sistemas de energia solar fotovoltaica T?cnicas, Implementa??o e Desempenho sob sombreamento parcial【電子書籍】[ Fernando Marcos de Oliveira ]

<p>Explore a fronteira do conhecimento com 'Rastreamento do Ponto de M?xima Pot?ncia (MPPT) para Sistemas de Energia Solar Fotovoltaica'. Neste livro, os autores abordam e demonstram como t?cnicas avan?adas de MPPT, podem otimizar o desempenho de sistemas fotovoltaicos sob sombreamento parcial. Inicia-se com uma vis?o panor?mica da energia solar no Brasil, a obra oferece uma base s?lida ao explorar t?cnicas cl?ssicas de MPPT e, em seguida, aprofundando-se em abordagens bioinspiradas e com uso da intelig?ncia artificial. Cada cap?tulo ? uma jornada cient?fica, destacando avan?os e fornecendo an?lises detalhadas de implementa??es em condi??es extremas. Este n?o ? apenas um livro, ? um convite ? pesquisa e inova??o. Descubra como as t?cnicas avan?adas de MPPT podem revolucionar e otimizar sistemas fotovoltaicos, contribuindo para a sustentabilidade energ?tica. Os autores, comprometidos com a excel?ncia, inspiram novas investiga??es e avan?os, transformando este livro em uma ferramenta essencial para a evolu??o do conhecimento na ?rea. Embarque nessa jornada e potencialize o seu entendimento sobre o futuro da energia solar.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,400円

Diagn?stico Otimizado de Transformadores de Pot?ncia Integra??o de T?cnicas Preditivas【電子書籍】[ Andr? Pereira Marques ]

<p>Este livro apresenta os resultados da tese de doutorado de Andr? Pereira Marques, defendida na Escola de Engenharia El?trica, Mec?nica e de Computa??o da Universidade Federal de Goi?s, sob orienta??o da Prof? Cacilda de Jesus Ribeiro e coorien-ta??o do Prof. Leonardo da Cunha Brito. Trata-se de trabalho que se destaca por descrever t?cnicas preditivas que s?o integradas (para ensaios em campo e em laborat?rio), suas funcionalidades, e a metodologia completa, incluindo a defini??o de par?metros, com seus pesos e suas notas para a classifica??o (em cinco n?veis) de "A" a "E", al?m de a??es recomendadas, auxiliando na tomada de decis?o e proporcionando, assim, um diagn?stico otimizado em transformadores de pot?ncia. Tamb?m apresenta o novo m?-todo de classifica??o utilizado, denominado Soma Duplamente Ponderada Normalizada (SDPN), com os resultados eficientes e validados, mostrando a sua viabilidade t?cnica de implementa-??o, proporcionando a op??o de obten??o do diagn?stico final por meio de uma ferramenta computacional como complemento.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,200円

Easy & Fast Whole30 Instant Pot Cookbook Delicious Whole30 Diet Recipes for Beginners【電子書籍】[ Renee Ryczek ]

<p>This remarkable device, your Instant Pot, can be your best friend when on <strong>WHOLE30 DIET</strong>. It gives you the time to cook delicious homemade meals fast.</p> <p>Nowadays <strong>WHOLE FOOD DIET</strong> is more and <strong>MORE POPULAR</strong> & you’ll be amazed at the <strong>POSITIVE CHANGES</strong> and <strong>HEALTH BENEFITS</strong> you will experience when you incorporate <strong>WHOLE30 COMPLIANT FOOD</strong> into your everyday life.</p> <p>You can enjoy the most <strong>DELICIOUS & MOUTHWATERING MEALS</strong> without sacrificing flavor & compromising your <strong>WHOLE30 DIET</strong>, because you get to control what you eat. Cook <strong>DELICIOUS FOOD</strong> in few minutes, all the recipes in this cookbook are free of dietary hazards and full of benefits! You’ll find NO added sugar, grains, wheat, legumes, beans, rice, soy, dairy, peas, lima beans, corn, or processed junk.</p> <p>In this <strong>EASY & FAST WHOLE30 INSTANT POT COOKBOOK</strong>, You will find <strong>SIMPLE RECIPES</strong> that are <strong>EASY TO COOK</strong> and are <strong>PROVEN TO WORK</strong>. All recipes can be cooked with commonly used ingredients & have <strong>DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS</strong> as well as <strong>PICTURES</strong> of what your dishes will look like! Also included <strong>TIPS</strong> for <strong>INSTANT POT</strong> pressure cooker along with tips & <strong>ESSENTIAL BASICS FOR WHOLE30 DIET</strong> itself. By using this <strong>EASY & FAST WHOLE30 INSTANT POT COOKBOOK</strong>, You will be able to <strong>EAT HEALTHY</strong> and get yourself into <strong>HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS</strong> in practically no time.</p> <p>Inside this book, <strong>101 EASY AND DELICIOUS WHOLE30 INSTANT POT RECIPES</strong>, which includes: <strong>BEEF, PORK, LAMB, CHICKEN, TURKEY, SEAFOOD, VEGETARIAN, BROTH, SOUP, SAUCE AND SIDES RECIPES</strong>.</p> <p>Expand your <strong>INSTANT POT HORIZONS</strong> and have fun doing it!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

Formulas Series for Vegetarian Cooked by Instant-Pot & Crock-Pot: The Way to Cook Vegan Foods Quickly and Easily【電子書籍】[ Rose Dickens ]

<p>A long with wonderful benefits from vegetarian diet such as anti-ageing or prevent from many diseases, we should apply this diet in the scientific way to reach positive results. Perhaps, you are so busy in working or daily life and you are depressed about cooking in all day. However, Don't worry! With vegan foods cooked by instant pot and crock-pot, you feel comfortable with cooking.</p> <p>I expect that this book supplies sufficient simply formulas for vegetarian diet. You can understand this and from that everything around you become easier than ever.</p> <p>Thank you for downloading and reading!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 242円

