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ABIGAIL SHRIER SIMON & SCHUSTER USA2021 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9781684512287 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Political Science 2,692円

The Morphology of Biblical Greek: A Companion to Basics of Biblical Greek and the Analytical Lexicon MORPHOLOGY OF BIBLICAL GREEK [ William D. Mounce ]

MORPHOLOGY OF BIBLICAL GREEK William D. Mounce ZONDERVAN1998 Paperback English ISBN:9780310226369 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion 5,860円

My Creative Bible Softcover MY CREATIVE BIBLE SOFTCOVER [ ー ]

MY CREATIVE BIBLE SOFTCOVER ー CHRISTIAN ART GIFTS2018 Leather English ISBN:9781432129439 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion 4,752円

Systematic Theology, Second Edition An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine【電子書籍】[ Wayne A. Grudem ]

<p><strong>This new edition of <em>Systematic Theology</em> by Wayne Grudem is one of the most important resources for helping you understand Scripture and grow as a Christian.</strong></p> <p>The most widely used resource of the last 25 years in its area, <em>Systematic Theology</em> has been thoroughly revised and expanded for the first time while retaining the features that have made it the standard in its field: clear explanations, an emphasis on each doctrine's scriptural basis, and practical applications to daily life.</p> <p><strong>With nearly 250 pages of new content and revisions, this new edition now includes the following distinctive features:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Updated analysis of recent controversies within evangelical theology, including the eternal relationship between the Father and the Son in the Trinity, the role of women in the church, miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit, and contemporary worship music.</li> <li>New discussion and critiques of recent theological controversies situated outside of traditional evangelical theology, such as open theism, the "new perspective on Paul," Molinism (or "middle knowledge"), "Free Grace" theology, and the preterist view of Christ's second coming.</li> <li>Completely revised chapter on the clarity of Scripture.</li> <li>Completely revised chapter on creation and evolution, including a longer critique of theistic evolution and an extensive discussion on the age of the earth.</li> <li>New discussion of how biblical inerrancy applies to some specific "problem verses" in the Gospels.</li> <li>Additional material explaining evangelical Protestant differences with Roman Catholicism, Protestant liberalism, and Mormonism.</li> <li>Completely updated bibliographies.</li> <li>All Scripture quotations updated from RSV to ESV.</li> <li>Updated section on contemporary worship music.</li> <li>Numerous other updates and corrections.</li> </ul> <p>Part of the brilliance of <em>Systematic Theology</em> has been its simplicity and ease of use. Each chapter follows the same structure: discussion of the doctrine being considered, an explanation of that doctrine's biblical support and possible objections, followed by personal application and key terms to know for personal growth. Chapters also include a Scripture memory passage, references to other literature on the topic, and suggested hymns and worship songs.</p> <p>If you think theology is hard to understand or boring, then this new edition of <em>Systematic Theology</em> will change your mind.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,813円

The Bible in 52 Weeks: A Yearlong Bible Study for Women BIBLE IN 52 WEEKS (Bible in 52 Weeks) [ Kimberly D. Moore ]

BIBLE IN 52 WEEKS Bible in 52 Weeks Kimberly D. Moore ROCKRIDGE PR2020 Paperback English ISBN:9781641528153 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion 2,376円

Irresistible How Cuteness Wired our Brains and Conquered the World【電子書籍】[ Professor Joshua Paul Dale ]

