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撲克命牌・我的愛情:從生日,找到我的天作之合【電子書籍】[ 羅伯特・坎普(Robert Camp) ]

<p>為什麼愛我的人我不愛,我愛的人不愛我?</p> <p>我的真命天子在?裡?戀情有何挑戰?「適婚指數」多高?</p> <p>從生日,解讀?的親密關係</p> <p>★看性格!52張「本命牌」人格特質深度解析</p> <p>★看關係!?與特定對象最重要的5個關係連結</p> <p>★看相合度!3大指數:吸引力指數、強度指數、相容性指數</p> <p>★一覽自己與對方的愛情性格及親密關係課題</p> <p><strong>用本命牌,看?與伴侶是?種關係連結:</strong></p> <p>【月亮連結】</p> <p>?們是天造地設的一對。相處舒服自在,無話不談,幾乎從不爭?。?這輩子從未感覺與別人這麼親近過。因為?們前世就曾?鰈情深,今生還要一起共度。</p> <p>【金星連結】</p> <p>?們是伴侶,也是彼此最好的朋友。相處充滿歡樂,在一起的時間都是開心的。?們有許多共同的喜好:同樣的藝術品味、旅行方式、美食、音樂、電影。</p> <p>【火星連結】</p> <p>?們一開始是天雷勾動地火,但日子久了卻爭?不斷。某一方會刺激?一方動起來,拉著對方一起去運動、健身、騎自行車、慢?等等。這段關係,讓?的身體比以前更健康。</p> <p>【木星連結】</p> <p>這是愛和照顧的關係,某一方心甘情願為?一方慷慨付出,教導對方許多事,一點也不期待回報。慣性接受的一方常感到困惑:我到底只是依頼,還是真正的愛?</p> <p>【土星連結】</p> <p>這是壓力很大的關係,某一方會出於善意,不斷批評?一方所做的?件事,希望對方能更進?、更成熟。若被要求的一方願意接受改造,將獲得很大的個人成長。</p> <p>【天王星連結】</p> <p>這種關係的核心是自由主義,?們尊重彼此是獨立的個體,不會干?或操控對方。允許彼此去完成自己的夢想,不依頼,也不期望對方做些什麼。</p> <p>【海王星連結】</p> <p>這種關係帶有夢幻與自欺的特質,某一方把?一方視為偶像、夢中情人,自以為找到了靈魂伴侶,拒?去察覺對方的缺點和本性,不計一切代價都想跟對方在一起。</p> <p>【冥王星連結】</p> <p>一段充滿挑戰的關係,兩人之間常出現權力的拉鋸戰,某一方總試圖操控?一方。雖然難受又難分難捨,但卻可以?助?克服自己的恐懼,蛻變成更好的人。</p> <p>【業力關係連結】</p> <p>?們是彼此的鏡映,不論是否覺察到,?們兩人個性非常相似。?喜歡和討厭對方的地方,自己身上也都有。關係的成功,取決於?能愛自己和接納自己多少。</p> <p>【宇宙回報連結】</p> <p>宇宙回報牌,往往代表命中注定臨終時陪伴我們的人。許多時候,這意味著婚姻的歸宿。一個人往往在經?過許多戀情之後,和自己的宇宙回報牌結婚。</p> <p>【三大關係指數】</p> <p>**・**吸引力指數(從-4到9):?有多?求和對方在一起</p> <p>・強度指數(從0到9):這段關係的戲劇性、挑戰與激烈程度</p> <p>・相容性指數(從-9到9):舒適自在的程度,長時間生活在一起的契合度</p> <p>「撲克命牌」賦予?獨特的洞察力,?助?解讀親密關係,看出兩人之間的能量連結與業力關係。?一張「本命牌」都有自己建立關係的特定方法,及可預測的行為模式。研究兩人的本命牌和守護星牌,就能看出兩人在關係課題、吸引力強度,以及相合或不合的程度。</p> <p>知道一個人的「本命牌」為何,大抵上讓?有個概念,知道彼此要如何相處。本命牌?露出這人的性格和業命。從某個觀點來看,所有的關係本質上都是業力牽引。?一張本命牌,受到兩張「業力牌」的影響(七張特殊牌除外),第一張代表?的債主,第二張代表來償還?的人。</p> <p>本書除了對五十二張「本命牌」做詳盡?明,更區分出五十六種「關係連結」對應,分別代表?與?一人之間特殊的能量連結。不論?與任何人交往,書中都已列出?們之間最重要的五個關係連結。有些和諧舒適而自在,有些則伴隨大量壓力及情緒張力。?可以把它當作重點參考指標,據此來追尋自己的幸福,或經營好自己的親密關係。</p> <p>作者/譯者簡介</p> <p>【作者簡介】</p> <p>羅伯特・坎普(Robert Camp)</p> <p>資深占星師及撲克命牌解讀師。1988年時,發現了此一古老而神祕的撲克命牌系統,可以推算出我們?個人的人生軌跡,而立志將其傳承於後世。著有《撲克命牌・我的流年》、《撲克命牌・我的愛情》,現居美國北?羅來納州。</p> <p>【譯者簡介】</p> <p>星光餘輝</p> <p>喜好紫微、八字、占星的專職翻譯人,譯有《行運占星全書》、《?的身體就是12星座》。</p> <p>目次</p> <p>【作者序】遠古先民的神聖系統</p> <p>一、性格篇:52張牌深度解析</p> <p>1.太初有牌</p> <p>2.如何解讀兩人的親密關係</p> <p>3.本命牌的性格解析</p> <p>〔王牌A:開始與自我〕</p> <p>紅心A:?求愛/梅花A:?求知識/方塊A:?求愛與金錢/黒桃A:野心與祕密</p> <p>〔數字2:關係與平衡〕</p> <p>紅心2:戀愛牌/梅花2:對話牌/方塊2:老謀深算的生意人/黒桃2:友誼牌</p> <p>〔數字3:表達與創意〕</p> <p>紅心3:多樣化的愛情/梅花3:作家牌/方塊3:財務上的創意/黒桃3:藝術家牌</p> <p>〔數字4:穩定與秩序〕</p> <p>紅心4:婚姻和家庭/梅花4:心智的滿足/方塊4:財務的穩定/黒桃4:工作中求滿足</p> <p>〔數字5:探索與旅行〕</p> <p>紅心5:情感的探險家/梅花5:追求真理/方塊5:價?的追求者/黒桃5:漫遊客</p> <p>〔數字6:責任與業力〕</p> <p>紅心6:和平使者/梅花6:傳教士/方塊6:財務上的責任/黒桃6:命運牌</p> <p>〔數字7:物質與靈性〕</p> <p>紅心7:靈性的愛/梅花7:靈性知識/方塊7:靈性的價?/黒桃7:信心牌</p> <p>〔數字8:權力與蛻變〕</p> <p>紅心8:情感的力量/梅花8:心智的力量/方塊8:太陽牌/黒桃8:勞動的力量</p> <p>〔數字9:結束與奉獻〕</p> <p>紅心9:普世的愛/梅花9:普世的知識/方塊9:付出奉獻的人/黒桃9:普世的人生</p> <p>〔數字10:成就與沈溺〕</p> <p>紅心10:因群體而成功/梅花10:心智上的成就/方塊10:福佑之牌/黒桃10:工作成就牌</p> <p>〔騎士牌:孩子氣與創造力〕</p> <p>紅心J:透過愛犧牲/梅花J:心智創意十足/方塊J:業務牌/黒桃J:演員牌</p> <p>〔皇后牌:慈悲與母愛〕</p> <p>紅心Q:慈愛的母親/梅花Q:直覺之母/方塊Q:樂善好施/黒桃Q:自我掌控牌</p> <p>〔國王牌:智慧與父愛〕</p> <p>紅心K:慈愛的父親/梅花K:知識大師/方塊K:成功的生意人/黒桃K:大師牌</p> <p>〔小丑牌:無特定命格〕</p> <p>4.守護星牌的性格解析</p> <p>二、關係篇:56種連結?明</p> <p>5.關係連結釋義</p> <p>〔月亮連結〕</p> <p>MOF(對方是?人生牌陣中的月亮牌)</p> <p>MOFS(對方是?靈性牌陣中的月亮牌)</p> <p>MOR(?是對方人生牌陣中的月亮牌)</p> <p>MORS(?是對方靈性牌陣中的月亮牌)</p> <p>〔金星連結〕</p> <p>VEF(對方是?人生牌陣中的金星)</p> <p>VEFS(對方是?靈性牌陣中的金星)</p> <p>VER(?是對方人生牌陣中的金星)</p> <p>VERS(?是對方靈性牌陣中的金星)</p> <p>VEM(?們是彼此人生牌陣中的金星)</p> <p>VEMS(?們是彼此靈性牌陣中的金星)</p> <p>〔火星連結〕</p> <p>MAF(對方是?人生牌陣中的火星)</p> <p>MAFS(對方是?靈性牌陣中的火星)</p> <p>MAR(?是對方人生牌陣中的火星)</p> <p>MARS(?是對方靈性牌陣中的火星)</p> <p>MAM(?們是彼此人生牌陣中的火星)</p> <p>MAMS(?們是彼此靈性牌陣中的火星)</p> <p>〔木星連結〕</p> <p>JUF(對方是?人生牌陣中的木星)</p> <p>JUFS(對方是?靈性牌陣中的木星)</p> <p>JUR(?是對方人生牌陣中的木星)</p> <p>JURS(?是對方靈性牌陣中的木星)</p> <p>JUM(?們是彼此人生牌陣中的木星)</p> <p>JUMS(?們是彼此靈性牌陣中的木星)</p> <p>〔土星連結〕</p> <p>SAF(對方是?人生牌陣中的土星)</p> <p>SAFS(對方是?靈性牌陣中的土星)</p> <p>SAR(?是對方人生牌陣中的土星)</p> <p>SARS(?是對方靈性牌陣中的土星)</p> <p>SAM(?們是彼此人生牌陣中的土星)</p> <p>SAMS(?們是彼此靈性牌陣中的土星)</p> <p>〔天王星連結〕</p> <p>URF(對方是?人生牌陣中的天王星)</p> <p>URFS(對方是?靈性牌陣中的天王星)</p> <p>URR(?是對方人生牌陣中的天王星)</p> <p>URRS(画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,527円

