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【ユリアン・アルプス トリグラフ Julian Alps - Triglav National Park】

---【商品データ】---------------- [カテゴリ] 登山・トレッキング [ 縮 尺 ] 1/50,000 [等高線] 25m間隔 [出版社] Sidarta [ 言 語 ] スロベニア語、英語、他----【内容インフォメーション】---------------------  スロベニア山岳で最もポピュラーなトリグラフ国立公園一帯と、観光名所でもあるボヒニ湖周辺もカバーしたカラートレッキング・マップ。地形図としてクオリティが高く、およそ全てのトレイルを掲載。緯度経度の表示もありGPSに対応。水場、キャンプサイト、小屋、クライミング・エリアなどの情報が非常に詳細にマークされている。裏面はエリア内各小屋からアプローチできるルート、ピークなどがイラスト入りで分かり易くまとめられ、索引表もあり。 ----【関連情報】---------------------  ヒマラヤ登山他、クライミングでも活躍するスロベニア人は、広くはない国土に標高こそ高くないが切りたった山を多く擁する山域を持っている。その代表的なエリアがこの地図のカバーする国立公園。主峰トリグラフは2864m。その他にも地図から容易にイメージできる登攀欲をそそられる山が周辺に広がっている。強靭なクライマーはここから輩出されたと考えると、非常に興味がわいてくる。 2,950円

National Geographic Pacific Crest Trail Wall Map in Gift Box (18 X 48 In) BOXED-MAP-NATL GEOGRAPHIC PACI (National Geographic Reference Map) [ National Geographic Maps ]

BOXEDーMAPーNATL GEOGRAPHIC PACI National Geographic Reference Map National Geographic Maps NATL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS2020 Other English ISBN:9781597755825 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 3,168円

Tuscany Map [Italy] MAP-TUSCANY MAP ITALY 2022/E (National Geographic Adventure Map) [ National Geographic Maps ]

MAPーTUSCANY MAP ITALY 2022/E National Geographic Adventure Map National Geographic Maps NATL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS2022 Folded English ISBN:9781566955379 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 2,227円

Sydney Map MAP-SYDNEY MAP 2019/E (National Geographic Destination City Map) [ National Geographic Maps ]

MAPーSYDNEY MAP 2019/E National Geographic Destination City Map National Geographic Maps NATL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS2019 Folded English ISBN:9781597754026 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 1,485円

Inside KSK Ein Ex-Kommandosoldat ?ber das verborgene Innenleben der Eliteeinheit und ihre Skandale【電子書籍】[ Philipp Schaaf ]