<p><strong>A BBC Radio 4 'Book of the Week'</strong></p> <p><strong>'Fascinating ... you'll never look at a Hello Kitty or a Pok?mon the same way again' <em>Mail on Sunday</em></strong></p> <p><strong>Why are some things cute, and others not? What happens to our brains when we see something cute? And how did cuteness go global, from Hello Kitty to Disney characters?</strong></p> <p>Cuteness is an area where culture and biology get tangled up. Seeing a cute animal triggers some of the most powerful psychological instincts we have - the ones that elicit our care and protection - but there is a deeper story behind the broad appeal of Japanese cats and saccharine greetings cards.</p> <p>Joshua Paul Dale, a pioneer in the burgeoning field of cuteness studies, explains how the cute aesthetic spread around the globe, from pop brands to Lolita fashion, kids' cartoons and the unstoppable rise of Hello Kitty. <em>Irresistible</em> delves into the surprisingly ancient origins of Japan's kawaii culture, and uncovers the cross-cultural pollination of the globalised world. Understanding the psychology of cuteness can help answer some of the biggest questions in evolutionary history and the mysterious origins of animal domestication.</p> <p>This is the fascinating cultural history of cuteness, and a revealing look at how our most powerful psychological impulses have remade global style and culture.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,825円

Indelible City Dispossession and Defiance in Hong Kong【電子書籍】[ Louisa Lim ]

<p>**A <em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> NOTABLE BOOK OF THE YEAR</p> <p>An award-winning journalist and longtime Hong Konger indelibly captures the place, its people, and the untold history they are claiming, just as it is being erased.**</p> <p>The story of Hong Kong has long been dominated by competing myths: to Britain, a “barren rock” with no appreciable history; to China, a part of Chinese soil from time immemorial, at last returned to the ancestral fold. For decades, Hong Kong’s history was simply not taught, especially to Hong Kongers, obscuring its origins as a place of refuge and rebellion. When protests erupted in 2019 and were met with escalating suppression from Beijing, Louisa Limーraised in Hong Kong as a half-Chinese, half-English child, and now a reporter who has covered the region for nearly two decadesーrealized that she was uniquely positioned to unearth the city’s untold stories.</p> <p>Lim’s deeply researched and personal account casts startling new light on key moments: the British takeover in 1842, the negotiations over the 1997 return to China, and the future Beijing seeks to impose. <em>Indelible City</em> features guerrilla calligraphers, amateur historians and archaeologists, and others who, like Lim, aim to put Hong Kongers at the center of their own story. Wending through it all is the King of Kowloon, whose iconic street art both embodied and inspired the identity of Hong Kongーa site of disappearance and reappearance, power and powerlessness, loss and reclamation.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,623円

My Utmost for His Highest: Updated Language Paperback (a Daily Devotional with 366 Bible-Based Readi MY UTMOST FHH REVISED UPDATED (Authorized Oswald Chambers Publications) [ Oswald Chambers ]

MY UTMOST FHH REVISED UPDATED Authorized Oswald Chambers Publications Oswald Chambers James Reimann DISCOVERY HOUSE2017 Paperback Revised, Update English ISBN:9781627078757 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion 1,584円


ANTON SZANDOR LAVEY AVON BOOKS (USA)1976 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780380015399 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit 1,584円

被隱形的女性:從各式數據看女性受到的不公對待,消弭生活、職場、設計、醫療中的各種?視 Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in A World Designed for Men【電子書籍】