Religious Experience Reconsidered A Building-Block Approach to the Study of Religion and Other Special Things【電子書籍】[ Ann Taves ]

<p><strong>How the sciences of the mind can advance the study of religion</strong></p> <p>The essence of religion was once widely thought to be a unique form of experience that could not be explained in neurological, psychological, or sociological terms. In recent decades scholars have questioned the privileging of the idea of religious experience in the study of religion, an approach that effectively isolated the study of religion from the social and natural sciences. <em>Religious Experience Reconsidered</em> lays out a framework for research into religious phenomena that reclaims experience as a central concept while bridging the divide between religious studies and the sciences.</p> <p>Ann Taves shifts the focus from "religious experience," conceived as a fixed and stable thing, to an examination of the processes by which people attribute meaning to their experiences. She proposes a new approach that unites the study of religion with fields as diverse as neuroscience, anthropology, sociology, and psychology to better understand how these processes are incorporated into the broader cultural formations we think of as religious or spiritual. Taves addresses a series of key questions: how can we set up studies without obscuring contestations over meaning and value? What is the relationship between experience and consciousness? How can research into consciousness help us access and interpret the experiences of others? Why do people individually or collectively explain their experiences in religious terms? How can we set up studies that allow us to compare experiences across times and cultures?</p> <p><em>Religious Experience Reconsidered</em> demonstrates how methods from the sciences can be combined with those from the humanities to advance a naturalistic understanding of the experiences that people deem religious.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,457円

治史經驗談 - 重編本【電子書籍】[ 嚴耕望 ]