One-Pot Skinny-Taste Meals Eat happily while losing weight with 115 recipes for your Slow Cooker Instant Pot Skillet & more【電子書籍】[ Renee Anderson ]

<p>Figuring out what to make on busy nights can sometimes seem impossibleーespecially if you’re <strong>HEALTH CONSCIOUS</strong>. <strong>ONE-POT SKINNY-TASTE MEALS</strong> makes it <strong>SIMPLE</strong> & offers <strong>115+ COMFORTING</strong> and enjoyable <strong>ONE-POT DISHES</strong> full of your <strong>FAVORITE VEGETABLES, MEATS AND BEANS</strong> that are <strong>WHOLESOME, TASTY, FAMILY-SATISFYING, SIMPLE</strong> and <strong>EASY</strong> to <strong>COOK</strong> whether you need a <strong>QUICK WEEKNIGHT SUPPER</strong> or a <strong>DELICIOUS WEEKEND DINNER</strong>. You can prepare them in your <strong>SKILLET, SLOW COOKER, SHEET PAN, AIR-FRYER</strong>, and more without much fuss and clean up.</p> <p><strong>ONE-POT SKINNY-TASTE MEALS</strong> Cookbook Includes:</p> <p><strong>EASY-TO-PREPARE RECIPES USING ONLY ONE-POT OR PAN<br /> OVER 115+ LIP-SMACKING FAMILY-FRIENDLY RECIPES WITH STEP-BY-STEP CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS<br /> BASIC ESSENTIAL INFORMATION ABOUT ONE POT METHODS<br /> ALSO INCLUDED USEFUL TIPS, NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION, AND PHOTO FOR MOST RECIPES</strong></p> <p>If you want to <strong>LIVE HEALTHY</strong> while <strong>ENJOYING GOOD FOODS</strong> without spending hours in the kitchen than this is an <strong>INVALUABLE</strong> and <strong>DELICIOUS COLLECTION</strong> of <strong>HEALTHY ONE-POT RECIPES</strong> that will please everyone at the table and become all-time favorites.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

Whole 30 One Pot Cookbook Easy To Follow Quick & Delicious Recipes For Rapid Weight Loss【電子書籍】[ Isabella Davis ]

<p><strong>WHOLE30</strong> is a <strong>UNIQUE CONCEPT</strong> that <strong>EXPLAINS</strong> about <strong>MAINTAINING</strong> a <strong>HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP</strong> with <strong>FOOD</strong> and <strong>ENHANCE</strong> the <strong>HEALTHY LIFESTYLE</strong>. The <strong>WHOLE30</strong> has <strong>TRANSFORMED</strong> the <strong>LIVES OF THOUSANDS</strong> of <strong>PEOPLE</strong> around the world & have helped individuals learn how and why to make the best <strong>FOOD CHOICES</strong>.</p> <p>This cookbook <strong>WHOLE 30 ONE POT COOKBOOK</strong> gives you both- the combination of <strong>WHOLE 30 DIET</strong> and <strong>ONE POT COOKING</strong> to have <strong>120+ TASTY DELICIOUS</strong> and <strong>EASY TO MAKE RECIPES</strong>. At the beginning, the brief information about <strong>WHOLE 30 DIET</strong> is presented in an easy-to-understand and captivating manner. Also covered tips to <strong>SIMPLIFY PLAN</strong>, and <strong>PREPARE BREAKFAST, SNACKS, LUNCH, SOUPS/STEWS/CHILLIES, MEATLESS RECIPES, POULTRY, BEEF, PORK, SEAFOOD</strong> and <strong>DESSERTS RECIPES</strong> in <strong>ONE POT</strong> to save <strong>TIME</strong> and <strong>MONEY</strong>.</p> <p>Welcome to <strong>WHOLE 30 ONE POT COOKBOOK,</strong> start cooking to <strong>RESET YOUR HEALTH</strong> and <strong>IMPROVE YOUR LIFE</strong>!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

The Everything Guide to a Budget Instant Pot Cookbook on Mind Diet【電子書籍】[ Dominik Muench ]

<p>Discover the perfect fusion of budget-friendly cooking and brain-boosting nutrition with "The Everything Guide to a Budget Instant Pot Cookbook on Mind Diet." This comprehensive cookbook combines the convenience of Instant Pot cooking with the science-backed principles of the Mind Diet, designed to enhance cognitive function and promote overall brain health. Packed with flavorful recipes that won't break the bank, this book offers a wide range of dishes to nourish both body and mind. From hearty stews to vibrant salads and decadent desserts, each recipe is crafted to support your well-being without compromising on taste or budget. Elevate your cooking game and nourish your brain with this essential resource!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 525円

Pot-Pollen in Stingless Bee Melittology【電子書籍】

<p>This book covers pot-pollenーthe other product, besides honey, stored in cerumen pots by Meliponini. Critical assessment is given of stingless bee and pot-pollen biodiversity in the Americas, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Topics addressed include historical biogeography, cultural knowledge, bee foraging behavior, pollination, ecological interactions, health applications, microbiology, the natural history of bee nests, and chemical, bioactive and individual plant components in stored pollen.</p> <p>Pot-pollen maintains the livelihoods of stingless bees and provides many interesting biological products that are just now beginning to be understood. The Meliponini have developed particular nesting biologies, uses of building materials, and an architecture for pollen storage. Environmental windows provide optimal temperature and availability of pollen sources for success in plant pollination and pollen storage. Palynological composition and pollen taxonomy are used to assess stingless honey bee pollination services. Pollen processing with microorganisms in the nest modifies chemical composition and bioactivity, and confers nutraceutical benefits to the honey and pollen widely relished by native people. Humans have always used stingless bees. Yet, sustainable meliponiculture (stingless bee-keeping) projects have so far lacked a treatise on pot-pollen, which experts provide in this transdisciplinary, groundbreaking volume.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 18,231円