<p>一本?我、企業、學界、醫界、政府,都該?讀的重要著作!</p> <p>對女性不友善的體制與設計多不勝數,有些甚至出人意料。</p> <p>且看英國得獎自由人權活動家佩雷茲一一道來,提出可行解方!</p> <p>立法委員 王婉諭圖文作家 吉娜兒高雄醫學大學性別研究所退休教授 成令方律師、作家 呂秋遠</p> <p>社會學家、作家 李明?財團法人婦女新知基金會祕書長 周于萱律師娘 林靜如</p> <p>吾思傳媒、女人迷創?人?執行長 張?軒國立台灣大學建築與城?研究所專任教授 畢恆達</p> <p>作家 蔡詩萍律師 頼芳玉立法委員 頼品ヨ</p> <p>ーー重磅推薦(依姓氏筆畫序)</p> <p>★2019年《金融時報》和麥肯錫年度最佳商業圖書獎</p> <p>★2019年英國皇家學會科學獎</p> <p>★2019年英國Books Are My Bag讀者票選獎得主</p> <p>★《泰晤士報》2019年時事類最佳書籍</p> <p>★《新政治家》、《觀察者報》、《金融時報》、《週日泰晤士報》2019年度選書</p> <p>落實真正的性別平權,就從搜集性別分析資料開始!</p> <p>試想以下情形:外出如廁總是大排長龍;手機或各式器具大到讓人難以操作;醫師開的藥並不適合?的身體;發生車禍時,?有高達47%的機率受到重傷;無論在職場或家中,?付出的無數無薪工時不受到認可或重視……如果?覺得上述情況似曾相似,很有可能?就是女性。</p> <p>《被隱形的女性》?露在這個主要為男性打造的世界裡,人們總是系統性的忘記納入一半人口的意見與經驗。自由人權活動家佩雷茲首度融合全球跨領域的案例分析、故事,以及研究,?露性別分析資料不足所造成的嚴重偏誤,?明女性以?些隱而不顯的方式遭到漠視,以及此種現象對女性的健康與福祉所造成的影響,並提出可行的解決方案。</p> <p>各界好評</p> <p>這個世界從?公室空調到?的子宮都有人要管,?還不拿起這本書破解並回???身為女人,?的戰場就是身為女人這件事情,?必須替自己上戰場。</p> <p>ーー圖文作家 吉娜兒</p> <p>?個國家社會都有大量的「社會性別資料缺口」。作者使出洪荒之力,搜集各種資料來證明,除了有這樣的「缺口」存在之外,還有一些補綴「缺口」的作法,讓讀者逐漸看到可以讓女人不再隱形的行動與作法,帶來改變的希望。</p> <p>ーー高雄醫學大學性別研究所退休教授 成令方</p> <p>如果?史(history)的書寫不應再向男性傾斜、只是集結「他的故事(his story)」,而有可能翻轉視角、讓無數的「?」終能現身,那麼找出個人生活與公?場域裡的「性別資料缺口」,從藥劑量到演算法,從物件設計、統計數據到政府決策等等習焉不察之處著手,就是打破女性慣常?默、建立新史觀ーーherstory的必要工程。本書也推薦男性?讀,因為讓女性隱形噤聲的社會結構,也會成為男人?望自在發聲的框限。請一起加入?讀覺醒與自由靈魂的改變行列。</p> <p>ーー社會學家、作家 李明?</p> <p>非常推薦大家看完之後,可以把這本書送給不想承認男性紅利的男性朋友、煩惱政策該如何修正推動的公務員,以及至今仍然小看自己貢獻的女性朋友。只有當我們意識到這樣的男性偏誤存在,我們才能?更有意識的去讓政策、設計變得更完善。</p> <p>ーー財團法人婦女新知基金會祕書長 周于萱</p> <p>這本書是所有對女性與性別議題有興趣的人的必讀之書!作者用清楚的案例與結構,讓所有人理解性別數據跟?個人的關係,從健康、交通、國家制度到醫藥發展等,生活中沒有一件事情跟性別無關,這也是我一直在提倡的,性別作為一個角度存在的必要性。親愛的,不論?是誰,這本書就是必讀的經典。</p> <p>ーー吾思傳媒、女人迷創?人?執行長 張?軒</p> <p>本書讓人大開眼界ーー世界各地所有的政策與決策制定者都該一讀。</p> <p>ーー蘇格蘭民族黨黨魁兼首席大臣 ?可拉.施特金(Nicola Sturgeon)</p> <p>?洛琳.克里亞?.佩雷茲從犀利的角度,剖析了?大多數的社會規範在制定時都忘了考量女性ーー從演算法、藥物劑量到政府政策皆是如此。知識就是力量,要是我們想要改變,就得明白系統運作的方式。這本書就是?的武器,把它交到?認識的?