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発音記号キャラ辞典 全ての発音記号をまとめてキャラ化!! Dacci from英語物語/著 リチャード川口/著

■ISBN:9784046023018★日時指定・銀行振込をお受けできない商品になりますタイトル発音記号キャラ辞典 全ての発音記号をまとめてキャラ化!! Dacci from英語物語/著 リチャード川口/著ふりがなはつおんきごうきやらじてんすべてのはつおんきごうおまとめてきやらか発売日201901出版社KADOKAWAISBN9784046023018大きさ270P 21cm著者名Dacci from英語物語/著 リチャード川口/著 1,540円

発音記号キャラ辞典 [ Dacci from 英語物語 ]

Dacci from 英語物語 リチャード川口 KADOKAWAハツオンキゴウキャラジテン ダッチフロムエイゴモノガタリ リチャードカワグチ 発行年月:2019年01月26日 予約締切日:2018年12月04日 ページ数:272p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784046023018 Dacci from 英語物語(DACCIFROMエイゴモノガタリ) 英語学習ゲーム「英語物語」で、発音記号ステージのシナリオ・イラストなどを担当 リチャード川口(リチャードカワグチ) RK English School校長。カナダ生まれ。オーストラリア、アメリカ、日本育ち。TOEIC満点複数回取得。数々の語学書のベストセラー作家。2006年、バンクーバーのTOEICの専門校99 Instituteで独自のカリキュラムを作り上げる。2013年、御茶ノ水にRK English Schoolを開校。近年では学校運営や執筆の他に、大学での講演、小学校での英語教育、企業での研修、TVやラジオのメディア出演、番組制作等、活躍の場を広げている(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) aとeのハーフ!?/こもり気味のあ/口も夢もデッカく!/イ界から来た悪魔兄弟/うーっきうきクッキング/ゆるーい脱力系女子/こゥせいのゥ?な発明/2音で1節1人で2人!?/天国のメーンゲイト!?/ホラーなオイぬ様〔ほか〕 全ての発音記号をまとめてキャラ化!!各キャラのストーリーマンガを読むだけで、綺麗な発音が身につく! 本 語学・学習参考書 語学学習 英語 1,540円

発音記号キャラ辞典【電子書籍】[ Dacci from 英語物語 ]

<p>綺麗な発音を身につける上で必須となる、発音記号。しかし、どっからどう見ても、理解しがたい記号でしかない発音記号をスペルと結びつけながら覚えるのは至難の技です。そこで、本書では発音記号を全てキャラ化。それぞれのキャラが登場するマンガを読むだけで【1キャラ6ページ】、音のニュアンス・発音の仕方・スペルとの関係、全てサクッとつかめます。一度キャラで覚えた発音記号は忘れることがありません。無料DLできる音声も、最強の特別仕様!キャラの紹介、日本語と英語の音の差まで、全て余すところなく、軽快なBGMや効果音と共に収録!聞きながら、思わず一緒に声を出してみたくなる音声になっています。※電子書籍内の説明に沿って手順を進めることで、ウェブサイトから音声データをダウンロードできます。音声データは、PCなどの専用機器でお楽しみください。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,540円

Dacci oggi il nostro pane【電子書籍】[ Giovanni Maglioni ]

<p>La quarta invocazione del Padre nostro - ≪Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano≫ (seguendo Matteo) o ≪Dacci ogni giorno il pane quotidiano≫ (seguendo Luca) - ci appare come una richiesta molto semplice fatta a Dio perch? provveda all'alimentazione nostra e di tutto il mondo. Il suo significato ci sembra talmente evidente che, forse, non ? stata oggetto di particolare riflessione. E se invece questa invocazione non fosse cos? semplice quanto appare? Innanzitutto l'invocazione si pu? interpretare in due modi diversi, considerando la parola pane riferita al cibo materiale - e noi faremo cos? - oppure a un alimento spirituale. Ma ? proprio interpretando la parola pane nel suo significato letterale che essa ci riserva molte sorprese.Vi propongo quindi un percorso biblico per esaminarla insieme soffermandoci in modo particolare su alcune parole: principalmente poveri, pane e provvidenza.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 727円

Dacci oggi il nostro tatuaggio quotidiano【電子書籍】[ Gabriela de Portillo ]

<p>Il nostro corpo parla dei suoi malesseri ma anche del suo benessere. Sta solo a noi ascoltarli e interpretarli. Anche un tatuaggio esprime un' emozione, vuole dirci qualcosa e vuole che gli altri capiscano cosa si cela sotto quel determinato disegno inciso sulla pelle.</p> <p>Si tratta solo di vedere il corpo, la pelle, il cervello, in un modo diverso, in un senso biologico. Ma cosa spinge una persona a tatuarsi, a incidere sul suo corpo segni e disegni? Ma ? cosi vero che si sceglie un tipo di tatuaggio e l'angolo del corpo dove collocarlo cos? per caso? Un disagio emotivo ci porta dunque inconsciamente a tatuarci, una volta trasferito il disegno sul corpo, quel disagio svanisce dalla psiche. Il corpo diventa cosi il "diario dei ricordi".</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 970円

