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4335件中 1件 - 30件  1 2 3 4 5 6

Understanding and Managing Behaviors of Children with Psychological Disorders A Reference for Classroom Teachers【電子書籍】

<p>In the vast literature on classroom behavior management, there are no texts that offer a set of behavior management strategies specific to various psychopathology issues in children and adolescents. This book provides a clear, useful resource for educators who wish to either prevent or diminish problem behaviors exhibited in the classroom.</p> <p>Readers are presented with a brief description of various mental health diagnoses, including children on the autistic spectrum, with attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, depression, anxiety, oppositional defiant disorder, and many others. After reviewing the features of each particular disorder, the book then offers a set of classroom management techniques designed to help educators target the associated problematic behaviors. Each chapter is written by an expert in that specific field, and strategies are provided for use with a variety of ages (from early childhood to adolescence).</p> <p>Educators will find this to be an essential tool for working with children and adolescents with a variety of mental health and behavioral disorders in the classroom.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,390円

Psychological Processes and Advertising Effects Theory, Research, and Applications【電子書籍】

<p>In the 1980s our understanding of how advertising affects consumer behavior was undergoing a dramatic transformation. Recent theoretical and methodological advances in cognitive psychology, social cognition, and artificial intelligence were largely responsible for this transformation. These advances provided a better understanding of the information acquisition process and how information is stored in memory. Consequently, we have been able to incorporate memory, the processing of visual information and affect into our models of advertising effects. However, there were still many unanswered questions. Among these are: (1) Exactly what is the relationship between the different mediators of persuasion? (2) How is memory for advertising related to persuasion? (3) What are the theoretical underpinnings of attitude toward the advertisement? (4) What determines the effect of persuasion over time? (5) What factors affect attention to advertising? (6) What psychological processes occur during the watching of a television commercial? and (7) What factors affect individual differences in the processing of advertising messages? Originally published in 1985, the chapters in this volume provide insights into these questions. They are organized in terms of four psychological processes which contribute to our understanding of how advertising works. These are affective reactions to advertisements, persuasion, psychological processes during television viewing, and involvement.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 6,007円

【輸入盤CD】Chaos Motion / Psychological Spasms Cacophony【K2019/10/25発売】

2019/10/25 発売輸入盤レーベル:TRANSCENDING OBSCUR 収録曲: 2,790円

Porphyria's Lover (Unabridged) A Psychological Poem from one of the most important Victorian poets and playwrights, regarded as a sage and philosopher-poet, known for My Last Duchess, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, Paracelsus…【電子書籍】

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "Porphyria's Lover (Unabridged)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. "Porphyria's Lover" is Browning's first ever short dramatic monologue, and also the first of his poems to examine abnormal psychology. In the poem, a man strangles his lover - Porphyria - with her hair. Porphyria's lover then talks of the corpse's blue eyes, golden hair, and describes the feeling of perfect happiness the murder gives him. Although he winds her hair around her throat 3 times to throttle her, the woman never cries out. The poem uses a somewhat unusual rhyme scheme: A,B,A,B,B, the final repetition bringing each stanza to a heavy rest. Robert Browning (1812-1889) was an English poet and playwright whose mastery of dramatic verse, and in particular the dramatic monologue, made him one of the foremost Victorian poets. His poems are known for their irony, characterization, dark humor, social commentary, historical settings, and challenging vocabulary and syntax. The speakers in his poems are often musicians or painters whose work functions as a metaphor for poetry.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

The Psychological Origin and the Nature of Religion【電子書籍】[ James Henry Leuba ]

<p>"The Psychological Origin and the Nature of Religion" by James Henry Leuba. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and non-fiction to forgottenーor yet undiscovered gemsーof world literature, we issue the books that need to be read. Each Good Press edition has been meticulously edited and formatted to boost readability for all e-readers and devices. Our goal is to produce eBooks that are user-friendly and accessible to everyone in a high-quality digital format.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Treating Pathological Narcissism with Transference-Focused Psychotherapy TREATING PATHOLOGICAL NARCISSI (Psychoanalysis and Psychological Science) [ Diana Diamond ]

TREATING PATHOLOGICAL NARCISSI Psychoanalysis and Psychological Science Diana Diamond Frank E. Yeomans Barry L. Stern GUILFORD PUBN2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781462552733 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Psychology 12,267円

The Sexual Question A Scientific, psychological, hygienic and sociological study【電子書籍】[ Auguste Forel ]

<p>This book looks at the family, marriage, sex, and gender. It was first published in the early 1920s when many people, especially young girls, were not at liberty to discuss matters of a sexual nature. This book seeks to educate, explain and discuss morality concerned with sexual matters.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

九型人格全書:善用?的性格型態、微調人際關係,活出全方位生命力 The Wisdom of the Enneagram: The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality Types【電子書籍】

