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BONES WHEELS ボーンズ ウィール54mm X-FORMULA GRIPPIN WOLF V6 WIDE-CUT 99A WHEELSハードウィール(4個セット)ホワイト エックスフォーミュラー X99 スケートボード スケボー sk8 skateboard タイヤ ローラー 車輪 トリック スライド グラインド【2401】

American Street Style
■BONES WHEELS 商品詳細 ブランド:BONES WHEELS(ボーンズ ウィール) モデル:X-FORMULA GRIPPIN WOLF カラー:ホワイト 4個1セット(スケートボード1台分) 正規輸入品 サイズ 直径:54mm 幅:34mm 硬さ:99A シェイプ:V6 X-Formulaについて X-FormulaはBONES WHEELSファクトリーから生まれた革新的なウィールで、 荒れた路面でもソフトウィールのように進み、ハードウィールのようにスライドするウィールです。 スピード X-Formulaは超高反発性によって、非常に速いウィールです。 他のウィールに比べて、振動を吸収し衝撃をやわらげるので、あらゆる路面でスムーズにより速く進むことができます。 グリップ&スライド X-Formulaは高性能マテリアルの独自のブレンドによって生まれたスライドアビリティを持っています。 必要な時にスライドし、必要な時にしっかりとグリップします。 これは、X-Formulaがあらゆる路面に対応できるよう特別に調合されたからなのです。 10年以上かけて開発され、パフォーマンスを最適化し、最高の性能を出すために微調整がされています。 X-Formulaは非常にユニークなプロダクトです。 耐久性 X-Formulaは最高品質でロングライフなマテリアルを使用することで、スムーズで速く、耐久性に優れてたウィールとなっています。 長く使っていただける分、お買い得となっています。 また、着地をソフトにし、振動を吸収するため身体への負担を軽減しスケートの時間を長く保つことができます。 このウィールはあなたの人生を変えるだろう! *PCモニターにより若干色が違って見えることがあります。 *仕様は予告なく変更される場合があります。予めご了承ください。 *大きめのウィールは、デッキとトラックの間にライザーパッドの装着をおすすめします。 【BONES WHEELS】 BONESウィールは、全てカリフォルニア州サンタバーバラにある自社工場で、独自のフォーミュラを開発し、製造しています。 通常とは大幅に違う物理的、工学的特性をそれぞれのフォーミュラに使い、スケートボーディングのそれぞれの用途に応じたウレタンを開発しています。 BONES WHEELS 商品一覧はこちら 8,360円

【輸入盤】 Youngbloodz / Best Of: Still Grippin' Tha Grain 【CD】

HMV&BOOKS online 1号店
出荷目安の詳細はこちら商品説明アトランタを代表するヒップホップ・ユニットYoungbloodzの初のグレイテスト・ヒッツ登場!YoungbloodzはMCのSean PaulとDJのJ-Boの2人組で、学生時代からの古い付き合い。当時は別々のグループに所属していましたがそれぞれお元のグループを抜けてYoungbloodzを結成。アトランタの地元チームAtticやDungeon Familyとの深い交流を通して完成したのが99年の「Against Da Grain」。続くセカンドアルバム「Drankin Patnaz」(02年)からはLil Jonプロデュースによるクラシック"Damn!"が大ヒット。そして05年末には「Ev'rybody Know Me」をリリースし、"Presidential"などのストリート・ヒットを飛ばしました。本作には"Shaken Off"、"U-Way"、"Dawn!"といった代表曲をくまなく網羅、さらに嬉しい未発表音源"U-Way remix"、!Presidental Remix feat. Akon"の計2曲を収録。*トラックリストは予定です曲目リストDisc11.Shaken' Off/2.Sean Paul (Get 'Em Crunk)/3.Presidental/4.85/Billy Dee interlude feat. Big Boi/5.Chop-Chop/6.Lean Low/7.Damn! feat. Lil Jon/8.U Way (How We Do It)/9.Cadillac Pimpim/10.Hustle feat. Killer Mike/11.Mind On My Money/12.Ev'ry body Know Me/13.Datz Me feat. Young Buck of G-Unit/14.U-Way remix/15.Presidentail remix feat. Akon 1,518円

iPhone12 ケース iphone 12 Pro ケース Cheese Gripping Case グリッピングケース 【 iphone12 iphone12 pro 12pro 耐衝撃 縁高 フチ高 ふち高 ゲーム カメラ 持ちやすい グリップ ストラップホール 写真撮影 動画撮影 写真 動画 スマホケース グリッピング ケース 】

▼商品名 [iPhone 12/12 Pro専用]Cheese Gripping Case グリッピングケース(ブラック) ▼キーワード iPhone 12 6.1インチ iPhone12( 6.1インチ )iphone12 iphone 12 アイフォン アイフォン12 iPhone 12 Pro 6.1インチ iPhone12 Pro( 6.1インチ ) iphone12 pro iphone12pro iphone 12pro アイフォン アイフォン12プロ アイフォン12 プロ アイフォン 12pro アイフォン 12 プロ 耐衝撃 持ちやすい もちやすい グリップ 縁高 フチ高い ふち高 動画撮影 写真撮影 撮影 カメラ レンズ保護 ▼おすすめ プレゼント ギフト 誕生日 クリスマス 母の日 父の日 クリスマス ペア カップル 喜ぶ 人気 誕生日 クリスマス クリスマスプレゼント 記念日 バレンタイン ホワイトデー 彼女 親 子供 ▼商品説明 ・グリップパーツと突起パーツでiPhoneの横持ちが安定 ・自撮り、グループ撮影、イベント時の動画撮影などに ・スマホゲームも快適 ・米軍軍事規格(MIL規格)準拠 ・端末への衝撃をやわらげる構造 ・フチ高設計でカメラレンズと画面を守る ・左右にストラップホール付き ・スマホリングが装着可能 ・マットな質感で指紋が付きにくい メーカー希望小売価格はメーカーサイトに基づいて掲載しています撮影、スマホゲームに!iPhoneの横持ちがグッと安定 ・グリップパーツと突起パーツでiPhoneの横持ちが安定 ・自撮り、グループ撮影、イベント時の動画撮影などに ・スマホゲームも快適 ・米軍軍事規格(MIL規格)準拠 ・端末への衝撃をやわらげる構造 ・フチ高設計でカメラレンズと画面を守る ・左右にストラップホール付き ・スマホリングが装着可能 ・マットな質感で指紋が付きにくい 【対応機種】 iPhone12 / iPhone12Pro ●背面カメラでの撮影時に写り込みが起こる場合があります。 ●スマートフォン本体に異常がある場合は本製品を外してください。 ●画面保護フィルムの形状により本製品と併用できない場合があります。 ●スマホリングの種類によっては装着できない場合があります。 ●本製品はワイヤレス充電には対応しておりません。 ●衣服によっては引っかかったり、破れたりする恐れがあります。 ●ご利用状況・環境、溶剤の使用などにより変色や変質が起きることがあります。 ●本製品装着やOSアップデートにより、スマートフォンの一部機能が使えなくなる可能性があります。 ●本製品およびパッケージは改良のため予告なく仕様を変更する場合があります。商品仕様 本体:約縦15×横8×厚1.7cm 重量:本体約62g 主素材:ポリカーボネート、TPU ストラップ装着:可 ワイヤレス充電:不可 2,750円