Vegan Instant Pot Perfection 110 Easy & Delicious Everyday Recipes【電子書籍】[ Liane Dray ]

<p>Think keeping up with a <strong>VEGAN DIET</strong> is hard? Not anymore. This cookbook <strong>VEGAN INSTANT POT PERFECTION</strong> takes the <strong>INTIMIDATION</strong> of <strong>EATING VEGAN</strong> off the table.</p> <p><strong>PLANT-BASED MEALS</strong> can be so <strong>SIMPLE</strong> and <strong>VERSATILE!</strong> And, with I<strong>NSTANT POT</strong>, the whole process become incredibly easy! The multi-use <strong>ELECTRIC PRESSURE COOKER</strong> provides fantastic value for its price: it's <strong>FAST, CONVENIENT</strong>, and <strong>VERSATILE</strong>. So, if you want to <strong>LIVE HEALTHY</strong> while enjoying <strong>GOOD FOODS</strong> without spending hours in the kitchen than this is an <strong>INVALUABLE</strong> and <strong>DELICIOUS COLLECTION</strong> of <strong>HEALTHY ONE-POT VEGAN RECIPES</strong> that will please everyone at the table and become all-time favorites.</p> <p>With this <strong>VEGAN INSTANT POT PERFECTION</strong> cookbook- Not only are you getting a ton of really <strong>GOOD RECIPES</strong>, but you're getting a <strong>DETAILED BREAKDOWN</strong> of how to do everything ー down to what each button means, what the numbers on your LCD screen mean, and even how to clean it correctly.</p> <p>Cook <strong>DELICIOUS FOOD</strong> in <strong>FEW MINUTES</strong>, all the <strong>RECIPES</strong> in this <strong>COOKBOOK</strong> are free of dietary hazards and <strong>FULL OF BENEFITS!</strong></p> <p>You’ll get to choose from fail-proof <strong>110 VEGAN RECIPES</strong> that call for <strong>MINIMAL INGREDIENTS</strong> and can be ready in <strong>60 MINUTES</strong> or <strong>LESS</strong>.</p> <p><strong>VEGAN INSTANT POT PERFECTION</strong> would be a <strong>GREAT START</strong> for your <strong>VEGAN JOURNEY</strong> because you know you're in good hands.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

Whole 30 One Pot Comfort Cookbook Eat happily while losing weight with 170 recipes for your Skillet Slow Cooker Instant Pot Sheet Pan & more【電子書籍】[ Jaclyn Doyle ]

<p>Adopting the <strong>WHOLE FOOD LIFESTYLE</strong> has been proven as a <strong>HEALTHY</strong> and <strong>EFFECTIVE</strong> way to <strong>ACHIEVE</strong> your <strong>WEIGHT LOSS GOALS</strong> while still enjoying some of the <strong>BEST</strong> tasting <strong>FOOD</strong> you’ve ever served at home. Grab this <strong>WHOLE30 ONE POT MADE COMFORT COOKBOOK</strong> and enjoy dozens of wonderful <strong>WHOLE FOOD MEALS</strong> you can make tonight in a <strong>SINGLE POT!</strong> From comforting <strong>CLASSICS</strong> that have been made <strong>WHOLE FOOD COMPLIANT</strong>, to <strong>INNOVATIVE MEALS</strong> with complex flavor profiles that are still a breeze to make at home in <strong>YOUR ROASTING PAN, SKILLET, SHEET PAN, INSTANT POT, OR SLOW COOKER,</strong> you are guaranteed to enjoy this <strong>COMPLETE GUIDE</strong> to living the <strong>WHOLE FOOD</strong> lifestyle and that too without much fuss and clean up.</p> <p><strong>WHOLE30 ONE POT MADE COMFORT COOKBOOK</strong> makes it <strong>SIMPLE</strong> to <strong>PREPARE DECADENT, DELICIOUS,</strong> and <strong>EASY-TO-PREPARE MEALS</strong> that are <strong>FAMILY-FRIENDLY</strong> and many of <strong>THESE RECIPES</strong> are <strong>PALEO</strong> & <strong>KETO FRIENDLY</strong> too!</p> <p>Here’s A Preview Of What You’ll Get From This Book:</p> <p><strong>EASY-TO-PREPARE RECIPES USING ONLY ONE-POT OR PAN<br /> 170 LIP-SMACKING HEARTY WHOLE FOOD RECIPES WITH STEP-BY-STEP CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS<br /> BASIC ESSENTIAL INFORMATION ABOUT WHOLE30 DIET AND ONE POT MEALS<br /> ALSO INCLUDED USEFUL TIPS AND PHOTO FOR MOST RECIPES</strong></p> <p>Equip yourself with <strong>EVERYTHING</strong> you need to <strong>PRODUCE TRULY</strong> world class <strong>WHOLE FOOD MEALS</strong> at home in a <strong>SINGLE POT</strong> every night of the week.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

An?lise el?trica de impedimentos programados de sistemas el?tricos utilizando fluxo de pot?ncia e Rough Sets【電子書籍】[ Rafael Rodrigues ]