<p>Amazon暢銷10餘年,逾400位讀者力推</p> <p>「九型人格學?」始祖經典,「心理學」與「靈性成長」的驚人融合!</p> <p>兩大權威Don Richard & Russ Hudson攜手著作,當今最受歡迎的自我認識系統</p> <p>九型人格研究中心台灣負責人──胡?芬老師,專業推薦</p> <p>? 到底是什麼在決定我們的人生和際遇?</p> <p>在面對認識自我、人際關係、心靈成長以及其他許多人生重要事項時,</p> <p>我們會發現,人格類型的差異才是影響事情的關鍵,</p> <p>而不是性別、文化及世代差異。</p> <p>?「客觀了解自己」對我們的人生甚或整個世界,有什麼樣的助益?</p> <p>如果我們能誠實且客觀地觀察自己、觀察人格的行為機制,</p> <p>那麼便能跳?制約、進而覺醒,以全然不同的眼光看待自我與他人,</p> <p>而愛與喜悦也會跟著生命的??隨之展開。</p> <p>有沒有一套專業系統──</p> <p>→能讓我們更精準認識自己、了解他人。</p> <p>→能?助我們看清局勢、對事物做出更恰當的評估。</p> <p>→能讓我們看清核心問題,以及自己在人際關係上的優劣勢。</p> <p>→不需仰頼專家或大師的背書,也不需倚靠出生日期,而是按照個人性格模式,以及誠實的自我探索進行判斷。</p> <p>→在?示核心問題後,還能提出有效處理方法,引導我們深入探索心靈。</p> <p>這套專業系統就是「九型人格學?」!</p> <p>源自兩千多年前的古老智慧,將九型圖與九種鮮明人格類型確立完善後,「九型人格學?」儼然成為當今最受歡迎的自我認識系統。</p> <p>它在?個時代都展現智慧的生命力,引領團隊組織的合作、人際關係的交流、兩性之間的互敬互愛,並在各個領域中,協助?個人發現自己真實蘊藏的力量,進而克服恐懼,獲得心靈上的自由。</p> <p>九型人格的書那麼多,為什麼一定要看這一本?</p> <p>*本書由該領域最具前瞻性的兩大作者合著,?容詳盡且完備</p> <p>唐.理?徳.里索(Don Richard Riso)與拉斯.赫徳森(Russ Hudson)皆為本學?的創始成員,提供一套全新方法,?助讀者將九型人格學?作為個人轉變與發展的有效工具。</p> <p>*這不是一本九型人格「速成書」</p> <p>要透徹了解九型人格,?非做做測驗、看看結果即可,而是要「知其所以然」,本書不但詳盡描述了此學?背後的學理與?史,更引領讀者從「靈性成長」的角度看待各人格類型,期?讀者能實際將之運用於日常生活,加速完成此生的功課</p> <p>*不只提供人格剖析,並且帶領讀者從更高層次看待人格類型</p> <p>書中詳盡描述如何將各種人格類型的潛能最大化,以及如何有效避免可預期的人格陷?。</p> <p>*本書突破許多人對九型人格學?的迷思與執著</p> <p>某些九型人格學?的學習者會過度執著於給自我或他人貼標籤,例如:「我當然會懷疑?!畢竟我是類型六的。」或「?知道我們類型七的都是這樣!就是要一直衝!」來合理化有瑕疵的行為。</p> <p>本學??助我們看清自己如何陷入迷茫?態,又是如何疏離自己的本性,從而促使人們深究真實自我。如果我們只將九型人格學?用於獲取刻板的自我形象,那麼發掘真實本性的過程也只能到此為止。</p> <p>簡單來?,認識自己的人格類型並非最終目的。本書的目的是要透過認識人格,進而停止慣性制約。唯有對人格機制有更多理解和清楚闡釋,深入認識自己所屬人格類型的反應機制,才能真正醒悟,不被牽著鼻子走,也方能擁有更多自由。</p> <p>?改革者 ?助人者 ?成就者</p> <p>?自我者 ?探索者 ?忠誠者</p> <p>?熱情者 ?挑戰者 ?和平者</p> <p>無論?的出身成長背景為何,九型人格學?將?助?克服?在障礙,實現屬於?的獨特天賦與力量,並教?重新檢視自己與他人的關係,活出全新的生命力!</p> <p>各界讚譽&推薦</p> <p>《九型人格全書》是非常重要的一本著作!本書在横向的九型人格中加入了縱向的意識層級。里索與赫徳森首度寫下人類心理機制的整合模組,除了具有劃時代的重要性,更全面完善了人類成長與發展所需具備的知識。高度推薦!</p> <p>ーー《靈性復興》作者 肯恩.威爾柏</p> <p>無論?是想改變自己,或者想認識他人複雜的?心世界,我都非常推薦這本書!它提供的人格類型測驗非常有趣且具?發性,我從中得到了非常有用的訊息,?助我認識自己。除了感受到成長所需面臨的挑戰,我也體會到源自深層的憐憫之心。或許本書最大的貢獻之處在於反映出「智慧」一詞的真正含義。兩位作者描繪了複雜的人性本質、靈魂?望的吶喊聲及無限的可能性,但事情並未到此結束。他們還清楚地告訴讀者們,在個人與精神提升的這條路上,我們該如何繼續前進。</p> <p>ーー《得到?想要的愛》作者 哈維爾.漢瑞克斯博士</p> <p>本書充滿智慧與深度!里索與赫徳森以豐富且有深度的方式介紹九型人格學?,並借助其力量做為轉變的工具。?會發現自己一次又一次地反覆?讀,而?次都有新發現。</p> <p>ーー《事關緊要》作者 托尼.施瓦茨</p> <p>除了清楚且全面描述?史悠久的人格分類方式之外,本書也提出重大的原創性貢獻。里索與赫徳森設計了一套簡單而實用的指導方針與測驗方法,?助?個人找出自己的人格類型,並運用相關知識進行療癒及精神靈性的轉變。</p> <p>ーー《自我發現的冒險之旅》作者 史坦尼斯拉夫?高福醫生</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,076円

All The Pretty People (A riveting psychological thriller)【電子書籍】[ Barbara Freethy ]

