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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Organic Chemistry 1冊 978-0-19-927029-3

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Organic Chemistry 1冊●著者:Clayden, Jonathan/Greeves, Nick/Warren, Stuart●和文:ウォーレン 有機化学 第2版●頁数他:1,264 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2012/3/15 9,716円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Erd S Ko Rado Theorems 1冊 978-1-107-12844-6

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Erd S Ko Rado Theorems 1冊●著者:Godsil, Chris/Meagher, Karen●シリーズ名:Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics●Vol. 149●頁数他:350 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2016/12/1 16,816円

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Genes: A Very Short Introduction 1冊 978-0-19-967650-7

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Genes: A Very Short Introduction 1冊●著者:Slack, Jonathan●シリーズ名:Very Short Introductions●Vol.399●和文:遺伝子●頁数他:136 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2014/9/25 1,610円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. A First Course in String Theory 1冊 978-0-521-88032-9

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. A First Course in String Theory 1冊●著者:Zwiebach, Barton●和文:ひも理論入門 第2版●頁数他:670 p., 86 illus.●装丁:Hard●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2009/1/1 22,072円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Understanding Machine Learning 1冊 978-1-107-05713-5

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Understanding Machine Learning 1冊●著者:Ben-David, Shai●頁数他:400 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2014/4/1 13,662円

(出版社)Princeton U.P. How to Solve it 1冊 978-0-691-16407-6

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(出版社)Princeton U.P. How to Solve it 1冊●著者:Polya, G./Conway, John●シリーズ名:Princeton Science Library●和文:ポリア著 いかにして問題を解くか●頁数他:288 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Princeton U.P.●発行日:2014/10/28 3,085円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. The Art of Electronics 1冊 978-0-521-80926-9

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. The Art of Electronics 1冊●著者:Horowitz, Paul/Hill, Winfield●和文:電子回路の技術 第3版●頁数他:1,220 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:3rd ed.●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2015/4/1 25,228円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics 1冊 978-0-521-76444-5

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics 1冊●著者:Fradkin, Eduardo●和文:凝縮系物理学における場の理論●頁数他:856 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2013/2/1 23,125円

(出版社)Princeton U.P. Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics 1冊 978-0-691-15039-0

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(出版社)Princeton U.P. Princeton Companion to Applied Mathematics 1冊●著者:Higham, Nicholas●和文:Princeton 大学出版 応用数学必携●頁数他:1,016 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Princeton U.P.●発行日:2015/9/25 15,890円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms 1冊 978-0-521-76633-3

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms 1冊●著者:Zaki, Mohammed J./Meira Jr, Wagner●和文:データマイニングと分析●頁数他:562 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2014/5/31 14,713円

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Probability 1冊 978-0-19-958848-0

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Probability 1冊●著者:Haigh, John●シリーズ名:Very Short Introductions●Vol.310●和文:確率論●頁数他:144 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2012/4/26 1,610円

(出版社)Oxford U.P. A Dictionary of Biology 1冊 978-0-19-871437-8

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. A Dictionary of Biology 1冊●編者:Hine, Robert●シリーズ名:Oxford Quick Reference●和文:Oxford Paperback Reference版 生物学辞典 第7版●頁数他:672 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:7th ed.●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2015/6/25 3,845円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Modern Electrodynamics 1冊 978-0-521-89697-9

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Modern Electrodynamics 1冊●著者:Zangwill, Andrew●頁数他:998 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2013/2/1 21,020円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Numerical Recipes 1冊 978-0-521-88068-8

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Numerical Recipes 1冊●著者:Press, William H./Teukolsky, Saul A./Vetterling, William T./Flannery, Brian P.●和文:数値解析レシピ 第3版●頁数他:1,256 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:3rd ed.●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2007/9/1 21,020円

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Principles of Development 1冊 978-0-19-967814-3

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Principles of Development 1冊●著者:Wolpert, Lewis/Tickle, Cheryll/Martinez Arias, Alfonso●和文:ウォルパート・発生の原理 第5版●頁数他:720 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:5th ed.●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2015/3/26 12,724円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Unit Equations in Diophantine Number Theory 1冊 978-1-107-09760-5

