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HOT&COOL ホット&クール センタースタンドダンパーラバー KH SS 750SS KAWASAKI カワサキ センタースタンド・メインスタンド
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■商品概要【入数】1個【純正品番】92075-115■詳細説明ホット&クールオリジナル商品純正と同サイズのセンタースタンドに取り付けるゴムのダンパー。■注意点※画像には他の商品が含まれています。※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種KH KHSS SS750SS 750SS
HOT&COOL ホット&クール サイドスタンドダンパーラバー KH SS 500SS 750SS KAWASAKI カワサキ サイドスタンド
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■商品概要【純正品番】92075-031■詳細説明ホット&クールオリジナル商品サイドスタンドに取り付けるゴムのダンパー。■注意点※画像には他の商品が含まれています。※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種KH KHSS SS500SS 500SS750SS 750SS
AltRider アルトライダー Left Heel Guard R 1200 GS Water Cooled BMW BMW その他ステップオプション・補修部品
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■詳細説明The BMW R 1200 GS is one of the most iconic bikes in the adventurecategory. Add a custom touch to yours with a heel guard fromAltRider.The heel guard is laser cut from 1/8” (3.2 mm) aluminum for aprecision finish. A perfect match for the AltRider rear brakemaster cylinder guard, these parts are best purchased as a set.Flush mounted hardware ensures a smooth surface and installs inminutes. Available in anodized silver or black, the guard isextremely resistant to weathering.・AltRider motorcycle accessories are 100% designed and manufacturedin the USA・1/8” (3.2 mm) anodized aluminum・Perfect match for AltRider rear brake master cylinder guard・Installs in minutes with flush mount hardware・Available in silver or black■注意点※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種R 1200 GS Water Cooled R 1200 GS Water Cooled
ENLINT エンリント バックステップ Z1000 (Water-cooled) KAWASAKI カワサキ
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■商品概要素材:アルミ左右セット■詳細説明Familiar with the motorcycle performance,the turn found theoriginal Footpeg always obstruct the Lean angle? Or feel bad ridingposition?It is modified back step kit the best time!KAWASAKI Z1000(07-09 model year) Dedicated design of the back stepkit can provide a better riding position and aluminum alloy coldstyle,both with the performance and appearance.■注意点※取扱説明書が付属する場合は外国語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。※画像には他のカラー・タイプ・商品が含まれている場合があります。※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種Z1000 (Water-cooled) Z1000 (Water-cooled)
ENLINT エンリント バックステップ Z1000 (Water-cooled) KAWASAKI カワサキ
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■商品概要素材:アルミ左右セット■詳細説明Familiar with the motorcycle performance,the turn found theoriginal Footpeg always obstruct the Lean angle? Or feel bad ridingposition?It is modified back step kit the best time!KAWASAKI Z1000(10-17 model year) Dedicated design of the back stepkit can provide a better riding position and aluminum alloy coldstyle,both with the performance and appearance.■注意点※取扱説明書が付属する場合は外国語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。※画像には他のカラー・タイプ・商品が含まれている場合があります。※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種Z1000 (Water-cooled) Z1000 (Water-cooled)
AltRider アルトライダー Side Stand Enlarger Foot R 1200 GS Water Cooled BMW BMW スタンドパッド・エクステンション
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■詳細説明Your big BMW engine commands respect off road and on, but you canhelp it retain that dignity by providing it with a side stand footthat reflects its size. The AltRider Side Stand Foot for the BMW R1200 GS Water Cooled provides your bike with a larger footprint, soit can easily keep it from sinking into hot pavement or losing itsbalance on soft, uneven terrain such as dirt or gravel roads.After seeing many imitations of our previous designs, AltRider hastaken our side stand foot design to the next level. The highlightedlogo was strategically designed to keep weight down by removingunnecessary material from the bottom plate. Keeping the weight ofthe side stand foot down is critical because any added weight toyour side stand can lead to the side stand dropping during a ride.If a side stand drops while the bike is in motion, it can deploythe side stand switch guard, cutting the engine without warning andlead to a potential crash.Made from hefty 1/8 inch stainless steel, this foot features a 3Dtread that echoes the aggressive AltRider Oil Cooler Guard design,while providing traction for your boots. It is the most ergonomicdesign on the market, allowing easy deployment of the side standwhile still on the bike. The AltRider foot also clamps down on theactual foot of the side stand with Torx fasteners, which means thepiece will remain tight even after months of use. No more rattlingor stripped fasteners!Learn more about how we designed this product in our AltRiderGarage blog post, The Long Road to the Side Stand Foot.Available in silver or black・All AltRider motorcycle accessories are 100% designed andmanufactured in the USA・Made from 1/8” (3.18 mm) stainless steel・3D design allows easy deployment of kick stand with boot・TORX fasteners ensure enlarger won’t vibrate loose・Available in silver or blackFor the adventure model, see PDF■注意点※Note: AltRider Side Stand Enlarger Riser Plate not compatible with2014 GS models.