一個人手中。這本書太棒了!</p> <p>ーー律師、英國上議院工黨黨員 海蓮娜.甘逎迪(Helena Kennedy)</p> <p>《被隱形的女性》挑戰世人未知與忽略的主題,並解釋背後的成因。作者寫出了這本令人震撼且大開眼界的重要著作,分析了知識與無知的性別政治。從科技到天災的種種實例,這本前所未有的書即時提醒我們,女性何以必須起身領導影響我們生活?一層面的各種制度。</p> <p>ーー英國哲學家、心理學家、作家 珂迪莉亞.范恩(Cordelia Fine)</p> <p>?得一讀再讀,充滿事實與洞見。既幽默又精采的重要著作。</p> <p>ーー英國演員、作家 羅伯特.韋伯(Robert Webb)</p> <p>《被隱形的女性》?容豐富完整且毫不枯燥,令人讀得津津有味。這是一本既學術又有趣,且非常重要的書。</p> <p>ーー英國遺傳學家、廣播主持人 亞當.盧徳弗(Adam Rutherford)</p> <p>《被隱形的女性》結合一連串衝?人心的事實,令人擔憂與沮喪的同時,依舊引人入勝,一讀就停不下來。</p> <p>ーー英國阿斯頓大學認知神經科學教授 吉娜.里彭(Gina Rippon)</p> <p>太棒了。這是一本足以改變世界的書ーー劃時代的研究鉅作。</p> <p>ーー《泰晤士報》記者 凱特琳.摩蘭(Caitlin Moran)</p> <p>?露真相,?發人心,令人震驚之餘又充滿希望,足可謂俗世聖經。</p> <p>ーー英國作家 珍?特.?特森(Jeanette Winterson)</p> <p>本書一針見血的指出整個制度的驕傲自滿,號召人們起身反抗……本書提供女性起身行動的動力。所有男人都該讀這本書。」</p> <p>ーー《獨立報》、《泰晤士報週日版》專欄作家 克莉絲蒂娜.派特森(Christina Patterson)</p> <p>本書改變了遊戲規則;它堅定的提出一連串令人震撼的事實,充滿哀傷、瘋狂、可惡但又滑稽可笑的真相。作者鑽研長久以來無人能?回答的問題,寫下此引人入勝的作品……本書極且野心、視野宏大,令人耳目一新,講述當我們忘了納入全人類一半的人口,會發生何事。所有的政策制定者、政治人物和經理人的書櫃上,都該放上這本書。</p> <p>ーー《泰晤士報》記者與專欄作家 梅蘭?.瑞徳(Melanie Reid)</p> <p>太精采了……本書條列令人震驚的事例,指出人們向來把人視作男人,此遍及各地的現象?曲了我們對人類的看法。</p> <p>ーー美國《國家》雜誌記者 凱莎.波利特(Katha Pollitt)</p> <p>畢生讀過最重要的著作。</p> <p>ーー網站「?該認識的女性」(Women You Should Know)</p> <p>一本非常精湛的著作,想要打破父權社會的人都需要本書提及的資訊。</p> <p>ーー《愛爾蘭時報》</p> <p>一本超乎想像的好書。</p> <p>ーー知名獨立電台節目《隱形的99%》(99% Invisible)主持人 羅曼.馬斯(Roman Mars)</p> <p>本書以令人震驚的方式,讓我們看到多少人因性別資料缺口付出巨大代價,這些代價包括收入、時間、婦女健康,甚至有婦女為此賠上性命。</p> <p>ーー美國《Bustle》雜誌</p> <p>作者以清晰的文筆建立論點,呼?人們拓展包容力,同時以?著又令人驚喜的幽默,描述制度隱藏的偏見以及種種性別資料缺口。有些讀者也許會?男女早已平等,性別不再重要,然而本書正是此種?法的當頭棒喝。本書必定會受到大?歡迎。」</p> <p>ーー美國《科克斯書評》</p> <p>雖然過去數十年,婦女推動了各種革新與改變,但本書證明我們仍有好長一段路要走。而第一?就是找一間舒適?暖的房間,好好?讀本書。</p> <p>ーー美國女性網站PureWow</p> <p>本書挑戰常規,人人必讀。</p> <p>ーー美國《出版者週刊》</p> <p>女權運動人士?洛琳.克里亞多.佩雷斯的著作令我們瞠目結舌。本書深入探討當今社會(仍舊)把婦女排除在外的現象。</p> <p>ーー網路媒體Refinery29英國站</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,455円

