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533件中 1件 - 30件  1 2 3 4 5 6

(出版社)American Mathematical Society p-adic Analysis Compared with Real 1冊 978-0-8218-4220-1

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(出版社)American Mathematical Society p-adic Analysis Compared with Real 1冊●著者:Katok, S.●シリーズ名:Student Mathematical Library●Vol. 37●頁数他:xiii., 152 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:American Mathematical Society●発行日:2007/1/1 7,227円

(出版社)Createspace Ibeacon Handbook 1冊 978-1-4996-9935-7

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(出版社)Createspace Ibeacon Handbook 1冊●著者:Uehara, Akihiro●頁数他:82 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Createspace●発行日:2014/3/15 2,773円

(出版社)American Mathematical Society Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 1冊 978-0-8218-5313-9

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(出版社)American Mathematical Society Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 1冊●著者:Han, Qing●シリーズ名:Courant Lecture Notes●Vol. 1●頁数他:147 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:American Mathematical Society●発行日:2011/1/1 6,938円

(出版社)Dover Publications, Inc. Handbook of Mathematical Functions: with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables. 1冊 978-0-486-61272-0

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(出版社)Dover Publications, Inc. Handbook of Mathematical Functions: with formulas, graphs, and mathematical tables. 1冊●編者:Abramowitz, M./Stegun, I.A.●頁数他:xiv, 1,046 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Dover Publications, Inc.●発行日:1965/1/1 9,029円

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Organic Chemistry 1冊 978-0-19-927029-3

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Organic Chemistry 1冊●著者:Clayden, Jonathan/Greeves, Nick/Warren, Stuart●和文:ウォーレン 有機化学 第2版●頁数他:1,264 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2012/3/15 9,716円

(出版社)Springer-Verlag New York Advanced Organic Chemistry 1冊 978-0-387-68346-1

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(出版社)Springer-Verlag New York Advanced Organic Chemistry 1冊●著者:Carey, Francis A./Sundberg, Richard J.●シリーズ名:Advanced Organic Chemistry●和文:有機化学 第5版 全2巻●頁数他:1175 p., 2,489 illus.(8 in color)●装丁:Paper●版次:5th ed.●出版社:Springer-Verlag New York●発行日:2008/5/27 10,478円

(出版社)Dover Publications, Inc. Thermodynamics 1冊 978-0-486-60361-2

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(出版社)Dover Publications, Inc. Thermodynamics 1冊●著者:Fermi, Enrico●和文:熱力学●頁数他:x, 160 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Dover Publications, Inc.●発行日:1956/1/1 2,763円

(出版社)Garland Essential Cell Biology 1冊 978-0-8153-4455-1

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(出版社)Garland Essential Cell Biology 1冊●著者:Alberts, Bruce/Bray, Dennis/Hopkin, Karen/Johnson, Alexander D/Lewis, Julian/Raff, Martin/Roberts, Keith/Walter, Peter●和文:エッセンシャル細胞生物学 第4版●頁数他:864 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:4th ed.●出版社:Garland●発行日:2013/11/5 16,599円

(出版社)Dover Publications, Inc. Green's Functions and Condensed Matter 1冊 978-0-486-49984-0

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(出版社)Dover Publications, Inc. Green's Functions and Condensed Matter 1冊●著者:Rickayzen, G.●シリーズ名:Dover Books on Physics●頁数他:357 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Dover Publications, Inc.●発行日:2013/5/15 5,745円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Erd S Ko Rado Theorems 1冊 978-1-107-12844-6

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Erd S Ko Rado Theorems 1冊●著者:Godsil, Chris/Meagher, Karen●シリーズ名:Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics●Vol. 149●頁数他:350 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2016/12/1 16,816円

(出版社)American Mathematical Society Geometric Group Theory 1冊 978-1-4704-1227-2

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(出版社)American Mathematical Society Geometric Group Theory 1冊●編者:Vogtmann, Karen●シリーズ名:IAS/Park City Mathematics Series●Vol. 21●頁数他:405 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:American Mathematical Society●発行日:2015/2/28 18,919円

(出版社)Garland Essential Cell Biology 1冊 978-0-8153-4454-4

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(出版社)Garland Essential Cell Biology 1冊●著者:Alberts, Bruce/Bray, Dennis/Hopkin, Karen/Johnson, Alexander D/Lewis, Julian/Raff, Martin/Roberts, Keith/Walter, Peter●和文:エッセンシャル細胞生物学 第4版●頁数他:864 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:4th ed.●出版社:Garland●発行日:2013/11/7 33,476円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Inflation and String Theory 1冊 978-1-107-08969-3

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Inflation and String Theory 1冊●著者:McAllister, Liam/Baumann, Daniel●シリーズ名:Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics●頁数他:394 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2015/4/30 21,443円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Electricity and Magnetism 1冊 978-1-107-01402-2

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Electricity and Magnetism 1冊●著者:Morin, David J./Purcell, Edward M.●頁数他:853 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:3rd ed.●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2013/3/1 18,918円

(出版社)Princeton U.P. Group Theory in a Nutshell for Physicists 1冊 978-0-691-16269-0