※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種R 1200 GS Water Cooled R 1200 GS Water Cooled 年式: 14
AltRider アルトライダー DualControl - 22mm Riser R 1200 GS Water Cooled BMW BMW その他ステップオプション・補修部品
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■商品概要Color:Silver■詳細説明The average person takes 0.5 to 1 full second to react to hazards.Traveling at 60 MPH, a rider will travel 25 to 50 feet before beingable to properly react. Most OEM brake pedals have asingle-positioned small footprint, yet most ADV riderssubstantially change foot positioning as they switch betweenstanding and sitting. If your foot is not already situatedcorrectly on the rear brake pedal, you are now potentially doublingreaction time and distance to make what could be a critical stop.This is why you see all motorcycle racers with 1 or 2 fingers onthe front brake lever in photographs. AltRider has taken away thisadditional hazard with the patent pending DualControl Brake System.There are three parts to the AltRider DualControl Brake System thatenhance control and reaction time; a riser, an enlarger plate, anda brake snake.RiserWhen in a seated position, a rider’s bent knee naturally puts theangle of the foot pointed down 90 degrees from the lower leg, whilea standing position creates a straighter leg and raises the angleof your foot to a more horizontal position. Using the OEM brakepedal, there is no way to keep the correct brake control positionwhen both sitting and standing. With the AltRider enlarger and 25.4mm (1 inch) riser combined, there are now two levels in which toengage the rear brake, putting your foot in optimal positionregardless of riding position.EnlargerThe ever-changing terrain of off-road riding means your entire bodyis constantly moving and adjusting. The billet aluminum enlargerplate gives your foot a greater surface area to work with,affording you more control of the rear brake. The enlarger plate isprecision fit to each bike model ensuring long-term stability.Optional and replaceable grip pins are provided for furthercustomization.Brake SnakeThe area between the brake pedal and the bike is one of the mostsusceptible areas for debris. As you ride, plants naturally wedgeinto the open crevice, getting stuck and building up. This cancause the mild steel lever to easily bend out of position resultingin a loss of proper usage of the rear brake. Withabrasion-resistant braided stainless steel, the AltRider BrakeSnake is intelligently integrated into the patent pendingDualControl Brake System, preventing debris from gathering andbending the lever. Brake Snake is only available in silver.All three products are available separately or as a kit. AltRiderEnlarger is required for use of Riser and Brake Snake.・Stainless steel bottom plate and hardware to endure the abrasionsof off-road riding・100% designed and manufactured in the USA・25.4 mm (1 inch) riser height・Pins provided with enlarger for enhanced grip, extras included・Enlarger and Riser available in black or silver・Fitment on Adventure model requires installation of standard brakepedal, BMW part# 35_0380・Patent Pending■注意点※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種R 1200 GS Water Cooled R 1200 GS Water Cooled
AltRider アルトライダー DualControl Brake Enlarger with Riser and Brake Snake Kit R 1200 GS Water Cooled BMW BMW その他ステップオプション・補修部品