<p>  本書為作者就其四十餘年研究中國?史的實際經驗現身?法,以供青年史學工作者之參考。全書分為九篇,?容?及基本方法、具體規律、論題選擇、論著標準及論文寫作諸問題,最後兩篇談努力途徑與生活修養,尤為作者特所致意,以為欲求在學術上有真實成就之最基本功夫。綜觀全書大意:研究工作要堅持原則,而適應靈活,問題從廣面探討,不作孤立一點之研究,功夫自基本處做起,以拙慢為巧捷,著作以充實為基礎,以光輝為指歸。是故,本書乃一部與史學方法有關之書,然其蹊徑與一般講史方法論者完全不同。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 605円

The Tree of Life An Expose of Physical Regenesis on the Three-Fold Plane of Bodily, Chemical and Spiritual Operation【電子書籍】[ George W. Carey ]

<p>The human race has been asleep, and has dreamed that property and money are the true wealth of a nation, sacrificing men, women and children to the chimerical idea that danced in visionary splendor through their brains. The result of this is to be seen in the uneasiness that prevails everywhere. But humanity is waking up, slowly but surely and beginning to realize that it, itself, is the most precious thing on earth. In this book the author thoroughly explains the process of physical regenesis by applying the principles of bodilychemistry and spiritual operation.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Cryptocurrencies and Cryptoassets Regulatory and Legal Issues【電子書籍】[ Andrew Haynes ]

<p>This book examines the legal and regulatory aspects of cryptocurrency and blockchain and the emerging practical issues that these issues involve.</p> <p>The analysis covers a range of advanced economies across the world, in America, Europe and Asia. The book describes, explains and analyses the nature of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain systems they are constructed on in these major world economies and considers relevant law and regulation and their shortcomings.</p> <p>It will be of use and interest to academics, lawyers, regulators and anyone involved with cryptocurrencies and blockchain.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 8,440円

Tarot Disassembled Guidebook Deconstructing the Symbols of the Major and Minor Arcana【電子書籍】[ Jennifer Cooper Steidley ]

<p><strong>This guide shows the traditional symbolism of the tarot in bold graphics, allowing readers to connect intuitively to the deeper aspects of the cards.</strong></p> <p>The <em>Tarot Disassembled Guidebook</em> provides fresh insight into interpreting the traditional symbolism found in the tarot. In this companion book to the <em>Tarot Disassembled</em> card deck, author and creator Jennifer Cooper Steidley has deconstructed the symbolism, presenting it in bold graphics, allowing the user to connect with the tarot in a completely intuitive wayーfree from any pictorial narrative around gender, skin color, age, size, ability, or any other human constructs.</p> <p>Sometimes we need to take something apart in order to appreciate what’s in it. The same is true for the ingredients of the tarot: the individual symbols that make up the complex picture of a tarot card. There is potential for deep understanding that comes with the act of disassembling, and this guidebook deconstructs each of the seventy-eight cards. The Fool card is shown as a satchel, a dog, the sun, a feather, a flower, a mountain. Each card remains undeniably recognizable. The deconstructed simplicity allows tarot’s rich symbolism to become clear, and readers can see how the symbols wind their way through each card in the deck.</p> <p><em>Tarot Disassembled</em> is based on the symbology of the Rider-Waite-Smith tarotーarguably the most iconic and widely used deck in the world. Once the disassembling of tarot symbols is fully understood, you can begin to apply this deconstructing technique to other decks to find the inner patterns. This unique and innovative guidebook includes keywords, astrological and planetary associations, and elemental associations for each tarot card. It can be used with any deck based on the Rider-Waite system or as a companion to the <em>Tarot Disassembled</em> card deck, sold separately.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,024円

Echoes Fear Vanish【電子書籍】[ Liam Sharma ]

<p>"Echoes Fear Vanish" presents a practical guide to understanding and managing anxiety, focusing on mindfulness and the power of social connection. It addresses the pervasive nature of anxiety, which can hinder personal growth and overall well-being, by offering tools to cultivate inner resilience and build supportive relationships. The book emphasizes that anxiety isn't an insurmountable obstacle but can be mitigated through conscious effort.</p> <p>The book uniquely integrates mindfulness and social connection as complementary strategies, recognizing the interplay between inner resilience and external support. It begins by distinguishing between normal stress and anxiety disorders, then introduces mindfulness exercises for present-moment awareness. Later chapters explore how empathy and communication strengthen social bonds, even addressing social anxiety, with case studies illustrating these techniques.</p> <p>Did you know that mindfulness helps you observe anxious thoughts without judgment, and strong social connections diminish feelings of isolation? This self-help resource synthesizes clinical findings with sociological perspectives, making complex psychological concepts accessible. "Echoes Fear Vanish" adopts a conversational tone, providing actionable strategies and relatable anecdotes to empower readers to take control of their anxiety and enhance their mental health.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 934円

Money and Irish Catholicism An Intimate History, 1850?1921【電子書籍】[ Sarah Roddy ]

<p>In the decades after the Great Famine, from about 1850, the Irish Catholic Church underwent a 'devotional revolution' and grew wealthy on a 'voluntary' system of payments from ordinary lay people. This study explores the lives of the people who gave the money. Focusing on both routine payments made to support clerical incomes and donations towards building the vast Catholic infrastructure that emerged in the period, Money and Irish Catholicism offers an intimate insight into the motivations, experiences, and emotions of ordinary people. In so doing, it offers a new perspective on the history of Irish Catholicism, focused less on the top-down exploits of bishops, priests, and nuns, and more on the bottom-up contributions of everyday Catholics. Sarah Roddy also demonstrates the extent to which the creation of the modern Irish Catholic Church was a transnational process, in which the diaspora, especially in the United States, played a vital role</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 16,210円

CONTENDING AGAINST FOUNDATIONAL POWERS Getting free from ancestral alters【電子書籍】[ Pastor Jerry Eze ]

<p>In the spiritual realm, there are forces at work that seek to undermine our faith, disrupt our lives, and destroy our destinies. These forces are known as foundational powers, and they operate at the very roots of our existence, shaping our experiences, influencing our relationships, and determining our outcomes.</p> <p>As believers, we are not ignorant of the devices of the enemy, but we often underestimate the power and influence of foundational powers. We may recognize their presence in our lives, but we may not know how to confront and overcome them.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,011円

O Futuro Sombrio Da Humanidade【電子書籍】[ Weslley Silva De Oliveira ]