The Holy Bible (Kjv), Holy Spirit Edition, Imitation Leather, Dedication Page, Prayer Section: King HOLY BIBLE (KJV) HOLY SPIRIT / [ Zeiset ]

HOLY BIBLE (KJV) HOLY SPIRIT / Zeiset ZEISET2020 Leather English ISBN:9781622456338 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion 2,851円


ABIGAIL SHRIER SIMON & SCHUSTER USA2020 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9781684510313 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Political Science 4,593円

Un verdor terrible【電子書籍】[ Benjam?n Labatut ]

<p><strong>La aventura de la ciencia convertida en literatura. Un libro inclasificable y poderosamente seductor.</strong></p> <p>Las narraciones incluidas en este libro singular y fascinante tienen un hilo conductor que las entrelaza: la ciencia, con sus b?squedas, tentativas, experimentos e hip?tesis, y los cambios que ?para bien y para mal? introduce en el mundo y en nuestra visi?n de ?l.</p> <p>Por estas p?ginas des?lan descubrimientos reales que forman una larga cadena perturbadora: el primer pigmento sint?tico moderno, el azul de Prusia, creado en el siglo XVIII gracias a un alquimista que buscaba el Elixir de la Vida mediante crueles experimentos con animales vivos, se convierte en el origen del cianuro de hidr?geno, gas mortal que el qu?mico jud?o alem?n Fritz Haber, padre de la guerra qu?mica, emple? para elaborar el pesticida Zyklon, sin saber que los nazis acabar?an utiliz?ndolo en los campos de exterminio para asesinar a miembros de su propia familia. Tambi?n asistimos a las exploraciones matem?ticas de Alexander Grothendieck, que le llevaron al delirio m?stico, el aislamiento social y la locura; a la carta enviada a Einstein por un amigo moribundo desde las trincheras de la Primera Guerra Mundial, con la soluci?n de las ecuaciones de la relatividad y el primer augurio de los agujeros negros; y a la lucha entre los dos fundadores de la mec?nica cu?ntica ?Erwin Schr?dinger y Werner Heisenberg? que gener? el principio de incertidumbre y la famosa respuesta que Einstein le grit? a Niels Bohr: ≪?Dios no juega a los dados con el universo!≫</p> <p>La literatura explora la ciencia, la ciencia se convierte en literatura. Benjam?n Labatut ha escrito un libro inclasi?cable y poderosamente seductor, que habla de descubrimientos fruto del azar, teor?as que bordean la locura, b?squedas alqu?micas del conocimiento y la exploraci?n de los l?mites de lo desconocido.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,436円

The Whole Bible Story: Everything That Happens in the Bible in Plain English WHOLE BIBLE STORY [ William H. Marty ]

WHOLE BIBLE STORY William H. Marty BETHANY HOUSE PUBL2011 Paperback English ISBN:9780764208294 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion 2,673円

Majestic Bible Tabs Lavender MAJESTIC BIBLE TABS LAVENDER (Majestic Bible Tabs) [ Ellie Claire ]

MAJESTIC BIBLE TABS LAVENDER Majestic Bible Tabs Ellie Claire ELLIE CLAIRE GIFT & PAPER CO2009 Other English ISBN:9781934770825 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion 897円

聖書日中対訳 Holy Bible, Japanese and S.Chinese Edtion【電子書籍】[ 日本聖書協会 ]