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■詳細説明The average person takes 0.5 to 1 full second to react to hazards.Traveling at 60 MPH, a rider will travel 25 to 50 feet before beingable to properly react. Most OEM brake pedals have asingle-positioned small footprint, yet most ADV riderssubstantially change foot positioning as they switch betweenstanding and sitting. If your foot is not already situatedcorrectly on the rear brake pedal, you are now potentially doublingreaction time and distance to make what could be a critical stop.This is why you see all motorcycle racers with 1 or 2 fingers onthe front brake lever in photographs. AltRider has taken away thisadditional hazard with the patent pending DualControl Brake System.There are three parts to the AltRider DualControl Brake System thatenhance control and reaction time; a riser, an enlarger plate, anda brake snake.RiserWhen in a seated position, a rider’s bent knee naturally puts theangle of the foot pointed down 90 degrees from the lower leg, whilea standing position creates a straighter leg and raises the angleof your foot to a more horizontal position. Using the OEM brakepedal, there is no way to keep the correct brake control positionwhen both sitting and standing. With the AltRider enlarger and 25.4mm (1 inch) riser combined, there are now two levels in which toengage the rear brake, putting your foot in optimal positionregardless of riding position.EnlargerThe ever-changing terrain of off-road riding means your entire bodyis constantly moving and adjusting. The billet aluminum enlargerplate gives your foot a greater surface area to work with,affording you more control of the rear brake. The enlarger plate isprecision fit to each bike model ensuring long-term stability.Optional and replaceable grip pins are provided for furthercustomization.Brake SnakeThe area between the brake pedal and the bike is one of the mostsusceptible areas for debris. As you ride, plants naturally wedgeinto the open crevice, getting stuck and building up. This cancause the mild steel lever to easily bend out of position resultingin a loss of proper usage of the rear brake. Withabrasion-resistant braided stainless steel, the AltRider BrakeSnake is intelligently integrated into the patent pendingDualControl Brake System, preventing debris from gathering andbending the lever. Brake Snake is only available in silver.All three products are available separately or as a kit. AltRiderEnlarger is required for use of Riser and Brake Snake.・Stainless steel bottom plate and hardware to endure the abrasionsof off-road riding・100% designed and manufactured in the USA・25.4 mm (1 inch) riser height・Pins provided with enlarger for enhanced grip, extras included・Enlarger and Riser available in black or silver・Fitment on Adventure model requires installation of standard brakepedal, BMW part# 35_0380・Patent Pending■注意点※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種R 1200 GS Water Cooled R 1200 GS Water Cooled
AltRider アルトライダー DualControl Brake System R 1200 GS Water Cooled BMW BMW その他ステップオプション・補修部品
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■詳細説明The average person takes 0.5 to 1 full second to react to hazards.Traveling at 60 MPH, a rider will travel 25 to 50 feet before beingable to properly react. Most OEM brake pedals have asingle-positioned small footprint, yet most ADV riderssubstantially change foot positioning as they switch betweenstanding and sitting. If your foot is not already situatedcorrectly on the rear brake pedal, you are now potentially doublingreaction time and distance to make what could be a critical stop.This is why you see all motorcycle racers with 1 or 2 fingers onthe front brake lever in photographs. AltRider has taken away thisadditional hazard with the patent pending DualControl Brake System.There are three parts to the AltRider DualControl Brake System thatenhance control and reaction time; a riser, an enlarger plate, anda brake snake.RiserWhen in a seated position, a rider’s bent knee naturally puts theangle of the foot pointed down 90 degrees from the lower leg, whilea standing position creates a straighter leg and raises the angleof your foot to a more horizontal position. Using the OEM brakepedal, there is no way to keep the correct brake control positionwhen both sitting and standing. With the AltRider enlarger and 25.4mm (1 inch) riser combined, there are now two levels in which toengage the rear brake, putting your foot in optimal positionregardless of riding position.EnlargerThe ever-changing terrain of off-road riding means your entire bodyis constantly moving and adjusting. The billet aluminum enlargerplate gives your foot a greater surface area to work with,affording you more control of the rear brake. The enlarger plate isprecision fit to each bike model ensuring long-term stability.Optional and replaceable grip pins are provided for furthercustomization.Brake SnakeThe area between the brake pedal and the bike is one of the mostsusceptible areas for debris. As you ride, plants naturally wedgeinto the open crevice, getting stuck and building up. This cancause the mild steel lever to easily bend out of position resultingin a loss of proper usage of the rear brake. Withabrasion-resistant braided stainless steel, the AltRider BrakeSnake is intelligently integrated into the patent pendingDualControl Brake System, preventing debris from gathering andbending the lever. Brake Snake is only available in silver.All three products are available separately or as a kit. AltRiderEnlarger is required for use of Riser and Brake Snake.