Sperss ガヤ  [ビール・洋酒]

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32件中 1件 - 30件  1 2

●[2011] ランゲ スペルス ガヤ(ガイヤ) [Langhe Sperss Gaja] (イタリア/ピエモンテ)ワイン 赤ワイン

・名称:果実酒(赤ワイン) ・内容量:750ml ・原材料:ブドウ ・生産地 イタリア/ピエモンテ州 ・格付 D.O.C. ・品種 ネッビオーロ ・味わい フルボディ ・保存方法:直射日光を避け、涼しい場所で保管 ・販売者:(有)富士 FJワインセラー    山梨県富士吉田市中曽根4-5-15 ・未成年者への酒類の販売は固くお断りしていますWinery Infomation GAJAのワイナリーは、小さなバルバレスコ村の急な丘の上にあります。 150年以上前、スペインからやって来たジョヴァンニ・ガヤが、 バルバレスコに小さなレストランをオープンし、 提供する料理を引き立てるワインを作り始めました。 1859年、GAJAを設立。 ピエモンテから瓶詰めされて地域外で販売される最初のワインを生産しました。 それ以来、5世代に渡って妥協のない品質のワインを造ってきました。 1961年、アンジェロ・ガヤは、最初に225リットルのフレンチオーク樽を使用しました。 彼の指揮の下、GAJAは単一のブドウ園に指定されたワインの生産を開拓し、 ピエモンテでカベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン、シャルドネ、ソーヴィニヨン・ブランの品種を初めて植えました。 彼はまた、土着品種のネッビオーロを世界クラスの評価に引き上げるのにも貢献しました。 こうしてアンジェロ・ガヤは、素晴らしいワイナリーをさらに高いレベルに引き上げました。 GAJAのワインは、ピエモンテのバルバレスコとバローロ地区の250エーカー、 ピエーヴェサンタレスティトゥータ(モンタルチーノ)とカマルカンダ(ボルゲリ)の農園を含む、 農場所有のブドウ畑で栽培されたブドウからのみ生産されています。 これらの名高いブドウ園とそのテロワール、つまり土壌、天候、ブドウの木の組み合わせから生まれたワインが、 GAJAの心と魂を表しています。 54,780円

ガヤ バローロ スペルス 1998 ガイア ガイヤ Gaja Barolo Sperss イタリア 赤ワイン 新入荷[のこり1本]

生産者ガヤGajaワイン名バローロ スペルスBarolo Sperssヴィンテージ1998容量750ml解説パーカーポイント: 94点予想される飲み頃:2001 - 2026The 1998 Sperss reveals a perfume of black fruits, truffles, earth, and spice box. Dense, massive yet seamless, this beautifully integrated wine possesses low acidity as well as a terrific finish. Although evolved and delicious for such a youthful Barolo, it will age well for 20-25 years.(The Wine Advocate, Oct 30, 2001) イタリアワインの帝王 ガヤ Gaja 4代目の巨匠アンジェロ・ガヤ氏は1961年からガヤに参画し、69年に当主となっています。同氏は一族の伝統を受け継ぐだけでなく、様々な革新的な改革を行い、イタリアワイン界に多大な影響を与えてきました。2019年には「ワインメーカーズ・ワインメーカー・アワード」を受賞しています。 ガヤ 一覧へ 69,800円

【よりどり6本以上、送料無料】 GAJA GRAPPA SPERSS 500ml | ガヤ グラッパ スペルス ピエモンテ州 蒸留酒 ネッビオーロ ガイア スペルスはバローロの中でも最も良いと言われる「セッラルンガ」の最上の区画にある畑