<p>O presente livro prop?e uma metodologia de an?lise el?trica de impedimentos programados (AEIPs) que sistematiza os passos identificados em um sistema de apoio, reduzindo o esfor?o na execu??o dos estudos, agilizando e aumentando a seguran?a da opera??o do sistema el?trico a partir de uma base de conhecimentos de estudo. No processo das AEIPs observam-se conceitos not?veis, como experi?ncia pr?tica, julgamento e elei??o. Por essa raz?o, a utiliza??o da teoria dos conjuntos aproximados (Rough Sets) foi considerada uma t?cnica adequada para abordar o assunto, pois apresenta grande potencial para avalia??o de bases de dados de estudos el?tricos e extra??o autom?tica de regras para opera??o. Os estudos destacados neste livro apresentam casos de an?lise do sistema frente a desligamentos e emerg?ncias em um autotransformador e nas linhas de uma microrregi?o espec?fica. Atrav?s da metodologia desenvolvida no estudo, ? poss?vel extrair regras que podem, posteriormente, ser aplicadas a novas regras e formas de opera??o do sistema el?trico. A introdu??o da metodologia de Rough Sets ? elabora??o de AEIPs agregou mais capacidade de an?lise e s?ntese ao processo, tornando-o mais robusto e autom?tico, promovendo um ganho significativo em termos de redu??o de tempo na execu??o da tarefa.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,600円

Anti- Inflammatory One-Pot Cookbook 50+ Nourishing yet Tasty Recipes to Combat Inflammation & Get Stronger Healthier Healing Body【電子書籍】[ Michael Danville ]

<p><strong>FOOD</strong> is <strong>IMPORTANT</strong> in <strong>CONTROLLING INFLAMMATION</strong>. Our <strong>DIET</strong> either <strong>PREVENTS</strong> or <strong>CAUSES</strong> most of our <strong>AILMENTS</strong>. If you want to <strong>BOOST</strong> your <strong>PHYSICAL- MENTAL STATES</strong>, to and be <strong>MORE ENERGIZED</strong>, than taking <strong>FIGHT INFLAMMATION</strong> care of <strong>YOUR DIETS</strong> is a <strong>BIG PART</strong>.</p> <p><strong>COMBAT INFLAMMATION</strong> through the <strong>POWER OF FOOD</strong> and <strong>NUTRITION</strong>. With this <strong>ANTI INFLAMMATORY ONE-POT COOKBOOK</strong> you will <strong>REDUCE INFLAMMATION NATURALLY,</strong> and <strong>HEAL</strong> the <strong>CONDITIONS</strong> that frequently <strong>OCCUR</strong> as a <strong>RESULT,</strong> such as <strong>ARTHRITIS, AUTOIMMUNE CONDITIONS, FOOD ALLERGIES, GASTROINTESTINAL DISTRESS, AND MORE.</strong></p> <p>Here Is A Brief Overview Of What You Will Learn From This Book <strong>ANTI- INFLAMMATORY ONE-POT COOKBOOK:</strong></p> <p><strong>ESSENTIALS ABOUT INFLAMMATION<br /> SMART EATING CHOICES<br /> ANTI-INFLAMMATORY SPICES<br /> ESSENTIAL DIET TIPS<br /> MEAL SUGGESTIONS<br /> FOOD LIST & USEFUL TIPS FOR ANTI-INFLAMMATORY SUCCESS</strong></p> <p>Grab your copy of <strong>ANTI- INFLAMMATORY ONE-POT COOKBOOK</strong> and <strong>HEAL</strong> your <strong>CHRONIC INFLAMMATION</strong> and <strong>TRANSIT</strong> to a <strong>HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE</strong> that <strong>SUPPORTS</strong> your <strong>IMMUNE SYSTEM</strong>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

Pot Farm POT FARM [ Matthew Gavin Frank ]

POT FARM Matthew Gavin Frank UNIV OF NEBRASKA PR2012 Paperback English ISBN:9780803237841 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Medical 2,692円

Whole 30 Instant Pot Cookbook Enjoy Complete Guide for Weight Loss Live Longer with Healthy Lifestyle【電子書籍】[ Rose Jones ]

<p>Your <strong>INSTANT POT</strong> is <strong>REMARKABLE DEVICE</strong> and can be your <strong>BEST FRIEND</strong> when you follow <strong>WHOLE 30 DIET.</strong> It gives you the <strong>TIME</strong> to <strong>COOK</strong> delicious <strong>HOMEMADE MEALS</strong> fast. Nowadays <strong>WHOLE FOOD DIET</strong> is more and <strong>MORE POPULAR</strong> & you’ll be <strong>AMAZED</strong> at the <strong>POSITIVE CHANGES</strong> and <strong>HEALTH BENEFITS</strong> you will <strong>EXPERIENCE</strong> when you incorporate <strong>WHOLE30 COMPLIANT FOOD</strong> into your <strong>EVERYDAY LIFE.</strong></p> <p>You can enjoy the most <strong>DELICIOUS & MOUTHWATERING MEALS</strong> without <strong>SACRIFICING FLAVOR</strong> & compromising your <strong>WHOLE 30 DIET</strong>, because you <strong>GET</strong> to <strong>CONTROL</strong> what you eat. Cook <strong>DELICIOUS FOOD</strong> in <strong>FEW MINUTES</strong>, all the <strong>RECIPES</strong> in this cookbook are <strong>FREE</strong> of <strong>DIETARY HAZARDS</strong> and <strong>FULL OF BENEFITS!</strong> You’ll find NO added sugar, grains, wheat, legumes, beans, rice, soy, dairy, peas, lima beans, corn, or processed junk.</p> <p>In this <strong>WHOLE 30 INSTANT POT COOKBOOK,</strong> You will find <strong>SIMPLE RECIPES</strong> that are <strong>EASY TO COOK</strong> and are <strong>PROVEN TO WORK. All RECIPES</strong> can be <strong>COOKED</strong> with <strong>COMMONLY</strong> used <strong>INGREDIENTS</strong> & have <strong>DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS</strong> as well as <strong>PICTURES</strong> of what your <strong>DISHES</strong> will look like! Also included <strong>TIPS</strong> for <strong>INSTANT POT</strong> pressure cooker along with <strong>TIPS & ESSENTIAL BASICS FOR WHOLE30 DIET</strong> itself. By using this <strong>WHOLE 30 INSTANT POT COOKBOOK,</strong> You will be able to <strong>EAT HEALTHY</strong> and get yourself into <strong>HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS</strong> in practically <strong>NO TIME.</strong></p> <p>Inside this book, <strong>110 + EASY AND DELICIOUS WHOLE30 INSTANT POT RECIPES</strong>, which includes: <strong>BEEF, PORK, LAMB, CHICKEN, SEAFOOD, VEGETARIAN, SOUP, AND SIDES RECIPES.</strong></p> <p>Expand your <strong>INSTANT POT HORIZONS</strong> with <strong>WHOLE 30 DIET</strong> and <strong>HAVE FUN</strong> doing it!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