<p><em><strong>"Barbara Freethy’s suspense books are explosively good!" ?New York Times bestselling author Toni Anderson.</strong></em></p> <p>Ten years ago, I was seventeen, spending summers with my wealthy family and friends on Hawk Island. One terrible night, I blacked out. The next morning, my best friend, Melanie, was goneーvanished without a trace.</p> <p>Today, I go back. To the island. To my sister's wedding. To a group of privileged people with whom I've never belonged. To my best friend's brother, a man who hates us all. To secrets that someone will kill to keep.</p> <p>A storm is coming. A storm that will cut off the island from all hope of help. A storm that could allow a kidnapper to escape or a killer to murder again. A storm that will wash away all the lies and deception and reveal the true faces of All the Pretty People.</p> <p><em>Will I be the next one to disappear?</em></p> <p><em><strong>#1 New York Times Bestselling Author Barbara Freethy invites you to experience her newest and most gripping page-turner to date; fans of Gone Girl, The Last Thing He Told Me, and One by One will love this psychological thriller with a jaw-dropping twist that will leave you breathless.</strong></em></p> <p><strong>What the readers are saying…</strong></p> <p>"WOW! <strong>Another wonderful page turner</strong>, suspense filled mystery with more twists and turns than a roller coaster." Cheryl ? Goodreads</p> <p>"A heart-stopping thriller that goes to the head. Freethy plays the ultimate mind game with chilling results. The twists keep coming. <strong>The danger is haunting, and the emotions are riveting.</strong> Step inside a nightmare that will steal your breath and touch your heart." Isha - BookBub</p> <p>"All the Pretty People is <strong>a five stars emotional thriller.</strong> Barbara Freethy knows how to snag reader’s attention immediately and never let it disengage until the last period. So many secrets and lies will be revealed in a tight plot that will keep one guessing." Jane - Goodreads</p> <p>"<strong>Stunning roller coaster of a story.</strong> Riveting, I could not put it down." Peggy - Goodreads</p> <p>"Powerful and absorbing...<strong>sheer hold-your-breath suspense.</strong>" ー NYT Bestselling Author Karen Robards on Don’t Say A Word</p> <p>"A <strong>fabulous, page-turning combination of romance and intrigue.</strong>" Fans of Nora Roberts will love this book." ー NYT Bestselling Author Kristin Hannah on Golden Lies</p> <p>"If you love <strong>nail-biting suspense and heartbreaking emotion</strong>, Silent Run belongs on the top of your to-be-bought list. I could not turn the pages fast enough." ー NYT Bestselling Author Mariah Stewart</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 799円

The Photoplay: A Psychological Study【電子書籍】[ Hugo M?nsterberg ]

<p>'The Photoplay: A Psychological Study' is a non-fiction book written by Hugo M?nsterberg. It is considered a pioneering work in film theory, as it delves into the psychological aspects of the medium. M?nsterberg believed that film has a distinct language that mirrors the workings of the mind, such as using close-ups to convey full-attention and flashbacks to evoke memories. His theories provide a unique perspective on the perception and appreciation of film as art at the turn of the century.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Dynamics of the Unconscious: Seminars in Psychological Astrology Volume 2 (Seminars in Psychological Astrology, Vol 2) Seminars in Psychological Astrology Volume 2 (Seminars in Psychological Astrology, Vol 2)【電子書籍】

<p>Combining the symbolism of astrology with that of psychology, the authors show you how to understand depression, the quest for the sublime, the astrology and psychology of aggression, and alchemical symbolism for tracking life changes. Charts.Reading list.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,384円

Publication Manual (Official) 7th Edition of the American Psychological Association PUBN MANUAL (OFFICIAL) 7TH /E [ American Psychological Association ]

PUBN MANUAL (OFFICIAL) 7TH /E American Psychological Association AMER PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSN2019 Spiral English ISBN:9781433832178 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Language Arts & Disciplines 12,672円

Managerial Agency: Social and Psychological Power in Leadership【電子書籍】[ Mark Morris ]

<p>Managerial Agency describes the science of psychological influence and its use in leadership. Combining psychological, and sociological with leadership literatures, Managerial Agency provides a model of operating, and a method for managers to achieve their aims through the work of their colleagues. The Managerial Agent influences team members and bosses to accept and adopt their viewpoint and priorities as their own, so being self motivated to carry them out.</p> <p>Managerial Agency borrows from the sociology of agency, authority and power; from the psychology of development, identity and personality and from theories of groups, politics and culture marrying these insights with those in organisational, leadership and charisma theory and practice. The Managerial Agent targets their colleagues’ “habitus”, their inner construct of values, views and attitudes; shaping it to conform to the Managerial Agent’s own, thus creating an organisational or industrial ally in achieving their aims.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 105円

Intent: Deadly Secrets A Psychological Thriller【電子書籍】[ Krista Wagner ]

<p><strong>Trusting the wrong person can be deadly. . .</strong></p> <p>A pastor's daughter, Raylee has always felt sheltered and secure in Silver Canyon, her hometown. Lately, she’s sensed MENACING EYES watching her from the shadows. When tragedy strikes at her very heart, she finds solace in an old crush as the SINISTER PRESENCE continues to pursue her.</p> <p>But Raylee's FAITH is tested as she struggles to find her way through the murky haze that envelops her, unsure whom she can TRUST as the clues firmly point to a stalker who is close to her. Her determination to learn the TRUTH at any cost and expose EVIL in its purest form delivers Raylee from the brink of danger into the heart of a DEADLY NIGHTMARE in this fast-paced, heart-pounding psychological thriller.</p> <p>Book#2 is a clean psychological thriller appropriate for young adult and up.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 667円