・Stainless steel bottom plate and hardware to endure the abrasionsof off-road riding・100% designed and manufactured in the USA・25.4 mm (1 inch) riser height・Pins provided with enlarger for enhanced grip, extras included・Enlarger and Riser available in black or silver・Fitment on Adventure model requires installation of standard brakepedal, BMW part# 35_0380・Patent Pending■注意点※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種R 1200 GS Water Cooled R 1200 GS Water Cooled
AltRider アルトライダー DualControl - 22mm Riser R 1200 GS Water Cooled BMW BMW その他ステップオプション・補修部品
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■商品概要Color:Black■詳細説明Products on this page are spare parts and upgrades for yourexisting DualControl System.For the AltRider DualControl System page see PDF.The average person takes 0.5 to 1 full second to react to hazards.Traveling at 60 MPH, a rider will travel 25 to 50 feet before beingable to properly react. Most OEM brake pedals have asingle-positioned small footprint, yet most ADV riderssubstantially change foot positioning as they switch betweenstanding and sitting. If your foot is not already situatedcorrectly on the rear brake pedal, you are now potentially doublingreaction time and distance to make what could be a critical stop.This is why you see all motorcycle racers with 1 or 2 fingers onthe front brake lever in photographs. AltRider has taken away thisadditional hazard with the patent pending DualControl Brake System.There are three parts to the AltRider DualControl Brake System thatenhance control and reaction time; a riser, an enlarger plate, anda brake snake.RiserWhen in a seated position, a rider’s bent knee naturally puts theangle of the foot pointed down 90 degrees from the lower leg, whilea standing position creates a straighter leg and raises the angleof your foot to a more horizontal position. Using the OEM brakepedal, there is no way to keep the correct brake control positionwhen both sitting and standing. With the AltRider enlarger andriser combined, there are now two levels in which to engage therear brake, putting your foot in optimal position regardless ofriding position. As every rider is different, there are two riserheights available depending on your riding style. For those needingadditional customization, risers can also be swapped out.EnlargerThe ever-changing terrain of off-road riding means your entire bodyis constantly moving and adjusting. The billet aluminum enlargerplate gives your foot a greater surface area to work with,affording you more control of the rear brake. The enlarger plate isprecision fit to each bike model ensuring long-term stability.Optional and replaceable grip pins are provided for furthercustomization.Brake SnakeThe area between the brake pedal and the bike is one of the mostsusceptible areas for debris. As you ride, plants naturally wedgeinto the open crevice, getting stuck and building up. This cancause the mild steel lever to easily bend out of position resultingin a loss of proper usage of the rear brake. Withabrasion-resistant braided stainless steel, the AltRider BrakeSnake is intelligently integrated into the patent pendingDualControl Brake System, preventing debris from gathering andbending the lever. Brake Snake is only available in silver.All three products are available separately or as a kit. AltRiderEnlarger is required for use of Riser and Brake Snake.・Stainless steel bottom plate and hardware to endure the abrasionsof off-road riding・100% designed and manufactured in the USA・22 mm and 32 mm riser heights available・Pins provided with enlarger for enhanced grip, extras included・Enlarger and Riser available in black or silver・Fitment on Adventure model requires installation of standard brakepedal, BMW part# 35_0380・Patent Pending■注意点※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種R 1200 GS Water Cooled R 1200 GS Water Cooled
AltRider アルトライダー DualControl - 32mm Riser R 1200 GS Water Cooled BMW BMW その他ステップオプション・補修部品
