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(出版社)Oxford U.P. (ELT) Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles: Level 3:: Future Energy 1冊 978-0-19-479449-7
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(出版社)Oxford U.P. (ELT) Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles: Level 3:: Future Energy 1冊●著者:Raynham, Alex●シリーズ名:Oxford Bookworms ELT●頁数他:80 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P. (ELT)●発行日:2012/6/7

(出版社)The Johns Hopkins U.P. Matrix Computations 4 edition 1冊 978-1-4214-0794-4
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(出版社)The Johns Hopkins U.P. Matrix Computations 4 edition 1冊●著者:Golub, Gene H./Van Loan, Charles F.●Vol.3●頁数他:784 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:4th ed.●出版社:The Johns Hopkins U.P.●発行日:2013/2/22

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Holographic Duality in Condensed Matter Physics 1冊 978-1-107-08008-9
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Holographic Duality in Condensed Matter Physics 1冊●著者:Zaanen, Jan/Liu, Yan/Sun, Ya-Wen●頁数他:583 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2015/11/30

(出版社)Yale U.P. A Little History of Science 1冊 978-0-300-19713-6
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(出版社)Yale U.P. A Little History of Science 1冊●著者:Bynum, William●和文:科学小史●頁数他:272 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Yale U.P.●発行日:2013/8/2

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms. 1冊 978-0-521-64298-9
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms. 1冊●著者:MacKay, David.●和文:情報理論、推測と学習のアルゴリズム●頁数他:550 p., 5 color plates, 30 figs.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2003/1/1

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Successful Scientific Writing 1冊 978-1-107-69193-3
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Successful Scientific Writing 1冊●著者:Matthews, Robert W./Matthews, Janice R.●和文:生物学・医学研究者のための論文執筆ガイド 第4版●頁数他:303 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:4th ed.●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2014/11/13

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Organic Chemistry 1冊 978-0-19-969327-6
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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Organic Chemistry 1冊●著者:Okuyama, Tadashi/Maskill, Howard●和文:奥山格他著 有機化学●頁数他:688 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2013/11/7

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Instantons and Large N: An Introduction to Non-Perturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory 1冊 978-1-107-06852-0
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Instantons and Large N: An Introduction to Non-Perturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory 1冊●著者:Marino, Marcos●頁数他:376 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2015/9/3

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Differential Topology 1冊 978-1-107-15352-3
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Differential Topology 1冊●著者:Wall, C. T. C.●シリーズ名:Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics●Vol.156●頁数他:353 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2016/7/4

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Matrix Analysis 1冊 978-0-521-54823-6
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Matrix Analysis 1冊●著者:Horn, Roger A./Johnson, Charles R.●頁数他:662 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2012/10/1

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Logic of Infinity 1冊 978-1-107-67866-8
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Logic of Infinity 1冊●著者:Sheppard, Barnaby●頁数他:490 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2014/7/31

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Climate Change: A Very Short Introduction 1冊 978-0-19-871904-5
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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Climate Change: A Very Short Introduction 1冊●著者:Maslin, Mark●シリーズ名:Very Short Introductions●Vol.118●頁数他:216 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:3rd ed.●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2014/10/23

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 1冊 978-1-107-17986-8
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 1冊●著者:Griffiths, David J.●和文:量子力学入門 第2版●頁数他:465 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2016/8/16

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Gravity 1冊 978-1-107-03286-6
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Gravity 1冊●著者:Will, Clifford M.●頁数他:700 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2014/6/30

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Convex Optimization. 1冊 978-0-521-83378-3
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Convex Optimization. 1冊●著者:Boyd, Stephen/Vandenberghe, L.●和文:凸最適化●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2004/1/1

(出版社)Oxford U.P. A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences 1冊 978-0-19-965306-5
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(出版社)Oxford U.P. A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences 1冊●著者:Allaby, Michael●シリーズ名:Oxford Quick Reference●和文:地質学・地球科学辞典●頁数他:672 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:4th ed.●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2013/7/4