ヘアグリップ スティックタイプ&コームタイプヘアーアレンジ アレンジスティック アレンジ小物 夜会巻き

規格◆【Design Comb】デザインコーム 【Color】 Black、Brown 【型】スティクタイプ 【Size】長さ≒11.0cm 【Size】高さ≒4.0cm ◆【Design Comb】デザインコーム 【Color】 Brown 【型】コームタイプ 【Size】長さ≒9.0cm 【Size】高さ≒7.0cm 素材【材質】ポリプロピレン特徴天然素材を原料としたアセテート樹脂(非石油系) を使用し成形した材料を採用した商品。注意事項■商品の撮影には最大限注意を払っておりますが、閲覧時のモニター環境によりましては実際の商品と若干違うお色味に映ることもございます。発送説明発送説明ご注文確定の前に他に必要な商品はありませんか。 是非、他の商品もお買いまわり下さい。 合計が3,980円(税込)以上で送料無料 ※沖縄・離島・一部地域への配送は、 9,800円(税込)以上で送料無料となります。 ※同一配送先へのお買い物に限ります。ヤマト運輸 ネコポス& 日本郵便 クリックポスト全国一律242円  代引不可  ■ネコポス(ヤマト運輸) 利用可能梱包時厚み2.5cmまで。 2.5cmを超え3.0cmまでの商品は ■日本郵便(クリックポスト) での対応となります。 信書は同封不可。商品のみの発送。 日時指定不可。代引き不可。ヤマト運輸 ネコポス& 日本郵便 クリックポスト 規格内容ネコポス&クリックポスト はポスト投函になります。 厚み3.0cmまでの商品に限ります。 厚み3.0cmまでの商品であれば同梱OK 追跡可能です。厚み3cm以上の商品と 同梱の送料について宅配便 宅急便コンパクト※ 1110円 北海道       890円 青森、岩手、秋田   835円 宮城、山形、福島 780円 新潟、長野 780円 群馬、栃木、茨城 780円 埼玉、千葉、神奈川、山梨、東京 725円 富山、石川、福井 725円 静岡、愛知、岐阜、三重 725円 滋賀、京都、大阪、奈良、兵庫、和歌山 725円 鳥取、島根、岡山、広島、山口 725円 徳島、香川、愛媛、高知 780円 福岡、佐賀、長崎、大分 780円 熊本、宮崎、鹿児島 945円 沖縄 ◆ 税込 3980円以上で 送料無料 (沖縄/離島は9800円以上で) 送料無料 ※レターパックプラスで発送する場合あり。注意事項運送便変更は備考欄に記入お願いします。代引きについて運送会社の個人宅配達料金が値上がりの為、休止しております。発送についてあす楽には対応しておりません。発送について(梱包できるだけコストダウンに努めております。 日時指定する事により全ての宅配料金がアップする為、 扱いを止めております。 当店では少しでもお客様にお安く提供出来るようコストダウンに努めております為、簡易包装での発送になりますことを何卒ご理解くださいますようお願い申し上げます。◆【Design Comb】デザインコーム 【Color】 Black、Brown 【型】スティクタイプ 【Size】長さ≒11.0cm 【Size】高さ≒4.0cm ◆【Design Comb】デザインコーム 【Color】 Brown 【型】コームタイプ 【Size】長さ≒9.0cm 【Size】高さ≒7.0cmスティクタイプ/ブラックスティクタイプ/ブラウンコームタイプ/ブラウン 関連商品はこちらヘアーアレンジロック 1P BIG SIZ アレ...440円ヘアーアレンジロック 2P Medium Size ...440円ポニーループ マットカラーレディース ...500円HAIR STYLER JUMBO MEDIUM ヘアスタイラ...1,000円ヘアスクルー HAIR SCROO 不思議な螺旋...900円ヘアーアレンジ アップスタイル リング...880円 880円

☆ AcoustaGrip・アコースタグリップ / Protege PINK 肩当て 分数バイオリン用(対応サイズ:1/2〜1/8)【smtb-tk】

bloomz 楽器 web shop
●新開発のAcousta Grip肩当ては、楽器の振動を妨げてしまう「クランプ」を必要としない、新しい発想で設計されています。人間工学に基づいてデザインされた独特の形は、体にフィットし易く非常に快適です。 ●楽器面への取り付けには、ニスにダメージを与えない特殊なシールが貼られており、何度も取り付けをすることが可能です。また、バイオリンケースにも入りやすいデザインとなっております。 ※本体に直接接着する為、ニスの強い楽器には十分ご注意ください。 ●従来の肩当てと違い自分の最適なポジションに合わせて肩当ての向きや位置が自由に変更する事が可能です。楽器に装着している時以外は付属の白いシートを貼って保管でき、粘着力が弱くなってきても濡れた布などで拭けば粘着力が戻るスペックを持ちます。 ■スペック■ ●カラー:ピンク ●対応サイズ:1/2〜1/8 ■付属品■ ●説明書新開発のAcousta Grip肩当ては、楽器の振動を妨げてしまう「クランプ」を必要としない、新しい発想で設計されています。人間工学に基づいてデザインされた独特の形は、体にフィットし易く非常に快適です。 3,520円

スポルディング 非公認グローブ 左手用 SPGL-3657 GRIPPING /SPALDING /ゴルフグローブ

■商品について■ 商品によってはお取り寄せ対応となるものがございます。また、他店舗でも販売しているため、 タイミングによっては商品ページに反映されていなくても在庫切れとなってしまう場合がございます。 お急ぎの方はお手数ですがあらかじめお問い合わせください。 ★お問い合わせフリーダイヤル/0120-562-198 (携帯からもつながります。) 【購入希望のお客様へ】 こちらの商品は定型外郵便での発送です。 発送からお届けまでに2日〜7日程お時間いただきます。 ポストへの投函の為、代引きでのお支払いはできません。 後払い決済でのお支払も受付できません。 発送前に支払可能な方法のみ受け付け致します。  【代引き取引・時間指定は不可】となりますのでご了承下さい。 定型外郵便での発送は追跡用伝票番号がありません。 楽天のシステム上、追跡番号が発生しない発送は、発送完了後も MyRakuten発送ステータスは【出荷準備中】のままとなっております。 発送完了メールで発送のお知らせとなりますのでご了承ください。 スポルディング / SPALDING / SPALDING 品 番:SPGLー3657 サイズ:S(21~22cm)     M(23~24cm)     L(25~26cm) カラー:ホワイト、ブラック 素 材:合成皮革・ニット 左 右:左手装着用 その他:非公認グローブ 1,000円