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■詳細説明The average person takes 0.5 to 1 full second to react to hazards.Traveling at 60 MPH, a rider will travel 25 to 50 feet before beingable to properly react. Most OEM brake pedals have asingle-positioned small footprint, yet most ADV riderssubstantially change foot positioning as they switch betweenstanding and sitting. If your foot is not already situatedcorrectly on the rear brake pedal, you are now potentially doublingreaction time and distance to make what could be a critical stop.This is why you see all motorcycle racers with 1 or 2 fingers onthe front brake lever in photographs. AltRider has taken away thisadditional hazard with the patent pending DualControl Brake System.There are three parts to the AltRider DualControl Brake System thatenhance control and reaction time; a riser, an enlarger plate, anda brake snake.RiserWhen in a seated position, a rider’s bent knee naturally puts theangle of the foot pointed down 90 degrees from the lower leg, whilea standing position creates a straighter leg and raises the angleof your foot to a more horizontal position. Using the OEM brakepedal, there is no way to keep the correct brake control positionwhen both sitting and standing. With the AltRider enlarger and 25.4mm (1 inch) riser combined, there are now two levels in which toengage the rear brake, putting your foot in optimal positionregardless of riding position.EnlargerThe ever-changing terrain of off-road riding means your entire bodyis constantly moving and adjusting. The billet aluminum enlargerplate gives your foot a greater surface area to work with,affording you more control of the rear brake. The enlarger plate isprecision fit to each bike model ensuring long-term stability.Optional and replaceable grip pins are provided for furthercustomization.Brake SnakeThe area between the brake pedal and the bike is one of the mostsusceptible areas for debris. As you ride, plants naturally wedgeinto the open crevice, getting stuck and building up. This cancause the mild steel lever to easily bend out of position resultingin a loss of proper usage of the rear brake. Withabrasion-resistant braided stainless steel, the AltRider BrakeSnake is intelligently integrated into the patent pendingDualControl Brake System, preventing debris from gathering andbending the lever. Brake Snake is only available in silver.All three products are available separately or as a kit. AltRiderEnlarger is required for use of Riser and Brake Snake.・Stainless steel bottom plate and hardware to endure the abrasionsof off-road riding・100% designed and manufactured in the USA・25.4 mm (1 inch) riser height・Pins provided with enlarger for enhanced grip, extras included・Enlarger and Riser available in black or silver・Fitment on Adventure model requires installation of standard brakepedal, BMW part# 35_0380・Patent Pending■注意点※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種R 1200 GS Water Cooled R 1200 GS Water Cooled
AltRider アルトライダー DualControl Brake Enlarger and 22mm Riser Kit R 1200 GS Water Cooled BMW BMW その他ステップオプション・補修部品
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■詳細説明The average person takes 0.5 to 1 full second to react to hazards.Traveling at 60 MPH, a rider will travel 25 to 50 feet before beingable to properly react. Most OEM brake pedals have asingle-positioned small footprint, yet most ADV riderssubstantially change foot positioning as they switch betweenstanding and sitting. If your foot is not already situatedcorrectly on the rear brake pedal, you are now potentially doublingreaction time and distance to make what could be a critical stop.This is why you see all motorcycle racers with 1 or 2 fingers onthe front brake lever in photographs. AltRider has taken away thisadditional hazard with the patent pending DualControl Brake System.There are three parts to the AltRider DualControl Brake System thatenhance control and reaction time; a riser, an enlarger plate, anda brake snake.RiserWhen in a seated position, a rider’s bent knee naturally puts theangle of the foot pointed down 90 degrees from the lower leg, whilea standing position creates a straighter leg and raises the angleof your foot to a more horizontal position. Using the OEM brakepedal, there is no way to keep the correct brake control positionwhen both sitting and standing. With the AltRider enlarger and 25.4mm (1 inch) riser combined, there are now two levels in which toengage the rear brake, putting your foot in optimal positionregardless of riding