<p>Fast 20 Jahre diente Philipp Schaaf beim Kommando Spezialkr?fte, kurz KSK, das als bestausgebildete Truppe der Bundeswehr gilt. Urspr?nglich aufgestellt, um deutsche Geiseln im Ausland zu befreien sowie den internationalen Terrorismus zu bek?mpfen, dringt ?ber das KSK bis heute wenig nach au?en. Ausbildung und Eins?tze werden streng geheim gehalten, das Headquarter in der Graf-Zeppelin-Kaserne in Calw ist von der ?ffentlichkeit abgeschottet. In diesem autobiografischen Buch erz?hlt der ehemalige Oberstabsfeldwebel die Geschichte seiner au?ergew?hnlichen Karriere. Eindringlich beschreibt er die physisch und psychisch extrem fordernden Auswahlverfahren, zum Beispiel die sogenannte H?llenwoche, sowie die mehrj?hrige Spezialausbildung, die hierzulande einzigartig ist. Schaaf galt als Vorzeigesoldat. Er absolvierte mehrere Auslandseins?tze, stieg ins F?hrungsteam seiner Kompanie auf und wurde als Verbindungsoffizier beim Einsatzf?hrungskommando der Bundeswehr eingesetzt. In einer ehrlichen und selbstkritischen R?ckschau auf seine Dienstzeit gibt er Einblicke in das verborgene Innenleben der Elitetruppe, berichtet von geheimen Eins?tzen, bei denen deutsche Soldaten starben, und deckt Hintergr?nde des bisher gr??ten Skandals beim KSK auf, in dessen Folge er selbst vor Gericht und im Gef?ngnis landete.</p> <p>Philipp Schaaf, 1975 in Leipzig geboren, zog als Kind mit seinen Eltern aufs Land, wo der Vater als Sch?fer arbeitete. Nach der Schulzeit wurde er Isolierer, bis ihn die Bundeswehr 1996 zum Wehrdienst einzog. Am Ende seiner Dienstzeit beim Gebirgsj?gerbataillon 571 in Schneeberg/Sachsen beschloss er, vier Jahre dranzuh?ngen, um Unteroffizier zu werden. Aufgrund seiner k?rperlichen Leistungsf?higkeit empfahlen ihm Ausbilder und Vorgesetzte, sich beim Kommando Spezialkr?fte, der geheimnisumwobenen Eliteeinheit im baden-w?rttembergischen Calw, zu bewerben. 2001 bestand er das h?chst anspruchsvolle Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren, wurde Kommandosoldat, qualifizierte sich zum Heeresbergf?hrer, zum Breacher und zum Kommando-Medic, nahm an geheimen Operationen unter anderem in Afghanistan und in Afrika teil. Sp?ter stieg er ins Planungs- und Ausbildungsteam seiner Kompanie auf, agierte als Verbindungsoffizier beim Einsatzf?hrungskommando der Bundeswehr und wurde mehrfach ausgezeichnet. Doch im Fr?hjahr 2020 fand die Karriere des Oberstabsfeldwebels infolge des Skandals um die sogenannte Schweinekopfparty ein j?hes Ende. Wehrdisziplinaranwalt, Milit?rischer Abschirmdienst (MAD) und Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelten auch gegen ihn er wurde verhaftet, sa? monatelang in einer Hochsicherheitszelle in Einzelhaft und wurde schlie?lich zu einer Bew?hrungsstrafe verurteilt. Heute arbeitet er im Sicherheitsdienst. Fred Sellin, Jahrgang 1964, studierte Journalistik, arbeitete als Redakteur f?r verschiedene Tages- und Wochenzeitungen und lebt heute als freier Autor in Hamburg. Er schrieb Biografien, True-Crime-Titel und investigative Sachb?cher zu verschiedenen Themen, zuletzt die beiden ≫SPIEGEL≪-Bestseller ≫Die gro?e Sauerei≪ mit Hannes Jaenicke und ≫Sch?tzenhilfe≪ mit Jonas Kratzenberg, einem deutschen Soldaten, der freiwillig in der Ukraine k?mpfte.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,614円

Denali National Park and Preserve Map MAP-DENALI NATL PARK & PRESERV (National Geographic Trails Illustrated Map) [ National Geographic Maps ]

MAPーDENALI NATL PARK & PRESERV National Geographic Trails Illustrated Map National Geographic Maps NATL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS2023 Folded English ISBN:9781566953283 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 2,227円


MARK PHELPS SIMON & SCHUSTER USA2013 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9781616286064 洋書 Travel(旅行) Transportation 6,336円

Michelin Spain & Portugal MAP-MICHELIN SPAIN & PORTUGAL (Michelin Maps) [ Michelin ]

MAPーMICHELIN SPAIN & PORTUGAL Michelin Maps Michelin MICHELIN TRAVEL PUBN2018 Folded English ISBN:9782067171374 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 2,059円

National Geographic Australia Wall Map - Classic (30.25 X 27 In) MAP-NATL GEOGRAPHIC AUSTRALIA (National Geographic Reference Map) [ National Geographic Maps ]

MAPーNATL GEOGRAPHIC AUSTRALIA National Geographic Reference Map National Geographic Maps NATL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS2019 Not Folded English ISBN:9780792280996 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 2,692円

John Muir Trail Map MAP-JOHN MUIR TRAIL MAP 2024/E (National Geographic Topographic Map Guide) [ National Geographic Maps ]