●左利き/右手装着用●スポルディング 非公認グローブ SPGL-3658 GRIPPING /SPALDING /ゴルフグローブ/レフティ

■商品について■ 商品によってはお取り寄せ対応となるものがございます。また、他店舗でも販売しているため、 タイミングによっては商品ページに反映されていなくても在庫切れとなってしまう場合がございます。 お急ぎの方はお手数ですがあらかじめお問い合わせください。 ★お問い合わせフリーダイヤル/0120-562-198 (携帯からもつながります。) 【購入希望のお客様へ】 こちらの商品は定型外郵便での発送です。 発送からお届けまでに2日〜7日程お時間いただきます。 ポストへの投函の為、代引きでのお支払いはできません。 後払い決済でのお支払も受付できません。 発送前に支払可能な方法のみ受け付け致します。  【代引き取引・時間指定は不可】となりますのでご了承下さい。 定型外郵便での発送は追跡用伝票番号がありません。 楽天のシステム上、追跡番号が発生しない発送は、発送完了後も MyRakuten発送ステータスは【出荷準備中】のままとなっております。 発送完了メールで発送のお知らせとなりますのでご了承ください。 スポルディング / SPALDING / SPALDING 品 番:SPGLー3657 サイズ:S(21~22cm)     M(23~24cm)     L(25~26cm) カラー:ホワイト、ブラック 素 材:合成皮革・ニット 左 右:右手装着用     ※写真は左手ですが、右手用です。 その他:非公認グローブ 1,000円

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The Twist of a Knife A gripping locked-room mystery from the bestselling crime writer【電子書籍】[ Anthony Horowitz ]

<p>By <strong>global bestselling Anthony Horowitz, a brilliantly entertaining new locked-room mystery</strong> with a key that only Hawthorne can find.</p> <p><strong>'EASILY THE GREATEST OF OUR CRIME WRITERS'</strong> <em>Sunday Times</em><br /> *'*<strong>Funny</strong>, <strong>addictive</strong> and <strong>clever</strong>, and the crime fighting duo of Hawthorne and Horowitz are as <strong>entertaining as ever</strong>. Brilliant. <strong>I can't wait for more</strong>.' Adam Handy<br /> 'There's a lovely <strong>Hitchcockian feel</strong> to TWIST. The clock is ticking. It's <strong>a lot of fun</strong>.' Ian Rankin<br /> <em>'The Twist of a Knife</em> is a <strong>beautifully turned locked-room whodunit'</strong> <em>The Sunday Telegraph</em><br /> <strong>'A total joy.</strong> Anthony is a master entertainer, the <strong>genius twists and turns</strong> of his writing and plot keep me on the <strong>edge of my seat.'</strong> Rory Kinnear<br /> <strong>_____________</strong></p> <p><strong>'Our deal is over.'</strong></p> <p>This is what reluctant author Anthony Horowitz tells ex-detective Daniel Hawthorne in an awkward encounter. The truth is that Anthony has other things on his mind.</p> <p>His new play 'Mindgame' is about to open at London's Vaudeville theatre, and on opening night, <em>Sunday Times</em> critic Harriet Throsby gives the play a savage review.</p> <p>The next morning she is found dead, stabbed in the heart with an ornamental dagger that has only one set of finger prints on it. Anthony's.</p> <p>Anthony is arrested, charged with Throsby's murder, and thrown into prison.</p> <p>Alone and increasingly desperate, he realises only one man can help him.</p> <p><strong>But will Hawthorne take his call?</strong><br /> <strong>_____________</strong></p> <p><strong>More love for <em>The Twist of a Knife</em> . . .</strong></p> <p><strong>'An immensely enjoyable read, funny, so clever and utterly original'</strong> Ragnar Jonasson<br /> <strong>'One of the country's most recognisable writers'</strong> <em>ITV News</em><br /> <strong>'I love this self-reflexive mystery series'</strong> *Vulture<br /> **'***<strong>A mystery so slick, clever and fun to read that it's a genuine shame when you hit the end.'</strong> <em>The Globe and Mail</em><br /> <strong>'<em>The Twist of a Knife</em> is consistently, delightfully entertaining, with Horowitz's own theatrical experience providing just the right amount of bittersweet bite'</strong> <em>Airmail</em><br /> <strong>'An adventure that will enchant mystery lovers, Anglophiles and theater buffs'</strong> <em>The Washington Post</em><br /> <strong>'A delicious mystery [that] is bonkers and brilliant and a triumph'</strong> <em>The Sun</em><br /> <strong>'Horowitz blurs the lines between fiction and reality to hilarious effect'</strong> <em>The Express</em><br /> <strong>'A gripping tour de force'</strong> <em>Woman's Own</em><br /> <strong>_____________</strong></p> <p><strong>Readers can't get enough of <em>The Twist of a Knife</em> . . .</strong></p> <p>***** 'This is <strong>another thoroughly enjoyable and well-constructed mystery</strong> from Anthony Horowitz.'<br /> ***** 'Thoroughly enjoyed it and <strong>devoured it in a little over 2 days!</strong>'<br /> ***** 'This novel is <strong>hugely entertaining.</strong>'<br /> ***** '<strong>Fabulous</strong>. More please, and soon!'<br /> ***** 'This is <strong>the very best</strong> in 'cosy-crime.''</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,276円

The Pact The gripping thriller for readers who love dark academia and shocking twists【電子書籍】[ Sharon Bolton ]

<p>'<em>The Secret History</em> for Millennials' <strong>Belinda Bauer</strong></p> <p>A golden summer, and six talented teenagers are looking forward to the brightest of futures - until a daredevil game goes horribly wrong, leaving three strangers dead.</p> <p>18-year-old Megan takes the blame for the crime, leaving her friends to get on with their lives. In return, they each agree to a 'favour', payable on her release from prison.</p> <p>Twenty years later Megan is free.<br /> It is payback time.<br /> And her friends start disappearing, one by one . . .<br /> <strong>Richard & Judy bestseller Sharon Bolton is back, with her twistiest thriller yet.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,067円

