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7件中 1件 - 7件  1

X-Bionic エックスバイオニック MOTO MEN PANTS,LONG,WINTER,BLK/RED アンダーパンツ・インナーパンツ アパレル

ウェビック 楽天市場店
■商品概要Color:Black/Red・Material: 82% polyamide 10% polypropylene 7 % elastane■詳細説明BETTER TEMPERATURE CONTROL MEANS ENHANCED CONCENTRATION:Haveyouever wondered why conventional base layers end up wet andclingingto your body, in spite of the impressive names given tothematerials they are made of? Simple, really:It’s not just thefibresthat matter but, most importantly, the technology used inmakingthe garment. X-BIONIC incorporates three-dimensionaltextiletechnologies tailored to each part of your body, thusoptimisingtemperature control. This has a decisive advantage:yourbodytemperature remains at an optimal 37°C for longer. Soyourendurance and concentration levels are enhanced.INNERLAP AIRCONDITIONINGZONEIn terms of muscle performance, the inner thigh is less reactivetocold. That’s something we all know instinctively, so when ourhandsare cold, we put them between our legs to warm them andhelprestore our general feeling of warmth more quickly. This isexactlywhere the Innerlap AirConditioningZone is positioned. Inthisregion, the fabric has greater air permeability, and theinsulatinglayer is reduced so that temperature regulation isintensified byair exchange.AIR-CONDITIONING CHANNELAir-Conditioning Channel is a ventilation system that channelsairaround your body, continuously wicking away moisture and heat.Itallows air to flow to body regions that fresh aircirculationcannot normally reach.EXPANSIONKNEEThe ExpansionKnee protects your knees against cold evenwhenflexed.AKTIVBUNDAktivBund is a wide, self-adjusting cuff that adapts to anylegcircumference without slipping or constricting.AIRCONDITIONINGSPOTA fine, round knitted mesh is incorporated at the back of thekneebecause that is an area of the body that sweats quicklyandprofusely. The body’s own heat is utilised to wick the sweat totheoutside, where it can evaporate without any risk ofcausingchilling.ISO-CALFPADEspecially after a short rest, the calf muscles start to cooldown,even if the rest of your body is still warm. That means a riskofinjury. So ISO-CalfPad is designed to retain the body’swarmth.Cut/fit:X-Bionic Pants offer a sporty, body-hugging fit formaximumperformance.■注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 22,816円

X-Bionic エックスバイオニック MOTOLIGHT 3/4 PANTS,BLACK/GREY アンダーパンツ・インナーパンツ アパレル

ウェビック 楽天市場店
■商品概要Color:Black/Grey・Material: 75% polyamide, 14% polypropylene, 11% elastane■詳細説明High-performance base layer with active climate regulationX-BIONIC provides three-dimensional textile technology tailoredtoeach part of the body, which supports temperature regulation.Thishas a decisive advantage:your body temperature remains atanoptimal 37°C for longer. So your endurance and concentrationlevelsare enhanced.Reduces muscle vibrationsMuscle activity generates high-frequency vibrations that arealmostimperceptible at first. As the muscles tire, the frequency ofthesevibrations becomes slower, and you start to feel them.Musclefatigue is the result! The compression provided by X-BIONICMotoEnergizer stabilises the muscles from the outset, so youconserveyour energy. Ideal conditions for maintaining topperformance.・Improves the supply of nutrientsThe compression provided by X-BIONIC Moto Energizer stabilisestheblood vessels. The support given to the blood vesselsrelievesstrain on the cardiovascular system and improves oxygenandnutrient supply. Faster return flow of deoxygenated blood totheheart means that the muscles and organs are supplied morequicklywith performance-promoting oxygen and nutrients.・Continuous aeration and cushioningRubbing, sweat and pressure changes can soon make sitting onthesaddle uncomfortable. For this reason, a 5 millimetre thickAirDuctstructure provide continuous ventilation and cushioning inthe seatarea.・Enhanced concentration means greater safetyPhysical fitness and concentration go hand in hand. The longeryoucan maintain top performance, the safer you are on the road.Theairstream, constant vibrations and centrifugal forces all putastrain on the muscles. This is where X-BIONIC PartialCompressiongives you a real safety plus. It utilises the benefitsofcompression while also using the skin as a cooling surface.Yousave valuable energy which you would otherwise expend inregulatingbody temperature.・Excess heat is dissipatedA fine, round woven mesh is integrated at the back of thekneesbecause this is a part of the body that sweats quicklyandprofusely. The body’s own heat is utilised to wick the sweat totheoutside, where it can evaporate without any risk ofcausingchilling.・Medium compression reduces muscle vibrations・Enhanced oxygen and nutrient supply to the muscles・Faster recovery・CoolingTip:Perfect in combination with a long biking sock! No more feelingofpressure in the ankle area because of too much overlap ofmaterial.■注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 17,691円