position.EnlargerThe ever-changing terrain of off-road riding means your entire bodyis constantly moving and adjusting. The billet aluminum enlargerplate gives your foot a greater surface area to work with,affording you more control of the rear brake. The enlarger plate isprecision fit to each bike model ensuring long-term stability.Optional and replaceable grip pins are provided for furthercustomization.Brake SnakeThe area between the brake pedal and the bike is one of the mostsusceptible areas for debris. As you ride, plants naturally wedgeinto the open crevice, getting stuck and building up. This cancause the mild steel lever to easily bend out of position resultingin a loss of proper usage of the rear brake. Withabrasion-resistant braided stainless steel, the AltRider BrakeSnake is intelligently integrated into the patent pendingDualControl Brake System, preventing debris from gathering andbending the lever. Brake Snake is only available in silver.All three products are available separately or as a kit. AltRiderEnlarger is required for use of Riser and Brake Snake.・Stainless steel bottom plate and hardware to endure the abrasionsof off-road riding・100% designed and manufactured in the USA・25.4 mm (1 inch) riser height・Pins provided with enlarger for enhanced grip, extras included・Enlarger and Riser available in black or silver・Fitment on Adventure model requires installation of standard brakepedal, BMW part# 35_0380・Patent Pending■注意点※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種R 1200 GS Water Cooled R 1200 GS Water Cooled
AltRider アルトライダー DualControl Brake Enlarger and 32mm Riser Kit R 1200 GS Water Cooled BMW BMW その他ステップオプション・補修部品
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■詳細説明The average person takes 0.5 to 1 full second to react to hazards.Traveling at 60 MPH, a rider will travel 25 to 50 feet before beingable to properly react. Most OEM brake pedals have asingle-positioned small footprint, yet most ADV riderssubstantially change foot positioning as they switch betweenstanding and sitting. If your foot is not already situatedcorrectly on the rear brake pedal, you are now potentially doublingreaction time and distance to make what could be a critical stop.This is why you see all motorcycle racers with 1 or 2 fingers onthe front brake lever in photographs. AltRider has taken away thisadditional hazard with the patent pending DualControl Brake System.There are three parts to the AltRider DualControl Brake System thatenhance control and reaction time; a riser, an enlarger plate, anda brake snake.RiserWhen in a seated position, a rider’s bent knee naturally puts theangle of the foot pointed down 90 degrees from the lower leg, whilea standing position creates a straighter leg and raises the angleof your foot to a more horizontal position. Using the OEM brakepedal, there is no way to keep the correct brake control positionwhen both sitting and standing. With the AltRider enlarger and 25.4mm (1 inch) riser combined, there are now two levels in which toengage the rear brake, putting your foot in optimal positionregardless of riding position.EnlargerThe ever-changing terrain of off-road riding means your entire bodyis constantly moving and adjusting. The billet aluminum enlargerplate gives your foot a greater surface area to work with,affording you more control of the rear brake. The enlarger plate isprecision fit to each bike model ensuring long-term stability.Optional and replaceable grip pins are provided for furthercustomization.Brake SnakeThe area between the brake pedal and the bike is one of the mostsusceptible areas for debris. As you ride, plants naturally wedgeinto the open crevice, getting stuck and building up. This cancause the mild steel lever to easily bend out of position resultingin a loss of proper usage of the rear brake. Withabrasion-resistant braided stainless steel, the AltRider BrakeSnake is intelligently integrated into the patent pendingDualControl Brake System, preventing debris from gathering andbending the lever. Brake Snake is only available in silver.All three products are available separately or as a kit. AltRiderEnlarger is required for use of Riser and Brake Snake.・Stainless steel bottom plate and hardware to endure the abrasionsof off-road riding・100% designed and manufactured in the USA・25.4 mm (1 inch) riser height・Pins provided with enlarger for enhanced grip, extras included・Enlarger and Riser available in black or silver・Fitment on Adventure model requires installation of standard brakepedal, BMW part# 35_0380・Patent Pending■注意点※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種R 1200 GS Water Cooled R 1200 GS Water Cooled