<p>O livro expoem quest?es sobre o transhumanismo desde suas raizes e trazem informa??es diversas a respeito de uma grande gama de variedades sobre o mundo atual e o quanto ele ainda vai evoluir tecnologicamente.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 950円

Scottish Loyalism in the British Atlantic World【電子書籍】

<p>Using recent work on loyalism in Britain, Ireland, and the British Atlantic as a foundation, this book offers a pioneering exploration of Scottish loyalism and explores the many ways in which Scottish loyalists shaped the British Atlantic world in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.</p> <p>Scots have yet to be examined as a particular ethnic group in the context of loyalism in the British Atlantic world. However, like many other Britons and other imperial subjects, Scots demonstrated their support for Crown and empire in myriad ways and for myriad reasons. What often united Scottish loyalists was a commitment to counterrevolution and constitutionalism. Yet the story is not so simple. Scottish loyalties, like others, were complex and often antithetical to perceptions about Scots invented by outsiders. Many Scottish loyalists challenged the traditional narrative as they included those who were assumed to be enemies of the Crown such as Highlanders, Catholics, and people for whom neutrality was a failed political strategy. Through a detailed examination of Scottish loyalism, the chapters in this volume highlight the multifaceted nature of Scottish political engagement and identity in an increasingly volatile political age. By examining these different strands of Scottish loyalism, this volume reveals the new histories of Scots and those of Scottish heritage and the contributions they made to a broad and popular political movement on both sides of the Atlantic.</p> <p>The book will be relevant for students and researchers of Scottish history, British imperial studies, loyalism, and Atlantic history. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue in <em>Atlantic Studies</em> and are supplemented by a new Preface and Conclusion.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 11,311円

M? Terapia【電子書籍】[ Abigail Shrier ]

<p>J? ouvimos hist?rias de cirurgias que correram mal ou de diagn?sticos<br /> errados. Muitos desses casos devem-se a erros m?dicos e podem ser<br /> fatais. Sabemos disso, e temos mecanismos para nos defendermos.<br /> Mas quem nos protege de um mau terapeuta? Mais importante ainda: quem protege os nossos filhos?</p> <p>Nunca houve tantos problemas de sa?de mental entre as crian?as e adolescentes como agora. As receitas de antidepressivos dispararam e os comportamentos de automutila??o multiplicam-se ao mesmo tempo que se multiplicam as consultas com psic?logos e psiquiatras.<br /> Como explicar esta gritante contradi??o?</p> <p>Abigail Shreir, uma premiada jornalista, investigou o fen?meno e apresenta os factos em M? Terapia. Analisou n?meros e estat?sticas de sa?de p?blica, falou com centenas de m?dicos, professores, pais e filhos. Concluiu que a ind?stria da sa?de mental criou uma subcultura pr?pria, especializada em “rotular” as crian?as desde a inf?ncia: n?o s?o t?midas, sofrem antes de “transtorno de ansiedade social”; n?o s?o malcomportadas, mas padecem de “perturba??es de oposi??o e desafio”… Comportamentos antes considerados normais nas crian?as e adolescentes transformaram-se em doen?as diagnostic?veis ? o que leva a que pais e professores evitem a todo o custo “traumatizar” os jovens. Eles crescem presos aos telem?veis (isso sim, ? permitido) mas, sem disciplina, sem ambi??o, com medo de arriscar. Tirar a carta de condu??o, por exemplo, ? hoje “assustador”.</p> <p>Os cuidados de sa?de mental, ressalva a autora, s?o absolutamente essenciais para casos graves. Mas quando se trata de simples frustra??o, tristeza, desapontamento ou solid?o, a melhor maneira de ajudar os nossos filhos ? libert?-los da redoma onde n?s (com a ajuda da ind?stria farmac?utica) os prendemos. Para que enfim possam crescer livres, maduros e autossuficientes.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,789円

Tageb?cher 1950?2009【電子書籍】[ Isa Vermehren ]

<p>Fr?h erkannte Isa Vermehren die Gefahren, die von den Umbr?chen in der zweiten H?lfte des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts f?r Kirche und Gesellschaft ausgingen. Sie wurde zu einer Stimme, die in der ?ffentlichkeit Geh?r fand, unter anderem in der Fernsehsendung ≫Das Wort zum Sonntag≪. Auch als Zeitzeugin f?r die Verheerungen der nationalsozialistischen Diktatur wurde sie einem breiten Publikum bekannt. Immer ging es ihr darum, f?r die Sache des von Gott geliebten, verletzlichen Menschen einzutreten sowie Alltag und Weltgeschehen im Licht des Glaubens zu deuten. Die nun erschienenen Tageb?cher ihrer letzten 60 Jahre sprechen von der unwiderstehlichen Gnade und dem hohen Einsatz, den die Hingabe an sie verlangt.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,200円

German Diplomatic Documents 1871?1914 Volume 3 The Growing Antagonism 1898?1910【電子書籍】

<p>Originally published in 1930, this volume opens with some selections dealing with the situation created by the victory of Japan over China in 1904 which opened a new epoch in the history of the Far East. It includes two momentous conflicts profoundly affecting international relations ? the Boer War and the Russo-Japanese War. It also touches at many points on the long discussions aiming at a naval agreement, with or without some form of general understanding, between England and Germany. Through the Alliance with Japan and the Entente with France it leads up to the separation of Europe into two rival camps, in the course of an evolution in which crisis followed crisis with increasing and often alarming intensity.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 11,817円

Przebudzony Umys?: Odkryj Wewn?trzn? Klarowno??, Autentyczn? Moc i Prawdziwy Cel【電子書籍】[ Mateusz Janeczek ]