Dacci oggi il nostro desiderio quotidiano【電子書籍】[ Roberto Alonge ]

<p>Desideri dell’uomo e desideri della donna, sullo sfondo millenario di una <em>guerra di genere</em>, testimoniata per la prima volta dall’<em>Orestea</em> di Eschilo. Il maschio ha una struttura <em>penetrativa</em> e spesso il suo desiderio si trasforma in ossessione di potere, diventa forza regolatrice, costruttiva, vocazione, da cui dovrebbe scaturire la felicit?. La donna ? diversa, ha anfratti misteriosi, dove si cova ? proprio perch? nascosto ? un desiderio pi? intenso e caparbio, duraturo. La donna si fa attraente per l’altro, desidera di essere desiderata, e sa meglio dell’uomo che il desiderio ? sempre <em>desiderio del desiderio</em> (<em>dell’altro</em>). Curiosamente, talvolta, modalit? segretamente femminili assume anche lo stesso desiderio maschile, quasi un <em>sogno maschile di essere donna</em>, che si traduce in un inquietante fantasma triangolare: lo ritroviamo nel <em>Tartufo</em> di Moli?re, nel romanzo di Dostoevskij, <em>L’eterno marito</em>, nel film di Truffaut, <em>Jules e Jim</em>. I desideri pi? trasgressivi ce li sussurrano poeti (Ovidio), pittori (Klimt, Balthus), drammaturghi (Ibsen, Pirandello), autori di film (Bergman, Bertolucci, Bu?uel, Kubrick, Pasolini). Perch? sono gli artisti, dice Freud, ad avere, pi? di tutti, ≪il coraggio di lasciar parlare il proprio inconscio≫.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,760円

【3980円以上送料無料】発音記号キャラ辞典 全ての発音記号をまとめてキャラ化!!/Dacci from英語物語/著 リチャード川口/著

KADOKAWA 英語/発音 270P 21cm ハツオン キゴウ キヤラ ジテン スベテ ノ ハツオン キゴウ オ マトメテ キヤラカ ダツチ フロム エイゴ モノガタリ カワグチ,リチヤ−ド KAWAGUCHI,RICHARD 1,540円

発音記号キャラ辞典 全ての発音記号をまとめてキャラ化!!/Daccifrom英語物語/リチャード川口【1000円以上送料無料】

bookfan 2号店 楽天市場店
著者Daccifrom英語物語(著) リチャード川口(著)出版社KADOKAWA発売日2019年01月ISBN9784046023018ページ数270Pキーワードはつおんきごうきやらじてんすべてのはつおん ハツオンキゴウキヤラジテンスベテノハツオン だつち ふろむ えいご ものが ダツチ フロム エイゴ モノガ9784046023018内容紹介綺麗な発音を身につける上で必須となる、発音記号。しかし、どっからどう見ても、理解しがたい記号でしかない発音記号をスペルと結びつけながら覚えるのは至難の技です。そこで、本書では発音記号を全てキャラ化。それぞれのキャラが登場するマンガを読むだけで【1キャラ6ページ】、音のニュアンス・発音の仕方・スペルとの関係、全てサクッとつかめます。一度キャラで覚えた発音記号は忘れることがありません。無料DLできる音声も、最強の特別仕様!キャラの紹介、日本語と英語の音の差まで、全て余すところなく、軽快なBGMや効果音と共に収録!聞きながら、思わず一緒に声を出してみたくなる音声になっています。※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。目次aとeのハーフ!?/こもり気味のあ/口も夢もデッカく!/イ界から来た悪魔兄弟/うーっきうきクッキング/ゆるーい脱力系女子/こゥせいのゥ?な発明/2音で1節1人で2人!?/天国のメーンゲイト!?/ホラーなオイぬ様〔ほか〕 1,540円

【中古】A History of Western Tragedies and Accidents / WegnerNina

    A History of Western Tragedies and Accidents 新書 の詳細 カテゴリ: 中古本 ジャンル: 産業・学術・歴史 英語 出版社: IBCパブリッシング レーベル: 作者: WegnerNina カナ: アヒストリーオブウエスタントラジディーズアンドアクシデンツ / ニーナウェグナー サイズ: 新書 ISBN: 4794607669 発売日: 2023/07/01 関連商品リンク : WegnerNina IBCパブリッシング 825円