AltRider アルトライダー DualControl Brake Enlarger R 1200 GS Water Cooled BMW BMW その他ステップオプション・補修部品
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■詳細説明The average person takes 0.5 to 1 full second to react to hazards.Traveling at 60 MPH, a rider will travel 25 to 50 feet before beingable to properly react. Most OEM brake pedals have asingle-positioned small footprint, yet most ADV riderssubstantially change foot positioning as they switch betweenstanding and sitting. If your foot is not already situatedcorrectly on the rear brake pedal, you are now potentially doublingreaction time and distance to make what could be a critical stop.This is why you see all motorcycle racers with 1 or 2 fingers onthe front brake lever in photographs. AltRider has taken away thisadditional hazard with the patent pending DualControl Brake System.There are three parts to the AltRider DualControl Brake System thatenhance control and reaction time; a riser, an enlarger plate, anda brake snake.RiserWhen in a seated position, a rider’s bent knee naturally puts theangle of the foot pointed down 90 degrees from the lower leg, whilea standing position creates a straighter leg and raises the angleof your foot to a more horizontal position. Using the OEM brakepedal, there is no way to keep the correct brake control positionwhen both sitting and standing. With the AltRider enlarger and 25.4mm (1 inch) riser combined, there are now two levels in which toengage the rear brake, putting your foot in optimal positionregardless of riding position.EnlargerThe ever-changing terrain of off-road riding means your entire bodyis constantly moving and adjusting. The billet aluminum enlargerplate gives your foot a greater surface area to work with,affording you more control of the rear brake. The enlarger plate isprecision fit to each bike model ensuring long-term stability.Optional and replaceable grip pins are provided for furthercustomization.Brake SnakeThe area between the brake pedal and the bike is one of the mostsusceptible areas for debris. As you ride, plants naturally wedgeinto the open crevice, getting stuck and building up. This cancause the mild steel lever to easily bend out of position resultingin a loss of proper usage of the rear brake. Withabrasion-resistant braided stainless steel, the AltRider BrakeSnake is intelligently integrated into the patent pendingDualControl Brake System, preventing debris from gathering andbending the lever. Brake Snake is only available in silver.All three products are available separately or as a kit. AltRiderEnlarger is required for use of Riser and Brake Snake.・Stainless steel bottom plate and hardware to endure the abrasionsof off-road riding・100% designed and manufactured in the USA・25.4 mm (1 inch) riser height・Pins provided with enlarger for enhanced grip, extras included・Enlarger and Riser available in black or silver・Fitment on Adventure model requires installation of standard brakepedal, BMW part# 35_0380・Patent Pending■注意点※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種R 1200 GS Water Cooled R 1200 GS Water Cooled
AltRider アルトライダー Side Stand Enlarger Riser Plate R 1200 GS Water Cooled BMW BMW スタンドパッド・エクステンション
ウェビック 楽天市場店
■詳細説明BMW’s water-cooled R 1200 GS was designed for big adventures andlots of cargo, but an unladen GSW leans at quite an aggressiveangle when on the side stand. This severe lean angle can make forprecarious mounting and dismounting, especially when ridingoff-road on uneven terrain. That’s where AltRider’s Riser Plate forthe Side Stand Enlarger comes in.While the Side Stand Enlarger will help your bike keep firm footingon loose or softer surfaces, the Riser Plate can be installed toprop the bike into a slightly more upright position. Measuring inat 0.25” (6.4 mm) in height, this laser cut aluminum piece canchange the lean angle by as much as 5°, which can make all thedifference at the end of a long day of riding.The AltRider Side Stand Riser Plate is designed and manufactured inthe United States, and is available in silver or black finish.Fits 2013, 2015 and newer standard R 1200 GS, and 2014-current GSAmodels.Does not fit 2013-2015 Lowered Suspension models, 2014 model.*Requires AltRider Side Stand Enlarger Foot for the BMW R 1200 GSWater Cooled.■注意点※メーカー都合により商品の仕様変更がある場合がございます。ご了承ください。■適合車種R 1200 GS Water Cooled R 1200 GS Water Cooled