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Quantum Measurement Theory and Its Applications 1冊 978-1-107-02548-6
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Quantum Measurement Theory and Its Applications 1冊●著者:Jacobs, Kurt●頁数他:554 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2014/8/14

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Computer Age Statistical Inference: Algorithms, Evidence, and Data Science 1冊 978-1-107-14989-2
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Computer Age Statistical Inference: Algorithms, Evidence, and Data Science 1冊●著者:Efron, Bradley/Hastie, Trevor●シリーズ名:Institute of Mathematical Statistics Monographs●Vol.5●頁数他:492 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2016/7/20

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Source Mechanisms of Earthquakes 1冊 978-1-107-04027-4
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Source Mechanisms of Earthquakes 1冊●著者:Buforn, Elisa●頁数他:325 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2014/4/1

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences 1冊 978-0-19-956428-6
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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences 1冊●著者:Atkins, Peter/de Paula, Julio●和文:アトキンス・生命科学のための物理化学 第2版●頁数他:624 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2010/12/16

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. The Quantum Theory of Fields 1冊 978-0-521-67053-1
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. The Quantum Theory of Fields 1冊●著者:Weinberg, Steven●和文:ワインバーグ:場の量子論 第1巻●頁数他:635 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2005/5/9

(出版社)Oxford U.P. The Animal Kingdom: A Very Short Introduction 1冊 978-0-19-959321-7
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(出版社)Oxford U.P. The Animal Kingdom: A Very Short Introduction 1冊●著者:Holland, Peter●シリーズ名:Very Short Introductions●Vol.293●和文:動物界●頁数他:144 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2011/11/24

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Materials: A Very Short Introduction 1冊 978-0-19-967267-7
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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Materials: A Very Short Introduction 1冊●著者:Hall, Christopher●シリーズ名:Very Short Introductions●Vol.405●頁数他:160 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2014/10/23

(出版社)Oxford U.P. The Laws of Thermodynamics: A Very Short Introduction 1冊 978-0-19-957219-9
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(出版社)Oxford U.P. The Laws of Thermodynamics: A Very Short Introduction 1冊●著者:Atkins, Peter●シリーズ名:Very Short Introductions●Vol. 226●和文:熱力学の法則●頁数他:120 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2010/3/25

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Automorphic Forms and L-Functions for the Group Gl(n, R) 1冊 978-1-107-56502-9
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Automorphic Forms and L-Functions for the Group Gl(n, R) 1冊●著者:Goldfeld, D.●シリーズ名:Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics (Paperback)●Vol.99●頁数他:516 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2015/12/25

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Lectures on K3 Surfaces 1冊 978-1-107-15304-2
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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Lectures on K3 Surfaces 1冊●著者:Huybrechts, Daniel●シリーズ名:Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics (Hardcover)●Vol.158●頁数他:496 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2016/10/6

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Cosmology 1冊 978-0-19-852682-7
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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Cosmology 1冊●著者:Weinberg, Steven●和文:ワインバーグ 宇宙論●頁数他:624 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2008/2/21

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Inorganic Chemistry 1冊 978-0-19-964182-6
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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Inorganic Chemistry 1冊●著者:Weller, Mark/Overton, Tina/Rourke, Jonathan/Armstrong, Fraser●和文:無機化学 第6版●頁数他:912 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:6th ed.●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2014/1/23

(出版社)Oxford U.P. The Selfish Gene 1冊 978-0-19-878860-7
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(出版社)Oxford U.P. The Selfish Gene 1冊●著者:Dawkins, Richard●シリーズ名:Oxford Landmark Science●和文:リチャード・ドーキンス著 利己的な遺伝子<刊行40周年記念版>●頁数他:496 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:4th ed.●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2016/6/9

(出版社)Princeton U.P. Hodge Theory (MN-49): 1冊 978-0-691-16134-1
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(出版社)Princeton U.P. Hodge Theory (MN-49): 1冊●著者:Cattani, Eduardo/El Zein, Fouad/Griffiths, Phillip A/Trang, Le Dung/Griffiths, Phillip A./Tr??ng, L?? D??ng●Vol.49●頁数他:608 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Princeton U.P.●発行日:2014/7/1