Lying Beside You The gripping new thriller from the No.1 bestseller【電子書籍】[ Michael Robotham ]

<h3><strong>THE BRAND-NEW THRILLER FROM THE RICHARD & JUDY PICK AUTHOR AND SIX-MILLION-COPY BESTSELLER, THE MIND THAT CREATED ITV'S <em>THE SUSPECT</em></strong></h3> <p><strong>'One of his best, suspenseful and hard to put down'</strong> STEPHEN KING<br /> <strong>'Compulsively readable . . . A nail-biter'</strong> LINWOOD BARCLAY<br /> <strong>'I've never read a Michael Robotham novel I didn't love'</strong> VAL MCDERMID</p> <p><strong>Twenty years ago, Cyrus Haven's brother killed their parents and twin sisters.</strong></p> <p>Since then Cyrus has devoted his life as a forensic psychologist to understanding why people commit terrible crimes.</p> <p>Now Elias is being released from his psychiatric hospital, and Cyrus must decide if he's ready to trust the man who destroyed his childhood.</p> <p>His friend Evie Cormac, who has a gift for knowing when people are lying, isn't so sure.</p> <p>And as they seek the truth behind a double abduction case, past and present collide - with devastating consequences . . .</p> <p><strong>If you love <em>Lying Beside You</em>, don't miss Cyrus and Evie in <em>Good Girl, Bad Girl,</em> <em>When She Was Good,</em> or Michael's brand-new book <em>Storm Child</em>.</strong></p> <h4><strong>Readers gave <em>Lying Beside You</em> five stars:</strong></h4> <p>'<strong>Exceptional</strong>, <strong>fast paced</strong> and <strong>totally enthralling</strong>'</p> <p>'<strong>Nail-biting</strong>, unexpected'</p> <p>'Evie Cormac and Cyrus Haven are such an <strong>intriguing duo</strong>'</p> <p>'A great read for fans of <strong>intelligent crime</strong> with <strong>strong character development</strong>'</p> <p>'The relationship between Cyrus and Evie is <strong>mesmerising</strong>'</p> <p>'A <strong>cracking</strong> story that had me <strong>on the edge of my seat</strong>'</p> <p>'A <strong>very entertaining</strong> read with a <strong>clever and complex plot</strong>'</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,388円

【即納】【あす楽対応】スコッティキャメロン パドル グリップ ピンク ラージサイズ SCOTTY CAMERON PADDLE GRIP PINK LARGE SIZE 105118

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The Botanist a gripping new thriller from The Sunday Times bestselling author【電子書籍】[ M. W. Craven ]

<p><strong>'Mesmerising, macabre and murderously funny. <em>The Botanist</em> is M.W. Craven at his sinister best. I couldn't love this series more' Chris Whitaker</strong></p> <p><strong>'Another classy thriller from the king of Cumbrian crime' Paul Finch</strong></p> <p>This is going to be the longest week of Washington Poe's life...</p> <p>Detective Sergeant Washington Poe can count on one hand the number of friends he has. And he'd still have his thumb left. There's the guilelessly innocent civilian analyst, Tilly Bradshaw of course. Insanely brilliant, she's a bit of a social hand grenade. He's known his beleaguered boss, Detective Inspector Stephanie Flynn for years as he has his nearest neighbour, full-time shepherd/part-time dog sitter, Victoria.</p> <p>And then there's Estelle Doyle. Dark and dangerous and sexy as hell. It's true the caustic pathologist has never walked down the sunny side of the street, but has she gone too far this time? Shot twice in the head, her father's murder appears to be an open and shut case. Estelle has firearms discharge residue on her hands, and, in a house surrounded by fresh snow, hers are the only footprints. Since her arrest she's only said three words: 'Tell Washington Poe.'</p> <p>Meanwhile, a poisoner called the Botanist is sending the nation's most reviled people poems and pressed flowers. Twisted and ingenious, he seems to be able to walk through walls and, despite the advance notice given to his victims, and regardless of the security measures taken, he is able to kill with impunity.</p> <p>Poe hates locked room mysteries and now he has two to solve. To unravel them he's going to have to draw on every resource he has: Tilly Bradshaw, an organised crime boss, even an alcoholic ex-journalist. Because if he doesn't, the bodies are going to keep piling up . . .</p> <p><strong>Praise for <em>The Botanist:</em></strong></p> <p><strong>'Unputdownable, gripping, clever and with a rich seam of trademark Craven humour running through it' Imran Mahmood</strong></p> <p><strong>'A sinful treat' Vaseem Khan</strong></p> <p><strong>'Fast, furious, and utterly enjoyable.' Keith Nixon</strong></p> <p><strong>Praise for M W Craven:</strong><br /> <em>The Curator</em> shortlisted for the <strong>VN Thriller of the Year 2022</strong> & longlisted for the <strong>Crime Writers' Association Gold Dagger 2021</strong></p> <p><em>Dead Ground</em> longlisted for the <strong>Theakston Old Peculiar Crime Novel of the Year 2022</strong> & longlisted for the <strong>Crime Writers' Association Ian Fleming Steel Dagger 2022</strong></p> <p><strong>'Heart-pounding, hilarious, sharp and</strong> <strong>shocking, <em>Dead Ground</em> is further proof that M.W. Craven never disappoints. Miss this series at your peril.' Chris Whitaker</strong></p> <p><strong>'Dark and entertaining, this is top rank crime fiction.' Vaseem Khan, Author of the Malabar House series and the Baby Ganesh Agency series</strong></p> <p><strong>'Fantastic' Martina Cole</strong></p> <p><strong>'Dark, sharp and compelling' Peter James</strong></p> <p><strong>'A brutal and thrilling page turner' <em>The Sun</em></strong></p> <p><strong>'A thrilling curtain raiser for what looks set to be a great new series' Mick Herron</strong></p> <p><strong>'A powerful thriller from an explosive new talent. Tightly plotted, and not for the faint hearted!'</strong><br /> <strong>David Mark</strong></p> <p><strong>'A gripping start to a much anticipated new series' Vaseem Khan</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,388円

Killers of a Certain Age A gripping, action-packed cosy crime adventure to keep you hooked in 2023【電子書籍】[ Deanna Raybourn ]