MAPーJOHN MUIR TRAIL MAP 2024/E National Geographic Topographic Map Guide National Geographic Maps NATL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS2024 Other English ISBN:9781566956895 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 2,376円

Barcelona Map MAP-BARCELONA MAP 2023/E (National Geographic Destination City Map) [ National Geographic Maps ]

MAPーBARCELONA MAP 2023/E National Geographic Destination City Map National Geographic Maps NATL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS2023 Folded English ISBN:9781597754576 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 1,584円

SYDNEY TRAVEL GUIDE 2024 Pocket-Sized Solo & Group Itinerary Companion With Insider Tips, Contacts, Hidden Gems, Locations, Prices, And Country-By-Country Estimations Of Making A Budget-Friendly Trip【電子書籍】[ MICHAEL C. DUGAN ]

<p>**Your Ultimate Guide To Sydney 2024</p> <p>Embark on a journey like never before with a meticulously crafted companion born from adventures and misadventures in the enchanting city of Sydney. This guide is not just a collection of facts; it's a treasure trove of insights, wisdom, and firsthand experiences to ensure your trip to Sydney surpasses all expectations.</p> <p>Inside, you'll discover:</p> <p>〓 Opening Hours Unveiled: Navigate Sydney with ease as it unveils the opening hours of must-see attractions and top dining spots. Say goodbye to unexpected closures and hello to a seamless travel experience.</p> <p>〓 Accommodations Decoded: Find the perfect sanctuary for your stay with detailed information on accommodations for every budget. Discover their locations, costs, and contacts, ensuring your Sydney visit is both comfortable and memorable.</p> <p>〓 Essential Contacts at Your Fingertips: From emergency services to local tips, you are covered. All the necessary contacts you'll need during your stay in Sydney are right at your fingertips.</p> <p>〓? Shopping Bliss: Shop like a local with insider tips on the best shopping spots in Sydney. From boutique gems to iconic stores, know their opening hours, contacts, and locations to indulge in a retail therapy experience like no other.</p> <p>〓 Navigate with Ease: Master Sydney's intricate public transport system with this comprehensive guide. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to smooth travels with navigation and transport etiquette insights.</p> <p>〓 Safety First: Feel secure in Sydney with emergency and security contacts. Your safety is a priority, and this guide ensures you're equipped with the information you need.</p> <p>〓 Cultural Etiquette Unveiled: Immerse yourself in Sydney's vibrant culture with this guide on cultural etiquette. From greetings to gestures, be a respectful traveler and create meaningful connections.</p> <p>〓 Must-Try Delights: Indulge your taste buds with expert recommendations for the best drinks and foods Sydney has to offer. Experience the city's culinary delights like a true connoisseur.</p> <p>〓 Currency and Money Matters: Navigate Sydney's financial landscape effortlessly with a guide to currency and money matters. Know the best practices for a hassle-free transaction experience.</p> <p>〓 Plan Your Visit: Maximize your trip by understanding month-by-month climate changes and discovering the best time to visit Sydney. Unveil the secrets to an unforgettable Sydney sojourn.</p> <p>Your adventure begins now! Take charge of your Sydney experience.</p> <p>〓 Order your copy of the "Sydney Travel Guide 2024" today! Uncover the secrets, embrace the culture, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Don't just dream of Sydney; make it your reality. Add to your cart now! 〓**</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,616円

National Geographic World Wall Map - Executive (Poster Size: 36 X 24 In) MAP-NATL GEOGRAPHIC WORLD WALL (National Geographic Reference Map) [ National Geographic Maps ]

MAPーNATL GEOGRAPHIC WORLD WALL National Geographic Reference Map National Geographic Maps NATL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS2022 Other English ISBN:9781597752084 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 3,168円

Shenandoah National Park Simply Beautiful SHENANDOAH NATL PARK SIMPLY BE (Simply Beautiful) [ Ann Simpson ]

SHENANDOAH NATL PARK SIMPLY BE Simply Beautiful Ann Simpson Rob Simpson Patressa Kearns FARCOUNTRY PR2007 Hardcover English ISBN:9781560374169 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 3,168円

