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(出版社)Now Publishers Inc. Deep Learning: Methods and Applications 1冊 978-1-60198-814-0
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(出版社)Now Publishers Inc. Deep Learning: Methods and Applications 1冊●著者:Deng, Li/Yu, Dong●シリーズ名:Foundations and Trends(r) in Signal Processing●Vol.20●頁数他:206 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Now Publishers Inc.●発行日:2014/7/28

(出版社)University Science Books Problems and Solutions to Accompany: McQuarrie and Simon's Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach. 1冊 978-0-935702-43-9
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(出版社)University Science Books Problems and Solutions to Accompany: McQuarrie and Simon's Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach. 1冊●著者:Cox, H.●頁数他:viii, 955 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:University Science Books●発行日:1997/1/1

(出版社)W.H. Freeman and Company Organic Chemistry 1冊 978-1-4641-2027-5
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(出版社)W.H. Freeman and Company Organic Chemistry 1冊●著者:Schore, Neil E./Vollhardt, K. Peter C.●和文:ヴォルハルト・ショアー 現代有機化学 第7版●頁数他:1,223 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:7th ed.●出版社:W.H. Freeman and Company●発行日:2014/3/11

(出版社)Wiley Organic Chemistry 1冊 978-1-118-32379-3
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(出版社)Wiley Organic Chemistry 1冊●著者:Solomons, T. W. Graham/Fryhle, Craig B./Snyder, Scott A.●和文:ソロモン 有機化学 第11版 ISV版●頁数他:1,240 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:11th ed. International Student Version●出版社:Wiley●発行日:2013/5/3

(出版社)Butterworth-Heinemann Quantum Mechanics 1冊 978-0-7506-3539-4
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(出版社)Butterworth-Heinemann Quantum Mechanics 1冊●著者:Landau, L D/Lifshitz, E.M.●シリーズ名:Course of Theoretical Physics●Vol. 3●和文:ランダウ リフシッツ理論物理学講座 量子力学 第3版●頁数他:689 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:3rd ed.●出版社:Butterworth-Heinemann●発行日:1981/1/15

(出版社)American Mathematical Society Geometry of Isotropic Convex Bodies 1冊 978-1-4704-1456-6
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(出版社)American Mathematical Society Geometry of Isotropic Convex Bodies 1冊●著者:Vritsiou, Beatrice-Helen●シリーズ名:Mathematical Surveys and Monographs●Vol. 196●頁数他:603 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:American Mathematical Society●発行日:2014/5/30

(出版社)Westview Press Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering 1冊 978-0-8133-4910-7
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(出版社)Westview Press Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering 1冊●著者:Strogatz, Steven H.●頁数他:513 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Westview Press●発行日:2014/7/29

(出版社)American Mathematical Society Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables 1冊 978-0-8218-2165-7
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(出版社)American Mathematical Society Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables 1冊●著者:Gunning, Robert C./Rossi, Hugo●シリーズ名:AMS Chelsea Publishing●Vol. 368●頁数他:317 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:American Mathematical Society●発行日:2009/1/1

(出版社)Wiley Mathematical Game Theory and Applications 1冊 978-1-118-89962-5
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(出版社)Wiley Mathematical Game Theory and Applications 1冊●著者:Mazalov, Vladimir●頁数他:432 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Wiley●発行日:2014/9/26

(出版社)Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistical Rethinking 1冊 978-1-4822-5344-3
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(出版社)Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistical Rethinking 1冊●著者:McElreath, Richard●シリーズ名:Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science●Vol.122●頁数他:487 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Chapman & Hall/CRC●発行日:2016/2/19

(出版社)Pearson Education Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 1冊 978-1-292-02499-8
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(出版社)Pearson Education Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 1冊●著者:Craig, Allen T.●和文:数理統計学入門 第7版 IE版●頁数他:656 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:7th ed. / ISE.●出版社:Pearson Education●発行日:2013/8/1

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Unit Equations in Diophantine Number Theory 1冊 978-1-107-09760-5
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Unit Equations in Diophantine Number Theory 1冊●著者:Evertse, Jan-Hendrik/Gy Ry, Kalman/Evertse, J. H.●シリーズ名:Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics●Vol. 146●頁数他:378 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2016/1/31

(出版社)Basic Books, Inc. Love and Math 1冊 978-0-465-06495-3
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(出版社)Basic Books, Inc. Love and Math 1冊●著者:Frenkel, Edward●和文:エドワード・フレンケル著 愛と数学(『数学の大統一に挑む』原著)●頁数他:292 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Basic Books, Inc.●発行日:2014/9/9

(出版社)Wiley-VCH Metal Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions and More, 3 Volume Set 1冊 978-3-527-33154-3
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(出版社)Wiley-VCH Metal Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions and More, 3 Volume Set 1冊●編者:de Meijere, Armin/Br?se, Stefan/Oestreich, Martin●和文:金属触媒のクロスカップリング反応 全3巻●頁数他:1,576 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Wiley-VCH●発行日:2014/1/22