When Prophecy Fails A Social & Psychological Study of a Modern Group that Predicted the Destruction of the World【電子書籍】[ Leon Festinger ]

<p>When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the World is a classic work of social psychology by Leon Festinger, Henry Riecken, and Stanley Schachter which studied a small UFO religion in Chicago called the Seekers that believed in an imminent apocalypse and its coping mechanisms after the event did not occur. Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance can account for the psychological consequences of disconfirmed expectations. One of the first published cases of dissonance was reported in this book.<br /> Festinger and his associates read a story in their local newspaper headlined "Prophecy from planet Clarion call to city: flee that flood."</p> <p>The prophecy came from Dorothy Martin (1900?1992), a Chicago housewife who experimented with automatic writing. (In order to protect her privacy, the study gave her the alias of "Marian Keech" and relocated her group to Michigan.) She had previously been involved with L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics movement, and she incorporated ideas from what later became Scientology.</p> <p>The group of believers, headed by Keech, had taken strong actions to indicate their degree of commitment to the belief. They had left jobs, college, and spouses, and had given away money and possessions to prepare for their departure on a flying saucer which was to rescue the group of true believers. She claimed to have received a message from a fictional planet named Clarion. These messages revealed that the world would end in a great flood before dawn on December 21, 1954.</p> <p>After the failure of the prediction, she left Chicago after being threatened with arrest and involuntary commitment. She later founded the Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara. Under the name Sister Thedra, she continued to practice channeling and to participate in contactee groups until her death in 1992. The Association is active to this day.<br /> Festinger and his colleagues saw this as a case that would lead to the arousal of dissonance when the prophecy failed. Altering the belief would be difficult, as Keech and her group were committed at considerable expense to maintain it. Another option would be to enlist social support for their belief. As Festinger wrote, "If more and more people can be persuaded that the system of belief is correct, then clearly it must after all be correct."</p> <p>In this case, if Keech could add consonant elements by converting others to the basic premise, then the magnitude of her dissonance following disconfirmation would be reduced. Festinger and his colleagues predicted that the inevitable disconfirmation would be followed by an enthusiastic effort at proselytizing to seek social support and lessen the pain of disconfirmation.</p> <p>Festinger stated that five conditions must be present if someone is to become a more fervent believer after a failure or disconfirmation:</p> <p>A belief must be held with deep conviction and it must have some relevance to action, that is, to what the believer does or how he or she behaves.<br /> The person holding the belief must have committed himself to it; that is, for the sake of his belief, he must have taken some important action that is difficult to undo. In general, the more important such actions are, and the more difficult they are to undo, the greater is the individual's commitment to the belief.<br /> The belief must be sufficiently specific and sufficiently concerned with the real world so that events may unequivocally refute the belief.<br /> Such undeniable disconfirmatory evidence must occur and must be recognized by the individual holding the belief.<br /> The individual believer must have social support. It is unlikely that one isolated believer could withstand the kind of disconfirming evidence that has been specified. If, however, the believer is a member of a group of convinced persons who can support one another, the belief may be maintained and the believers may attempt to proselytize or persuade nonmembers that the belief is correct.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 334円

The Fearless Organization Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth【電子書籍】[ Amy C. Edmondson ]

<p><strong>Conquer the most essential adaptation to the knowledge economy</strong></p> <p><em>The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth</em> offers practical guidance for teams and organizations who are serious about success in the modern economy. With so much riding on innovation, creativity, and spark, it is essential to attract and retain quality talentーbut what good does this talent do if no one is able to speak their mind? The traditional culture of "fitting in" and "going along" spells doom in the knowledge economy. Success requires a continuous influx of new ideas, new challenges, and critical thought, and the interpersonal climate must not suppress, silence, ridicule or intimidate. Not every idea is good, and yes there are stupid questions, and yes dissent can slow things down, but talking through these things is an essential part of the creative process. People must be allowed to voice half-finished thoughts, ask questions from left field, and brainstorm out loud; it creates a culture in which a minor flub or momentary lapse is no big deal, and where actual mistakes are owned and corrected, and where the next left-field idea could be the next big thing.</p> <p>This book explores this culture of psychological safety, and provides a blueprint for bringing it to life. The road is sometimes bumpy, but succinct and informative scenario-based explanations provide a clear path forward to constant learning and healthy innovation.</p> <ul> <li>Explore the link between psychological safety and high performance</li> <li>Create a culture where it’s “safe” to express ideas, ask questions, and admit mistakes</li> <li>Nurture the level of engagement and candor required in today’s knowledge economy</li> <li>Follow a step-by-step framework for establishing psychological safety in your team or organization</li> </ul> <p>Shed the "yes-men" approach and step into real performance. Fertilize creativity, clarify goals, achieve accountability, redefine leadership, and much more. <em>The Fearless Organization</em> helps you bring about this most critical transformation.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,738円

モデリングの心理学 観察学習の理論と方法 新装版 / 原タイトル:Psychological Modeling[本/雑誌] / アルバート・バンデューラ/編 原野広太郎/共訳 福島脩美/共訳

