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4件中 1件 - 4件  1

Kasztner's Crime【電子書籍】[ Paul Bogdanor ]

<p>This book re-examines one of the most intense controversies of the Holocaust: the role of Rezs Kasztner in facilitating the murder of most of Nazi-occupied Hungary's Jews in 1944. Because he was acting head of the Jewish rescue operation in Hungary, some have hailed him as a saviour. Others have charged that he collaborated with the Nazis in the deportations to Auschwitz. What is indisputable is that Adolf Eichmann agreed to spare a special group of 1,684 Jews, who included some of Kasztner's relatives and friends, while nearly 500,000 Hungarian Jews were sent to their deaths. Why were so many lives lost?After World War II, many Holocaust survivors condemned Kasztner for complicity in the deportation of Hungarian Jews. It was alleged that, as a condition of saving a small number of Jewish leaders and select others, he deceived ordinary Jews into boarding the trains to Auschwitz. The ultimate question is whether Kastztner was a Nazi collaborator, as branded by Ben Hecht in his 1961 book Perfidy, or a hero, as Anna Porter argued in her 2009 book Kasztner's Train. Opinion remains divided.Paul Bogdanor makes an original, compelling case that Kasztner helped the Nazis keep order in Hungary's ghettos before the Jews were sent to Auschwitz, and sent Nazi disinformation to his Jewish contacts in the free world. Drawing on unpublished documents, and making extensive use of the transcripts of the Kasztner and Eichmann trials in Israel, Kasztner's Crime is a chilling account of one man's descent into evil during the genocide of his own people.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 8,278円

L'Affaire Kasztner Le Juif qui n?gocia avec Eichmann【電子書籍】[ Ladislaus L?b ]

<p>N?gocier avec les nazis pour sauver des centaines de vies, est-ce collaborer ? Deux mois apr?s son onzi?me anniversaire, le 9 juillet 1944, les portes du camp de concentration de Bergen-Belsen se ferment derri?re Ladislaus L?b. Cinq mois plus tard, alors que la Seconde Guerre mondiale fait encore rage, il franchit la fronti?re de la Suisse neutre, h?b?t? mais sain et sauf. Il n'est pas seul : il fait partie d'un groupe de 1 670 Juifs ? hommes, femmes, enfants ? venus de Hongrie, sauv?s des nazis gr?ce ? un march? exceptionnel conclu par un homme appel? Rezs? Kasztner ? lui-m?me Juif hongrois ? avec Adolf Eichmann, le ma?tre d’?uvre de la Shoah. Dix ans plus tard, Kasztner sera accus? de collaboration criminelle avec les SS. Au cours d’un proc?s retentissant, un juge estimera que Kasztner avait “vendu son ?me au diable”. Lorsqu’en 1958 la Cour supr?me isra?lienne annulera la sentence, Kasztner n’est plus : quelques mois plus t?t, an mars 1957, il est tomb? sous les balles sous les balles d’un groupuscule de Juifs extr?mistes. “Dans ce livre ?crit d’une plume retenue, Ladislaus L?b offre un r?cit d?taill? et ?mouvant de l’affaire Kasztner. Mal connu du public francophone, c’est pourtant l’un des ?pisodes les plus ?tonnants de l’histoire de la Shoah et une sombre histoire lui a secou? le jeune ?tat d’Isra?l dans les ann?es 1950. Pour les uns, Rezso Kasztner fut un “collaborateur” pour avoir tent? de n?gocier avec Eichmann le sauvetage de Juifs hongrois promis ? la mort. Pour les autres, il fut un h?ros, devenu un martyr apr?s son assassinat, ? Tel-Aviv, en 1957. L’auteur avait onze ans ? l’?poque. Il eut la chance de faire partie du “train Kasztner” qui permit ? pr?s de 1 700 autres Juifs de Budapest de rejoindre la Suisse en 1944. Son t?moignage nous fait p?n?trer au c?ur d’une terrible question : pour sortir de l’enfer, avec qui n?gocier sinon avec le ma?tre des lieux ? Ladislaus L?b a ?galement particip? ? l’extraordinaire documentaire de Gaylen Ross, Le juif qui n?gocia avec les nazis. ? lire, pour sortir des visions ?difiantes d’une histoire qui saigne encore.” Henry Rousso</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,200円

Kasztner's Train【電子書籍】[ Anna Porter ]

<p>The true, heart-wrenching story of Rezs? Kasztner, a Hungarian lawyer and journalist, who rescued thousands of Jews during the last days of the Second World War - and the ultimate price he paid.</p> <p>Summer 1944 - Rezs? Kasztner meets with Adolf Eichmann, architect of the Holocaust, in Budapest. With the Final Solution at its terrible apex and tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews being sent to Auschwitz every month, the two men agree to allow 1,684 Jews to leave for Switzerland by train. The wealthy Jews of Budapest will pay an average of $1,500 for each family member to be included; the poor will pay nothing.</p> <p>In addition to those on the train, Kasztner negotiates with Eichmann to keep 20,000 Hungarian Jews alive - Eichmann called them 'Kasztner's Jews' or the 'Jews on ice' - for a deposit of approximately $100 per head. These deals would haunt Kasztner to the end of his life.</p> <p>After the war, Kasztner was vilified in an infamous Israeli libel trial for having 'sold his soul to the devil' in collaborating with the Nazis. In 1957, he was murdered while he awaited the Supreme Court verdict that eventually vindicated him.</p> <p><em>Kasztner's Train</em> explores the nature of Kasztner: the cool hero, the proud Zionist, the man who believed that promises, even to the Nazis, had to be kept. The deals he made raise questions about moral choices that continue to haunt the world today.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 960円

Rezso Kasztner The Daring Rescue of Hungarian Jews: A Survivor's Account【電子書籍】[ Ladislaus L?b ]

<p>Two months after his eleventh birthday, on 9 July 1944, the gates of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp closed behind Ladislaus L?b. Five months later, with the Second World War still raging, he crossed the border into Switzerland, cold and hungry, but alive and safe. He was not alone, but part of a group of some 1,670 Jewish men, women and children from Hungary, who had been rescued from the Nazis as a result of a deal made by a man called Rezso Kasztner - himself a Hungarian Jew - with Adolf Eichmann, the chief architect of the Holocaust. Twelve years and a miscarriage of justice later Kasztner was murdered by an extremist Jewish gang in his adopted home of Israel.</p> <p>To this day he remains a highly controversial figure, regarded by some as a traitor and by many others as a hero.He was accused of betraying the bulk of the Hungarian Jewry by hand-picking only those who were politically and personally dear to him, or those from whom he could benefit financially, and the judge of his post-war trial concluded that he had 'sold his soul to Satan'.</p> <p><em>Rezso Kasztner</em> tells his story - and also the story of a child who lived to grow up after the Holocaust thanks to him. A compelling combination of history and memoir, it is also an examination of one individual's unique achievement and a consideration of the profound moral issues raised by his dealings with some of the most evil men ever known.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,426円