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Univers = Anima mundi Una Cosmologia des de l'?nima【電子書籍】[ Josep Maria Solanas Marrugat ]

<p>L'Univers vist des de l'?nima. A difer?ncia de les descripcions cient?fiques on l'Univers ?s tractat com un objecte, aqui? el subjecte o consci?ncia e?s principal. El resultat e?s un Univers amb significat existencial. El llibre tracta de Cosmologia i no d'Astrof?sica. Quan el coneixement de l'Univers es fa des de la totalitat, llavors les lleis que el descriuen so?n simples i caben en un mocador de paper. E?s evident que els plantejaments cosmol?gics han de tenir una connexi? amb la F?sica: es mostren i, en els i?tems on hi ha discordan?a, assenyalem el cami? que ha de prendre la F?sica per validar les hip?tesis cosmol?giques. En el llibre trobareu, entre altres, com es pot viatjar en l'espai i en el temps per accedir als racons m?s allunyats del cosmos f?sic i dels ps?quics. Aprendreu a navegar i orientar-vos en aquests mons. I, tamb?, entendreu com els fen?mens paranormals esdevenen normals des de la perspectiva an?mica. L'autor barreja el pensament exot?ric amb l'esot?ric amb resultats creatius i originals que ben segur no deixen indiferent al lector.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 470円

El Viaje m?tico del alma Una herramienta para el darse cuenta【電子書籍】[ Josep Maria Solanas Marrugat ]

<p>En este libro se explora el universo de la psique en formato viaje. Se trata de visitar los distintos paisajes an?micos utilizando como mapa a los arcanos mayores del Tarot. Cada arcano mayor es un punto de paso obligado que desvela una zona an?mica desconocida.</p> <p>La psique produce ficciones an?micas de la misma manera que el coraz?n produce latidos o el h?gado genera la bilis. Cada arcano mayor relata un paisaje ps?quico en forma de ficci?n. Se trata de aprovechar el conocimiento simb?lico que esconde cada arcano mayor para construir una ficci?n que nos acerque al alma, el sujeto principal de la entidad humana.</p> <p>El alma explica, pero no se puede explicar, s?lo describir. Es el ?ltimo soporte de la actividad ps?quica; detr?s de ella, en este libro, consideramos que no hay nadie m?s.</p> <p>El Tarot es un lenguaje simb?lico que utiliza im?genes de la cultura europea, dirigido a establecer un di?logo con el inconsciente. Est? orientado a describir, (no adivinar) los estados del alma, siempre presentes, pero ocultos entre los hechos a los que da significado.</p> <p>Apreciado lector, est?s a punto de iniciar un gran Viaje a las profundidades del alma. No sabes a d?nde vas, desconoces el camino y la meta, tampoco has estado antes, ni tan s?lo has podido imaginar que exist?a tal lugar. En este momento tu ego es el obst?culo para la realizaci?n de este Viaje ps?quico.</p> <p>La actitud de apertura desde el Coraz?n es la ?nica condici?n para iniciar el Viaje m?tico del alma. El resto ya lo har? el Tarot junto con este sabio an?mico que est? en ti, pero que no eres t?, … o ?quiz?s s?! Sabr?s que has llegado a la meta si resultas transformado por el Conocimiento del alma y te reconoces en una nueva dimensi?n.</p> <p><em>?Sapere aude! = ?Atr?vete a saber!</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 710円

P?s-guerra? Percursos de viol?ncia nas margens das Rela??es Internacionais【電子書籍】[ S?lvia Roque ]

<p>Sabemos que as guerras implicam reconfigurac?es importantes nas sociedades e que os periodos imediatos de pos-guerra s?o simultaneamente periodos de incertezas e de esperanca. No entanto, sabemos pouco sobre os diversos percursos da violencia no quotidiano das sociedades pos- guerra, no longo-prazo. Este estudo procura compreender, para alem das transformac?es ocorridas, a complexidade das relac?es, continuidades e mimetismos entre logicas e periodos de guerra e de paz em dois paises: El Salvador e Guine-Bissau. A partir das experiencias e percepc?es de jovens n?o privilegiados, em sociedade perifericas e em contextos urbanos marcados por adversidades constantes, questiona-se a utilidade e pertinencia dos enquadramentos de reflex?o e de intervenc?o internacional baseados na identificac?o entre pos-guerra, pos-crise e pos-violencias e na reproduc?o de politicas de reconstruc?o estandardizadas, centradas no Estado e na superac?o rapida de crises circunscritas.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,366円

Political Survival in Pakistan Beyond Ideology【電子書籍】[ Anas Malik ]