ネオウィング 楽天市場店
ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明><収録内容>モデリング過程の分析1 九官鳥の物まね:マウラー理論の検証2 同一視学習の地位羨望理論、社会的勢力理論、二次強化理論の比較検証3 観察学習における象徴的コーディング過程4 モデルの強化随伴性が模倣反応に及ぼす影響5 モデル—類似行動の強化による模倣の発達6 社会的モデルに対する反応結果が逸脱行動の抑制に及ぼす影響7 児童の模倣と文法の発達8 示範した言語構造の形成に及ぼす年齢と規則親近性の影響9 児童の疑問文作りに及ぼす観察学習の効果<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2471854Arubato Ban De Ra / Hen Harano Hirota Ro / Tomo Yaku Fukushima Osamu Yoshi / Tomo Yaku / Modelling No Shinri Gaku Kansatsu Gakushu No Riron to Hoho New Edition / Original Title: Psychological Modelingメディア:本/雑誌重量:464g発売日:2020/03JAN:9784760834204モデリングの心理学 観察学習の理論と方法 新装版 / 原タイトル:Psychological Modeling[本/雑誌] / アルバート・バンデューラ/編 原野広太郎/共訳 福島脩美/共訳2020/03発売 4,400円


<p>“Number series for psychological normalization” writing was originated by Grabovoi Grigori Petrovich in the Russian language in 2003, was completed by Grabovoi G.P.</p> <p>The work contains sections on psychodiagnostics, psychotherapy, social psychology, psychology of labor, pathopsychology, psychophysics, defectology, perceptual psychology, personality psychology, psychoanalysis, motivational psychology, psychology of memory, psychology of emotions, feelings and thoughts, psychology of perception and sensations.</p> <p>The methods of regulation of events in the process of eternal development of man are presented in the work by means of number series related to the terms and notions, which are used in psychology.<br /> In case the term means some deviation from the norm, one can by means of a number series that corresponds to the term achieve the norm that organizes the eternal development in generally accepted constructive direction. If the term means the description of the process, the number series can be used for the application of this description in the direction of eternal development. The described process by means of the number series may be applied for ensuring the eternal development.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,154円

Determining the Value of Non-Marketed Goods Economic, Psychological, and Policy Relevant Aspects of Contingent Valuation Methods【電子書籍】

<p>Contingent valuation (CV) measures what is called passive use value or existence value. The CV method has been used to measure the benefits of environmental policy actions. CV measures of economic value rely on choice. In CV studies, choices are posed to people in surveys; analysts then use the responses to these choice questions to construct monetary measures of value. The specific mechanism used to elicit respondents' choices can take a variety of forms, including asking survey respondents whether they would purchase, vote, or pay for a program or some other well-defined object of choice. It can also be a direct elicitation of the amount each respondent would be willing to pay (WTP) to obtain an object of choice or the amount each respondent would be willing to accept (WTA) in compensation to give it up.<br /> This volume is composed of three sections. The first section provides background into the issues underlying the public and academic discussion regarding CV and the reliability of CV estimates of economic value. In addition, this section reviews the theory underlying the measurement of economic value and discusses those aspects of the theory most relevant to CV. The second section focuses on issues that have formed the core of the CV discussions including: sensitivity of WTP estimates to the size of the program offered, tests for theoretical consistency of CV results, and the sensitivity of results to context and numerous other features of the survey and its administration. The final section addresses the application of CV to actual economic valuation tasks and discusses the types of practical problems the CV researcher will encounter.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 18,231円

The Dream House An absolutely gripping psychological thriller【電子書籍】[ Jess Ryder ]