<p>Przebudzony Umys?: Odkryj Wewn?trzn? Klarowno??, Autentyczn? Moc i Prawdziwy Cel</p> <p>"Przebudzony Umys?" to co? wi?cej ni? ksi??ka ? to podr?? transformacji, kt?ra prowadzi Ci? do wewn?trznego spokoju, trwa?ego spe?nienia i realizacji Twojego najwy?szego potencja?u. Ten pot??ny przewodnik ??czy ponadczasow? m?dro??, praktyczne strategie samopomocy i duchowe wgl?dy, aby przebudzi? autentyczn? esencj? wewn?trz Ciebie.</p> <p>Po??cz si? na nowo z sob?, uzdr?w swoje wn?trze i uwolnij spos?b my?lenia, kt?ry pozwoli Ci prosperowa? w ka?dym aspekcie ?ycia. Ka?dy rozdzia? to krok w kierunku ?ycia w autentyczno?ci, odporno?ci i z klarowno?ci? celu.</p> <p>W Przebudzonym Umy?le Nauczysz Si?:</p> <p>? Znajdowa? spok?j w chaosie ?ycia: Opanuj techniki, kt?re pomog? Ci pozosta? spokojnym, skupionym i pogodnym, niezale?nie od wyzwa?.</p> <p>? Uwolni? si? od l?k?w i ogranicze?: Porzu? w?tpliwo?ci, wyeliminuj ograniczaj?ce przekonania i przyjmij wolno?? osobist?.</p> <p>? Obudzi? intuicj? i wewn?trzn? si??: Wykorzystaj m?dro?? wewn?trzn?, aby podejmowa? pot??ne, zgodne decyzje.</p> <p>? ?y? z pewno?ci? siebie i celem: Buduj ?ycie, kt?re odzwierciedla Twoje prawdziwe warto?ci i najg??bsze aspiracje.</p> <p>Ka?da strona inspiruje do uwa?no?ci, zach?ca do autorefleksji i wzmacnia Ci?, aby? stworzy? ?ycie pe?ne sensu i r?wnowagi. Ta ksi??ka to Twoja mapa drogowa do osobistego rozwoju, pomagaj?c Ci przebudzi? swoj? autentyczn? natur? i zharmonizowa? si? z rado?ci?, harmoni? i obfito?ci?, na kt?re zas?ugujesz.</p> <p>Co Sprawia, ?e "Przebudzony Umys?" Jest Wyj?tkowy?</p> <p>W ?wiecie pe?nym rozprosze? ta ksi??ka oferuje azyl skupienia i klarowno?ci. ??czy duchow? m?dro?? z praktycznymi strategiami, tworz?c harmonijne po??czenie, kt?re przemawia zar?wno do serca, jak i umys?u.</p> <p>Wyobra? sobie, ?e odnajdujesz niewzruszony spok?j, jednocze?nie z pewno?ci? pokonuj?c zawi?o?ci ?ycia. Wyobra? sobie, ?e Twoje dzia?ania s? zgodne z Twoim prawdziwym celem, a wyzwania zamieniaj? si? w mo?liwo?ci rozwoju. "Przebudzony Umys?" wzmacnia Ci?, by? ?y? z intencj? i na nowo odkry? pi?kno dobrze prze?ywanego ?ycia.</p> <p>Dla Kogo Jest Ta Ksi??ka?</p> <p>Je?li jeste?:</p> <p>? Osob? poszukuj?c? uwa?no?ci i wewn?trznego spokoju,</p> <p>? Kim?, kto pragnie uwolni? si? od l?k?w i znale?? jasno??,</p> <p>? Zdeterminowany, by rozwija? si? osobi?cie i ?y? autentycznie,</p> <p>? Gotowy, by zharmonizowa? si? z prawdziwym sob? i przyj?? sukces oparty na celu,</p> <p>To "Przebudzony Umys?" b?dzie Twoim przewodnikiem do ja?niejszej, bardziej spe?nionej przysz?o?ci.</p> <p>Wejd? w Transformacj? ? Zacznij Ju? Dzi?</p> <p>Ta ksi??ka to co? wi?cej ni? przewodnik ? to zaproszenie do przyj?cia harmonii, odkrycia potencja?u i rozkwitu. "Przebudzony Umys?" oferuje praktyczne ?wiczenia, ponadczasow? m?dro?? i konkretne strategie, kt?re pomog? Ci uzdrowi? si?, rozwija? i odmieni? swoje ?ycie.</p> <p>Dlaczego Czytelnicy Kochaj? "Przebudzony Umys?"?</p> <p>? Praktyczne Narz?dzia: Konkretne kroki do trwa?ej klarowno?ci i r?wnowagi.</p> <p>? Uniwersalna Tre??: Zaprojektowana dla ka?dego, niezale?nie od pochodzenia czy do?wiadczenia.</p> <p>? Inspiruj?ce Podej?cie: Idealne po??czenie samopomocy i duchowego rozwoju.</p> <p>? Holistyczne Wgl?dy: Harmonizuje umys?, cia?o i ducha dla pe?nej transformacji.</p> <p>Nie tylko marz o pokoju, celu i obfito?ci ? podejmij dzia?anie ju? dzi?. Niech "Przebudzony Umys?" b?dzie Twoim przewodnikiem w osi?gni?ciu harmonii, wewn?trznej si?y i ?ycia, kt?re jest Ci przeznaczone.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 800円

Biblical Eldership An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership【電子書籍】[ Alexander Strauch ]

<p>With over 200,000 copies sold, this comprehensive look at the role and function of elders brings all the advantages of shared leadership into focus. Beginning with the four broad categories of eldership (leading, feeding, caring, and protecting), Biblical Eldership explores the essential work of elders, their qualifications (including why qualifications are necessary), their relationships with each other, and each of the biblical passages related to eldership. Written for those seeking a clear understanding of the mandate for biblical eldership, this full-length, expository book defines it accurately, practically, and according to Scripture.</p> <p>"Mr. Strauch has made a fine contribution to the subject of eldership. I am confident that it will be helpful to many." John MacArthur, Jr., Pastor-Teacher, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, CA</p> <p>"At last, a thorough biblical study on the basis of church government and especially the function and ministry of elders! New churches will find it a valuable guideline to effective functioning and older churches will find it a trustworthy corrective." Ray Stedman, former pastor and elder, Peninsula Bible Church, Palo Alto, CA</p> <p>"An excellent text for the study of eldership by young and older men interested in the work of an elder. Strauch is a man of gift and experience, and I am grateful for his work." S. Lewis Johnson, Professor Emeritus of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,663円