<p><strong>Older women often feel invisible, but sometimes that's their secret weapon.</strong></p> <p>Billie, Mary Alice, Helen and Natalie have worked for the Museum, an elite network of assassins, for forty years. But now their talents are considered old-school and no one appreciates their real-world resourcefulness in an age of technology.</p> <p>When the foursome is sent on an all-expenses-paid trip to mark their retirement, they are targeted by one of their own. Only the Board, the top-level members of the Museum, can order the termination of field agents, and the women realise they've been marked for death.</p> <p>To get out alive they have to turn against their own organization, relying on experience and each other to get the job done, knowing that working together is the secret to their survival. They're about to teach the Board what it really means to be a woman - and a killer - of a certain age.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,388円

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Murder in Chianti A gripping cozy mystery from T.A. Williams【電子書籍】[ T A Williams ]

<h2>The next instalment in bestselling author T. A. Williams' Armstrong and Oscar cozy mystery series!</h2> <p><strong>A cozy crime series set in gorgeous Tuscany...It's murder in paradise!</strong></p> <p><strong>Murder in broad daylight…</strong></p> <p>When millionaire magnate, Rex Hunter is found with his head bashed in on the eighth hole of his prestigious golf and country club in beautiful Chianti, it’s a clear case of murder. Hunter was rich and successful and the envy of many, so retired DCI Dan Armstrong thinks the case will be a hole in one to solve….</p> <p><strong>A despised victim…</strong></p> <p>But as Dan and his trusty sidekick Oscar begin to dig deeper into Hunter’s lifestyle, they discover a man despised by many. A renowned womaniser, ruthless boss and heartless family man, it seems no one is particularly sorry to see Hunter dead. And the list of possible suspects is endless…</p> <p><strong>A murderer covering their tracks.</strong></p> <p>Dan is determined to catch this clever killer, but it seems every new lead brings another dead end. Will this be one case Dan and his canine companion won’t solve?</p> <p>**A gripping new murder mystery series by bestselling author T.A. Williams, perfect for fans of Lee Strauss and Beth Byers.</p> <p>Reader Reviews for <strong>{::}*Murder in Chianti<br /> *<br /> **'The story line is brilliant no boring parts and kept me guessing to the end. Can't wait for the next one!' ?????????? **Reader Review</strong></p> <p>'Well written, good plot, lovely descriptions of Tuscany and Italian way of life. Looking forward to the next in series, love the dog' ?????????? <strong>Reader Review</strong></p> <p>'I highly recommend these books . Tremendous fun and very witty and written with a light touch' ?????????? **Reader Review<br /> **<strong>Praise for T.A. Williams!</strong></p> <p>"The perfect combination of character, setting and plot, heralding an addictive new cozy mystery series!" Bestselling author <strong>Debbie Young</strong></p> <p>"Watching unassuming detective Dan Armstrong weddle the truth out of folks is great fun. Highly Entertaining read!" Bestselling author <strong>Kelly Oliver</strong></p> <p>“Dan and Oscar are great company in a sun-drenched mystery that keeps you guessing right till the end.” Bestselling author <strong>Michelle Salter</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 477円

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Murder in Siena A gripping instalment in T.A.Williams' bestselling cozy crime mystery series【電子書籍】[ T A Williams ]

<h2>The BRAND NEW instalment in bestselling author T. A. Williams' Armstrong and Oscar cozy mystery series!</h2> <p>A brand-new cozy crime series set in gorgeous Tuscany...It's murder in paradise!</p> <p><strong>A lazy weekend in the country…</strong></p> <p>Dan Armstrong and the new love of his life, Anna, are heading to a hotel deep in the gorgeous Tuscan countryside for a long weekend, looking forward to some time away from the stresses of their day jobs. With the beautiful and historic city of Siena just around the corner, it promises to be relaxing and enjoyable. What could possibly go wrong?</p> <p><strong>A mutilated body…</strong></p> <p>But when a mutilated body is discovered in the hotel grounds Dan is called in to help with the investigation. But who or what could have been responsible for such a vicious attack? Was it the work of wild animals, or is there a brutal murderer at large?</p> <p><strong>A killer who cried wolf?</strong></p> <p>Dan knows he is dealing with a clever killer ? whether two- or four-legged! And as he sets out to solve the case he begins to worry about his own loyal canine companion. Could Oscar be in more danger than any of the other hotel guests or is a murderer trying to cover their tracks?</p> <p><strong>It's another case for Dan and Oscar to solve!</strong></p> <p><strong>A gripping new murder mystery series by bestselling author T.A. Williams, perfect for fans of Lee Strauss and Beth Byers.</strong></p> <p><strong>Praise for T.A. Williams!</strong></p> <p>"The perfect combination of character, setting and plot, heralding an addictive new cozy mystery series!" Bestselling author <strong>Debbie Young</strong></p> <p>"Watching unassuming detective Dan Armstrong weddle the truth out of folks is great fun. Highly Entertaining read!" Bestselling author <strong>Kelly Oliver.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 477円

Mr Nice A gripping, shocking psychological thriller【電子書籍】[ John Nicholl ]

<p><strong>Your worst nightmare is about to come true...</strong></p> <p>When Megan discovers that her young daughter is missing, she thinks that her ex-husband is to blame.</p> <p>But was it someone else entirely?</p> <p>Someone out for revenge? Someone with a grudge?</p> <p>As DI Laura Kesey begins her investigation, she discovers that the case is infinitely more wicked than she could ever have imagined.</p> <p>The clock is ticking.</p> <p>But will Kesey find Lottie before it’s too late?</p> <p><strong>It’s every parent’s worst nightmare. The greater the evil, the deadlier the game.</strong></p> <p><em>*Please note this is a re-release of</em> Mr Nice***</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 477円

The Cuckoo Sister An absolutely gripping psychological thriller from Alison Stockham【電子書籍】[ Alison Stockham ]