繊細な黄金色で、熟したフルーツ、ヘーゼルナッツ、レーズンの魅力的な香りが漂います。しっかりとしたボディーが特徴で、すぐに丸く力強いフィニッシュに移ります。    【GAJA Grappa SPERSS】 ●産地: イタリア/ピエモンテ州 ●内容量: 500ml ●生産者: ガヤ ●タイプ: 蒸留酒 ●品種: ネッビオーロ ●蒸留工程 ワインを含んだブドウの搾りかすを、すべての香りやフレーバーを保持するために最先端の設備で蒸留します。使用される蒸留器は、不連続式で、ステンレス製であり、ブドウの搾りかすに蒸気が送り込まれます。 この蒸気がアルコールを含んだ蒸気を運び、後に蒸留カラムで吸い上げられ、最初の段階では70-75度の濃度を持つ蒸留酒が生産されます。 グラッパは、225リットルの小さな木樽で熟成されます。1年後、蒸留水が加えられ、ラベルに表示されている濃度まで薄められます。 ワイナリー情報 【GAJA】 ガヤ、カマルカンダ、ピエヴェ サンタ レスティトゥータのグラッパは、1980 年に設立されたバルバレスコ蒸留所協同組合で生産されています。 これらグラッパは新鮮なブドウの搾りかすを蒸留することによって製造されます。 蒸留期間は9月中旬から11月にかけて行われます。 発酵後、まだ柔らかくジューシーな搾りかすは、一連の蒸留のために準備されます。 蒸留は、断続的な銅の蒸留器を使用して、真空下で作業し、蒸留物の香りと風味を保ちながら、70度未満の温度で行われます。その結果、アルコール度数が70〜75%の蒸留物が得られます。ボトル詰めする前に、蒸留物は蒸留水で希釈され、ラベルに表示されているアルコール度数に調整されます。 その結果、風味豊かでジューシーで満足感のあるホワイト・グラッパが得られます。製品の一部は、225リットルの小さな木樽で約1年間熟成されます。 その後、蒸留水を加えて、ラベルに記載されているアルコール度数に調整されます。この熟成過程により、製品の最終的な色合いは琥珀色になり、より柔らかく、丸みを帯びた、調和のとれた味わいが得られます。 7,730円

ガヤ バローロ スペルス 1996 ガイア ガイヤ Gaja Barolo Sperss イタリア 赤ワイン 新入荷

生産者ガヤGajaワイン名バローロ スペルスBarolo Sperssヴィンテージ1996容量750ml解説パーカーポイント: (94-96)点予想される飲み頃:2005 - 2030The spectacular 1996 Barolo Sperss boasts an opaque ruby/purple color in addition to enormously ripe black cherries, tar, flowers, and white truffles. Extremely full-bodied, with compelling intensity and purity, this is a large-scaled, massive Barolo with plenty of tannin, and 2-3 decades of ageability. Anticipated maturity: 2005-2030.(The Wine Advocate, Aug 27, 1999) 69,800円

ガヤ バローロ スペルス 1997 ガイア ガイヤ Gaja Barolo Sperss イタリア 赤ワイン 新入荷[のこり1本]

KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
生産者ガヤGajaワイン名バローロ スペルスBarolo Sperssヴィンテージ1997容量750ml解説パーカーポイント: 99点予想される飲み頃:2004 - 2036A virtually perfect effort is the 1997 Sperss (30,000 bottles), which represents the essence of truffles, earth, and black cherries in its striking aromatics and multidimensional, opulent, full-bodied palate. The acidity seems low because of the huge glycerin levels and prodigious concentration of fruit, but I suspect it is normal in the scheme of oenological measurement. This profound wine requires 3-4 years of cellaring, and should age well for 30-35 years.(The Wine Advocate, Jun 23, 2001) 79,800円

ガヤ バローロ スペルス 1996 ガイア ガイヤ Gaja Barolo Sperss イタリア 赤ワイン 新入荷

KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
生産者ガヤGajaワイン名バローロ スペルスBarolo Sperssヴィンテージ1996容量750ml解説パーカーポイント: (94-96)点予想される飲み頃:2005 - 2030The spectacular 1996 Barolo Sperss boasts an opaque ruby/purple color in addition to enormously ripe black cherries, tar, flowers, and white truffles. Extremely full-bodied, with compelling intensity and purity, this is a large-scaled, massive Barolo with plenty of tannin, and 2-3 decades of ageability. Anticipated maturity: 2005-2030.(The Wine Advocate, Aug 27, 1999) 69,800円