Friendship Reset Ditch the Drama and Find Your Crew【電子書籍】[ Maggie Craig ]

<p>Ever feel lost when it comes to friendship advice? Maybe you've heard things like “friends should always agree with you” or “the more friends, the better.” Deep down, however, something feels off. These lies can lead to stress, anxiety, and sometimes even create toxic friendships.</p> <p>Catholic speaker Maggie Craig understands the struggle. Growing up in a generation facing rising anxiety and mental health crises, she realized that some friendships were holding her back and harming her well-being. By learning to let go of unhealthy relationships and strengthening her relationship with God, she transformed her approach to friendship. If you're dealing with friendship drama or looking for more joy in your relationships, <em>Friendship Reset: Ditch the Drama and Find Your Crew</em> offers real talk, encouragement, and practical tips to help you thrive.</p> <p>In <em>Friendship Reset</em>, Maggie shares her own journey of navigating friendships as a teen and young adult, offering down-to-earth reflections and actionable advice on building healthy, Christ-centered relationships. With her spunky yet relatable style, she tackles everything from identifying toxic patterns to bringing faith into friendships that truly matter. Maggie’s candid, real-life insights will inspire you to hit reset and take a fresh look at how your friendships impact your spiritual life.</p> <p>Maggie offers a simple process for analyzing friendships:</p> <ul> <li>Recognize the lies you have internalized about friendship.</li> <li>Have honest, brave conversations with openness and vulnerability.</li> <li>Trust God’s plan for your friendships.</li> <li>Bring faith into your relationships.</li> <li>Have courage to gracefully step away when a friendship is no longer serving your emotional and spiritual well-being.</li> <li>Build new and surprising friendships with those who need friends too.</li> </ul> <p>Discover the transformative power of inviting Jesus into your friendships and embracing the abundant life God intends for you through authentic connections.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,020円

Chaitanya's Life and Teachings【電子書籍】[ Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami ]

<p>Chaitanya's life and teachings' (original title - Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita) is the main work on the life and teachings of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the incarnation of Krishna who appeared in India five hundred years ago. Lord Chaitanya introduced the chanting of the holy names of God as the prescribed method of God-realization for our time. He began what is today called the Hare Krishna movement, since the movement's founder, Srila Prabhupada, comes in the Chaitanya line of spiritual masters.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 98円

?州形象的建?与?播:影???角【電子書籍】[ ??生 ]

<p>本?从?州?材影???一角度来研究?州形象的建?与?播,??了研究?角的?新。从“他塑”走向“自塑”,是?州形象塑造的?展??。国族?同和?代性思想是?州?材影??建??州形象的思想内核。提升?州形象的影?力,必?提升?州?材影??的?播力。整合各??源,完善影????,以?型化推???化,?持内涵式?展,打造精品力作,提高?州?材影??的市??争力,方?治本之策。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,448円

Tartaria - Tartar Stadt【電子書籍】[ David Ewing Jr ]

<p>Was ist Tartar Stadt?<br /> Wo ist Tartar Stadt?<br /> Warum hat niemand von Tartar City geh?rt?</p> <p>Dieses Buch wird die Geschichte des Falls und der Zerst?rung von Tartar Stadt untersuchen<br /> Dieses Buch zeigt einige der Forschungen, die Anatoly Fomenko und andere in Bezug auf die Weltgeschichte durchgef?hrt haben<br /> Dieses Buch zeigt einige der Fakten, die Forscher erw?hnen - und es werden Fotobeweise bereitgestellt, um Ihnen zu zeigen, dass David Ewing Jr. ordnungsgem?? recherchiert hat, um zu ?berpr?fen, was Forscher zu dieser Angelegenheit sagen</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 6,336円

Lectures 1949-1968, Volume 2 Social Theory and Politics【電子書籍】[ Theodor W. Adorno ]

<p>When Theodor W. Adorno returned to Germany from his exile in the United States, he was appointed as a lecturer and researcher at the University of Frankfurt and he immediately made a name for himself as a leading public intellectual. Adorno’s widespread influence on the postwar debates was due in part to the public lectures he gave outside of the university in which he analysed and commented on social, cultural and political developments of the time.</p> <p>This second volume brings together Adorno’s lectures given between 1949 and 1968 on social and political themes. With an engaging and improvisational style, Adorno spoke with infectious vigour about architecture and city planning, the relationship between the individual and society, the authoritarian personality and far-right extremism, political education and the current state of sociology, among other subjects. After Auschwitz, it was incumbent on Germany to undertake intensive memory work and to confront the reality of its own moral destruction, while rebuilding its political and economic systems. To rebuild was taken to mean rediscovery and looking outward, but Adorno also nurtured a vision of tradition which ? far from being unthinkingly conservative ? would attest to society’s honestly-appraised relationship to the past while it underwent the process of modernization. The volume illustrates Adorno’s deep commitment to holding society to standards commensurate with the aspirations of a modern world emerging from the horrors of war.</p> <p>This volume of his lectures is a unique document of Adorno’s startling ability to bring critical theory into dialogue with the times in which he lived. It will be of great value to anyone interested in the work of Adorno and critical theory, in German intellectual and cultural history and in sociology and politics.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 8,563円

Wicked, Wicked Libels【電子書籍】

<p>‘The law of libel is the instrument of censorship by which dignityーtoo often pseudo-dignityーis to be upheld.’ That is Michael Rubinstein’s definition in his introduction to this lively and authoritative account <em>Wicked, Wicked Libels</em> (originally published in 1972) of the libel situation in Britain.</p> <p>The contributors are all actively concerned about libel as a living issue. Michael Rubinstein writes first about ‘the popular appetite for scandal’, and the other contributors view libel from various angles. H. Montgomery Hyde looks at the law of libel itself, Louis Blom-Cooper writes about the conflicts between freer speech and privacy, and Anthony Lincoln discusses the problems facing legal advisers to the press. William Kimber, Richard Ingrams and Cecil H. King look at the subject from the publisher’s point of view. Eugene Gros writes as a successful plaintiff, Louis A. Abraham looks at defamation as contempt of Parliament, and Michael Rubinstein contributes a chapter on book publishing and the law of libel. There are also two important appendices of particular interest: one an account by Harold Laski of a day in court, and the other a Press comment on the PQ 17 case after the hearing in the Court of Appeal.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 11,817円