<h2>THE TOP 10 BESTSELLER</h2> <p><strong>'An emotional read that pulls you in all directions. I was completely absorbed from the first page' Gemma Rogers</strong></p> <p><strong>You want your sister to have all her heart desires.</strong></p> <p><strong>But - what if she wants your children?</strong></p> <p>Maggie has everything her sister Rose always wanted. A handsome husband and two adorable children, Emily and Elliot.</p> <p>But what Rose doesn’t see is that Maggie is struggling. Every day is a fog of sleep loss and mess made by two tiny children. Left alone in her distress by husband Stephen, Maggie drifts ever closer to the edge.</p> <p>When Maggie finally cracks, walking out one day and not returning, Rose is right there to step into the breach . . .</p> <p><em><strong>You trust your sister to look after your children. But should you?</strong></em></p> <p><strong>Perfect for fans of Liane Moriarty and Celeste Ng.</strong></p> <h2>What people are saying about The Cuckoo Sister</h2> <p>‘It begins with a visceral shock and evolves through unexpected twists and turns to a deeply felt and satisfying conclusion’ <strong>Greg Mosse, author of <em>The Coming Darkness</em></strong></p> <p>'This was a beautifully written debut that handles a difficult subject matter with a delicacy that makes me excited to read whatever Alison Stockham writes next' <strong>Stacy Thomas, author of <em>The Revels</em></strong></p> <p>‘This book comes with a killer hook… Sibling relationships, post-natal depression, marriages with cracks that turn into fissures and the nature of friendship are all explored via a pacy storyline.’ <strong>Jo Leevers, author of <em>Tell Me How It Ends</em></strong></p> <p>'Stormed through The Cuckoo Sister by Alison Stockham... A fascinating premise and she handles it admirably, with nuance and compassion.' <strong>Laura Pearson, author of <em>I Wanted You To Know</em>, <em>Missing Pieces</em> & <em>Nobody’s Wife</em></strong></p> <p>'Beautifully poignant and utterly compelling.' <strong>Alex Stone, author of <em>The Perfect Daughter</em> and <em>The Other Girlfriend</em></strong></p> <p>'An emotional and relatable story.' <strong>Louise Douglas, author of <em>The Room in the Attic</em> and</strong> <em><strong>The Lost Notebook</strong></em></p> <p>'Such a clever and engaging book with a late twist that I absolutely did not predict.' <strong>Beth Miller, author of <em>The Missing Letters of Mrs Bright</em> & <em>The Woman Who Came Back To Life</em></strong></p> <p>'A brilliant concept delivered with real emotional depth and clout. I felt for each and every character in this story of family, guilt and deepest desires' <strong>Gytha Lodge, author of <em>Little Sister</em>, <em>Lie Beside Me</em>, <em>Watching From The Dark</em> & <em>She Lies in</em></strong> <em><strong>Wait</strong></em></p> <p>**</p> <p>'I devoured <em>The Cuckoo Sister</em> in a day . . . Cleverly written, emotionally and psychologically complex. It’s a brilliant intense read' <em><strong>Elspells</strong></em></p> <p>‘Beautifully written, interesting & completely gripping . . . This is definitely one that would be perfect for book clubs’ <em><strong>Little Miss Book Lover 87</strong></em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 477円

Snow Fall The gripping new Detective Wisting thriller【電子書籍】[ J?rn Lier Horst ]

<p>**'Tense, fast-paced, compelling' Sunday Times</p> <p>Detective William Wisting returns for another spine-tingling mystery. . .**</p> <p>When the body of an Australian backpacker is found in Spain, an online group of amateur true crime sleuths springs up around the world, attempting to solve the mystery of her death.</p> <p>Foremost on the message boards is Astri, a young Norwegian woman whose feverish pursuit takes her closer than anyone else to solving the case.</p> <p>But just as she prepares to publicly unravel the mystery, she goes offline.</p> <p>No one in the group has heard from her since.</p> <p>When William Wisting is sent to investigate, he is plunged deep into a fascinating world of unorthodox investigators, whose connections are as vague and varied as their abilities. But in a dangerous case where nothing is as it seems, these online detectives may be the best hope he has for solving the mystery - before another victim falls . . .</p> <p>'Relentlessly exciting' Times<br /> When the body of an Australian backpacker is found in Spain, an online group of amateur true crime sleuths springs up around the world, attempting to solve the mystery of her death.</p> <p>Foremost on the message boards is Astri, a young Norwegian woman whose feverish pursuit takes her closer than anyone else to solving the case.</p> <p>But <em>just</em> as she prepares to publicly unravel the mystery, she goes offline.</p> <p>No one in the group has heard from her since.</p> <p>When William Wisting is sent to investigate, he is plunged deep into a fascinating world of unorthodox investigators, whose connections are as vague and varied as their abilities. But in a dangerous case where nothing is as it seems, these online detectives may be the best hope he has for solving the mystery - before another victim falls . . .</p> <p><strong>'Relentlessly exciting' Times</strong></p> <p><strong>Praise for J?rn Lier Horst</strong></p> <p>'<strong>Horst, a former Norwegian police detective, is often compared to Sweden's Henning Mankell for his moody, sweeping crime dramas</strong>' <em>New York Times</em></p> <p>'<strong>J?rn Lier Horst writes some of the best Scandinavian crime fiction . . . His books are superbly plotted and addictive, the characters wonderfully realized</strong>' <em>Yrsa Sigurdard?ttir</em></p> <p>'<strong>One of the most brilliantly understated crime novelists writing today</strong>' <em>Sunday Times</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,426円

The Gathering Storm An atmospheric, gripping Scottish police procedural【電子書籍】[ Lynne McEwan ]

<h2>There are no easy choices when the dark clouds gather</h2> <p>DI Shona Oliver’s past and present collide when James McGowan, her ex-classmate ? now a famous actor ? comes to the area to make a Robert Burns biopic. Shona is tasked with keeping him safe during filming on an isolated island in the Solway Firth, and her job is made much harder when a dead man wearing James’s coat is found on the beach in suspicious circumstances. It seems someone wanted James out of the picture.</p> <p>Meanwhile, Shona has her hands full at home too; her husband is on trial for a crime he claims he did not commit, but if he speaks out he risks his wife and their teenage daughter coming to harm. Can Shona keep her head above the waves and protect those around her?</p> <p><strong>A compulsive, atmospheric crime thriller set in Scotland, perfect for fans of Val McDermid, Ann Cleeves and Neil Lancaster.</strong></p> <h3>Praise for <em>The Gathering Storm</em></h3> <p>‘A page turner. <strong>The atmospheric setting draws the reader in to the extent that I felt that I was a spectator</strong>, chilled by the rain’ ????? Reader review</p> <p>‘An interesting plot. <strong>Characters are well written and likeable with a strong female detective</strong>’ ????? Reader review</p> <p>‘<strong>An excellent addition to the DI Shona Oliver series</strong>. The setting is described perfectly and I really like the characterisation. There is <strong>plenty of action and it’s full of atmosphere</strong>… I highly recommend’ ????? Reader review</p> <p>‘<strong>Wow what a book, I could not put it down</strong>. Would definitely recommend to others’ ????? Reader review</p> <p>‘This was a brilliant story that kept me captivated. <strong>I was hooked from start to finish</strong>’ ????? Reader review</p> <p>‘<strong>This series gets even better with each story</strong>. Whilst there is a lot going on the threads are clear, well-defined and well contextualised… <strong>compelling reading</strong>’ ????? Reader review</p> <p>‘<strong>I loved this book!</strong> I only just started reading Lynne McEwan’s books and can never put them down’ ????? Reader review</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 270円

You Are Dead A Gripping Serial Killer Thriller【電子書籍】[ Peter James ]