発音記号キャラ辞典 全ての発音記号をまとめてキャラ化!!/Daccifrom英語物語/リチャード川口【3000円以上送料無料】

bookfan 1号店 楽天市場店
著者Daccifrom英語物語(著) リチャード川口(著)出版社KADOKAWA発売日2019年01月ISBN9784046023018ページ数270Pキーワードはつおんきごうきやらじてんすべてのはつおん ハツオンキゴウキヤラジテンスベテノハツオン だつち ふろむ えいご ものが ダツチ フロム エイゴ モノガ9784046023018内容紹介綺麗な発音を身につける上で必須となる、発音記号。しかし、どっからどう見ても、理解しがたい記号でしかない発音記号をスペルと結びつけながら覚えるのは至難の技です。そこで、本書では発音記号を全てキャラ化。それぞれのキャラが登場するマンガを読むだけで【1キャラ6ページ】、音のニュアンス・発音の仕方・スペルとの関係、全てサクッとつかめます。一度キャラで覚えた発音記号は忘れることがありません。無料DLできる音声も、最強の特別仕様!キャラの紹介、日本語と英語の音の差まで、全て余すところなく、軽快なBGMや効果音と共に収録!聞きながら、思わず一緒に声を出してみたくなる音声になっています。※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。目次aとeのハーフ!?/こもり気味のあ/口も夢もデッカく!/イ界から来た悪魔兄弟/うーっきうきクッキング/ゆるーい脱力系女子/こゥせいのゥ?な発明/2音で1節1人で2人!?/天国のメーンゲイト!?/ホラーなオイぬ様〔ほか〕 1,540円

Mercy【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong>Special Agent Atlee Pine’s quest to find her missing sister reaches an explosive climax in <em>Mercy,</em> the gripping follow up to <em>Long Road to Mercy</em> and <em>Daylight</em>, from one of the world’s most favourite thriller writers, David Baldacci.</strong></p> <p><strong>The hunt is finally over.</strong></p> <p>FBI agent Atlee Pine is at the end of her long journey to discover what happened to her twin sister, Mercy, who was abducted when the girls were just six years old ? an incident which destroyed her family and left Atlee physically and mentally scarred.</p> <p>She knew her sister and parents were out there somewhere. And she had to find them. Dead or alive.</p> <p>Atlee and her assistant, Carol Blum, discover the truth. But the truth hurts. And hurt makes you tough. So how tough do you have to be to forgive?</p> <p>As they uncover a shocking trail of lies, greed, fear and revenge, they must face one final challenge. A challenge more deadly and dangerous than they could ever have imagined . . .</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,263円

The Final Play【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong>From the international number one bestselling thriller writer, David Baldacci, comes a gripping mystery about a college football player’s investigation into the unsolved disappearance of a fellow player who seemingly vanished into thin air.</strong></p> <p><em><em><em>Previously published as</em> The Mighty Johns</em>,</em> The Final Play <em>is an ebook novella from bestselling author David Baldacci.</em>**</p> <p>Forty years ago, Herschel Ruggles, a legend on the Mighty Johns football team at Draven University, disappeared after scoring a record-breaking touchdown in front of 25,000 spectators. Ruggles, instead of celebrating, continued running, ball in hand, into a passageway that led under the field. He was never seen again.</p> <p>His disappearance had mystified the community for decades until another player, brilliant physics major, Merlin North, turns detective and becomes fixated on discovering what happened to Herschel Ruggles.</p> <p>As North’s investigation deepens, he uncovers evidence which suggests that dark forces played a hand in Ruggles’ fate, revealing a truth even more extraordinary than he could ever have anticipated.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 595円

No Man's Land【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong><em>No Man's Land</em> by David Baldacci is an exciting thriller featuring special investigator John Puller, who is pursuing a case that will send him deep into his own troubled past.</strong></p> <p><strong>One man demands justice . . .</strong></p> <p>John Puller is the US Army's most tenacious investigator, but he is not equipped to face the truth about his mother's disappearance thirty years ago. New evidence has come to light suggesting that Puller's father ? a highly decorated army veteran ? may have murdered his wife.</p> <p>When Puller's friend, intelligence operative Veronica Knox, arrives on the scene, he realizes that there is far more to this case than he first thought. Puller knows that nothing will prevent him from discovering what really happened to his mother ? even if it means proving that his father is a killer.</p> <p><strong>. . . the other seeks revenge</strong></p> <p>Paul Rogers has just been paroled after spending ten years in a high-security prison for murder. And with his freedom comes a desire to pay back old debts. Harbouring a dark past that changed him in unimaginable ways, Rogers embarks on a journey across the country, set on a path of revenge against the people who took away his humanity.</p> <p><strong>As both men uncover a trail of deception that stretches back decades, they soon realize that the truth will bind them together in ways they could never have imagined.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,404円