<p>Presenting a framework that incorporates macro-level forces into micro-level strategic calculations, this book explains key political choices by leaders and challengers in Pakistan through the political survival mechanism. It offers an explanation for continuing polity weakness in the country, and describes how political survival shapes the choices made by the leaders and challengers.</p> <p>Using a unique analysis that synthesizes theories of weak states, quasi-states and political survival, the book extends beyond rationalist accounts and the application of choice-theoretical approaches to developing countries. It challenges the focus on ideology and suggests that diverse, religiously and ethnically-defined affinity groups have interests that are represented in particular ways in weak state circumstances. Extensive interviews with decision-makers and polity-participants, combined with narrative accounts, allow the author to examine decision-making by leaders in a state bureaucratic machinery context as well as the complex mechanisms by which dissident affinity groups may support ‘quasi-state’ options. This study can be used for comparisons in Islamic contexts, and presents an interesting contribution to studies on South Asia as well as Political Development.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,877円

The Migration of Highly Educated Turkish Citizens to Europe From Guestworkers to Global Talent【電子書籍】[ Zeynep Yanasmayan ]

<p>The increasing global competition of knowledge economies has begun a new era of labour migration, as economies chase ‘the best and the brightest’: the movement of highly skilled workers. This book examines the experiences of highly educated migrants subjected to two distinct and incompatible public discourses: one that identifies them in terms of nationality and presupposed religion, and another that focuses on their education and employment status, which suggests that they deserve the best treatment from societies engaged in the global 'race for talent'. Presenting new empirical research collected in Amsterdam, Barcelona and London amongst highly educated migrants from Turkey, the author draws on their narratives to address the question of whether such migrants should be apprehended any differently from their predecessors who moved to Europe as 'guestworkers' in the twentieth century. With attention to the reasons for which highly skilled workers choose to migrate and then stay (or not) in their 'host' countries, their connection to their multiple homes and the ways in which they meet the challenges of integration ? in part by way of their position in relation to other migrants ? and their acquisition of citizenship in the 'host' country, <em>The Migration of Highly Educated Turkish Citizens to Europe</em> offers insights on an under-researched trend in the field of migration. The author develops three nexuses ? the <em>mobility/migration nexus</em>, the <em>mobility/citizenship nexus</em>, and the <em>mobility/dwelling nexus</em> ? to account for the embedded sense of mobility that underlies these ‘new’ migrants and offers a holistic picture about their trajectory from ‘arrival to settlement’ and all that lies in-between. As such, it will appeal to scholars in the fields of sociology and political science with interests in migration and mobility, ethnicity and integration.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,343円

The Death of Man as Man The Rise and Decline of Liberty【電子書籍】[ Ronnie W. Rogers ]

<p>The content of this book was first presented in its present form at The Oxford Round Table, <em>Religion and Science Shaping the Modern World</em>, in 2010 at Harris Manchester College, Oxford University, Oxford England.</p> <p>Science, or its handmaiden <em>separation of church and state,</em> is absolutely incapable of establishing or sustaining the liberties spelled out in the Declaration of Independence and protected by the Constitution.</p> <p>The United States was founded upon the astonishing declaration, We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Then the Constitution was drafted in order to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.</p> <p>It is these rights and liberties that are being systematically and surreptitiously dismantled by both the unwarranted expansion of science beyond its legitimate domain and the restricting of religious ideas from public education and policy debate. True science has blessed us, but when employed beyond its legitimate limits of authority, it becomes a dehumanizing tyrant.</p> <p>Science has its place in public life, but to limit religious knowledge to merely opinion and private faith, while concurrently limiting all publicly imposable knowledge to what can be demonstrated scientifically, requires more than science can provide. These liberties are based upon belief in the existence of God who created man with intrinsic worth and liberties. Without a public belief in the existence of God, all talk of unalienable rights is quixotic and assures the continuation of the heretofore unabated evanescing of those rights.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 468円

The Minyan A Small Cadre of Men Who Turned the World Upside-Down【電子書籍】[ C. David Jones ]