Modelling Christ Living in His Image and Character【電子書籍】[ Christopher Jeremiah ]

<p><strong>MODELLING CHRIST: LIVING IN HIS IMAGE AND CHARACTER</strong> is an inspiring guide for Christians who desire to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. Drawing from powerful scriptural insights, this book explores the attributes and mindset of Christ, revealing how we can model His life and character in every area of our lives.</p> <p>From His humility and compassion to His authority and wisdom, Christ’s life offers a perfect example for us to follow. In <strong>MODELLING CHRIST</strong>, you will discover:</p> <p>* How to cultivate Christlike humility and servanthood in your daily interactions<br /> * The transformative power of living with Christ’s authority and faith<br /> * Practical steps for developing a deep and meaningful prayer life<br /> * The key to extending forgiveness, just as Christ forgave<br /> * How to apply Christ’s patience and wisdom in the midst of life’s challenges</p> <p>This book goes beyond mere admiration of Jesusーit provides practical guidance on how to embody His character in the modern world. Whether you are new in faith or seeking to deepen your walk with Christ, <strong>MODELLING CHRIST</strong> offers a roadmap to becoming more like Him each day.</p> <p>Let your life reflect the love, power, and grace of Christ. Begin your journey today towards living in His image and character!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 505円

Ripples on the Water【電子書籍】[ Mike Wilson ]

<p>Every thought shared, every action taken and every life touched send out ripples - far reaching beyond our immediate vision, echoing into realms we may never experience but profoundly shape. This collection of eighty-nine thought--provoking and faith-filled poetical narratives explore the invisible currents we generate through our beliefs, struggles and triumphs. Each narrative captures the essence of moments that ripple outward, influencing unseen forces and unheard thoughts. Just as a single pebble can disturb a vast ocean, so can one life stir the waters of many. Engage with this collection and discover how deep those ripples can go ー redefining perceptions, challenging beliefs, and affirming the incalculable value of every human spirit.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,180円

Rejsen til Jakobsland【電子書籍】[ Bodil Gad ]

<p>I ?rhundreder har Santiago de Compostela, der ligger i det allervestligste Spanien ud til Atlanten, v?ret valfartssted for pilgrimme fra hele Europa, der ?nsker at bes?ge den hellige St. Jakobs grav. Men hvordan endte apostlen Jakob, der blev halshugget i Jerusalem, med at blive begravet i Spanien? Og hvorfor var lige netop hans grav, der l? et s? ufremkommeligt og afsides et sted, et s? yndet m?l for en pilgrimsrejse?</p> <p>Tue og Bodil Gad fort?ller om pilgrimmenes lange og besv?rlige rejse til Jakobsland, om apostlens egen historie og om hans betydning for de mange, der valfartede til hans grav.</p> <p>Tue Gad (1918-2001) var en prominent middelalderforsker, bibliotekar og forfatter, der i mange ?r var tilknyttet Det kgl. Biblioteks h?ndskriftssamling. I l?bet af sin lange karriere udgav han et v?ld af b?ger om dansk middelalderhistorie og -kultur. Flere af b?gerne er udgivet i samarbejde med hans kone, Bodil Gad.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,302円

Just Following Orders Atrocities and the Brain Science of Obedience【電子書籍】[ Emilie A. Caspar ]

<p>How can obedience and carrying out orders lead to horrific acts such as the Holocaust or the genocides in Rwanda, Cambodia, or Bosnia? For the most part, it is a mystery why obeying instructions from an authority can convince people to kill other human beings, sometimes without hesitation and with incredible cruelty. Combining social and cognitive neuroscience with real-life accounts from genocide perpetrators, this book sheds light on the process through which obedience influences cognition and behavior. Emilie Caspar, a leading expert in the field, translates this neuroscientific approach into a clear, uncomplicated explanation, even for those with no background in psychology or neuroscience. By better understanding humanity's propensity for direct orders to short-circuit our own independent decision-making, we can edge closer to effective prevention processes.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,401円

三千年来?著史:???期的生存法? ?体中文版【電子書籍】[ 冷成金 ]

<p>内容?介:</p> <p>《三千年来?著史:???期的生存法?》?述了到?武帝?期,中国的政治、??、文化乃至国土都得到了前所未有的?展、?展和?化,中?民族从此得以完全?立,中国的智慧也在?一?期完全?立了自己的形?。?人大著名?史系教授冷成金凭借几十年?中国?史的不断求索与研究,在探?了?一条蛛??迹后,大胆提出”?史的真?意?”,以及剖析其深度涵?。?一个个?史人物和?史?象?行了解?,?作了真?、?活、完整的?史?略文化全集。《三千年来?著史:???期的生存法?》???篇。楚?相争,?何最??邦坐?天下?指?千?万?尚游刃有余的?信,竟死在一个女人之手!?朝?梁的周?夫,?何落了个”不反地上,亦反地下”的罪名??生??国,草莽却成英雄,?又是什?道理?……作?中国最具代表性的?代,???史?藏了无尽的智慧,其中有??略、有?人性、有??世……</p> <p>作者?介:</p> <p>冷成金,中国人民大学中文系教授,博士生??,中国??研究会、李清照辛弃疾研究会理事、常?理事。主要从事中国古典文学和??文化研究。曾先后出版《中国文学的?史与?美》《?士与解脱》《??的哲学?与文??》《??》《?史有学?》等知名?著,在文化界影?巨大。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,011円

The Dark Past The US Supreme Court and African Americans, 1800ー2015【電子書籍】[ William M. Wiecek ]