The 6:20 Man The Number One Bestselling Richard and Judy Book Club Pick【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong>A bestselling Richard & Judy Book Club pick, <em>The 6:20 Man</em> is a heart-racing thriller with an incredible ending, set in the world of high finance in New York, from the number one bestselling author David Baldacci.</strong></p> <p><strong>It's time to catch a killer . . .</strong></p> <p>Having survived combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq and been decorated with medals, Travis Devine leaves the army in mysterious circumstances, under a cloud of suspicion. And at thirty-two years old, he’s swapping fighting the Taliban and Al-Qaeda for a different kind of danger in the cut-throat world of high finance.</p> <p>His daily commute on the 6:20 a.m. train into New York’s financial district, to his new job as an analyst at the powerhouse investment bank Cowl and Comely, takes him into a world where greed, power, jealousy and ambition result in the financial abuse of the masses and the enrichment of an elite few.</p> <p>When a close friend of Devine’s is found dead, the mysterious circumstances surrounding her death at Cowl and Comely compel him to investigate further. As he digs deeper, he discovers strange coincidences and unnerving truths.</p> <p>As the deaths pile up, and the major players show their hands, he must question who he can trust ? and who he must fight . . .</p> <p><strong>The action continues in <em>The Edge</em>, the second Travis Devine thriller from David Baldacci.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,404円

Simply Lies from the number one bestselling author of The 6:20 Man【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong><em>Simply Lies</em> is an intense thriller featuring Mickey Gibson, a former New Jersey detective, from the number one bestselling author David Baldacci.</strong></p> <p><strong>'This is Baldacci at his formidable best . . . Do not miss it' ? <em>Sunday Times</em></strong></p> <p><strong>NO TRUTH</strong></p> <p>Former Jersey City detective and single mother of two, Mickey Gibson, now works for global investigation company, ProEye, to track down assets of the wealthy who have tried to avoid their creditors. One day she gets a call from a colleague, Arlene Robinson, asking her to visit the home of a notorious arms dealer who has cheated some of ProEye’s clients in the past. Mickey arrives at the mansion to discover the body of a man hidden in a secret room.</p> <p><strong>NO LIMITS</strong></p> <p>It turns out that nothing is at it seems. The arms dealer did not exist, and nobody at ProEye knew of Arlene Robinson. Mickey had been tricked and now the cops were involved. The body was that of Harry Langhorne, who’d been in Witness Protection having had links with the mob.</p> <p><strong>NO FEAR</strong></p> <p>Now begins a cat-and-mouse showdown between hardened ex-cop, Mickey, and a woman with sociopathic tendencies who has no name and a mysterious past. She intends to get what she wants and people who get in her way will die. For Mickey to stop her, she must first discover her true identity and what damaged her all those years ago. And the truth behind why she selected Micky to become her nemesis . . .</p> <p><strong>*****</strong></p> <p><strong>KILLER TWISTS. HEROES TO BELIEVE IN. TRUST BALDACCI.</strong></p> <p>‘One of the world’s thriller masters’ ? <strong>Daily Mail</strong></p> <p>‘Baldacci is still peerless’ ? <strong>Sunday Times</strong></p> <p>‘One of the all-time best thriller authors’ ? <strong>Lisa Gardner, author of <em>One Step Too Far</em></strong></p> <p>‘Baldacci delivers, every time!’ ? <strong>Lisa Scottoline, author of <em>Every Fifteen Minutes</em></strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,404円

Long Shadows From the number one bestselling author【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong>'<em>Baldacci is the master' Jeffery Archer</em></strong></p> <p><strong>As darkness falls, evil comes to light...</strong></p> <p>Memory man FBI agent, Amos Decker, returns in this action-packed thriller to investigate the mysterious and brutal murder of a federal judge and her bodyguard at her home in an exclusive, gated community in Florida from international bestselling author David Baldacci.</p> <p>Things are changing for Decker. He’s in crisis following the suicide of a close friend and receipt of a letter concerning a personal issue which could change his life forever. Together with the prospect of working with a new partner, Frederica White, Amos knows that this case will take all of his special skills to solve.</p> <p>Judge Julia Cummins seemingly had no enemies, and there was no forced entry to her property. Close friends and neighbours in the community apparently heard nothing, and Cummins’ distraught ex-husband, Barry, and teenage son, Tyler, both have strong alibis. Decker must first find the answer to why the judge felt the need for a bodyguard, and the meaning behind the strange calling card left by the killer.</p> <p>**Someone has decided it’s payback time.</p> <p>*************</p> <p><strong>KILLER TWISTS. HEROES TO BELIEVE IN. TRUST BALDACCI.</strong></p> <p>‘One of the world’s thriller masters’ <em><strong>Daily Mail</strong></em></p> <p>‘Baldacci is still peerless’ <em><strong>Sunday Times</strong></em></p> <p>‘One of the all-time best thriller authors’ <strong>Lisa Gardner, author of <em>FIND HER</em></strong></p> <p>‘Baldacci delivers, every time!’ <strong>Lisa Scottoline</strong></p> <p>‘A master storyteller.’ <em><strong>Associated Press</strong></em></p> <p>‘Baldacci cuts everyone’s grass ? Grisham’s, Ludlum’s, even Patricia Cornwell’s ? and more than gets away with it’ <em><strong>People</strong></em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,404円