<p><b>‘One of the best psychological thrillers I’ve read in a long long time.’ </b><b>?????</b></p> <p><b>‘Just brilliant, loved every page, every twist and turn’ </b><b>?????</b></p> <p><b>‘Sunk its claws into me from page one and didn’t let go until the end’</b><b>?????</b></p> <p><b>‘Be prepared to be glued to this story!...Absolutely all the stars!’</b><b> ?????</b></p> <p><b>‘Set aside everything that you have to do… This book will grip you from the very first pages… I loved it.’ </b><b>?????</b></p> <br> <p>When I first set eyes on Westhill House with its breath-taking views of the sea I knew it was the perfect place for a fresh start.</p> <br> <p>The place may be falling apart, but it can be fixed with some tender loving care. And as Jack and I work to repair this beautiful building, maybe we can repair our relationship too. Maybe we can make Westhill House a refuge from all the tragedies that came before.</p> <br> <p>Lori has come to Westhill House for shelter too. She says it used to be a place where women went for safety. How can I turn her away, when violence waits for her outside these high walls?</p> <br> <p>But the longer Lori stays, the more time Jack spends away. And the more she helps me restore the house, the more secrets start to be revealed.</p> <br> <p>Like the children’s drawings under the wallpaper in the back bedroom.</p> <br> <p>The hidden papers underneath the floorboards in the turret room.</p> <br> <p>But why does Lori know so much about Westhill House, if she’s never been here before?</p> <br> <p>What does she really need protection from?</p> <br> <p><b>And now I’ve invited her into my dream house, is there any escape for either of us? </b></p> <br> <p><b>A gripping, spine-chilling read brimming with secrets and lies.</b> <b>If you loved <i>The Girl on the Train</i>, <i>The Wife Between Us</i> or <i>The Woman in the Window</i> then this dark, twisting psychological thriller from Amazon chart bestseller Jess Ryder is guaranteed to have you gripped. </b></p> <p><b>What readers are saying about <i>The Dream House</i>:</b></p> <p>‘<b>Wow, what an amazing </b>thrilling, chilling book that<b> sunk its claws into me from page one and didn’t let go until the very end</b>… Ryder will be on my top list of authors… full of thrills, chills, hearts aches, and twist & turns! Will be highly recommending.’ Goodreads Reviewer, <b>5 stars</b></p> <p>‘…<b>I think this may be one of the best psychological thrillers I’ve read in a long, long time. I was hooked</b>! Every time I thought I knew where the plot was going something else would happened and I’d be asking more questions. <b>The twists and turns were gripping and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. </b>Seriously get yourself a copy when this book hits shelves on June 21st, you won’t regret it!’ Goodreads reviewer</p> <p>‘<b>Unputdownable</b>.’ Goodreads Reviewer, <b>5 stars</b></p> <br> <p><b>Gripping</b>… <b>had me in its grasp from the very first page</b>… <b>I could not turn the pages quickly enough </b>to discover the mysteries hidden inside Westhill House… This is <b>a brilliantly executed novel </b>that I would not hesitate to recommend.’ Goodreads Reviewer, <b>5 stars</b></p> <br> <p>‘<b>Brilliant</b>… <b>I could not put this one down!!! Superb read!!!</b>’ Goodreads Reviewer, <b>5 stars</b></p> <p>‘<b>What an incredible thriller! </b>Love this author and <b>literally couldn’t tear myself away from this book. </b>Will definitely be reading more.’ Goodreads Reviewer, <b>5 stars </b></p> <p>‘<b>Just brilliant</b>, loved every page, every twist and turn and I was gripped from the very first chapter… I have no hesitation in recommending this<b> addictive page turner</b>.’ Netgalley Reviewer, <b>5 stars </b></p> <br> <p><b>‘Seriously good</b>! <b>Very intense, could not put it down</b>.<b> A perfect example of a book that you are obsessed with reading</b> - cannot wait to find out what happens but do not want it to end. I will definitely be looking for more books by this author.’ Goodreads reviewer, <b>5 stars</b></p> <p>‘<b>Totally gripping book that I couldn’t put down</b>… <b>Kept me guessing until the end</b>, a real page turner.’ Goodreads Reviewer, <b>5 stars </b></p> <p>‘The Dream House’ is a <b>gripping and sinister thriller with a cleverly written plot full of menace and intrigue that at times made me feel uncomfortable and worried</b> at what was going to happen to Stella who’s gullible but understandably so. I was <b>hooked from the beginning and had to keep reading to find out what was going to happen</b>, finishing it in a day.’ Goodreads Reviewer</p> <p>‘…This was a <b>great read, and I had a hard time setting the book down</b>. Jess Ryder writes an extremely atmospheric tale that blends two different timelines seamlessly. Certain aspects are downright haunting, and her writing makes you 100% invested in the characters and their stories. ‘Goodreads Reviewer <b>‘</b><b>Wow, this is an absolutely fantastic thriller</b>! Not only is it highly addictive, but Jess Ryder also conveys some very serious topics such as domestic violence, brilliantly and sensitively into this story… <b>This is brilliant book; gripping, character-driven, wonderfully written</b>. I've been in a bit of a reading slump when it comes to thrillers lately, but this one really is a standout novel.’<i> Super Heroines, </i><b>5 stars</b></p> <p><b>‘I loved this one and couldn’t wait to get to the end.’ <i>Mrs Joe Reads</i></b></p> <br> <p><b>‘</b>I'm a fan of this author and was excited to get a chance to read The Dream House! <b>The story is clever,</b> as I've come to expect from Ryder, and the characters are engaging and multi-dimensional. I don't want to give away anything of the plot, but there <b>are plenty of twists and turns that kept me on my toes!’ </b><i>The Princess and the Pen</i></p> <p><b>Cooking the Books Review, 5 stars</b></p> <p>‘<b>A thoroughly convincing and enthralling read</b>. A psychological thriller that is unpredictable and will totally shock you when you least expect it.’ <i>Cooking the Books Review, </i><b>5 stars</b></p> <p>‘</p> <p>‘<b>Gripped me from the start</b>. Westhill House is brought to life with an unsettling chill. The characters are <b>authentic and intriguing</b>… constantly had me guessing… <b>Captivating</b>… grips you until the very end.’ <i>Irresistibly Bookish</i></p> <br> <p>‘<b>Wow!</b>… I loved it, pacy and taut with well written characters. <b>Read it now!’ </b>Netgalley Reviewer<b>, 5 stars</b></p> <br> <p>‘So this isn’t my first book by Ryder, and I have to admit, <b>she REALLY knows how to write a gripping story!</b>… <b>awesome awesome book</b> by her.’ Goodreads Reviewer, <b>5 stars </b></p> <p>‘…Definitely a great mystery-thriller. <b>I was guessing every which way and found myself stymied time and time again.</b> Loved being kept on the edge of my seat. <b>Such a thrilling read!’ </b><i>A Bookish Way of Life</i></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 399円

She is Alone in the World: Mysteries and Romance Gripping Psychological Thriller Story Novel Elena Mystery Thriller【電子書籍】[ Elena Mike ]

<p><strong>She is Alone in the World: Mysteries and Romance Gripping Psychological Thriller Story Novel (Elena Mystery Thriller Series)</strong></p> <p>Rosie is 17-year teenage girl.<br /> Her dad was arrested by FBI.<br /> Her Mother died when she was born.<br /> <strong>!!! Ever Never Read !!!!<br /> Thanks a lot for reading this book, I hope you are really enjoyed.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 250円

The Angel's Game: A Psychological Thriller ANGELS GAME [ Carlos Ruiz Zafon ]

ANGELS GAME Carlos Ruiz Zafon ANCHOR2010 Paperback English ISBN:9780767931113 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction 3,168円

The Cuckoo Sister An absolutely gripping psychological thriller from Alison Stockham【電子書籍】[ Alison Stockham ]

