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3582件中 1件 - 30件  1 2 3 4 5 6

The Military Lens Doctrinal Difference and Deterrence Failure in Sino-American Relations【電子書籍】[ Christopher P. Twomey ]

<p>In The Military Lens, Christopher P. Twomey shows how differing military doctrines have led to misperceptions between the United States and China over foreign policyーand the potential dangers these might pose in future relations. Because of their different strategic situations, histories, and military cultures, nations may have radically disparate definitions of effective military doctrine, strategy, and capabilities. Twomey argues that when such doctrinesーor "theories of victory"ーdiffer across states, misperceptions about a rival's capabilities and intentions and false optimism about one's own are more likely to occur. In turn, these can impede international diplomacy and statecraft by making it more difficult to communicate and agree on assessments of the balance of power. When states engage in strategic coercionーeither to deter or to compel actionーsuch problems can lead to escalation and war.</p> <p>Twomey assesses a wide array of sources in both the United States and China on military doctrine, strategic culture, misperception, and deterrence theory to build case studies of attempts at strategic coercion during Sino-American conflicts in Korea and the Taiwan Strait in the early years of the Cold War, as well as an examination of similar issues in the Arab-Israeli conflict. After demonstrating how these factors have contributed to past conflicts, Twomey amply documents the persistence of hazardous miscommunication in contemporary Sino-American relations. His unique analytic perspective on military capability suggests that policymakers need to carefully consider the military doctrine of the nations they are trying to influence.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,405円

Listening to China Sound and the Sino-Western Encounter, 1770-1839【電子書籍】[ Thomas Irvine ]

<p>From bell ringing to fireworks, gongs to cannon salutes, a dazzling variety of sounds and soundscapes marked the China encountered by the West around 1800. These sounds were gathered by diplomats, trade officials, missionaries, and other travelers and transmitted back to Europe, where they were reconstructed in the imaginations of writers, philosophers, and music historians such as Jean-Philippe Rameau, Johann Nikolaus Forkel, and Charles Burney. Thomas Irvine gathers these stories in <em>Listening to China</em>, exploring how the sonic encounter with China shaped perceptions of Europe’s own musical development.</p> <p>Through these stories, Irvine not only investigates how the Sino-Western encounter sounded, but also traces the West’s shifting response to China. As the trading relationships between China and the West broke down, travelers and music theorists abandoned the vision of shared musical approaches, focusing instead on China’s noisiness and sonic disorder and finding less to like in its music. At the same time, Irvine reconsiders the idea of a specifically Western music history, revealing that it was comparison with China, the great “other,” that helped this idea emerge. Ultimately, Irvine draws attention to the ways Western ears were implicated in the colonial and imperial project in China, as well as to China’s importance to the construction of musical knowledge during and after the European Enlightenment. Timely and original, <em>Listening to China</em> is a must-read for music scholars and historians of China alike.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 6,302円

シノ グランデ ブランコ 2022 カーサ エルメリンダ フレイタス元詰 ヴィーガン ポルトガル セトゥーバル半島 フェルナン エノロゴ Vinho Branco Sino Grande Pennsula de Setubal 2022 Casa Ermelinda Freitas