Daylight【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong>In this gripping mystery, an FBI Agent’s search for her sister clashes with a military investigator's high-stakes case, leading them both deep into a global conspiracyーfrom which neither of them will escape unscathed.</strong></p> <p>For many long years, Atlee Pine was tormented by uncertainty after her twin sister, Mercy, was abducted at the age of six and never seen again. Now, just as Atlee is pressured to end her investigation into Mercy's disappearance, she finally gets her most promising breakthrough yet: the identity of her sister's kidnapper, Ito Vincenzo.</p> <p>With time running out, Atlee and her assistant Carol Blum race to Vincenzo's last known location in Trenton, New Jerseyーand unknowingly stumble straight into John Puller's case, blowing his arrest during a drug ring investigation involving a military installation.</p> <p>Stunningly, Pine and Puller's joint investigation uncovers a connection between Vincenzo's family and a breathtaking scheme that strikes at the very heart of global democracy. Peeling back the layers of deceit, lies and cover-ups, Atlee finally discovers the truth about what happened to Mercy. And that truth will shock Pine to her very core.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,068円

Dream Town【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong>Private investigator and World War II veteran Aloysius Archer heads to Los Angeles, the city where dreams are made and shattered, and is ensnared in a lethal case in this latest thriller in #1 <em>New York Times</em> bestselling author David Baldacci’s Nero Award-winning series.</strong></p> <p>It’s the eve of 1953, and Aloysius Archer is in Los Angeles to ring in the New Year with an old friend, aspiring actress Liberty Callahan, when their evening is interrupted by an acquaintance of Callahan’s: Eleanor Lamb, a screenwriter in dire straits.</p> <p>After a series of increasingly chilling eventsーmysterious phone calls, the same blue car loitering outside her house, and a bloody knife left in her sinkーEleanor fears that her life is in danger, and she wants to hire Archer to look into the matter. Archer suspects that Eleanor knows more than she’s saying, but before he can officially take on her case, a dead body turns up inside of Eleanor’s home . . . and Eleanor herself disappears.</p> <p>Missing client or not, Archer is dead set on finding both the murderer and Eleanor. With the help of Callahan and his partner Willie Dash, he launches an investigation that will take him from mob-ridden Las Vegas to the glamorous world of Hollywood to the darkest corners of Los Angelesーa city in which beautiful faces are attached to cutthroat schemers, where the cops can be more corrupt than the criminals . . . and where the powerful people responsible for his client’s disappearance will kill without a moment’s hesitation if they catch Archer on their trail.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,068円

The 6:20 Man A Thriller【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong>A cryptic murder pulls a former soldier turned financial analyst deep into the corruption and menace that prowl beneath the opulent world of finance, in this #1 <em>New York Times</em> bestselling thriller from David Baldacci.</strong></p> <p>Every day without fail, Travis Devine puts on a cheap suit, grabs his faux-leather briefcase, and boards the 6:20 commuter train to Manhattan, where he works as an entry-level analyst at the city’s most prestigious investment firm. In the mornings, he gazes out the train window at the lavish homes of the uberwealthy, dreaming about joining their ranks. In the evenings, he listens to the fiscal news on his phone, already preparing for the next grueling day in the cutthroat realm of finance. Then one morning Devine’s tedious routine is shattered by an anonymous email: She is dead.</p> <p>Sara Ewes, Devine’s coworker and former girlfriend, has been found hanging in a storage room of his office buildingーpresumably a suicide, at least for nowーprompting the NYPD to come calling on him. If that wasn’t enough, before the day is out, Devine receives another ominous visit, a confrontation that threatens to dredge up grim secrets from his past in the army unless he participates in a clandestine investigation into his firm. This treacherous role will take him from the impossibly glittering lives he once saw only through a train window, to the darkest corners of the country’s economic halls of power . . . where something rotten lurks. And apart from this high-stakes conspiracy, there’s a killer out there with their own agenda, and Devine is the bull’s-eye.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,283円