<h2>THE TOP 10 BESTSELLER</h2> <p><strong>'An emotional read that pulls you in all directions. I was completely absorbed from the first page' Gemma Rogers</strong></p> <p><strong>You want your sister to have all her heart desires.</strong></p> <p><strong>But - what if she wants your children?</strong></p> <p>Maggie has everything her sister Rose always wanted. A handsome husband and two adorable children, Emily and Elliot.</p> <p>But what Rose doesn’t see is that Maggie is struggling. Every day is a fog of sleep loss and mess made by two tiny children. Left alone in her distress by husband Stephen, Maggie drifts ever closer to the edge.</p> <p>When Maggie finally cracks, walking out one day and not returning, Rose is right there to step into the breach . . .</p> <p><em><strong>You trust your sister to look after your children. But should you?</strong></em></p> <p><strong>Perfect for fans of Liane Moriarty and Celeste Ng.</strong></p> <h2>What people are saying about The Cuckoo Sister</h2> <p>‘It begins with a visceral shock and evolves through unexpected twists and turns to a deeply felt and satisfying conclusion’ <strong>Greg Mosse, author of <em>The Coming Darkness</em></strong></p> <p>'This was a beautifully written debut that handles a difficult subject matter with a delicacy that makes me excited to read whatever Alison Stockham writes next' <strong>Stacy Thomas, author of <em>The Revels</em></strong></p> <p>‘This book comes with a killer hook… Sibling relationships, post-natal depression, marriages with cracks that turn into fissures and the nature of friendship are all explored via a pacy storyline.’ <strong>Jo Leevers, author of <em>Tell Me How It Ends</em></strong></p> <p>'Stormed through The Cuckoo Sister by Alison Stockham... A fascinating premise and she handles it admirably, with nuance and compassion.' <strong>Laura Pearson, author of <em>I Wanted You To Know</em>, <em>Missing Pieces</em> & <em>Nobody’s Wife</em></strong></p> <p>'Beautifully poignant and utterly compelling.' <strong>Alex Stone, author of <em>The Perfect Daughter</em> and <em>The Other Girlfriend</em></strong></p> <p>'An emotional and relatable story.' <strong>Louise Douglas, author of <em>The Room in the Attic</em> and</strong> <em><strong>The Lost Notebook</strong></em></p> <p>'Such a clever and engaging book with a late twist that I absolutely did not predict.' <strong>Beth Miller, author of <em>The Missing Letters of Mrs Bright</em> & <em>The Woman Who Came Back To Life</em></strong></p> <p>'A brilliant concept delivered with real emotional depth and clout. I felt for each and every character in this story of family, guilt and deepest desires' <strong>Gytha Lodge, author of <em>Little Sister</em>, <em>Lie Beside Me</em>, <em>Watching From The Dark</em> & <em>She Lies in</em></strong> <em><strong>Wait</strong></em></p> <p>**</p> <p>'I devoured <em>The Cuckoo Sister</em> in a day . . . Cleverly written, emotionally and psychologically complex. It’s a brilliant intense read' <em><strong>Elspells</strong></em></p> <p>‘Beautifully written, interesting & completely gripping . . . This is definitely one that would be perfect for book clubs’ <em><strong>Little Miss Book Lover 87</strong></em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 477円

APA論文作成マニュアル / 原タイトル:Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 原著第7版の翻訳[本/雑誌] / アメリカ心理学会/著 前田樹海/訳 江藤裕之/訳

ネオウィング 楽天市場店
ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明><商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2831025America Shinri Gakkai / Cho Maeda Jukai / Yaku Eto Hiroyuki / Yaku / APA Rombun Sakusei Manual / Original Title: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Gencho Dai7 Han No Honyakuメディア:本/雑誌発売日:2023/02JAN:9784260048125APA論文作成マニュアル / 原タイトル:Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 原著第7版の翻訳[本/雑誌] / アメリカ心理学会/著 前田樹海/訳 江藤裕之/訳2023/02発売 4,620円

Learning Process-Based Therapy A Skills Training Manual for Targeting the Core Processes of Psychological Change in Clinical Practice【電子書籍】[ Stefan G. Hofmann, PhD ]

<p><strong>Step-by-step guidance for implementing process-based therapy in practice</strong></p> <p>Evidence-based mental health treatmentsーincluding cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)ーhave long been defined in terms of scientifically validated protocols focused on syndromes. This is rapidly changing. A process focus is now emerging for evidence-based therapies, as the era of “protocols for syndromes,” passes away. This groundbreaking book offers concrete strategies for adopting a process-based approach in your clinical practice, and provides step-by-step guidance for formulating effective treatment plans.</p> <p>Written by renowned psychologists Steven C. Hayes and Stefan G. Hofmann, this manual will show you how to utilize the core competencies of process-based therapy (PBT) in a way that honors the behavioral, cognitive, and acceptance and mindfulness wings of CBT and builds bridges to other models. In the book, you’ll find a comprehensive road map to the theoretical foundations of PBT, as well as techniques for creating customized treatments that address the unique needs of each clientーleading to better therapeutic outcomes.</p> <p>Whether you’re a clinician or student of the behavioral sciences, this book has everything you need to understand and implement PBT in your work.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 5,102円

Self-Determination Theory Basic Psychological Needs in Motivation, Development, and Wellness【電子書籍】[ Richard M. Ryan, PhD, LCP ]