<p>This book combines the Holy Bible Japanese Edition (Colloquial Japanese) and Chinese Edition (Chinese Union Version, Simplified Chinese) into one.</p> <p>口語訳聖書(こうごやくせいしょ)は、日本聖書協会の発行する日本語訳聖書のひとつ。旧約聖書と新約聖書の両方を含むが、いわゆる第二正典を含まない。1954年に新約が、1955年に旧約が出版された。正式英語名は Bible, Colloquial Japanese。</p> <p>モバイル用に最適化:これは、強化された組版機能と包括的かつスマートブックナビゲーションシステムが含まれています。</p> <p>??和合本,是今日??基督新教教会最普遍使用的《??》?本,?世一百年以来,一直是?人教会的?威?本,是?多信徒心?的??。在1919年正式出版?,官話《??》?本名?《官話和合?本》,从此就成了?今大多数?語教会采用的和合本《??》。</p> <p>?了?助人?能更好的研???,本?將中文??-和合本?体版和日文??-口語訳聖書??平行排列,以彼此参照。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 400円

Ejaculate Responsibly A Whole New Way to Think About Abortion【電子書籍】[ Gabrielle Stanley Blair ]

<p><strong>THE <em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER</strong></p> <p><strong>In <em>Ejaculate Responsibly</em>, Gabrielle Blair offers a provocative reframing of the abortion issue in post-<em>Roe</em> America.</strong></p> <p>In a series of 28 brief arguments, Blair deftly makes the case for moving the abortion debate away from controlling and legislating women’s bodies and instead directs the focus on men’s lack of accountability in preventing unwanted pregnancies.</p> <p>Highly readable, accessible, funny, and unflinching, Blair builds her argument by walking readers through the basics of fertility (men are 50 times more fertile than women), the unfair burden placed on women when it comes to preventing pregnancy (90% of the birth control market is for women), the wrongheaded stigmas around birth control for men (condoms make sex less pleasurable, vasectomies are scary and emasculating), and the counterintuitive reality that men, who are fertile 100% of the time, take little to no responsibility for preventing pregnancy.</p> <p>The result is a compelling and convincing case for placing the responsibilityーand burdenーof preventing unwanted pregnancies away from women and onto men.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,068円

A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament【電子書籍】[ Eugene Merrill ]

<p><em>A Biblical Theology of the Old Testament</em> gives fresh insight and understanding to this theological discipline. Scholars from Dallas Theological Seminary combine to create this important volume edited by Roy B. Zuck. Each contributor looks at divine revelation as it appears chronologically in the canon, allowing you to witness God's truth unfold through the centuries.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,883円

NIV Bible In One Year Hardback【電子書籍】[ New International Version ]

<p>The Hodder NIV Bible In One Year splits up the whole Bible into daily readings, with an Old Testament, New Testament and Psalm or Proverbs excerpt for each day of the year. It is ideal for personal devotions or to read as a community. This Bible features an easy-to-read layout, a timeline of the Bible and an overview of Bible Books and genres.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,349円

Introducing Medieval Biblical Interpretation: The Senses of Scripture in Premodern Exegesis INTRODUCING MEDIEVAL BIBLICAL [ Ian Christopher Levy ]

INTRODUCING MEDIEVAL BIBLICAL Ian Christopher Levy BAKER PUB GROUP2018 Paperback English ISBN:9780801048807 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion 7,550円

Holy Bible: King James Version【電子書籍】[ Various Authors ]

<p>The King James Version is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England, commissioned in 1604 and completed in 1611 under the sponsorship of James VI and I. The books of the King James Version include the 39 books of the Old Testament, an intertestamental section containing 14 books of the Apocrypha, and the 27 books of the New Testament. James gave the translators instructions intended to ensure that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology ー and reflect the episcopal structure ー of the Church of England and its belief in an ordained clergy. Noted for its "majesty of style", the King James Version has been described as one of the most important books in English culture and a driving force in the shaping of the English-speaking world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