Whole 30 Diet Instant Pot 90+ Delicious Easy Fast Recipes for Weight Loss & Healthy Life【電子書籍】[ Kylie Roberts ]

<p><strong>UNIQUE CONCEPT</strong> of <strong>WHOLE 30</strong> explains about maintaining a <strong>HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP</strong> with <strong>FOOD</strong> and <strong>ENHANCES</strong> the <strong>HEALTHY LIFESTYLE</strong>. The <strong>WHOLE 30</strong> has <strong>TRANSFORMED</strong> the lives of <strong>THOUSANDS</strong> of <strong>PEOPLE</strong> around the world & <strong>HAVE HELPED</strong> individuals <strong>LEARN</strong> how and <strong>WHY TO MAKE</strong> the best <strong>FOOD CHOICES</strong>.</p> <p>This <strong>WHOLE 30 DIET INSTANT POT</strong> cookbook gives you <strong>BOTH</strong>- the <strong>COMBINATION</strong> of <strong>WHOLE 30 DIET</strong> and I<strong>NSTANT POT COOKING</strong> which has <strong>90+ TASTY</strong> and <strong>EASY RECIPES.</strong> At the <strong>BEGINNING</strong>, the <strong>BRIEF INFORMATION</strong> about <strong>WHOLE 30 DIET</strong> is presented in an <strong>EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND</strong> and captivating <strong>MANNER</strong>. Also covered tips to <strong>SIMPLIFY</strong> and <strong>PREPARE MEALS</strong> in <strong>AMAZING INSTANT POT</strong> to <strong>SAVE TIME AND MONEY</strong>.</p> <p>Welcome to <strong>WHOLE 30 DIET INSTANT POT,</strong> start cooking to <strong>RESET YOUR HEALTH</strong> and <strong>IMPROVE YOUR LIFESTYLE!</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

One-Pot - Gerichte f?r die Familie【電子書籍】[ Steffi Sinzenich ]

<p>Einfacher kann kochen nicht sein Den unterschiedlichen Vorlieben der Gro?en und der Kleinen in der Familie gerecht zu werden, ist gar nicht so einfach. Und wenn es beim Kochen auch noch schnell gehen soll, kommt man als Mutter schon mal ins Schwitzen. Doch keine Sorge - f?r diese Probleme gibt es eine tolle L?sung: One-Pot-Gerichte der Gaumenfreundin Steffi Sinzenich, bei denen alle Zutaten gleichzeitig in einen Topf kommen und entspannt vor sich hin k?cheln. - 69 Ratz-Fatz-Rezepte: Schnell und unkompliziert alles in einem einzigen Topf gekocht. Da bleiben Sie ganz entspannt. - Geliebte Familienklassiker: Nudeln machen schon immer gl?cklich - hier finden Sie viele tolle Variationen f?r One-Pot-Pasta, Reis und Getreide. - Ein Blech und eine Pfanne: so gelingt auch die S??kartoffel-Frittata, der Ofenlachs oder die Spinatrolle ohne Aufwand und ohne Abwaschberge.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,000円

Keto One Pot Made Easy Cookbook Low Carb, High Fat, Most Delicious & Easy 120+ Recipes for Better Lifestyle & Rapid Weight Loss, Nourishing Incredible Food in Less Time & with Less Clean-up【電子書籍】[ Lauren Campbell ]

<p>Finding <strong>LOW-CARB RECIPES</strong> suitable for your <strong>ONE POT</strong> can be challenging- especially if you’re trying to <strong>FOLLOW THE KETO DIET</strong>. <strong>KETO ONE POT MADE EASY COOKBOOK</strong> makes it simple to prepare <strong>DECADENT, DELICIOUS</strong>, and <strong>EASY-TO-PREPARE KETO MEALS</strong> that are <strong>FAMILY-FRIENDLY</strong> and can be prepared in your <strong>SKILLET, SLOW COOKER, SHEET PAN, STOCK POT</strong>, and more without much fuss and clean up.</p> <p><strong>KETO ONE POT MADE EASY COOKBOOK INCLUDES:</strong></p> <p><strong>EASY-TO-PREPARE RECIPES USING ONLY ONE-POT OR PAN<br /> OVER 120+ LIP-SMACKING HEARTY COMFORT FOOD KETO RECIPES WITH STEP-BY-STEP CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS<br /> BASIC ESSENTIAL INFORMATION ABOUT KETO DIET AND ONE POT MEALS<br /> ALSO INCLUDED USEFUL TIPS, NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION, AND PHOTO FOR MOST RECIPES</strong></p> <p>If you want to live and thrive with the <strong>KETOGENIC LIFESTYLE</strong>, enjoy <strong>DELICIOUS, HEALTHY FOOD</strong> but don't want to spend hours in the kitchen than this is a <strong>MUST-HAVE BOOK</strong> for you.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

Perfect Whole 30 Instant Pot Cookbook Delicious Real Food Recipes to Make Your Whole 30 Diet Full Of Fun & Flavor!【電子書籍】[ Nicole Johnson ]