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Unit Equations in Diophantine Number Theory 1冊●著者:Evertse, Jan-Hendrik/Gy Ry, Kalman/Evertse, J. H.●シリーズ名:Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics●Vol. 146●頁数他:378 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2016/1/31 16,816円

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Chemistry 1冊 978-0-19-968397-0

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Chemistry 1冊●著者:Atkins, Peter●シリーズ名:Very Short Introductions●Vol. 417●和文:化学●頁数他:128 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2015/2/26 1,610円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Principles of Optics 1冊 978-0-521-64222-4

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Principles of Optics 1冊●著者:Born, Max/Wolf, E.●和文:光学の要点 第7版●頁数他:1,200 p., 393 line diagrams, 20 half-tones.●装丁:Hard●版次:7th ed.●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:1999/1/1 22,072円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences: An Introduction 1冊 978-0-521-88588-1

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences: An Introduction 1冊●著者:Imbens, Guido W./Rubin, Donald B.●和文:統計・社会科学・バイオメディカルサイエンスのための因果推論入門●頁数他:644 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2015/4/30 13,034円

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Astrobiology: A Very Short Introduction 1冊 978-0-19-958645-5

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Astrobiology: A Very Short Introduction 1冊●著者:Catling, David C.●シリーズ名:Very Short Introductions●Vol.370●和文:宇宙生物学●頁数他:160 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2013/10/24 1,610円

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Bacteria: A Very Short Introduction 1冊 978-0-19-957876-4

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Bacteria: A Very Short Introduction 1冊●著者:Amyes, Sebastian G.B.●シリーズ名:Very Short Introductions●Vol.352●和文:バクテリア●頁数他:160 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2013/5/30 1,610円

(出版社)Oxford U.P. A Dictionary of Science 1冊 978-0-19-956146-9

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. A Dictionary of Science 1冊●編者:Martin, Elizabeth A.●シリーズ名:Oxford Quick Reference●和文:Oxford 科学辞典 第6版●頁数他:912 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:6th ed.●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2010/1/7 3,845円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Biodesign: The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies 1冊 978-1-107-08735-4

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Biodesign: The Process of Innovating Medical Technologies 1冊●著者:Yock, Paul G./Zenios, Stefanos/Makower, Josh●和文:バイオデザイン 第2版●頁数他:952 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2015/4/30 20,811円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Introduction to the AdS/CFT Correspondence 1冊 978-1-107-08585-5

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Introduction to the AdS/CFT Correspondence 1冊●著者:Nastase, Horatiu●頁数他:453 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2015/9/10 16,816円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics 1冊 978-1-107-11166-0

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Lectures on Quantum Mechanics 1冊●著者:Weinberg, Steven●和文:ワインバーグ 量子力学講義 第2版●頁数他:480 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2015/9/30 10,722円

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Complexity: A Very Short Introduction 1冊 978-0-19-966254-8

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Complexity: A Very Short Introduction 1冊●著者:Holland, John H.●シリーズ名:Very Short Introductions●Vol.392●和文:複雑性●頁数他:112 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2014/7/24 1,610円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics 1冊 978-1-107-07402-6

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics 1冊●著者:Binder, Kurt/Landau, David P.●頁数他:538 p.●装丁:Hard●版次:4th ed.●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2014/11/30 18,500円

(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Singularities of the Minimal Model Program 1冊 978-1-107-03534-8

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(出版社)Cambridge U.P. Singularities of the Minimal Model Program 1冊●著者:Kollr, Jnos/Koll R., J. Nos/Kollaar, Jaanos●シリーズ名:Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics●Vol. 200●頁数他:382 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:Cambridge U.P.●発行日:2013/2/28 20,601円

(出版社)Oxford U.P. Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur 1冊 978-0-19-969933-9

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur 1冊●著者:Lancaster, Tom/Blundell, Stephen J.●頁数他:512 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2014/4/17 8,298円

(出版社)Oxford U.P. In All Likelihood 1冊 978-0-19-967122-9

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(出版社)Oxford U.P. In All Likelihood 1冊●著者:Pawitan, Yudi●頁数他:544 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:Oxford U.P.●発行日:2013/1/17 8,298円