X-Bionic エックスバイオニック MOTOLIGHT SHIRT,LONGSLEEVE,BLK/GREY アンダーシャツ・インナーシャツ アパレル

ウェビック 楽天市場店
■商品概要Color:Black/Grey・Material: 80% polyamide, 11% elastane, 9% polypropylene■詳細説明High-performance base layer with active climate regulationIf your body chills or overheats when riding a motorbike,yourconcentration will suffer. So it is all the more importanttomaintain an optimal body temperature of 37°C. This ispreciselywhat the patented, extra-large 3D-BionicSphere system onthe chestand back is designed to do. It utilises your sweat forcooling, andwith its chamber system, it creates an insulating layerof air nextto your body.Enhanced concentration means greater safety!・Ideal climate controlLarge 3D BionicSphere system in the chest and back area isdesignedfor high physical demands.Cools when you sweat, warms when your body starts to chill!・Targeted air circulationAirDuct Pads at the hips and shouldersNormally, kidney belts and protective suits prevent anyaircirculation. Which is why X-BIONIC Moto Energizer hasintegratedAirDuct Pads. These are vertically arranged to enable anairstreambetween the pads, thus quickly removing warm and humidair.・Vibration reduction for improved physical performanceVibrations make your muscles tire more quickly. X-ImpactTechnologymeans that the base layer is close-fitting and absorbsvibrationseffectively.・A medium level of compression reduces muscle vibrations・Oxygen and nutrient supply to the muscles is improved・Faster recovery・Cooling■注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 20,093円

X-Bionic エックスバイオニック MOTO MEN LONGSLEEVE,WINTER,BLK/RED アンダーシャツ・インナーシャツ アパレル

ウェビック 楽天市場店
■商品概要Color:Black/Red・Material: 84% polyamide 9% polypropylene 7% elastane■詳細説明BETTER TEMPERATURE CONTROL MEANS ENHANCED CONCENTRATION:Haveyouever wondered why conventional base layers end up wet andclingingto your body, in spite of the impressive names given tothematerials they are made of? Simple, really. It’s not justthefibres that matter, but most importantly, the technology usedinmaking the garment. X-BIONIC incorporates three-dimensionaltextiletechnologies tailored to each part of your body, thusoptimisingtemperature control. This has a decisive advantage:yourbodytemperature remains at an optimal 37°C for longer. Soyourendurance and concentration levels are enhanced.AIR-CONDITIONING CHANNELAir-Conditioning Channel is a ventilation system that channelsairaround your body, continuously wicking away moisture and heat.Itallows air to flow to body regions that fresh aircirculationcannot normally reach.AIRDUCT SHOULDER PADSThe innovative 3D honeycomb cushion structure in the shoulderregionprovides effective ventilation and padding where the strapsof yourbackpack sit.3D-BIONICSPHERE SYSTEM in the chest areaThe generously dimensioned 3D-BionicSphere system in the chestareais designed for high physical demands and ensuresefficientcooling.AIRCOMPLEX-ZONEAn extra 144 cm? of insulation. The solar plexus, directly underthetwelfth thoracic vertebra, is where important nerves cometogether.These nerves carry signals that influence how your entirebodyfeels. Energy Accumulator Evo has special channels whichprotectthis sensitive area. Warm air enclosed in the channelsinsulatesoptimally against the cold. During physical exertion, thestructurehandles excess sweat and ensures efficient corecooling.AIR GUIDESThese spacers run along the edge of theAir-ConditioningChannel.ISO SHOULDERThe undulating insulating pads envelop your shoulders,conservingwarmth and protecting against chilling.SWEATTRAPS on the backTo prevent a single drop of valuable sweat being wasted, the backofthe garment features closely spaced rows of SweatTraps underthe3D-BionicSphere system.3D-BIONICSPHERE SYSTEM on the backGuarantees effective ventilation so that moisture can berapidlywicked away. When you are not sweating, air pockets intheundulating structure insulate against cold.Cut/fit:The X-Bionic Shirt offers a sporty, body-hugging fit formaximumperformance.■注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 25,133円