Insight Guides Cruising & Cruise Ships 2024 (Cruise Guide with Ebook) INSIGHT GUIDES CRUISING & CRUI (Insight Guides Cruise Guide) [ Insight Guides ]

INSIGHT GUIDES CRUISING & CRUI Insight Guides Cruise Guide Insight Guides INSIGHT GUIDES2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781839053443 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 4,435円


NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS OTHERS2022 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9781566955195 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 2,376円

Michelin Australia Map 785 MAP-MICHELIN AUSTRALIA MAP 785 (Maps/Country (Michelin)) [ Michelin ]

MAPーMICHELIN AUSTRALIA MAP 785 Maps/Country (Michelin) Michelin MICHELIN TRAVEL PUBN2024 Folded English ISBN:9782067262690 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 2,059円

Hawaii Map MAP-HAWAII MAP REV/E 2022/E (National Geographic Adventure Map) [ National Geographic Maps ]

MAPーHAWAII MAP REV/E 2022/E National Geographic Adventure Map National Geographic Maps NATL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS2022 Folded Revised English ISBN:9781566956512 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 2,376円

Fodor's Tokyo: With Side Trips to Mt. Fuji, Hakone, and Nikko FODOR TOKYO 8/E (Full-Color Travel Guide) [ Fodor's Travel Guides ]

FODOR TOKYO 8/E FullーColor Travel Guide Fodor's Travel Guides FODORS2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781640975590 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 3,326円

New Zealand Map MAP-NEW ZEALAND MAP 2022/E (National Geographic Adventure Map) [ National Geographic Maps ]

MAPーNEW ZEALAND MAP 2022/E National Geographic Adventure Map National Geographic Maps NATL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS2022 Folded English ISBN:9781566955492 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 2,227円

North Carolina Map MAP-NORTH CAROLINA MAP 2023/E (National Geographic Guide Map) [ National Geographic Maps ]

MAPーNORTH CAROLINA MAP 2023/E National Geographic Guide Map National Geographic Maps NATL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS2023 Folded English ISBN:9781566957762 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 1,584円

The Pyrenees (Rough Guides Snapshot France)【電子書籍】[ Rough Guides ]

<p>The***Rough Guides Snapshot France: the Pyrenees*** is the ultimate travel guide to this mountainous region, and also includes coverage of the beguiling Basque country. It leads you through the region with reliable information and comprehensive coverage of all the sights and attractions, from surfing big waves in Biarritz and inspecting pre-historic paintings in the Ari?ge valley to taking a trip on the charming Petit Train Jaune and exploring dramatic Cathar castles in the Corbi?res.</p> <p>Detailed maps and up-to-date listings pinpoint the best caf?s, restaurants, hotels, shops, bars and nightlife, ensuring you make the most of your trip, whether passing through, staying for the weekend or longer. The <em><strong>Rough Guides Snapshot France: the Pyrenees</strong></em> also covers Pau, Lourdes, the Vall?e d'Aspe and Vall?e d'Ossau, the Cirque de Gavarnie, the Comminges, the Val d'Ari?ge and Vall?e de l'Aude, the Pays de Sault, Roussillon, Perpignan, the C?te Vermeille and the Vall?e de Tech. Also included is the Basics section from the <em>Rough Guide to France</em>, with all the practical information you need for travelling in and around the country, including transport, food, drink, costs, health and festivals.</p> <p>Also published as part of the <em><strong>Rough Guide to France</strong></em>.</p> <p><strong>The</strong> ***Rough Guides Snapshot France: the Pyrenees***is equivalent to 84 printed pages.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 289円

The Essence of Audi: Milestones of Ingenuity and Performance【電子書籍】[ Etienne Psaila ]