<p><strong>Faced with his most disturbing case yet, Detective Superintendent Roy Grace tracks a serial killer in <em>You Are Dead</em>, by award winning crime author Peter James.</strong></p> <p>A series of young women ? all beautiful, all with long brown hair ? have been stalked and abducted. Each victim is found with a brand on their body, a marking that reads ‘U R Dead’. And some of their remains are from thirty years ago.</p> <p>When Logan Somerville is taken while on the phone to her fianc?, Grace must find a lead, connect the cases and track down the killer before they can strike again . . .</p> <p><strong>Although the Roy Grace novels can be read in any order, <em>You Are Dead</em> is the eleventh thrilling title in the bestselling series. Enjoy more of the Brighton detective’s investigations with <em>Love You Dead</em> and <em>Need You Dead</em>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Now a major ITV series, <em>Grace</em>, starring John Simm.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,404円

The Lucky Eight A gripping and unputdownable crime thriller【電子書籍】[ Sheila Bugler ]

<h2>When the plane crashed, 160 people perished. Now someone is killing off the survivors.</h2> <p>Five years ago, a horrific airline disaster made headlines around the world. On the anniversary of the fatal crash, a number of those who were spared gather to mark the occasion. By morning, <strong>Nick Gilbert</strong>, a celebrity chef and one of the party, lies dead. Detective <strong>Rachel Lewis</strong> leads the investigation and within days another survivor is stabbed to death. It seems certain that a killer is targeting the lucky eight.</p> <p><strong>Clodagh Kinsella</strong> recovered from the injuries she sustained in the crash, but lost her sister that day. The bereavement shared by Clodagh and her sister’s husband led them to a romance of their own. Yet lately, Clodagh knows something isn’t right. As the noose tightens on the group and Rachel comes across more questions than answers, it’s only a matter of time before Clodagh will have to face the consequences of a mistake she made before the plane went down…</p> <p><strong>A tense and gripping crime thriller, perfect for fans of Lesley Kara and Mari Hannah.</strong></p> <h2>Praise for The Lucky Eight</h2> <p><em>‘The Lucky Eight</em> is a deep-dive look into grief, survival and the complexities of the bonds that bind us. A rollicking good read.' Arlene Hunt, author of <em>Last to Die</em></p> <p>'A great read, a tight and twisty plot that drags you along at a rate of knots. I will definitely read more from this author!' NetGalley review ? ? ? ? ?</p> <p>'I loved this book and left me guessing till the end' NetGalley review ? ? ? ? ?</p> <p>‘Such an excellent thriller that I found addictive… The story was full of suspense. The characters were interesting and likeable. I seriously had a hard time putting this book down!’ NetGalley review ? ? ? ? ?</p> <p>'I loved this book’ NetGalley review ? ? ? ? ?</p> <p>‘Kept you guessing right until the end.... didn't put it down’ NetGalley review ? ? ? ? ?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 270円

Basic Principles of Classical Ballet: Russian Ballet Technique BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CLASSICAL [ Agrippina Vaganova ]

BASIC PRINCIPLES OF CLASSICAL Agrippina Vaganova DOVER PUBN INC1969 Paperback English ISBN:9780486220369 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Performing Arts 2,059円

Just Another Missing Person The gripping new thriller from the Sunday Times bestselling author【電子書籍】[ Gillian McAllister ]

<p><strong>THE HEART-STOPPING NOVEL OF A MISSING PERSON'S CASE WITH A TWIST FROM THE <em>SUNDAY TIMES</em> BESTSELLING AUTHOR</strong></p> <p><strong>'A cleverly crafted, emotional and thought-provoking thriller with one of the best twists I’ve read. Superb'</strong> CLAIRE DOUGLAS</p> <p><strong>'Extraordinary...a plot that takes the breath away'</strong> <em>DAILY MAIL</em></p> <p>________</p> <p><strong>OLIVIA.</strong><br /> <strong>22 years old.</strong><br /> <strong>Last seen on CCTV, entering a dead-end alley.</strong><br /> <strong>And not coming back out again.</strong><br /> <strong>Missing for one day and counting . . .</strong></p> <p>Julia is the detective heading up the case. She knows what to expect. A desperate family, a ticking clock, and long hours away from her husband and daughter. But Julia has no idea how close to home it's going to get.</p> <p>Because there's a man out there. And his weapon isn't a gun, or a knife: it's a secret. Her worst one.</p> <p>He tells her that her family's safety depends on one thing: Julia must NOT find out what happened to Olivia - and must frame somebody else for her murder . . .</p> <p><strong>What would you do?</strong><br /> ________</p> <p><strong>'The new queen of the what-would-you-do crime thriller is back with a tightly-plotted and twist-packed tale which will send your head spinning'</strong> ELLERY LLOYD<br /> <strong>‘Stunning. I dare you to not ingest this in one sitting'</strong> JODI PICOULT</p> <p><strong>'Exquisitely plotted, seamlessly constructed. With clever twist after twist, gasp out loud reveals</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>beautifully realised characters’</strong> LISA JEWELL</p> <p><strong>'Amazingly good'</strong> MARIAN KEYES</p> <p><strong>'Another sure-fire hit, we expect excellence from McAllister and she delivers'</strong> ADELE PARKS<br /> <strong>'Starts with an impossible, irresistible premise - a woman who vanishes into thin air - and takes the reader on a thrilling journey of blind alleys and audacious twists. This is McAllister at the height of her powers'</strong> ERIN KELLY</p> <p><strong>'Another masterpiece from the queen of the emotional thriller. This book has one of the best twists I've ever come across'</strong> BETH O'LEARY</p> <p><strong>PRAISE FOR GILLIAN MCALLISTER</strong></p> <p><strong>'I am totally in awe. This is one story I will not forget'</strong> HEIDI PERKS</p> <p><strong>'Genre-bending and totally original. A tour de force!'</strong> CLAIRE DOUGLAS</p> <p><strong>'This is bravura novel-writing'</strong> IAN RANKIN</p> <p><strong>'Extraordinary'</strong> HARRIET TYCE<br /> *Gillian Mcallister novel <em>Wrong Place Wrong Time</em> was on the Sunaday Times bestseller list April 2023*</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,170円

Presumed Innocent A Gripping Legal Thriller from the Godfather of the Genre - Soon to be a Major TV Series【電子書籍】[ Scott Turow ]