Long Road to Mercy LONG ROAD TO MERCY (Atlee Pine Thriller) [ David Baldacci ]

LONG ROAD TO MERCY Atlee Pine Thriller David Baldacci GRAND CENTRAL PUBL2019 Paperback English ISBN:9781538761533 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction 3,009円

The Edge【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong>The 6:20 Man is back, dropped by his handlers into a small coastal town in Maine to solve the murder of a CIA agent who knew America’s dirtiest secretsーcan Travis Devine uncover the truth before his time runs out?</strong></p> <p>When CIA operative Jenny Silkwell is murdered in rural Maine, government officials have immediate concerns over national security. Her laptop and phone were full of state secrets that, in the wrong hands, endanger the lives of countless operatives. In need of someone who can solve the murder quickly and retrieve the missing information, the U.S. government knows just the chameleon they can call on.</p> <p>Ex-Army Ranger Travis Devine spent his time in the military preparing to take on any scenario, followed by his short-lived business career chasing shadows in the deepest halls of power, so his analytical mind makes him particularly well-suited for complex, high-stakes tasks. Taking down the world’s largest financial conspiracy proved his value, and in comparison, this case looks straightforward. Except small towns hold secrets and Devine finds himself an outsider again.</p> <p>Devine must ingratiate himself with locals who have trusted each other their whole lives, and who distrust outsiders just as much. Dak, Jenny’s brother, who’s working to revitalize the town. Earl, the retired lobsterman who found Jenny’s body. And Alex, Jenny’s sister with a dark past of her own. As Devine gets to know the residents of Putnam, Maine, answers seem to appear and then transform into more questions. There’s a long history of secrets and those who will stop at nothing to keep them from being exposed. Leaving Devine with no idea who he can trust... and who wants him dead.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,603円

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Walk the Wire The Sunday Times Number One Bestseller【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong>Remember his name: FBI Agent Amos Decker is back in a thrilling memory man investigation. From the number one bestselling author of <em>The 6:20 Man</em>, David Baldacci.</strong></p> <p><strong>A town with a secret.</strong></p> <p>A lone hunter discovers the remains of a woman in North Dakota’s Badlands. She appears to have had a post-mortem performed on her, reminiscent of those only seen on TV shows ? but there is no slab, morgue or camera in sight.</p> <p><strong>A victim without a past.</strong></p> <p>The FBI decide to investigate Irene Cramer's death, as key questions surface around her mysterious past. Little is known about this school teacher, where she came from or her true identity. But she clearly had something to hide.</p> <p><strong>A hero with a unique skill.</strong></p> <p>FBI investigator Amos Decker and his colleague, Alex Jamison, are summoned to seek answers. They travel to the local community of London, North Dakota ? a town which sits at the very heart of the fracking industry. Enriched with oil money, jealousy and a deep-set rivalry lie beneath a veneer of glitz and opulence.</p> <p>Decker soon realizes that the nearby ‘eye in the sky’, the Air Force Station, may hold the vital clues. And that this town holds secrets so explosive, they could destabilize the entire country . .</p> <p><strong><em>Walk the Wire</em> by David Baldacci is the sixth book in the Amos Decker series. Continue the investigative thrillers with <em>Long Shadows</em>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Once read, never forgotten.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,404円

A Minute to Midnight The Number One Bestseller【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong><em>A Minute to Midnight</em> is the gripping follow up to <em>Long Road to Mercy</em> featuring Special Agent Atlee Pine from one of the world’s most favourite thriller writers, David Baldacci.</strong></p> <p><strong>Without Mercy.</strong></p> <p>At six years old, Atlee’s twin sister, Mercy, was taken from the family home while Atlee was left for dead. Since that fateful night, Atlee has dedicated her life and career to catching those who hurt others.</p> <p><strong>Word of a killer.</strong></p> <p>Atlee has never stopped searching for answers about her sister. A notorious serial killer, locked in a maximum-security prison, continues to haunt her. Does he really know what happened to Mercy?</p> <p><strong>Quest for justice.</strong></p> <p>When Atlee oversteps the mark on the arrest of a dangerous criminal, the FBI gives her a leave of absence ? the perfect opportunity to return to where it all began.</p> <p>Determined to finally uncover the truth, Atlee Pine’s journey home turns into a rollercoaster ride of murder, long-buried secrets and lies . . . and a revelation so personal that everything she once believed is fast turning to dust.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,404円