<p>Dive into the captivating world of Audi with "The Essence of Audi: Milestones of Ingenuity and Performance." This comprehensive pictorial book takes you on an exhilarating journey through the heart of one of the world's most innovative automotive brands. From the rally-dominating Quattro to the visionary e-tron, each page turns a new chapter in Audi's remarkable story of technological triumphs and design mastery.</p> <p>Explore how Audi's pioneering spirit and pursuit of perfection have reshaped the automotive landscape. With stunning photography and detailed narratives, this book showcases the ingenuity, craftsmanship, and forward-thinking philosophy that have become synonymous with the Audi name. Whether you're a car enthusiast, an admirer of cutting-edge design, or a follower of automotive history, "The Essence of Audi" offers an insightful and visually striking exploration of the cars that have set benchmarks and captured imaginations worldwide.</p> <p>Embrace the journey through Audi's legacy, where innovation meets performance, and discover the milestones that continue to drive Audi towards a future as dynamic and inspiring as its past.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 891円

Rick Steves Italy Planning Map: Including Rome, Florence, Venice & Siena City Maps MAP-RICK STEVES ITALY PLANNING (Rick Steves) [ Rick Steves ]

MAPーRICK STEVES ITALY PLANNING Rick Steves Rick Steves AVALON TRAVEL PUBL2024 Folded English ISBN:9781641715997 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 1,584円

LEEDS TRAVEL GUIDE 2024 Comprehensive expert tips and insider secrets handbook to Adventure, Culture, and Exploration in England's Vibrant City【電子書籍】[ WILLIAMS GREENE ]

<p>Your Essential Companion to Unveiling the Heart of Leeds</p> <p>Embark on an unforgettable journey through the vibrant tapestry of Leeds with the ultimate companion - "Leeds Travel Guide 2024." Authored by the seasoned explorer and expert, Williams Greene, this meticulously crafted guide is not just a book; it's your passport to unlocking the hidden gems of this captivating city.</p> <p>Born from the passion to empower first-time visitors and adventurous souls alike, this guide is more than just a compendium of landmarks and attractions; it's a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be discovered. With its unique blend of creativity, emotion, and professionalism, "Leeds Travel Guide 2024" promises to be your trusted companion from the moment you step foot in this enchanting city.</p> <p>What sets this guide apart are its top 10 unique features, carefully curated to ensure an unparalleled exploration experience. From off-the-beaten-path destinations to insider tips on immersing yourself in the local culture, each feature is designed to ignite your sense of adventure and leave you spellbound by the beauty of Leeds.</p> <p>But why is this guide a must-buy for every first-time visitor and adventurist? Simple. It's more than just a guidebook; it's a gateway to unforgettable memories and authentic experiences. Whether you're a history buff, a food enthusiast, or an avid photographer, "Leeds Travel Guide 2024" has something for everyone.</p> <p>As an added special offer, Williams shares expert tips on capturing stunning photos with nothing but your smartphone, ensuring that every moment is preserved in all its splendor.</p> <p>So, what are you waiting for? Take the plunge into the heart of Leeds and let "Leeds Travel Guide 2024" be your trusted companion every step of the way. Whether you're exploring the historic streets of the city center or indulging in the vibrant nightlife, let this guide be your roadmap to adventure.</p> <p>Don't just dream of unforgettable experiences ?Grab your copy now to make them a reality.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 620円

Switzerland Map MAP-SWITZERLAND MAP 2022/E (National Geographic Adventure Map) [ National Geographic Maps ]

MAPーSWITZERLAND MAP 2022/E National Geographic Adventure Map National Geographic Maps NATL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS2022 Folded English ISBN:9781566956390 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 2,376円

101 Projects for Your Porsche Boxster【電子書籍】[ Wayne R. Dempsey ]

<p>Since its introduction in 1997, the Porsche Boxster has earned a reputation as one of the world’s greatest sports cars, as well as a huge, loyal following of devoted drivers. This book is aimed at those owners of Boxsters who want to improve their machines while avoiding thousands of dollars in mechanic’s costs. Clearly and simply written, with straightforward illustrations, this manual offers 101 projects to help you modify, maintain, and enhance your Porsche. Focusing on the 986 and 987 Boxster models, <em>101 Projects for Your Porsche Boxster</em> presents all the necessary information, associated costs, and pitfalls to avoid when performing a wide array of projects. In a word, it makes owning a Porsche Boxster an unqualified thrill.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,522円