<p>WHOLE 30 is a unique concept that explains about maintaining a HEALTHY relationship with FOOD and enhance the HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. The WHOLE30 has transformed the lives of thousands of people around the world & have helped individuals learn how and why to make the best FOOD CHOICES.</p> <p>This cookbook gives you both- the combination of WHOLE 30 DIET and INSTANT POT COOKING to have 80+ tasty and easy recipes. At the beginning, the brief information about WHOLE 30 DIET is presented in an easy-to-understand and captivating manner. Also covered tips to SIMPLIFY, PLAN, and PREPARE MEALS in AMAZING INSTANT POT to save time and money. Welcome to PERFECT WHOLE 30 INSTANT POT COOKBOOK, start cooking to RESET YOUR HEALTH and IMPROVE YOUR LIFE!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

Keto Diet Instant Pot Cookbook Recipes for Rapid Weight Loss & Healthy Lifestyle【電子書籍】[ Patricia Johnson ]

<p>A KETO DIET is a HIGH FAT, ADEQUATE-PROTEIN, LOW-CARBOHYDRATE DIET that helps the body PRODUCE KETONES (ketone bodies) and uses them as fuel instead of carbohydrates. KETO DIETS (around 50 grams of carbs per day) are extremely effective for GETTING LEAN because you RESET the body’s ENZYMATIC MACHINERY to USE FAT as its PRIMARY FUEL SOURCE in the absence of CARBS. Keto diet increases the body's ability to utilize FATS FOR FUEL. A KETO DIET MEAL includes a small amount of fruit or vegetable, a PROTEIN RICH FOOD, and a source of FAT such as heavy cream and butter or vegetable oil.</p> <p>Overall Impression is INSTANT POT is a SEVEN-IN-ONE MULTI-COOKER that works as an electric pressure cooker, slow cooker, rice cooker, yogurt maker, steamer, warmer, and saut? pan all in one. The INSTANT POT is One Machine That Does the Work of 7 Gadgets.</p> <p>In this book KETO DIET INSTANT POT COOKBOOK you will have KETO DIET PLUS INSTANT POT RECIPES with NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION for your reference. There are tones of foods for a KETO DIET INSTANT POT that you can use to keep your diet varied and enjoyable which keeps your WEIGHT LOSS PLAN on the right track.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

Keto One Pot Quick Meals Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal with the Craziest Low Carb Fit-Foodie Keto Meals【電子書籍】[ Gina Michel ]

<p>Eating healthy without spending hours in the kitchen has been challenging for most of us because of our crazy work schedule and especially if you are following certain diet. No matter how busy your life gets, you should always find time to eat healthy, even if it means that you don’t have more than a few minutes to prepare a meal. Finding success with the KETOGENIC DIET comes easy by combining the convenience of slow cooker and ONE POT, a little shortcut makes it super quick and easy. Slow cooker & ONE POT MEALS can save you time in the kitchen without all the clean up! With KETO ONE POT QUICK MEALS you can make HEALTHY DINNERS quickly even as you get healthy, LOSE WEIGHT, and control your BLOOD SUGAR. Inside you will find a great variety for BREAKFAST, SOUPS, VEGETABLES, BEEF, CHICKEN, PORK, TURKEY, SEAFOOD, and DESSERTS. The recipes in this book are very simple, innovative, adaptable and of course KETO-FRIENDLY with ESSENTIAL NUTRITIONAL INFO.</p> <p>KETO ONE POT MEALS and Slow cooker are the ultimate convenience food. Just fix it and forget it, then enjoy a nourishing meal when everyone gets home.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

Keto: Crock Pot Cookbook: Top 75 Must-Have Keto Recipes for Fast & Healthy Meals! Keto【電子書籍】[ Barbara Johnson ]

<p>Ready to be healthy while enjoying cooking?</p> <p>A ketogenic diet will help you reduce your calorie intake to below the volume of calories your body can expend in one day. Therefore, you need to summon the stored energy in the fat cells to deliver fuel to your muscles.<br /> The keto diet will limit the volume of carbs you consume. A significant percentage of your fuel for the day will come from fat which have been converted to ketones. A noticeable deal of fat burning can be achieved on greater calories by sustaining food options used with the ketogenic plan. When you have the protein, carbohydrates, and fat ratio monitored by the diet plan such as shown in this cookbook; you are well on the way to a successful diet strategy.<br /> You will not be over-eating with large portions of protein. You won't eliminate fat or carbs which make it a useful and safe diet plan for fat loss. If you take the approach of eating less, without considering your dietーyou will be losing essential minerals and vitamins you need dailyーwhich can result in muscle spasms, fatigue, mental fogginess, hunger, headaches, irritability, insomnia, and emotional depression. You can also lose valuable muscle mass; not just the pounds you intended to drop.<br /> By using the lower carb keto plan, you can reduce your carbohydrates, calorie counts, and nurture your body with the suitable amount of water, meat, eggs, fish, veggies, nuts, as well as high-quality oils which create fat loss minus the unpleasant side effects.</p> <p>This book will discuss some of the many different recipes (75) for you to try. You can enjoy several breakfast ideas, lunch, and dinner, as well as some tasty desserts. You will discover how important it is to use a crockpot for your cooking needs. You will be able to save time that can be better spent with your friends and family.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,500円

M?lancolie du pot de yaourt - M?ditation sur les emballages【電子書籍】[ Philippe Garnier ]