ガヤ バローロ スペルス 1998 ガイア ガイヤ Gaja Barolo Sperss イタリア 赤ワイン 新入荷[のこり1本]

KATSUDA 勝田商店 銘醸ワイン専門
生産者ガヤGajaワイン名バローロ スペルスBarolo Sperssヴィンテージ1998容量750ml解説パーカーポイント: 94点予想される飲み頃:2001 - 2026The 1998 Sperss reveals a perfume of black fruits, truffles, earth, and spice box. Dense, massive yet seamless, this beautifully integrated wine possesses low acidity as well as a terrific finish. Although evolved and delicious for such a youthful Barolo, it will age well for 20-25 years.(The Wine Advocate, Oct 30, 2001) イタリアワインの帝王 ガヤ Gaja 4代目の巨匠アンジェロ・ガヤ氏は1961年からガヤに参画し、69年に当主となっています。同氏は一族の伝統を受け継ぐだけでなく、様々な革新的な改革を行い、イタリアワイン界に多大な影響を与えてきました。2019年には「ワインメーカーズ・ワインメーカー・アワード」を受賞しています。 ガヤ 一覧へ 69,800円

ガヤ バローロ スペルス 1997 ガイア ガイヤ Gaja Barolo Sperss イタリア 赤ワイン 新入荷[のこり1本]

生産者ガヤGajaワイン名バローロ スペルスBarolo Sperssヴィンテージ1997容量750ml解説パーカーポイント: 99点予想される飲み頃:2004 - 2036A virtually perfect effort is the 1997 Sperss (30,000 bottles), which represents the essence of truffles, earth, and black cherries in its striking aromatics and multidimensional, opulent, full-bodied palate. The acidity seems low because of the huge glycerin levels and prodigious concentration of fruit, but I suspect it is normal in the scheme of oenological measurement. This profound wine requires 3-4 years of cellaring, and should age well for 30-35 years.(The Wine Advocate, Jun 23, 2001) 79,800円

Gaja Barolo Sperss 1995 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 1995

Fine and Rare
Gaja Barolo Sperss 1995 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 1995 . 商品説明 The current Gaya release, Barolo d'Agromis, is a blend of the individuality of Gaya's two villages and vineyards, La Morra, which produces Contesa, and Serralunga, which produces Sperus. Of the 10 hectares, 4 hectares are named "Contesa" by Gaya and treated as a separate cru; until 1997, it was named "Barolo Contesa Cerrequio", but since 1998 it has been labeled "Barolo" only; since 2001, it has been "Barolo da Gromis". While Da Glomis is a second line with a pheasant on the label, there are two first line Barolos (which will again be called Barolo from the 2013 vintage) with a Gaya-like white label with a black band. Since 1996, it has been called Langhe Nebbiolo DOC without the Barolo name, but from 2013 it will finally be called Barolo.Score : 96/10075cl Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 80,000円

Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 1997 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 1997

Fine and Rare
Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 1997 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 1997 . 商品説明 Produced using the Nebbiolo grape in Piedmont region of northwest Italy, Barolo wine has a rich taste and an even richer history, the wine’s origin dates back at least 2500 years, where the first rudimentary grape-growing structures appeared.Barolo is often described as having the aromas of tar and roses and the wines are noted for their ability to age and usually take on a rust red tinge as they mature, Barolo needs to be aged for at least 36 months after the harvest before release, of which at least 18 months must be in wood, when subjected to aging of at least five years before release, the wine can be labeled as Riserva.Score : 95/10075cl x 6 Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 584,000円