Madrid Map MAP-MADRID MAP 2024/E (National Geographic Destination City Map) [ National Geographic Maps ]

MAPーMADRID MAP 2024/E National Geographic Destination City Map National Geographic Maps NATL GEOGRAPHIC MAPS2024 Other English ISBN:9781597754156 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 1,584円

Norway Marco Polo Map MAP-NORWAY MARCO POLO MAP (Marco Polo Maps) [ Marco Polo ]

MAPーNORWAY MARCO POLO MAP Marco Polo Maps Marco Polo MARCO POLO TRAVEL PUB LTD2023 Folded English ISBN:9783575017642 洋書 Travel(旅行) Travel 2,376円

Insight Guides Cruising & Cruise Ships 2024 (Cruise Guide eBook)【電子書籍】[ Insight Guides ]

<p><strong>Insight Guides Cruising & Cruise Ships 2024</strong> <strong>- formerly Berlitz Cruising and Cruise Ships - features enhanced user-friendly design, extra images, new coverage of cruise history and ultimate cruising experiences, new Author's Choice recommendations, along with the expert reviews and ratings readers have trusted for over 35 years.</strong></p> <p><strong>Insight Guides Cruising & Cruise Ships 2024</strong>(formerly Berlitz Cruising and Cruise Ships) is the world's most authoritative and longest-running guide to cruising and cruise ships. Fully updated post-Covid, this iconic, industry-leading bible for millions of cruise-goers and crew members now features larger font for greater readability, and more images, making for a fresher, more user-friendly experience.</p> <p>In addition, <strong>Insight Guides Cruising & Cruise Ships 2024</strong>boasts a new section on the history of cruising, along with the author's hugely-anticipated evaluations and scores, with 320 ships reviewed and rated.</p> <p>It also includes new user-oriented features on the Best of Cruising. From exploring fjords and enjoying icy expeditions, to embarking on wildlife voyages and idyllic Caribbean cruises, ten Ultimate Experiences are showcased.</p> <p>This is supplemented by a new Author's Choice section that sees Douglas Ward - the world's foremost authority on cruising and cruise ships - share his rundown of Top Ships and the best cruises for all kinds of travellers, from families and romantics, to solo voyagers and cruise-goers with accessibility needs.</p> <p><strong>Features of Insight Guides Cruising & Cruise Ships 2024</strong><br /> - Douglas Ward is the world's foremost authority on cruising and cruise ships.<br /> - Over 400 pages of information, with new sections covering cruise history, ultimate cruising experiences, and Author's Choice recommendations.<br /> - Features more full-colour images than ever before, and larger font for greater readability.<br /> - 320 ships reviewed and rated.</p> <p><strong>ABOUT THE AUTHOR</strong><br /> Regarded as the world's top authority on cruising and cruise ships, <strong>Douglas Ward</strong> has completed over 6,200 days on ships and riverships on almost 1100 cruises, 158 transatlantic crossings, and countless Panama Canal transits, shipyard visits, ship-naming ceremonies and maiden voyages. Often described as a maritime Sherlock Holmes, Ward's reviews leave no stone unturned, examining everything from the fluffiness of the towels and the quality of china and silverware, to the welcome aboard and disembarkation process.</p> <p><strong>PRAISE FOR BERLITZ CRUISE BOOKS</strong><br /> *'*<em>No other annual guide charts the growth of the modern cruise industry the way Douglas Ward's authoritative annual Berlitz Cruising and Cruise Ships has done'</em> The Business Travel News<br /> <em>'The author is the most feared critic in the business'</em> <em>The Times, London</em><br /> <em>'Read before cruising'</em> <em>Daily News, New York</em><br /> <em>'The serious cruise traveler's Bible'</em> <em></em><br /> <em>'Legendary'</em> <em>USA Today</em><br /> <em>'Level of detail and rigorous research are unbelievable'</em> <em></em><br /> <em>'This is the encyclopedia of cruising'</em> <em>The Times-Picayune, New Orleans</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,047円