<p>Self-determination theory (SDT) provides a framework for understanding the factors that promote motivation and healthy psychological and behavioral functioning. In this authoritative work, the codevelopers of the theory comprehensively examine SDT's conceptual underpinnings (including its six mini-theories), empirical evidence base, and practical applications across the lifespan. The volume synthesizes a vast body of research on how supporting--or thwarting--people's basic needs for competence, relatedness, and autonomy affects their development and well-being. Chapters cover implications for practice and policy in education, health care, psychotherapy, sport, and the workplace.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,723円

Fearless Schools: Building Trust, Resilience, and Psychological Safety FEARLESS SCHOOLS [ Douglas Reeves ]

FEARLESS SCHOOLS Douglas Reeves TRAFFORD PUB2022 Paperback English ISBN:9781665730556 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Education 3,960円

Psychological Perspectives on Praise【電子書籍】

<p>Praise is perhaps the most widely used technique to influence others. When used appropriately, praise can motivate people, make them feel better, and improve their social relationships. Often, however, praise fails to work as intended and may even cause harm. <em>Psychological Perspectives on Praise</em> reviews and integrates psychological theory and research to provide an overarching perspective on praise.</p> <p>With contributions from leading scholars in the field, this book amalgamates diverse theoretical and empirical perspectives on praise. The book starts with providing an overview of prominent theories that seek to explain the effects of praise, including self-enhancement theory, self-verification theory, attribution theory, and self-determination theory. It then discusses several lines of empirical research on how praise impacts competence and motivation, self-perceptions (e.g., self-esteem and narcissism), and social relationships. It does so in a range of contexts, including children’s learning at school, employees’ commitment at work, and people’s behavior within romantic relationships. The book concludes by showing how praise can be understood in its developmental and cultural context.</p> <p>Revealing that praise is a message rich in information about ourselves and our social environments, this book will be of interest to social, organizational, personality, developmental, and educational psychologists; students in psychology and related disciplines; and practitioners including teachers, managers, and counselors who use praise in their daily practice.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 6,942円

The Wisdom of the Enneagram: The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine P WISDOM OF THE ENNEAGRAM [ Don Richard Riso ]

WISDOM OF THE ENNEAGRAM Don Richard Riso Russ Hudson BANTAM TRADE1999 Paperback English ISBN:9780553378207 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Psychology 3,484円

心理安全感的力量:別讓?默扼殺了?和團隊的未來! The Fearless Organization:Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth【電子書籍】[ 艾美.艾徳蒙森(Amy C. Edmondson) ]

<p><strong>★Thinkers50****全球管理思想家排行榜Top1、哈佛商學院教授艾美.艾徳蒙森重磅出版</strong></p> <p><strong>★****美國《Inc.》雜誌推薦「最適合送禮的商管書」</strong></p> <p><strong>在合作與創新決定成敗的世界</strong></p> <p><strong>別讓?默扼殺了?和團隊的未來</strong></p> <p><strong>發言不怕犯錯、受質疑、被報復</strong></p> <p><strong>形成能自由表達、充分參與的文化</strong></p> <p><strong>是競爭者無法?效的隱形優勢!</strong></p> <p>為什麼經驗豐富的戰將,在關鍵時刻反而貢獻打折?</p> <p>為什麼有能力的同事在新任務上卻顯得保守、遲疑?</p> <p>為什麼我們在會議中經常有話卻不願意??</p> <p>在今天合作與創新定成敗的世界,只擁有聰明能幹、企圖心強的人才不見得有績效,更重要的是必須讓聰明又有企圖的人不怕犯錯地把知識用出來、能卸下心防合作,才能在變化中找出新路徑!</p> <p>工業時代,個人完美執行最佳實務就能績效卓越;在知識密集的創新時代,高效率要靠協作、共創,最被忽略的績效要素是團隊中沒有人?出口的「心理安全感」!心理安全感指的是,組織成員相信自己不會因發表了某個想法、疑問、關切,乃至犯錯,而受到懲罰、侮辱或報復。</p> <p>本書作者艾徳蒙森是哈佛管理學院教授,在全球最具影響力的Thinkers50排行第一,開創組織心理安全感研究的先河。自1990年代中期,艾徳蒙森就注意到心理安全感攸關組織管理的成效。?在過去近三十年横跨商業、醫療、教育領域的大量研究中更證實了,企業之所以會?淪,往往不是受創於外在的挑戰,而是源自於?部無法即時發現錯誤,從錯誤中學習,並且改正。</p> <p>隨著人工智能的發展,工作將更集中在需要創意的地方,富有心理安全感的職場文化能為企業帶來兩大優勢:</p> <p>一、心理安全感能釋放個人和集體才能:接納多元,鼓勵包容性,建立歸屬感,成員才能主動地、安心地貢獻想法。</p> <p>二、心理安全感是成功團隊的重要特?:根據哈佛大學進行的相關研究清楚指出,心理安全程度較高的組織在幾乎所有指標上的表現都更好。</p> <p>該如何在組織中建立心理安全感?作者提供了以下具體做法:</p> <p>◆建立可以自由分享意見和感受的氛圍</p> <p>◆鼓勵提問</p> <p>◆對壞消息做出適當反應,而非斥責和批評</p> <p>這是一本專為領導者和團隊而寫的書,針對如何在團隊中建立心理安全感,提供循序漸進的操作框架,並以實例?明自由表達、充分參與的文化如何實現。</p> <p><strong>好評推薦</strong></p> <p>玉山銀行董事長<strong>?男州</strong></p> <p>政治大學科技管理與智慧財?研究所教授<strong>蕭瑞麟</strong> </p> <p>此版為2020年出版之《心理安全感的力量》更新設計版</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,422円