X-Bionic エックスバイオニック INVENT SHIRT,SHORT,BLK/GREY アンダーシャツ・インナーシャツ アパレル

ウェビック 楽天市場店
■商品概要Color:Black/Grey・Material: 91% polyamide, 5% elastane, 4% polypropylene■詳細説明Highly functional, extra-lightweight and perfect forsummertemperatures:The new Functional Underwear X-BIONICInventSummerlight delivers everything the outdoor sports enthusiastcouldwish for. The MacroSphere System on the chest and backactivelyassists body climate regulation, cooling when you exertyourselfmost, and warming when the thermometer drops. In fact,preciselywhat the body needs at any given moment. TheProprio-Padding at theshoulders exerts gentle pressure on thesensory receptors of themuscles, thus improving the efficiency ofmuscle movements.This underwear provides precisely targeted assistance forregulatingyour body climate. Thethree-dimensional knitted structuring maintains an insulatinglayerof airnext to your body. During physical exertion, excess heat isquicklycarried away via the AirConditioning ChannelandAirConditioningSpots.Sporting activities in hot weather put the body at riskofoverheating.The result is reduced performance because 90% of thebody’stemperature regulationis via the skin. INVENT SUMMERLIGHT activelycombatsoverheating.INVENT SUMMERLIGHT was created by the X-BIONIC developmentteamspecifically foruse in the hot summer months. Worn directly against the skin,itregulates the body climate according to the intensity ofyourphysical activity.It cools when you sweat, and warms when you start to cool down.MACROSPHERE SYSTEM ON CHEST AND BACKThe amply dimensioned MacroSphere System on the chest andbackprovides coolingwithout any risk of chilling.AIRCONDITIONING CHANNELThe AirConditioning Channel in the chest region is part ofthesystem of ventilation channels. Physiological studies haveshownthat the chest area is the optimal body zone for effectiveandrapid temperature regulation. Without causing any sensation ofcoldin your body, the fresh air exchange removes heat in the chestareavia this channel system. The continuous movement of air alongtheAirConditioning Channel is equally effective at taking upandremoving moisture from the sweat-intensive zones.ISO-PADSThe ribs of the ISO-Pads wrap around the shoulders, withregularspacing,to retain body warmth and protect against chilling.Withconventional underweara lot of warmth is lost in this area because the weight ofthemotorcycle rider’s jacket, or backpack,compresses the insulating material, reducing its effectiveness.4 AIRGUIDESfunction like spacers along the edges of the AirConditioningChannel.SWEATTRAPSAmply dimensioned sweat traps under the arms trap the sweatbeforeyou start to feel itand provide effective cooling.PROPRIO-PADDINGProprioreceptors are sensory receptors located in jointsandmuscles, whose purpose is tocontrol body posture and movements. The ribbed structures oftheProprio-Paddingexerts gentle pressure at these points, thereby enhancingtheneuromuscularreaction time of the stabilising muscles. This activelysupportsthe balance and stability of the entire body.FITTING RIBSFine rib structures ensure that the underwear sitsoptimally.Thestructure and material are designed so that the shirt fitssnuglyagainst the skin without constricting.What this means for the wearer is optimal functionality andaperfect fit.■注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 10,392円