The Simple Truth【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong>When cop-turned-attorney John Fiske comes to Washington to investigate his brother's murder, he unearths decades-old secrets and discovers the truth is anything but simple in this #1 <em>New York Times</em> bestselling thriller.</strong></p> <p>It's never what it seems...</p> <p>Young attorney Michael Fiske broke the law when he took Rufus Harms's prison letter from the Supreme Court. But he also sealed his own fate. Suddenly everyone who has anything to do with Harms or his appeal mysteriously dies. Now Michael's brother John, a cop turned attorney, comes to Washington to find out why his brother was murdered--and what it had to do with a crime that Harms committed twenty-five years before. But the one man who can help John, the one man who knows what really happened more than two decades ago--and why--has escaped from prison and is running for his life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 855円

End Game A Richard & Judy Book Club Pick and Edge-of-your-seat Thriller【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong>A Richard & Judy Book Club pick, <em>End Game</em> is the fifth book in the thrilling Will Robie series by bestselling author David Baldacci.</strong></p> <p>Will Robie, highly trained assassin and the US government’s most indispensable asset, is called to London.</p> <p>An imminent terrorist attack threatens the Underground and with the US next in line, Robie is the perfect choice to stop it before it begins.</p> <p>He knows he has one chance to succeed. One chance to save London. One chance to make it safely home to find out what has happened to fellow agent Jessica Reel following their last deadly mission together.</p> <p>But Robie is about to learn that even if he succeeds, the worst is yet to come.</p> <p>The game has started. Now only he can end it . . .</p> <p><strong>'An edge-of-the-seat ride from one of the world's thriller masters' ? <em>Daily Mail</em></strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,404円

Long Road to Mercy【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong>Number one bestseller <em>Long Road to Mercy</em> is the heart-pounding first novel in the FBI Special Agent Atlee Pine series by bestselling author David Baldacci.</strong></p> <p>FBI Special Agent Atlee Pine has learnt three lessons in life:</p> <p><strong>Some wounds never heal.</strong></p> <p>Atlee’s twin sister, Mercy, was abducted from their bedroom over thirty years ago, and Atlee has spent every day since wondering what happened to her.</p> <p><strong>Time doesn’t lessen your pain.</strong></p> <p>The prime suspect, notorious serial killer Daniel James Tor, is in a high-security prison, but with no confession, Atlee continues to search for her sister, even as Tor taunts her from jail.</p> <p><strong>But she can always make a difference.</strong></p> <p>Wracked by survivor’s guilt, Atlee joined the FBI to hunt down killers like Tor. Assigned to the remote wilds of the Western United States, she has spent years honing her skills and building her endurance, always with one eye on the ultimate goal.</p> <p>Now, Atlee Pine is tasked with an investigation which begins with a missing person in the Grand Canyon. And ends with a discovery much more sinister and far-reaching.</p> <p>Continue the gripping series with <em>A Minute to Midnight</em>.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,404円

Safe Enough? A History of Nuclear Power and Accident Risk【電子書籍】[ Thomas R. Wellock ]

<p>Since the dawn of the Atomic Age, nuclear experts have labored to imagine the unimaginable and prevent it. They confronted a deceptively simple question: When is a reactor “safe enough” to adequately protect the public from catastrophe? Some experts sought a deceptively simple answer: an estimate that the odds of a major accident were, literally, a million to one. Far from simple, this search to quantify accident risk proved to be a tremendously complex and controversial endeavor, one that altered the very notion of safety in nuclear power and beyond.</p> <p><em>Safe Enough?</em> is the first history to trace these contentious efforts, following the Atomic Energy Commission and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as their experts experimented with tools to quantify accident risk for use in regulation and to persuade the public of nuclear power’s safety. The intense conflict over the value of risk assessment offers a window on the history of the nuclear safety debate and the beliefs of its advocates and opponents. Across seven decades and the accidents at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima, the quantification of risk has transformed both society’s understanding of the hazards posed by complex technologies and what it takes to make them safe enough.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,669円

One Summer【電子書籍】[ David Baldacci ]

<p><strong>David Baldacci delivers a moving, family drama about learning to love again after terrible heartbreak and loss in this classic <em>New York Times</em> bestseller</strong>**ー**<strong>soon to be a Hallmark original movie.</strong></p> <p>It's almost Christmas, but there is no joy in the house of terminally ill Jack and his family. With only a short time left to live, he spends his last days preparing to say goodbye to his devoted wife, Lizzie, and their three children. Then, unthinkably, tragedy strikes again: Lizzie is killed in a car accident. With no one able to care for them, the children are separated from each other and sent to live with family members around the country.</p> <p>Just when all seems lost, Jack begins to recover in a miraculous turn of events. He rises from what should have been his deathbed, determined to bring his fractured family back together. Struggling to rebuild their lives after Lizzie's death, he reunites everyone at Lizzie's childhood home on the oceanfront in South Carolina. And there, over one unforgettable summer, Jack will begin to learn to love again, and he and his children will learn how to become a family once more.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 855円