スペルス 2011 GAJA(ガヤ) ランゲ 750ml赤 イタリア・ピエモンテSPERSS LANGHE DOC

商品詳細 ■商品番号 234221 ■商品種別 赤ワイン ■内容量 750ml ■ - ■原産国 イタリア ■産地 ピエモンテ州 ■メーカー アンジェロ・ガヤ GAJA ■原材料 コメント スペルスは単一畑のバルバレスコと同様に、1996年にD.O.Cランゲに格下げされたワインの一つ。2013年ヴィンテージ以降はバローロのアペラシオンとしてリリースされます。スペルスはバローロの中でも最も良いと言われる「セッラルンガ」の最上の区画にある畑です。ワインの特徴は何といっても力強さ。濃厚で酸がしっかりとしたクラシックなバローロのスタイルを見事に体現しており、長期の熟成が期待できるワインです。 42,614円

スペルス 2011 GAJA(ガヤ) ランゲ 750ml赤 イタリア・ピエモンテSPERSS LANGHE DOC

酒どんどん 楽天市場店
商品詳細 ■商品番号 234221 ■商品種別 赤ワイン ■内容量 750ml ■ - ■原産国 イタリア ■産地 ピエモンテ州 ■メーカー アンジェロ・ガヤ GAJA ■原材料 コメント スペルスは単一畑のバルバレスコと同様に、1996年にD.O.Cランゲに格下げされたワインの一つ。2013年ヴィンテージ以降はバローロのアペラシオンとしてリリースされます。スペルスはバローロの中でも最も良いと言われる「セッラルンガ」の最上の区画にある畑です。ワインの特徴は何といっても力強さ。濃厚で酸がしっかりとしたクラシックなバローロのスタイルを見事に体現しており、長期の熟成が期待できるワインです。 55,000円

Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2000 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2000

Fine and Rare
Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2000 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2000 . 商品説明 Produced using the Nebbiolo grape in Piedmont region of northwest Italy, Barolo wine has a rich taste and an even richer history, the wine’s origin dates back at least 2500 years, where the first rudimentary grape-growing structures appeared.Barolo is often described as having the aromas of tar and roses and the wines are noted for their ability to age and usually take on a rust red tinge as they mature, Barolo needs to be aged for at least 36 months after the harvest before release, of which at least 18 months must be in wood, when subjected to aging of at least five years before release, the wine can be labeled as Riserva.Score : 95/10075cl x 6 Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 424,000円

Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2006 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2006

Fine and Rare
Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2006 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2006 . 商品説明 Produced using the Nebbiolo grape in Piedmont region of northwest Italy, Barolo wine has a rich taste and an even richer history, the wine’s origin dates back at least 2500 years, where the first rudimentary grape-growing structures appeared.Barolo is often described as having the aromas of tar and roses and the wines are noted for their ability to age and usually take on a rust red tinge as they mature, Barolo needs to be aged for at least 36 months after the harvest before release, of which at least 18 months must be in wood, when subjected to aging of at least five years before release, the wine can be labeled as Riserva.Score : 95/10075cl x 6 Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 424,000円

Gaja Barolo Sperss 2015 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 2015

Fine and Rare
Gaja Barolo Sperss 2015 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 2015 . 商品説明 The current Gaya release, Barolo d'Agromis, is a blend of the individuality of Gaya's two villages and vineyards, La Morra, which produces Contesa, and Serralunga, which produces Sperus. Of the 10 hectares, 4 hectares are named "Contesa" by Gaya and treated as a separate cru; until 1997, it was named "Barolo Contesa Cerrequio", but since 1998 it has been labeled "Barolo" only; since 2001, it has been "Barolo da Gromis". While Da Glomis is a second line with a pheasant on the label, there are two first line Barolos (which will again be called Barolo from the 2013 vintage) with a Gaya-like white label with a black band. Since 1996, it has been called Langhe Nebbiolo DOC without the Barolo name, but from 2013 it will finally be called Barolo.Score : 96/10075cl Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 60,000円

Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2001 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2001

Fine and Rare
Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2001 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2001 . 商品説明 Produced using the Nebbiolo grape in Piedmont region of northwest Italy, Barolo wine has a rich taste and an even richer history, the wine’s origin dates back at least 2500 years, where the first rudimentary grape-growing structures appeared.Barolo is often described as having the aromas of tar and roses and the wines are noted for their ability to age and usually take on a rust red tinge as they mature, Barolo needs to be aged for at least 36 months after the harvest before release, of which at least 18 months must be in wood, when subjected to aging of at least five years before release, the wine can be labeled as Riserva.Score : 95/10075cl x 6 Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 424,000円