No Greater Love: A Biblical Vision for Friendship NO GREATER LOVE [ Rebecca McLaughlin ]

NO GREATER LOVE Rebecca McLaughlin MOODY PUBL2023 Paperback English ISBN:9780802428929 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion 2,534円

Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men INVISIBLE WOMEN [ Caroline Criado Perez ]

INVISIBLE WOMEN Caroline Criado Perez ABRAMS PR2021 Paperback English ISBN:9781419735219 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Social Science 2,851円

The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible MORE BEAUTIFUL WORLD OUR HEART [ Charles Eisenstein ]

MORE BEAUTIFUL WORLD OUR HEART Charles Eisenstein NORTH ATLANTIC BOOKS2013 Paperback English ISBN:9781583947241 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit 3,168円

Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible ILLUS DICT OF THE BIBLE (Super Value) [ Herbert Lockyer ]

ILLUS DICT OF THE BIBLE Super Value Herbert Lockyer F. F. Bruce R. K. Harrison THOMAS NELSON PUB2003 Hardcover English ISBN:9780785250517 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion 5,544円

La Sainte Bible: Louis Segond 1910 (L'Ancien et le Nouveau Testament)【電子書籍】[ Zeiset ]

<p>Pour une lecture simplifi?e, vous pouvez acc?der aux diff?rents livres et chapitres ? partir de la table des mati?res, puis y revenir ? tout moment.</p> <p>Citation biblique<br /> JEAN 15<br /> 1 Je suis le vrai cep, et mon P?re est le vigneron.<br /> 2 Tout sarment qui est en moi et qui ne porte pas de fruit, il le retranche; et tout sarment qui porte du fruit, il l’?monde, afin qu’il porte encore plus de fruit.<br /> 3 D?j? vous ?tes purs, ? cause de la parole que je vous ai annonc?e.<br /> 4 Demeurez en moi, et je demeurerai en vous. Comme le sarment ne peut de lui-m?me porter du fruit, s’il ne demeure attach? au cep, ainsi vous ne le pouvez non plus, si vous ne demeurez en moi.<br /> 5 Je suis le cep, vous ?tes les sarments. Celui qui demeure en moi et en qui je demeure porte beaucoup de fruit, car sans moi vous ne pouvez rien faire.<br /> 6 Si quelqu’un ne demeure pas en moi, il est jet? dehors, comme le sarment, et il s?che; puis on ramasse les sarments, on les jette au feu, et ils br?lent.<br /> 7 Si vous demeurez en moi, et que mes paroles demeurent en vous, demandez ce que vous voudrez, et cela vous sera accord?.<br /> 8 Si vous portez beaucoup de fruit, c’est ainsi que mon P?re sera glorifi?, et que vous serez mes disciples.<br /> 9 Comme le P?re m’a aim?, je vous ai aussi aim?s. Demeurez dans mon amour.<br /> 10 Si vous gardez mes commandements, vous demeurerez dans mon amour, de m?me que j’ai gard? les commandements de mon P?re, et que je demeure dans son amour.<br /> 11 Je vous ai dit ces choses, afin que ma joie soit en vous, et que votre joie soit parfaite.</p> <p>Publi?e par Zeiset. Notre mission est simple mais cruciale : veiller ? ce que les gens lisent la Bible pour ce qu'elle est et pour ce qu'elle dit.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 129円

NIV Pink Bible Ebook【電子書籍】[ New International Version ]