腕時計 セイコー メンズ SRP605K2 SEIKO Men's Year-Round Acciaio INOX Automatic Watch with Rubber Strap, Blue, 20 (Model: SRP605K2)腕時計 セイコー メンズ SRP605K2

【SEIKO(セイコー)とは 】いわずとも知れた日本のブランドです。 日本初の腕時計、世界初のクオーツウオッチを製品化した、日本を代表する時計ブランドといっても過言ではありません。 セイコーのすごさは圧倒的な時計技術にあります。スイスの公認クロノメーターを超える精度の9S系メカニカル(機器愛)、年±10秒の誤差しか生じない9F系クォーツ、機械式とクォーツを融合させた9R系スプリングドライブなど、技術的に困難といわれる機構を次々と作り上げてきました。中でも、スプリングドライブは世界で唯一セイコーしか作ることができない仕組みとして知られています。ですが、このような革新的新機構を用いた時計でも、実に良心的な価格で手に入れられる点はうれしいポイントです。「身近な高級時計」として、様々なシーンで、どんな方にでもお勧めできるブランドです。商品情報 商品名腕時計 セイコー メンズ SRP605K2 SEIKO Men's Year-Round Acciaio INOX Automatic Watch with Rubber Strap, Blue, 20 (Model: SRP605K2)腕時計 セイコー メンズ SRP605K2 商品名(英語)SEIKO Men's Year-Round Acciaio INOX Automatic Watch with Rubber Strap, Blue, 20 (Model: SRP605K2) 商品名(翻訳)セイコーダイバーの自動青いダイアルブルーゴム Mens 腕時計の SRP605K2 型番SRP605K2 海外サイズ44 mm ブランドSEIKO 商品説明(自動翻訳)輸入されました タイプを表示してください:アナログ 水 - restistant (バー):100 (王座なしで)ミリメートル / インチの直径:44 / 1,73 g / オンスでの重量:127 / 4,48タイプを表示してください:アナログ 水 - restistant (バー):100 (王座なしで)ミリメートル / インチの直径:44 / 1,73 g / オンスでの重量:127 / 4,48 ケース − ツ?部品をケースに入れてください:ツ?(軽く触れられて / 磨かれた)ステンレス・スチール − ツ?ケースの形:ツ?四捨五入してください − ツ?ケースの色:ツ?銀、青 − ツ?Bezel 機能:ツ?分縮尺、左の turnable − ツ?「ツ」から作られている Bezel ?(軽く触れられて / 磨かれた)ステンレス・スチール − ツ?結晶:ツ?Hardlex − ツ?後部:ツ?クリスタルの後方のツ? 動き − ツ?タイプを表示してください:ツ?オートマチック:時間、分、秒 − ツ?動き:ツ?自動セイコー 7S36 − ツ?カレンダー:ツ?週日 + 日付ツ -    − ツ?ダイアルの色:ツ?青 − ツ?ダイアルスタイル:ツ?ゆっくり進んでいる太陽 − ツ?照らされた:ツ - 蛍光性の(緑の)ツ? 革ひも − ツ - ストラップの色:ツ?青 − ツ?留め金:ツ?バックル留め金 − ツ - 部品をひもで結び付けてください:ツ?Caouchouc ツ? それ以上の詳細 − ツ?プロダクト:ツ?見守ってください − ツ?メーカー:ツ?セイコー5 − ツ?モデル:ツ?スポーツ − ツ?目玉:ツ、 - 非常にスポーティー − ツ?「ツ」の上のロゴ?ダイアル、留め金、後部 − ツ?特徴:ツ?ステンレス・スチール 316L − ツ?パッケージ:ツ?書類 − ツ − を持ったオリジナルのパッケージ?留め金:ツ?バックル留め金ツ? 専門的な詳細 − ツ?ミリメートル / インチの突出部の間の距離:ツ?45 / 1,77 − ツ?ミリメートル / インチの革ひもの幅:ツ?20 / 0,79 − ツ?(王座なしで)ミリメートル / インチの直径:ツ?44 / 1,73 − ツ?g / オンスでの重量:ツ?127 / 4,48 − ツ?ミリメートル / インチの高さ:ツ?13 / 0,51 − ツ?ミリメートル / インチの最大のストラップ円周:ツ?210 / 8,27 − ツ?Water-restistant (bar): ツ?10 関連キーワード腕時計,セイコー,メンズこのようなギフトシーンにオススメです。プレゼント お誕生日 クリスマスプレゼント バレンタインデー ホワイトデー 贈り物 SEIKO特集 お気に入りのSEIKOを貴方に 107,290円