Gaja Barolo Sperss 2019 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 2019

Fine and Rare
Gaja Barolo Sperss 2019 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 2019 . 商品説明 The current Gaya release, Barolo d'Agromis, is a blend of the individuality of Gaya's two villages and vineyards, La Morra, which produces Contesa, and Serralunga, which produces Sperus. Of the 10 hectares, 4 hectares are named "Contesa" by Gaya and treated as a separate cru; until 1997, it was named "Barolo Contesa Cerrequio", but since 1998 it has been labeled "Barolo" only; since 2001, it has been "Barolo da Gromis". While Da Glomis is a second line with a pheasant on the label, there are two first line Barolos (which will again be called Barolo from the 2013 vintage) with a Gaya-like white label with a black band. Since 1996, it has been called Langhe Nebbiolo DOC without the Barolo name, but from 2013 it will finally be called Barolo.Score : 96/10075cl Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 91,000円

Gaja Barolo Sperss 1999 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 1999

Fine and Rare
Gaja Barolo Sperss 1999 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 1999 . 商品説明 The current Gaya release, Barolo d'Agromis, is a blend of the individuality of Gaya's two villages and vineyards, La Morra, which produces Contesa, and Serralunga, which produces Sperus. Of the 10 hectares, 4 hectares are named "Contesa" by Gaya and treated as a separate cru; until 1997, it was named "Barolo Contesa Cerrequio", but since 1998 it has been labeled "Barolo" only; since 2001, it has been "Barolo da Gromis". While Da Glomis is a second line with a pheasant on the label, there are two first line Barolos (which will again be called Barolo from the 2013 vintage) with a Gaya-like white label with a black band. Since 1996, it has been called Langhe Nebbiolo DOC without the Barolo name, but from 2013 it will finally be called Barolo.Score : 96/10075cl Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 80,000円

Gaja Barolo Sperss 1988 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 1988

Fine and Rare
Gaja Barolo Sperss 1988 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 1988 . 商品説明 The current Gaya release, Barolo d'Agromis, is a blend of the individuality of Gaya's two villages and vineyards, La Morra, which produces Contesa, and Serralunga, which produces Sperus. Of the 10 hectares, 4 hectares are named "Contesa" by Gaya and treated as a separate cru; until 1997, it was named "Barolo Contesa Cerrequio", but since 1998 it has been labeled "Barolo" only; since 2001, it has been "Barolo da Gromis". While Da Glomis is a second line with a pheasant on the label, there are two first line Barolos (which will again be called Barolo from the 2013 vintage) with a Gaya-like white label with a black band. Since 1996, it has been called Langhe Nebbiolo DOC without the Barolo name, but from 2013 it will finally be called Barolo.Score : 96/10075cl Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 80,000円

Gaja Barolo Sperss 2006 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 2006

Fine and Rare
Gaja Barolo Sperss 2006 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 2006 . 商品説明 The current Gaya release, Barolo d'Agromis, is a blend of the individuality of Gaya's two villages and vineyards, La Morra, which produces Contesa, and Serralunga, which produces Sperus. Of the 10 hectares, 4 hectares are named "Contesa" by Gaya and treated as a separate cru; until 1997, it was named "Barolo Contesa Cerrequio", but since 1998 it has been labeled "Barolo" only; since 2001, it has been "Barolo da Gromis". While Da Glomis is a second line with a pheasant on the label, there are two first line Barolos (which will again be called Barolo from the 2013 vintage) with a Gaya-like white label with a black band. Since 1996, it has been called Langhe Nebbiolo DOC without the Barolo name, but from 2013 it will finally be called Barolo.Score : 96/10075cl Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 71,000円

Gaja Barolo Sperss 1990 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 1990