<p>Nous vivons dans un monde fait d'emballages de toute sorte. Emballages qui deviendront bient?t d?chets. Ils font notre monde et nous ne les regardons pas. Philippe Garnier propose de d?crire notre soci?t? au travers de ce qu'elle a de moins noble.<br /> En une s?rie de courts textes, M?lancolie du pot de yaourt ?voque ces petits objets a priori insignifiants ? tubes, boites, bouteilles, sachets, flacons, pots, capsules ? qui traversent notre vie et notre imagination. Ils prennent dans nos vies une place exorbitante, mais souvent ? notre insu. Les regarder, les sonder, les interroger, y compris lorsqu'ils sont devenus des d?chets, c'est-?-dire des fant?mes : telle est l'ambition de ce livre, o? le regard po?tique, la r?flexion et l'humour tentent de coexister. Conscient du d?sastre annonc?, ce texte n'est pas ?crit sur le mode du pamphlet. Il compose avec cette part du monde visible que sont ces milliards de petits r?ceptacles ?parpill?s dans nos vies et sur le monde. Il revendique une position qui serait la moins blessante possible, o? se m?leraient la lucidit?, la contemplation et une certaine forme d'humour.</p> <p>" Un livre dr?le, d?licat, fragile, qui pousse ? l'ombre des po?mes de Francis Ponge et des mythologies de Roland Barthes. " Philippe Lan?on, <em><strong>Charlie Hebdo</strong></em></p> <p>" Une plong?e savoureuse dans ce monde de sachets, de tubes et de bo?tes en tous genres. " Mathieu Vidard, <strong>France Inter</strong></p> <p>" Une m?ditation brillante, passionnante et parfois hilarante sur nos emballages. Vous ne mesurez pas combien c'est emballant ! " Augustin Trapenard, <strong>21 cm</strong></p> <p>" C'est ? la fois humoristique, profond et ?cologique. " Coup de c?ur d'?ric Naulleau, <strong>Canal +</strong></p> <p>" Entre Le Parti pris des choses, de Francis Ponge, et Mythologies, de Roland Barthes, l'auteur nous fait d?couvrir la face cach?e d'objets m?pris?s, qui nous survivront pourtant. " Sophie Benard, <em><strong>Le Monde des Livres</strong></em></p> <p>" Qu'est-ce donc que ces choses, ? valeur de d?chets persistants, dont notre civilisation s'?touffe ? s'est demand? Philippe Garnier dans cette ontologie du pot de yaourt vagabonde et m?lancolique. " Catherine Portevin, <em><strong>Philosophie Magazine</strong></em></p> <p>" Sous ses dehors l?gers comme une chanson de Souchon, le livre de Philippe Garnier soul?ve des questions profondes sur notre relation au monde, ? la consommation et l'impact de tout cela sur nos souvenirs. Bref cet essai a tout pour vous emballer. " Laurent Lemire, <em><strong>Livres Hebdo</strong></em></p> <p>" Critique excentrique, Philippe Garnier pulv?rise l'apparente vacuit? des caddies pour y d?tecter des ab?mes de r?flexion. (...) Des morceaux de po?sie, plus que de sociologie. "<br /> <em><strong>La Tribune de Gen?ve</strong></em></p> <p>" C'est une preuve, s'il en fallait une, qu'on peut dire des choses intelligentes, ou inattendues, ? partir de n'importe quoi, y compris le plus b?te emballage en carton. " Bernard Quiriny, <em><strong>L'Opinion</strong></em></p> <p>" Lire La m?lancolie du pot de yaourt, c'est recevoir l'assurance de ne plus jamais regarder les traces de la surconsommation avec indiff?rence, mais d'y chercher du signifiant joyeux ? foison. Il faut imaginer le bonheur au fond de la poubelle jaune. " Vincent Edin, <em><strong>Usbek et Rica</strong></em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,430円

Universaliza??o do acesso ? ?gua pot?vel e redu??o da fragmenta??o normativa por meio das normas de refer?ncia sob o enfoque das perdas de ?gua【電子書籍】[ Izabela Zanotelli Collares ]

<p>Este livro analisa a ?gua pela perspectiva do direito ? vida por meio da universaliza??o do acesso ? ?gua pot?vel como direito fundamental que deve ser assegurado a todos. Aborda-se o saneamento b?sico no tocante ao servi?o de abastecimento de ?gua e a promulga??o, em 2020, do novo marco do saneamento b?sico em um cen?rio de pandemia do Covid-19 e no qual 35 milh?es de brasileiros n?o t?m acesso a esse bem essencial. Ap?s a an?lise da relev?ncia de um sistema regulat?rio padr?o, claro e bem definido, superando alguns dos desafios que restringem o crescimento do saneamento b?sico, ? apresentada, em especial, a avalia??o do quadro regulat?rio estadual quanto ? redu??o progressiva e/ou controle de perdas de ?gua, que possui uma taxa elevada (mais de 38% de perda), sendo um dos, se n?o o maior, desafios do setor a ser superado. O resultado encontrado demonstra que 73% das ag?ncias estaduais n?o possuem nenhum ato regulat?rio quanto ?s perdas de ?gua apresentando um cen?rio normativo deficiente ou mesmo ausente e que 69% das ag?ncias demonstraram, formalmente, estar receptivas a essas normas padr?es.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,700円

Paleo Instant Pot Meals Delicious & Reliable Recipes for Healthy Eating plus Weight Loss【電子書籍】[ Megan Hester ]

<p>The I<strong>NSTANT POT</strong> is truly a **SET-IT-**and-<strong>FORGET-IT</strong> magic trick: load it up and let it go! And this hands-off <strong>TECHNIQUE</strong> will help you to cook a <strong>WHOLESOME PALEO MEAL</strong> without having to <strong>SPEND</strong> too much <strong>TIME</strong> in the <strong>KITCHEN.</strong> And, for sure, you don't have to sacrifice <strong>FLAVOR</strong> for lack of effort.</p> <p>Apart from cooking your <strong>NUTRIENT-RICH MEAL</strong>, you can also make a <strong>PALEO VERSION</strong> of your favorite <strong>DESSERTS!</strong> Many of the <strong>RECIPES</strong> are <strong>INSPIRED</strong> by <strong>CLASSIC DISHES</strong> that are <strong>FULL OF FLAVOR</strong> and will make it <strong>EASY</strong> to <strong>EAT HEALTHY.</strong></p> <p><strong>PALEO INSTANT POT MEALS</strong> - this cookbook is packed with <strong>101 RECIPES</strong> with <strong>SHORT</strong> and <strong>COMPREHENSIVE INSTRUCTIONS, COOKING TIMES</strong> and most of them have gorgeous <strong>PHOTOGRAPHS,</strong> it’s easy to <strong>DECIDE</strong> what’s on the <strong>MEAL PLAN</strong> for coming days with just a few swipes.</p> <p><strong>PALEO INSTANT POT MEALS</strong>, it’s the answer to eating a <strong>PRIMAL DIET</strong> that makes you <strong>FEEL GREAT, FEEDING</strong> the <strong>FAMILY</strong> with <strong>FLAVORFUL RECIPES</strong> they’ll love, and saving time by taking advantage of everyone’s <strong>FAVORITE</strong> kitchen <strong>GADGET: THE INSTANT POT.</strong> This cookbook will act as a <strong>SIMPLE GUIDE</strong> to get your <strong>COMPLETE PALEO MEAL PLAN</strong> done.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 532円