<p><strong>Now a major TV series from Apple TV+ starring Jake Gyllenhaal</strong></p> <p><strong>'Scott Turow is master of the legal thriller' ?</strong> <em><strong>The Guardian</strong></em></p> <p><strong>From the godfather of the legal thriller, <em>Presumed Innocent</em> by Scott Turow is a gripping, internationally-bestselling courtroom drama about ambition, weakness, hypocrisy and justice.</strong></p> <p>Carolyn Polhemus was an assistant prosecuting attorney, intelligent and full of promise. When she is found dead ? assaulted and strangled ? the curtain is pulled on a dark, tangled web of sex, corruption and betrayal.</p> <p>Before long, prosector Rusty Sabich stands accused of her murder. He was having an affair with Carolyn ? the motive seems clear-cut. With no one to trust, it is up to Rusty to uncover the truth behind this deadly crime ? and prove his innocence in the process . . .</p> <p><strong>Praise for Scott Turow:</strong></p> <p>'Head-and-shoulders above others in the legal thriller genre he created' ? <em>The Observer</em></p> <p>'A brilliant chronicler of contemporary America' ? <em>The Sunday Times</em></p> <p>'Turow does legal thrillers better than anyone else' ? <em>Irish Independent</em></p> <p>'Worthy to be ranked with Dashiell Hammet or Raymond Chandler' ? <em>The New York Times</em></p> <p>'No one writes better mystery suspense novels than Scott Turow' ? <em>Los Angeles Times</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 842円

Basic Principles of Classical Ballet Russian Ballet Technique【電子書籍】[ Agrippina Vaganova ]

<p>Although the stars of Russian ballet Anna Pavlova and Tamara Karsavina possessed a national manner of dancing, there was no truly Russian school of dancing until the 1930s. The development of this school was largely due to Mme. Vaganova (1879?1951), not only a great dancer but also the teacher of Galina Ulanova and many others and an unsurpassed theoretician.<br /> The principles of Vaganova's system are presented in this well-known book. Mme. Vaganova's aim of creating a personal approach to the Russian dance was based on the critical assimilation of the experience of her contemporaries. Her ability to choose the best of what had been accomplished in the various ballet traditions (French, Italian, and Russian) and combine these into a unified teaching practice in itself amounted to a new school of dance. She firmly believed that the teaching process should be a planned exercise, ever changing with innovations in the dance. She sought from her pupils emotional expressiveness, strictness of form, a resolute, energetic manner of performance, and the understanding of the underlying coordination of movements.<br /> Her book discusses all basic principles of ballet, grouping movements by fundamental types. Chapters cover battements, rotary movements of the legs, the arms, poses of the classical dance, connecting and auxiliary movements, jumps, beats, point work, and turns as well as material for a sample lesson. Diagrams show clearly the exact foot, leg, arm, and body positions for the proper execution of many steps and movements. The result is a fundamental theory of dance that offers dancers, teachers, and ballet lovers information often difficult to locate in other books.<br /> 118 illustrations.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,062円

Her Dark Heart A totally gripping crime thriller【電子書籍】[ Carla Kovach ]

<p><b>Rory is waiting at the door of the pre-school ? a painted picture of his mother Susan in his small hand. But Susan isn’t going to see the picture, because she has vanished. </b></p> <br> <p>Susan Wheeler is a devoted mother. She would do anything for her three children. She drops them off and picks them up every single day. Until one day when Susan kisses them goodbye and then never comes to pick them up.</p> <br> <p>Susan’s mother Mary is worried. Susan is recently divorced and has been finding things hard recently, but she loves her kids ? she’d never leave them.</p> <br> <p>Susan’s sister Clare is furious. It’s just like her to go missing. It’s not the first time, either. Susan has always been a troublemaker. Always seeking attention. She knows Susan has been lying to the family for years. And she knows that Susan has been sneaking out of her family home for weeks…</p> <br> <p>As the hours turn into days, even Clare becomes fearful for Susan. And, when Mary discovers Susan’s diary, she begins to uncover a dark secret from her childhood. Something no one in the family knew. When the final diary entry leads the police to a man who is discovered dead in a local park, they’re left wondering whether Susan has vanished because she is a victim. Or because she is a suspect…</p> <br> <p><b>An explosively compelling crime thriller from bestselling author Carla Kovach ? if you love Lisa Gardner, Robert Bryndza or Clare Mackintosh, you’ll love <i>Her Dark Heart</i>.</b></p> <h2>What readers are saying about <i>Her Dark Heart</i>:</h2> <p>????? ‘<b>Oh my!! This was such a great book that I just could not put it down!!...</b> So suspenseful, dark and creepy good. So many twists and turns It just kept on like a roller coaster ride until the very end.’ Netgalley Reviewer</p> <br> <p>????? ‘This book <b>blew me away!!</b>’ <i>Crossroad Reviews</i></p> <br> <p>????? ‘<b>What a book!</b> <b>Let me take a minute to catch my breath!...</b> Fast-paced and easy to read, this is a thrilling, chilling tale<b>.</b>’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <br> <p>????? ‘<b>Another cracker from Carla Kovach!</b> This series gets better and better... Yes, Carla Kovach has wowed with another fantastic story.’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <br> <p>????? ‘<b>This is a MUST read!</b> I HIGHLY suggest that you read that you read all of the Gina Harte books!!!’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <br> <p>????? ‘Detective Gina Harte has become <b>one of my favourite female lead characters.</b>’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <br> <p>????? ‘Really quick to get into and fast paced… Another <b>5-star read</b> for me<b>.</b>’ Netgalley reviewer</p> <br> <p>????? ‘Detective Gina Harte has become <b>one of my favourite female lead characters.</b>’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <br> <p>????? ‘<b>Wow!</b> As always, Carls has done it again!... <b>Nothing less than 5 stars from me!</b>’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <br> <p>????? ‘<b>Engrossed</b> from the first page… <b>I read it in a day!</b>’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <br> <p>????? ‘Another <b>brilliant</b> episode in this series<b>.</b>’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <br> <p>????? ‘What an exciting thriller! Definitely <b>one of my favorite books of 2019!</b>’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <br> <p>????? ‘Why, oh why did it have to end? I love Gina, I love her team, <b>I love all of the books in this series</b>… Absolutely <b>amazing read</b>.’ Netgalley reviewer</p> <br> <p>????? ‘Between the plot, characters and all the twists in this book it made it <b>an easy and fast read.</b>’ <i>Blue Moon Blogger</i></p> <br> <p>????? ‘<b>Excellent read</b>. 5 Stars.’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <br> <p>????? ‘This is a fast-paced, enjoyable yet thrilling story that <b>had me gripped to the last page</b>.’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <br> <p>????? ‘Plenty of action, suspense, a great mix of characters and <b>a final, shocking reveal that I didn’t see coming</b>.’ Goodreads reviewer</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 399円