<p>THE MINYAN by Dr. C. David Jones is an account of the lives, ministry and legends of each of the thirteen Apostles who were members of the Minyan of Jesus Christ. The book provides new materials based upon historical research, the principles of biblical redaction criticism/analysis and an examination of the sociological, inter-personal and group dynamics of this amazing group of Jesus' Apostles. The Appendices include a unique Minyan sociogram and maps that offer additional resources to the reader. Dr. Maxie D. Dunnam, President of Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY is author of the "Introduction."</p> <p>CONTENTS:</p> <p>CAN YOU name the Thirteen Apostles of Jesus Christ?</p> <p>When asked that question one fellow said, Sure! Then he confidently began to rattle off their names:</p> <p>Matthew, Mark, Luke, John . . .</p> <p>He paused for a moment, puzzled and bewildered, and then continued:</p> <p>Happy, Dopey, Grumpy, Doc . . .<br /> Donder, Vixen, Blitzen . . . and Rudolph!</p> <p>He really didnt know who the Apostles were but, undaunted, he rattled off the first names that came to his mind. There were, however, actually thirteen men who made up the Minyan.</p> <p>A MINYAN is the number of adult Jews required to form a synagogue or a Hebrew congregation. The necessary quorum that must be present for the daily prayers or for any special prayers or services of Hebrew worship is ten. Originally the number was twelve - the same number of the original twelve tribes of Israel.</p> <p>The Rabbi, Jesus of Nazareth, chose twelve men to form his own itinerant Minyan to travel with him wherever he went throughout his earthly ministry.</p> <p>THE HISTORIC ACCOUNT of the Apostolic Minyan begins with the enigmatic figure of St. John the Baptist. His story is the Prologue to the chapters that follow in The MINYAN.</p> <p>THE CENTRAL FIGURE around whom all else revolves is the dynamic and mystical person of JESUS CHRIST. What made him choose these particular twelve men for his Minyan? Explore with the author the powerful sociological dynamics and religious ferment that impacted the lives of these men.</p> <p>DISCOVER the identity of the first apostle; learn the secret of the fisherman who walked on water; then meet the first apostolic martyr, the Greek nobleman and the noble Egyptian rabbi, the boy with loaves and fishes who became the teen-age apostle, the skeptical shipwright, the revenuer, the guerrilla revolutionaries and terrorists among the Minyan, the embezzling treasurer, and the man who came out on the short end of the stick!</p> <p>EXAMINE the Sociogram which charts the inter-relationships within the Minyan and shows how many of the men were relatives of the Rabbi Jesus. See the interlocking forces that knit business partners and tradesmen together. Trace the travels of the Minyan on the maps and follow them as they spread the Good News of Gods love to the far corners of the Roman Empire and beyond.</p> <p>FOLLOW in the EPILOGUE the influence of the Minyan and the development of Christianity through the centuries to modern times. You will be amazed and astounded at the lives and ministries of these thirteen men who had such a profound impact in turning our world Upside-down or, more exactly, in helping to turn it Right-side UP!</p> <p>Dr. C. David Jones has given us a marvelous and expansive piece of research work and writing in this book in which he tells the fascinating story of the original twelve men and then the thirteenth man who joined them to form a very special Minyan: their lives changed the world!</p> <p>--from the Introduction by Dr. Maxie D. Dunnam, President of Asbury Theological Seminary</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,144円

Maquinaciones neoyorquinas y querellas porfirianas Marshall H. Saville, El American Museum of Natural History de Nueva York y los debates en torno a las leyes de Protecci?n del Patrimonio Arqueol?gico Nacional, 1896-1897【電子書籍】

<p>Esta obra rescata debates trabados en el Congreso nacional en torno a un par de iniciativas gubernamentales destinadas a establecer los primeros instrumentos modernos de protecci?n del patrimonio arqueol?gico mexicano. Estos debates, que surgieron durante la ?ltima d?cada del siglo XIX, fueron la respuesta a las depredaciones y saqueos practicados por exploradores extranjeros independientes y por agentes de coleccionistas y de los grandes museos del centro-este de Estados Unidos. Se trata de textos parlamentarios de dif?cil acceso que hoy se ponen al alcance de estudiosos de la historia pol?tica de la arqueolog?a en M?xico. Estas querellas porfirianas abren ventanas a trav?s de las cuales pueden conocerse aspectos de la cultura pol?tica de las clases gobernantes mexicanas, ventanas que pueden llevar a nuevas l?neas de investigaci?n, no s?lo en cuestiones arqueol?gicas sino en diversos temas de nuestra historia intelectual.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 880円

Polycentricity, Islam, and Development Potentials and Challenges in Pakistan【電子書籍】[ Anas Malik ]

<p>Development analysts often focus on the role of “the state” in making the right rules by which to govern society, assuming that governance is exclusively or mainly the work of the central government authority. The reality in many developing countries, particularly those with weak central government authorities, is that governance happens through diverse rules and in many centers of decision-making, in ways that are formal and informal, official and unofficial. This real-world polycentricity can be dysfunctional or productive, depending in part on shared understandings between decision-making entities about how to relate to each other. Those shared understandings come from cultural backgrounds, historical interactions, and other sources.</p> <p>Political economist Anas Malik argues that well-functioning polycentricity in developing countries depends in part on the shared understandings between official government entities and unofficial units that provide collective choice in particular arenas. In Muslim-majority contexts, the Islamic tradition ? contrary to the image of a top-down, single-voiced religious law- provides ample resources supporting shared understandings that accommodate diverse rules and collective choice units. Pakistan, the largest Muslim-majority country at its founding, provides an important case. After building on the development literature to suggest a typology of collective choice units in developing countries, Malik explores resources in the Islamic tradition that support polycentric governance. The book then examines major deliberations in Pakistan’s history, particularly through documented inquiries into serious political crises such as sectarian religious agitation and civil war, and through a selective survey of types of jurisdictions and collective choice units. Malik argues that there are significant polycentric understandings in Pakistan’s historical lineage, but that these are heavily contested. While there is potential for polycentric development in Pakistan, the viability of polycentric order is constrained by countering forces and contextual factors.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 17,215円