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(出版社)Princeton U.P. Group Theory in a Nutshell for Physicists 1冊●著者:Zee, A.●頁数他:632 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Princeton U.P.●発行日:2016/4/15 14,369円

(出版社)Princeton U.P. Elliptic Tales - Curves, Counting, and Number Theory 1冊 978-0-691-16350-5

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(出版社)Princeton U.P. Elliptic Tales - Curves, Counting, and Number Theory 1冊●著者:Ash, Avner/Gross, Robert●頁数他:280 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Princeton U.P.●発行日:2014/10/28 3,109円

(出版社)Brooks/Cole Publishing Company Organic Chemistry 1冊 978-1-305-08048-5

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(出版社)Brooks/Cole Publishing Company Organic Chemistry 1冊●著者:McMurry, John E.●和文:マクマリー・有機化学 第9版●頁数他:1,416 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:9th ed.●出版社:Brooks/Cole Publishing Company●発行日:2015/1/1 53,312円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. A First Course in String Theory 1冊 978-0-521-88032-9

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. A First Course in String Theory 1冊●著者:Zwiebach, Barton●和文:ひも理論入門 第2版●頁数他:670 p., 86 illus.●装丁:Hard●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2009/1/1 22,072円

(出版社)Penguin Books To Explain the World 1冊 978-0-14-198087-4

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(出版社)Penguin Books To Explain the World 1冊●著者:Weinberg, Steven●和文:スティーヴン・ワインバーグ著 世界の説明—近代科学の発見—●頁数他:416 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Penguin Books●発行日:2016/2/1 3,015円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Understanding Machine Learning 1冊 978-1-107-05713-5

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Understanding Machine Learning 1冊●著者:Ben-David, Shai●頁数他:400 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2014/4/1 13,662円

(出版社)Chapman & Hall/CRC Machine Learning 1冊 978-1-4665-8328-3

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(出版社)Chapman & Hall/CRC Machine Learning 1冊●著者:Marsland, Stephen●頁数他:457 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Chapman & Hall/CRC●発行日:2014/11/17 14,660円

(出版社)Academic Pr. Nonlinear Optics 1冊 978-0-12-369470-6

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(出版社)Academic Pr. Nonlinear Optics 1冊●著者:Boyd, Robert W.●和文:非線形光学 第3版●頁数他:640 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:3rd ed.●出版社:Academic Pr.●発行日:2008/4/11 23,966円

(出版社)W.H. Freeman and Company Life: The Science of Biology (Volume 1) 1冊 978-1-4641-4122-5

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(出版社)W.H. Freeman and Company Life: The Science of Biology (Volume 1) 1冊●著者:Hillis, David M./Sadava, David E./Heller, H. Craig●頁数他:389 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:10th ed.●出版社:W.H. Freeman and Company●発行日:2013/3/14 9,128円

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur 1冊 978-0-19-969933-9

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur 1冊●著者:Lancaster, Tom/Blundell, Stephen J.●頁数他:512 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2014/4/17 8,298円

(出版社)Oxford U.P. In All Likelihood 1冊 978-0-19-967122-9

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. In All Likelihood 1冊●著者:Pawitan, Yudi●頁数他:544 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2013/1/17 8,298円

(出版社)American Mathematical Society Heads or Tails 1冊 978-0-8218-3714-6

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(出版社)American Mathematical Society Heads or Tails 1冊●著者:Lesigne, Emmanuel.●シリーズ名:Student Mathematical Library●Vol. 28●頁数他:viii, 150 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:American Mathematical Society●発行日:2005/1/1 7,148円

(出版社)Hindustan Book Agency (India) Analysis II 1冊 978-93-80250-65-6

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(出版社)Hindustan Book Agency (India) Analysis II 1冊●著者:Tao, Terence●シリーズ名:Hindustan Book Agency publication (HIN)●Vol. 67●頁数他:236 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:3rd ed.●出版社:Hindustan Book Agency (India)●発行日:2016/9/26 10,092円

(出版社)Wiley Essentials of Ecology 1冊 978-0-470-90913-3

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(出版社)Wiley Essentials of Ecology 1冊●著者:Begon, Michael/Howarth, Robert W./Townsend, Colin R.●和文:要説生態学 第4版●頁数他:480 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:4th ed.●出版社:Wiley●発行日:2014/9/26 12,193円

(出版社)Butterworth-Heinemann The Classical Theory of Fields 1冊 978-0-7506-2768-9

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(出版社)Butterworth-Heinemann The Classical Theory of Fields 1冊●著者:Landau, L D/Lifshitz, E.M.●シリーズ名:Course of Theoretical Physics●Vol. 2●和文:ランダウ リフシッツ理論物理学講座 場の古典論 第4版●頁数他:402 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:4th ed.●出版社:Butterworth-Heinemann●発行日:1980/1/15 15,337円

(出版社)Springer Verlag Topological Insulators 1冊 978-3-642-32857-2

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(出版社)Springer Verlag Topological Insulators 1冊●著者:Shen, Shun-Qing●シリーズ名:Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences●Vol.174●頁数他:258 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:2013rd ed.●出版社:Springer Verlag●発行日:2013/1/11 26,807円