X-Bionic エックスバイオニック INVENT BOXERSHORTS,BLK/GREY アンダーパンツ・インナーパンツ アパレル

ウェビック 楽天市場店
■商品概要Color:Black/Grey・Material: 94% polyamide, 4% polypropylene, 2% elastane■詳細説明Highly functional, extra-lightweight and perfect forsummertemperatures:The new Functional Underwear X-BIONICInventSummerlight delivers everything the outdoor sports enthusiastcouldwish for. The MacroSphere System on the chest and backactivelyassists body climate regulation - cooling when you exertyourselfmost, and warming when the thermometer drops. In fact,preciselywhat the body needs at any given moment.These boxer shorts provides precisely targeted assistanceforregulating your body climate. Thethree-dimensional knitted structuring maintains an insulatinglayerof airnext to your body.Sporting activities in hot weather put the body at riskofoverheating.The result is reduced performance because 90% of thebody’stemperature regulationis via the skin. INVENT SUMMERLIGHT activelycombatsoverheating.INVENT SUMMERLIGHT was created by the X-BIONIC developmentteamspecifically foruse in the hot summer months. Worn directly against the skin,itregulates the body climate according to the intensity ofyourphysical activity.・It cools when you sweat, and warms when you start to cooldown.MACROSPHERE SYSTEM ON THE LOWER ABDOMENThe amply dimensioned MacroSphere System on the chest andbackprovides coolingwithout any risk of chilling. Cools when you sweat, and warmswhenyou cool down, so there is no risk of chilling.MACROSPHERE SYSTEM AT THE TAILBONEThe MacroSphere System at the tailbone catches the sweat asitbegins to flow, and wicks it awaydirectly to the surface, where it evaporates. This firstphase,which often leads tochafing, is thus eliminated at source.AKTIVBUNDEnsures optimal grip.■注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 6,531円

X-Bionic エックスバイオニック MOTOLIGHT PANTS,LONG,BLK/GREY アンダーパンツ・インナーパンツ アパレル

ウェビック 楽天市場店
■商品概要Color:Black/Grey・Material: 73% polyamide, 18% polypropylene, 9% elastane■詳細説明High-performance base layer with active climate regulationX-BIONIC provides three-dimensional textile technology tailoredtoeach part of the body, which supports temperature regulation.Thishas a decisive advantage:your body temperature remains atanoptimal 37°C for longer. So your endurance and concentrationlevelsare enhanced.Reduces muscle vibrationsMuscle activity generates high-frequency vibrations that arealmostimperceptible at first. As the muscles tire, the frequency ofthesevibrations becomes slower, and you start to feel them.Musclefatigue is the result! The compression provided by X-BIONICMotoEnergizer stabilises the muscles from the outset, so youconserveyour energy. Ideal conditions for maintaining topperformance.・Improves the supply of nutrientsThe compression provided by X-BIONIC Moto Energizer stabilisestheblood vessels. The support given to the blood vesselsrelievesstrain on the cardiovascular system and improves oxygenandnutrient supply. Faster return flow of deoxygenated blood totheheart means that the muscles and organs are supplied morequicklywith performance-promoting oxygen and nutrients.・Continuous aeration and cushioningRubbing, sweat and pressure changes can soon make sitting onthesaddle uncomfortable. For this reason, a 5 millimetre thickAirDuctstructure provide continuous ventilation and cushioning inthe seatarea.・Enhanced concentration means greater safetyPhysical fitness and concentration go hand in hand. The longeryoucan maintain top performance, the safer you are on the road.Theairstream, constant vibrations and centrifugal forces all putastrain on the muscles. This is where X-BIONIC PartialCompressiongives you a real safety plus. It utilises the benefitsofcompression while also using the skin as a cooling surface.Yousave valuable energy which you would otherwise expend inregulatingbody temperature.・Excess heat is dissipatedA fine, round woven mesh is integrated at the back of thekneesbecause this is a part of the body that sweats quicklyandprofusely. The body’s own heat is utilised to wick the sweat totheoutside, where it can evaporate without any risk ofcausingchilling.・Medium compression reduces muscle vibrations・Enhanced oxygen and nutrient supply to the muscles・Faster recovery・Cooling■注意点※取り扱い説明書は英語となります。※輸入商材の為、納期が遅れる場合がございます。あらかじめご了承ください。 19,675円