Fine and Rare
Gaja Barolo Sperss 1990 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 1990 . 商品説明 The current Gaya release, Barolo d'Agromis, is a blend of the individuality of Gaya's two villages and vineyards, La Morra, which produces Contesa, and Serralunga, which produces Sperus. Of the 10 hectares, 4 hectares are named "Contesa" by Gaya and treated as a separate cru; until 1997, it was named "Barolo Contesa Cerrequio", but since 1998 it has been labeled "Barolo" only; since 2001, it has been "Barolo da Gromis". While Da Glomis is a second line with a pheasant on the label, there are two first line Barolos (which will again be called Barolo from the 2013 vintage) with a Gaya-like white label with a black band. Since 1996, it has been called Langhe Nebbiolo DOC without the Barolo name, but from 2013 it will finally be called Barolo.Score : 96/10075cl Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 100,000円

Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2008 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2008

Fine and Rare
Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2008 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2008 . 商品説明 Produced using the Nebbiolo grape in Piedmont region of northwest Italy, Barolo wine has a rich taste and an even richer history, the wine’s origin dates back at least 2500 years, where the first rudimentary grape-growing structures appeared.Barolo is often described as having the aromas of tar and roses and the wines are noted for their ability to age and usually take on a rust red tinge as they mature, Barolo needs to be aged for at least 36 months after the harvest before release, of which at least 18 months must be in wood, when subjected to aging of at least five years before release, the wine can be labeled as Riserva.Score : 95/10075cl x 6 Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 424,000円

Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2004 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2004

Fine and Rare
Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2004 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2004 . 商品説明 Produced using the Nebbiolo grape in Piedmont region of northwest Italy, Barolo wine has a rich taste and an even richer history, the wine’s origin dates back at least 2500 years, where the first rudimentary grape-growing structures appeared.Barolo is often described as having the aromas of tar and roses and the wines are noted for their ability to age and usually take on a rust red tinge as they mature, Barolo needs to be aged for at least 36 months after the harvest before release, of which at least 18 months must be in wood, when subjected to aging of at least five years before release, the wine can be labeled as Riserva.Score : 95/10075cl x 6 Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 444,000円

Gaja Barolo Sperss 2018 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 2018

Fine and Rare
Gaja Barolo Sperss 2018 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 2018 . 商品説明 The current Gaya release, Barolo d'Agromis, is a blend of the individuality of Gaya's two villages and vineyards, La Morra, which produces Contesa, and Serralunga, which produces Sperus. Of the 10 hectares, 4 hectares are named "Contesa" by Gaya and treated as a separate cru; until 1997, it was named "Barolo Contesa Cerrequio", but since 1998 it has been labeled "Barolo" only; since 2001, it has been "Barolo da Gromis". While Da Glomis is a second line with a pheasant on the label, there are two first line Barolos (which will again be called Barolo from the 2013 vintage) with a Gaya-like white label with a black band. Since 1996, it has been called Langhe Nebbiolo DOC without the Barolo name, but from 2013 it will finally be called Barolo.Score : 96/10075cl Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 71,000円

Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 1998 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 1998

Fine and Rare
Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 1998 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 1998 . 商品説明 Produced using the Nebbiolo grape in Piedmont region of northwest Italy, Barolo wine has a rich taste and an even richer history, the wine’s origin dates back at least 2500 years, where the first rudimentary grape-growing structures appeared.Barolo is often described as having the aromas of tar and roses and the wines are noted for their ability to age and usually take on a rust red tinge as they mature, Barolo needs to be aged for at least 36 months after the harvest before release, of which at least 18 months must be in wood, when subjected to aging of at least five years before release, the wine can be labeled as Riserva.Score : 95/10075cl x 6 Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 424,000円

Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2007 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2007

Fine and Rare
Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2007 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2007 . 商品説明 Produced using the Nebbiolo grape in Piedmont region of northwest Italy, Barolo wine has a rich taste and an even richer history, the wine’s origin dates back at least 2500 years, where the first rudimentary grape-growing structures appeared.Barolo is often described as having the aromas of tar and roses and the wines are noted for their ability to age and usually take on a rust red tinge as they mature, Barolo needs to be aged for at least 36 months after the harvest before release, of which at least 18 months must be in wood, when subjected to aging of at least five years before release, the wine can be labeled as Riserva.Score : 95/10075cl x 6 Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 424,000円

Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2011 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2011

Fine and Rare
Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2011 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2011 . 商品説明 Produced using the Nebbiolo grape in Piedmont region of northwest Italy, Barolo wine has a rich taste and an even richer history, the wine’s origin dates back at least 2500 years, where the first rudimentary grape-growing structures appeared.Barolo is often described as having the aromas of tar and roses and the wines are noted for their ability to age and usually take on a rust red tinge as they mature, Barolo needs to be aged for at least 36 months after the harvest before release, of which at least 18 months must be in wood, when subjected to aging of at least five years before release, the wine can be labeled as Riserva.Score : 95/10075cl x 6 Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 401,000円

Gaja Barolo Sperss 2005 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 2005

Fine and Rare
Gaja Barolo Sperss 2005 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 2005 . 商品説明 The current Gaya release, Barolo d'Agromis, is a blend of the individuality of Gaya's two villages and vineyards, La Morra, which produces Contesa, and Serralunga, which produces Sperus. Of the 10 hectares, 4 hectares are named "Contesa" by Gaya and treated as a separate cru; until 1997, it was named "Barolo Contesa Cerrequio", but since 1998 it has been labeled "Barolo" only; since 2001, it has been "Barolo da Gromis". While Da Glomis is a second line with a pheasant on the label, there are two first line Barolos (which will again be called Barolo from the 2013 vintage) with a Gaya-like white label with a black band. Since 1996, it has been called Langhe Nebbiolo DOC without the Barolo name, but from 2013 it will finally be called Barolo.Score : 96/10075cl Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 60,000円

Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2009 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2009

Fine and Rare
Langhe Sperss Angelo Gaja 2009 / ランゲ スペルス アンジェロ ガヤ 2009 . 商品説明 Produced using the Nebbiolo grape in Piedmont region of northwest Italy, Barolo wine has a rich taste and an even richer history, the wine’s origin dates back at least 2500 years, where the first rudimentary grape-growing structures appeared.Barolo is often described as having the aromas of tar and roses and the wines are noted for their ability to age and usually take on a rust red tinge as they mature, Barolo needs to be aged for at least 36 months after the harvest before release, of which at least 18 months must be in wood, when subjected to aging of at least five years before release, the wine can be labeled as Riserva.Score : 95/10075cl x 6 Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 320,000円

Gaja Barolo Sperss 2009 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 2009

Fine and Rare
Gaja Barolo Sperss 2009 / ガヤ バローロ スペルス 2009 . 商品説明 The current Gaya release, Barolo d'Agromis, is a blend of the individuality of Gaya's two villages and vineyards, La Morra, which produces Contesa, and Serralunga, which produces Sperus. Of the 10 hectares, 4 hectares are named "Contesa" by Gaya and treated as a separate cru; until 1997, it was named "Barolo Contesa Cerrequio", but since 1998 it has been labeled "Barolo" only; since 2001, it has been "Barolo da Gromis". While Da Glomis is a second line with a pheasant on the label, there are two first line Barolos (which will again be called Barolo from the 2013 vintage) with a Gaya-like white label with a black band. Since 1996, it has been called Langhe Nebbiolo DOC without the Barolo name, but from 2013 it will finally be called Barolo.Score : 96/10075cl Fine and Rare specializes in fine and rare wines, champagne and spirits, exactly the kind of products you are looking for, our sources are mainly Chateaux and Domains, private wine cellars and other reliable wine companies in Europe to ensure the authenticity of our wines - Fine and Rareは希少な格付けワイン、シャンパンやスピリッツを中心に取り扱っており、お客様にぴったりの商品をご案内致します。また、安心してご利用いただくために主にヨーロッパのシャトーやドメーヌなど、信頼性の高い生産者より商品を買い付けております。Sourced from an excellent temperature controlled private cellar In France, where it has been stored since release リリース以降、最適温度に調整されたフランスのプライベートセラーで保管されています。 1 60,000円