<p>The New International Version is the world's most popular modern English Bible translation. It is renowned for its combination of reliability and readability and was fully revised and updated in 2011 for the first time in 25 years. This NIV Bible features:Pink text (text will only appear pink if your e-reader has a colour display)<br /> Specially developed easy navigation system using the pretty butterfly button<br /> Quick links to key stories, events and people of the Bible<br /> Quick links to inspiration and help from the Bible for different life situations<br /> Linked Bible reading plan<br /> Bible timeline<br /> Overview of each book of the Bible<br /> British spelling, punctuation and grammarThis revised and updated edition of the NIV takes into account changes in the way we use language day to day; advances in biblical scholarship and understanding; and the need to faithfully reflect whether men and women are referred to in each instance, using gender accurate language. The translators have carefully assessed a huge body of scholarship, as well as inviting peer submissions, in order to review every word of the existing NIV to ensure it remains as clear and relevant today as when it was first published.Royalties from all sales of the NIV Bible help Biblica, formerly the International Bible Society, in their work of translating and distributing Bibles around the world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 640円

The Holy Bible - American Standard Version (ASV) : The Holy Bible American Standard Version (English Revised New Testament)【電子書籍】[ Lord Jesus Christ ]

<p>The American Standard Version of 1901 is an Americanization of the English Revised<br /> American Standard Version</p> <p>New Testament of 1891, which is an update of the KJV to less archaic spelling and greater accuracy of translation. It has been called “The Rock of Biblical Honesty.” It is the product of the work of over 50 Evangelical Christian scholars.<br /> While the ASV retains many archaic word forms, it is still more understandable to the modern reader than the KJV in many passages. The ASV also forms the basis for several modern English translations.</p> <p>Holy Bible The New Testament<br /> of our Load and Saviour<br /> JESUS CHRIST</p> <p>TRANSLATED OUT OF THE GREEK Being the version set forth A.D. 1611 compared with he most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1881 Newly Edited by the New Testament Members of the American Revision Committee<br /> A.D. 1900</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 132円

Legacies of Space and Intangible Heritage Archaeology, Ethnohistory, and the Politics of Cultural Continuity in the Americas【電子書籍】

<p><em>Legacies of Space and Intangible Heritage</em> is an interdisciplinary exploration of the intersections between the study and management of physical sites and the reproduction of intangible cultural legacies. The volume provides nine case studies that explore different ways in which place is mediated by social, political, and ecological processes that have deep historical roots and that continue to affect the politics of heritage management.</p> <p>Spaces of human habitation are both historical records of the past and key elements in reproducing the knowledge and values that define lives in the present. Practices, knowledge, and skills that communities recognize as part of their cultureーand that a range of legal statutes define as protected intangible heritagesーare threatened by increased migration, the displacement of indigenous peoples, and limits on access to culturally or historically significant sites. This volume addresses how different physical environments contribute to the reproduction of cultural forms even in the wake of these processes of displacement and change. Case studies from North and South America reveal a pattern of abandonment and reestablishment of settlements and show how collective memory drives people back to culturally meaningful sites.</p> <p>This tendency for communities to return to the sites that shaped their collective histories, along with the growing importance granted to intangible heritage, challenges archaeologists and other heritage workers to find new ways of incorporating the cultural legacies that link societies to place into the work of research and stewardship. By examining the politics of cultural continuity through the lenses of archaeology and ethnohistory, <em>Legacies of Space and Intangible Heritage</em> demonstrates this complex relationship between a people’s heritage and the landscape that affects the making of "place."</p> <p><em>Contributors</em>: Rani Alexander, Hannah Becker, Minette Church, Bonnie Clark, Chip Colwell, Winifred Creamer, Emiliana Cruz, T. J. Ferguson, Julio Hoil Gutierrez, Jonathan Haas, Saul Hedquist, Maren Hopkins, Stuart B. Koyiyumptewa, Christine Kray, Henry Marcelo Castillo, Anna Roosevelt, Jason Yaeger, Keiko Yoneda</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2円

King James Bible: The Holy Bible - Authorized King James Version - KJV (Old Testament and New Testaments)【電子書籍】[ King James : The Holy Bible - Jesus Christ ]

<p>Containing the Old Testaments translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by his majesty's special command.</p> <p>Appointed to be read in churches.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 100円