<p>For most of its existence, the US Supreme Court has sustained slavery, racial discrimination, segregation, racial inequality, and white preference through constitutional interpretation and legal doctrine. During America's first two centuries, slavery was the law of the land. The Court initially avoided challenging it, and in 1857, it seemed that the justices were committed to defending it with the disastrous <em>Dred Scott</em> decision, which denied that Black Americans could claim any rights under the Constitution. The Court also failed to sustain Congress's effort to accord rights and status to Black Americans during Reconstruction, and it accepted white supremacy in the 1896 decision in <em>Plessy v. Ferguson</em>, which ratified the doctrine of "separate but equal." It did better in the Civil Rights Era, 1954-1972, but then again retreated in the face of political backlash. <em>The Dark Past</em> offers a historical overview and interpretive guide to all the major cases decided by US Supreme Court that have affected the freedom and rights of Black Americans since 1800. It lends coherence to what could otherwise be a disjointed chronicle of cases and connects the events of the past to the current era of racial inequality-most recently exhibited in the <em>Shelby County v. Holder</em> (2015) decision, which hobbled the Voting Rights Act. Throughout the six hundred volumes of the <em>United States Reports</em> the justices have almost never alluded to the reality of racism or used words that denote it. Only once has the phrase "white supremacy" appeared in an opinion of the Court, and only thirty or so times has a member of the Court referred to "racism." <em>The Dark Past,</em> on the other hand, incorporates structural racism as a principal definition of inequality in the contemporary Black legal experience as it updates and enlarges our understanding of how the legal foundations of inequality structure American society.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,022円

Wohlfahrtspolitik in Zeiten der S?kularisierung Analysen und Reflexionen【電子書籍】[ Bernhard Emunds ]

<p>Wohlfahrtspolitik geh?rt seit dem 19. Jahrhundert zum Kerngesch?ft des modernen Staates, bewegte sich von Beginn an aber auch im Kontext der christlichen Kirchen. Protestantismus und Katholizismus standen an der Wiege des Bismarckschen Sozialversicherungsstaats. Der br?chige Wohlfahrtsstaat der Weimarer Republik und der deutlich robustere Wohlfahrtsstaat der fr?hen Bundesrepublik w?ren ohne die Kirchen und ihre Soziallehren nicht denkbar gewesen. Wie aber eine angemessene und kluge Politik der Wohlfahrt genauer bestimmt werden k?nnte, bleibt Gegenstand von Kontroversen. So setzen sich die Beitr?ge dieses Bandes mit den normativen Grundlagen des Sozialstaats im Kontext religi?ser Traditionen in Zeiten zunehmender S?kularisierung auseinander.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,800円

Egemenlik K?reselle?mi? Bir D?nyada ?zerklik M?cadelesi【電子書籍】[ Fouad Sabry ]

<p>Egemenlik, modern devlet y?netimini ve k?resel dinamiklerini anlamak i?in kritik ?neme sahip olan Siyaset Bilimi'nin temel ta?lar?ndan biridir. Bu kitap, egemenli?in tarihini, uygulamalar?n? ve gelece?ini ara?t?rarak profesyoneller, ??renciler ve merakl?lar i?in ?nemli i?g?r?ler sunar.</p> <p>1-Egemenlik-Egemenli?in k?kenlerini ve siyasi teorideki ?nemini izler.</p> <p>2-Devlet Ba?kan?-Egemen sistemler i?indeki devlet ba?kan?n?n rol?n? inceler.</p> <p>3-Monar?i-Monar?inin bir egemenlik bi?imi olarak evrimini ve ?nemini analiz eder.</p> <p>4-Devlet (Politika)-Devletin do?as?n? ve egemenlikle ili?kisini tart???r.</p> <p>5-?z-Belirleme-?z-belirlemenin egemenlik ?zerindeki etkisini ara?t?r?r.</p> <p>6-Toplumsal S?zle?me-Toplumsal s?zle?me teorisini ve egemenlik ?zerindeki etkisini ara?t?r?r.</p> <p>7-Ba??ms?zl?k-Devlet ba??ms?zl???n?n zorluklar?na ve ?nemine odaklan?r.</p> <p>8-Otorite-Egemenlik i?indeki otoritenin kaynaklar?n? ve tezah?rlerini analiz eder.</p> <p>9-H?rvatistan Anayasas?-H?rvatistan'?n anayasas? ve egemenli?i ?zerine vaka ?al??mas?.</p> <p>10-Halk Egemenli?i-Demokrasilerde halk egemenli?inin geli?imini inceler.</p> <p>11-Askeri ??gal-Askeri i?galin egemenlik ?zerindeki etkisini tart???r.</p> <p>12-Britanya ?mparatorlu?unun B?lgesel Evrimi-Britanya ?mparatorlu?unun b?lgesel de?i?imlerini ve egemenlik ?zerindeki etkilerini kronikle?tirir.</p> <p>13-Toplumsal S?zle?me-Rousseau'nun ?al??malar?n? ve egemenlik ?zerindeki etkisini ara?t?r?r.</p> <p>14-Halk-Egemen bir devlette halk?n rol?n?, haklar?n? ve g?c?n? ara?t?r?r.</p> <p>15-Sahra Arap Demokratik Cumhuriyeti Anayasas?-Tart??mal? ko?ullar alt?nda egemenli?i analiz eder.</p> <p>16-Vestfalya Sistemi-Vestfalya sisteminin devlet egemenli?i ?zerindeki etkisini inceler.</p> <p>17-Almanya'n?n Yasal Stat?s?-Almanya'n?n II. D?nya Sava?? sonras? yasal stat?s?n? ve egemenli?ini ara?t?r?r.</p> <p>18-Mutlakiyet?ilik (Avrupa Tarihi)-Avrupa mutlakiyet?ili?inin egemenlik ?zerindeki etkisini inceler.</p> <p>19-Hindistan Anayasas?'n?n ?ns?z?-Hindistan'?n anayasal ?ns?z?nde egemenli?i vurgular.</p> <p>20-Amerika Birle?ik Devletleri'nde Pop?ler Egemenlik-ABD'deki pop?ler egemenli?i ara?t?r?r.</p> <p>21-Egemen Devlet-Egemen devletin gelece?i hakk?nda bir tart??mayla sona erer.</p> <p>Bu uzmanca haz?rlanm?? kitapla egemenlik hakk?nda daha derin bir anlay??a kavu?un ve yat?r?m?n?zdan daha fazla de?er elde etmenizi sa?lay?n.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 750円