(出版社)Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Decoding the Language of Genetics 1冊 978-1-62182-092-5
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(出版社)Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Decoding the Language of Genetics 1冊●著者:Botstein, David●和文:遺伝学用語の解読●頁数他:240 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press●発行日:2015/9/30

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Chemistry 1冊 978-0-19-968397-0
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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Chemistry 1冊●著者:Atkins, Peter●シリーズ名:Very Short Introductions●Vol. 417●和文:化学●頁数他:128 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2015/2/26

(出版社)Pearson Education Modern Quantum Mechanics 1冊 978-1-292-02410-3
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(出版社)Pearson Education Modern Quantum Mechanics 1冊●著者:Napolitano, Jim J.●頁数他:528 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:2nd ed./IE●出版社:Pearson Education●発行日:2013/7/31

(出版社)Imperial College Press Science Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English. 1冊 978-1-84816-309-6
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(出版社)Imperial College Press Science Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English. 1冊●著者:Glasman-Deal, Hilary●頁数他:272 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Imperial College Press●発行日:2010/2/1

(出版社)American Mathematical Society Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov Equations 1冊 978-1-4704-2558-6
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(出版社)American Mathematical Society Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov Equations 1冊●著者:Shaposhnikov, Stanislav V.●シリーズ名:Mathematical Surveys and Monographs●Vol. 207●頁数他:489 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:American Mathematical Society●発行日:2016/1/30

(出版社)American Mathematical Society Knots, Molecules, and the Universe 1冊 978-1-4704-2535-7
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(出版社)American Mathematical Society Knots, Molecules, and the Universe 1冊●著者:Flapan, Erica●和文:結び目、分子と宇宙: トポロジー入門●頁数他:386 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:American Mathematical Society●発行日:2015/12/30

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Basic Category Theory 1冊 978-1-107-04424-1
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Basic Category Theory 1冊●著者:Leinster, Tom●シリーズ名:Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics●Vol. 143●頁数他:250 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2014/7/1

(出版社)American Mathematical Society Toric Topology 1冊 978-1-4704-2214-1
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(出版社)American Mathematical Society Toric Topology 1冊●著者:Panov, Taras E.●シリーズ名:Mathematical Surveys and Monographs●Vol. 204●頁数他:523 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:American Mathematical Society●発行日:2015/8/30

(出版社)American Mathematical Society Lectures on Linear Partial Differential Equations 1冊 978-0-8218-5284-2
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(出版社)American Mathematical Society Lectures on Linear Partial Differential Equations 1冊●著者:Eskin, G. I.●シリーズ名:Graduate Studies in Mathematics●Vol.No. 123●頁数他:411 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:American Mathematical Society●発行日:2011/7/15

(出版社)Dover Publications, Inc. Number Theory. 1冊 978-0-486-68252-5
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(出版社)Dover Publications, Inc. Number Theory. 1冊●著者:Andrews, G.E.●頁数他:x, 259 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Dover Publications, Inc.●発行日:1994/1/1

(出版社)Cengage Learning ISE Introduction to the Theory of Computation. Michael Sipser 1冊 978-1-133-18781-3
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(出版社)Cengage Learning ISE Introduction to the Theory of Computation. Michael Sipser 1冊●著者:Sipser, Michael●頁数他:504 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:3rd ed.●出版社:Cengage Learning ISE●発行日:2012/12/9

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Rivers: A Very Short Introduction 1冊 978-0-19-958867-1
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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Rivers: A Very Short Introduction 1冊●著者:Middleton, Nick●シリーズ名:Very Short Introductions●Vol.311●和文:河川●頁数他:152 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2012/4/26

(出版社)Polity Press Water 1冊 978-0-7456-5033-3
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(出版社)Polity Press Water 1冊●著者:Feldman, David L.●シリーズ名:PRS - Polity Resources series●頁数他:200 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Polity Press●発行日:2012/9/21

(出版社)Wiley Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants 1冊 978-0-470-71421-8
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(出版社)Wiley Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants 1冊●編者:Buchanan, Bob B./Gruissem, Wilhelm/Jones, Russell L.●和文:植物の生化学と分子生物学 第2版●頁数他:1,280 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Wiley●発行日:2015/9/4

(出版社)Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd. Solid State Physics 1冊 978-981-4369-89-3
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(出版社)Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd. Solid State Physics 1冊●著者:Ashcroft, Neil W./Mermin, David/Wei, Dan●和文:Ashcroft, Mermin 固体物理学 改訂版●頁数他:1,332 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:Revised ed.●出版社:Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.●発行日:2016/7/1

(出版社)American Mathematical Society Classical Mechanics with Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 1冊 978-0-8218-9138-4
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(出版社)American Mathematical Society Classical Mechanics with Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control 1冊●著者:Levi, Mark●シリーズ名:Student Mathematical Library●Vol. 69●頁数他:299 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:American Mathematical Society●発行日:2014/3/1