One-Pot - Gerichte f?r kleine Kinder【電子書籍】[ Steffi Sinzenich ]

<p>One Pot - l?uft! Frisch kochen f?r Ihr Kleinkind? Na klar, unbedingt. Lange in der K?che stehen und danach Berge abwaschen? Auf gar keinen Fall! Dann sind die ?ber 75 One-Pot-Gerichte der Gaumenfreundin-Bloggerin Steffi Sinzenich genau das Richtige f?r Sie: - Schnell und ohne Aufwand: Rezepte aus einem einzigen Topf - von Pasta ?ber Tomatenrisotto, Kartoffeleint?pfe bis zu s??en Gerichten. - Einfach gesund: Frische Zutaten - je nach Vorliebe Ihres Kindes liebevoll variiert. Und angepasst an den Geschmack der Kleinen. - Extra: das One-Prinzip auch f?r Pfanne und Blech - so kommen auch schnelle H?hnchen-Nuggets und Zucchini-Omelette auf den Tisch. So bleibt im turbulenten Familienalltag mehr Zeit f?r die wirklich sch?nen Dinge.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,000円

Energia sobirana Com Catalunya pot ser autosuficient en energia renovable【電子書籍】[ Ramon Tremosa ]

<p><strong>Una aportaci? fonamental per a un dels problemes del nostre temps.</strong></p> <p>La guerra de R?ssia contra Ucra?na i les sancions econ?miques han fet pujar els preus de l'energia a uns nivells prohibitius, que seguiran alts en el futur. L'alta depend?ncia energ?tica del nostre pa?s passar? factura. Per? la guerra i la crisi clim?tica s?n tamb? una oportunitat per accelerar la transici? energ?tica. Si no la fem, l'any 2050 l'energia catalana no podr? ser totalment renovable. No podem ser una illa f?ssil enmig d'un oce? de pa?sos que opten per la descarbonitzaci? i l'energia neta.</p> <p>Catalunya ?s un pa?s de muntanyes, molt poblat, amb el vent concentrat en pocs indrets, amb paisatges d'alt valor paisatg?stic i poca terra disponible. Per? si no produ?m energia assequible per a les llars i les empreses, ens haur? d'arribar de pa?sos ve?ns amb l?nies de molt alta tensi?. Cal desplegar energia fotovoltaica i e?lica, terrestre i marina, que s?n la base de la transici? energ?tica, per? totes dues no s?n suficients per completar-la.</p> <p>Ramon Tremosa i Jaume Morron fan una aposta a favor d'aprofitar la notable xarxa de pantans existents, sobretot a l'Alt Pirineu, on s'hi podrien generalitzar centrals reversibles de bombeig, que tenen un potencial de generaci? d'energia de fins a 14 GW, a un cost de producci? baix. Les centrals reversibles, avui en auge a tot el m?n, produeixen energia en els moments de m?s demanda, en moderen el preu, ajuden a planificar-ne la producci?, fan de bateria de l'e?lica i la fotovoltaica i poden contribuir, de manera decisiva, a la sobirania energ?tica de Catalunya</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,200円

Good People Like Pot Marijuana Revealed【電子書籍】[ Margaret K. Hall ]

<p>MK Hall lived as a young adult in New York City in the fall of 1970 experiencing life on PotSometimes engaging with it every day, sometimes going with no Pot at all. Cannabis is contraband and prohibited. Many people have enjoyed notorious Marijuana and at other times have been made fearful of arrest and detention. Many are jailed.</p> <p>Hall spent four decades without benefit of equal opportunity employment because testing her would show THC, the active compound ingredient in Marijuana. It is better for her to paint, write, or clean to survive. Or to sell real estate. She is a professional realtor turned nonfiction writer in an effort to help turn the tide against Pot with her drop in the bucket. Another drop is you who read this book telling the story of Pot. Learn how we may achieve the satisfaction of tolerance.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 468円

O uso de tecnologias sociais para o fornecimento de ?gua pot?vel na comunidade Nossa Senhora de F?tima【電子書籍】[ Neide Andrade da Silva ]

<p>Os recursos h?dricos impr?prios para o consumo humano podem trazer doen?as de veicula??o h?drica. Por isso ? de fundamental relev?ncia, para a sa?de e boa qualidade de vida, a utiliza??o de ?gua pot?vel. Este trabalho se pautou em propor a constru??o e utiliza??o de filtros artesanais, de baixo custo, como tecnologias sociais voltadas para a obten??o de ?gua pot?vel na comunidade Nossa Senhora de F?tima do bairro Jardim Tropical no munic?pio de Breves. Para alcan?ar o objetivo proposto se fez necess?rio identificar as caracter?sticas da comunidade onde o trabalho foi desenvolvido. Foi preciso ainda mostrar, por meio de palestra educativa interativa, a import?ncia da conserva??o dos recursos h?dricos e quais filtros podem ser constru?dos (com baixo custo) e utilizados para se ter uma vida mais saud?vel.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,200円