ワインのタイプ白 辛口生産者カーサ・エルメリンダ・フレイタス元詰生産地ポルトガル/セトゥーバル半島/ヴィーニョ レジョナルブドウの品種/セパージュ アッサンブラージュフェルナン・ピレス種 85%、アリント種 15%生産年[2022]年内容量750ml ■さまざまなギフトアイテムをご用意しております。お中元 ギフト 御中元 お盆 お礼 敬老の日 クリスマス 冬ギフト お歳暮 御歳暮 お年賀 御年賀 お正月 年末年始 ご挨拶 バレンタイン ホワイトデー お返し 父の日 母の日 ギフト 贈答品 お土産 手土産 御祝 御礼 内祝い 引き出物 お祝い 結婚祝い 結婚内祝い 出産祝い 出産内祝い 引き菓子 快気祝い 快気内祝い 進学祝い 誕生日祝い バースデーケーキ プレゼント Wedding ウェディング ホームパーティ お花見 パーティ 退職ギフト 退職 就任祝いシノ・グランデ・ブランコ[2022]年・カーサ・エルメリンダ・フレイタス元詰・ヴィーガン・ポルトガル・セトゥーバル半島・白・ミディアムボディ・辛口・フェルナン・ピレス種主体85%&アリント種15%・エノロゴ(ハイメ・クエンデラ氏=Jaime Quendera)・ロットナンバー入りVinho Branco Sino Grande Pennsula de Setubal 2022 Casa Ermelinda Freitasポルトガル・ミディアムボディ辛口白ワイン愛好家大注目!リスボンの南東の南ポルトガル・セトゥーバル半島から柑橘類やトロピカルフルーツのアロマの辛口白ワイン愛好家大注目!造り手の家族経営の「カーサ・エルメリンダ・フレイタス」は、1920年に南ポルトガルのフェルナンド・ポに設立された現当主で5代目のワイナリーでポルトガルの主要ワイン生産地のうち3つの地域(セトゥーバル半島、ヴィンホス・ベルデス、ドウロの3つの主要ワイン生産地)でワインを生産!ワインの品質は世界的に認められており、何百もの国際的な賞を受賞しています!(南部の土壌は浜辺の砂に似ており、地下水が豊富で、ブドウの成熟に重要な役割を果たしている。乾燥した夏には、近くの川からのそよ風がブドウ畑をリフレッシュさせ、ワインに滑らかさとエレガンスを与える。このような土壌では、カステラン種の赤ワインがよく育つが、現在では30種類のブドウ品種を栽培している。現在の年間生産量は約2,000万リットルで、同社はポルトガル最大の生産者のひとつで1999年以来、カーサ・エルメリンダ・フレイタスのワインは、世界中で1000以上の賞を受賞しています。)このシノ・グランデ・ブランコ[2022]年・カーサ・エルメリンダ・フレイタス元詰はポルトガル南部セトゥーバル半島のパルメーラ自治体の恵まれた地域、フェルナンド・ポにある地元産のフェルナン・ピレス種85%(フェルナン・ピレス(マリア・ゴメスとも呼ばれる)は、ポルトガルで最も栽培されている白ブドウ品種です!このブドウは、セトゥーバル半島、テージョ、リスボン、バイラーダの各地域で精力的に栽培されています!フェルナンピレスのブドウは、軽くて芳香のあるフルーティーな白ワインを作り出します。早めに収穫すると、これらのブドウは柑橘系の風味と花の香りがワインにあらわれます。)アリント種15%(アリントは熟成が遅いのが特徴で、リンゴとレモンの香りのするエレガントなワインを生み出します。早熟のブドウで造られると、とてもフレッシュが楽しめるワインとなります。アリントは高温に耐えることができ、アレンテージョなどポルトガルのいくつか暑い地域で栽培されています。ヴィーニョヴェルデ地方では、ペデルナンという品種として知られています。)をブレンドした、緑がかった麦わら色!柑橘系やトロピカルフルーツを連想させる、フルーティーな香りが感じられます!良質できれいな酸を持つフレッシュで心地よく、フルーティな余韻が楽しめるアロマティックなポルトガル辛口白ワインが限定少量入荷! ポルトガルの南部に位置するこれらのブドウ畑の土壌は、ビーチの砂に非常に似た砂で構成されており、水分が非常に豊富で、ブドウの成熟に重要な役割を果たします。乾燥した夏の間、周囲の川風がブドウ畑を爽やかにし、ワインに滑らかさと優雅さをもたらします。カステランが繁栄するのは、この砂質土壌です。セトゥーバル半島の特徴的な品種がカーサ エルメリンダ フレイタスのブドウ畑の 40% を占めています。受賞した各賞はマイルストーンでもあり、特に 2005 年のシラーはパリで開催された 2008 年ヴィナリー国際コンクールで世界最高の赤ワインとみなされました。現在、カーサ エルメリンダ フレイタスは、国内外のコンテストですでに 900 を超える賞を受賞しています。このワイナリーは 1920 年にレオニルデ フレイタスによって設立され、彼の孫娘ゲルマナ フレイタスが引き継ぎ、その後彼の曾孫娘エルメリンダ フレイタスがカーサ エルメリンダ フレイタスの名前の由来となっています。夫のマヌエル・ジョアン・デ・フレイタスが早世したため、エルメリンダ・フレイタスは一人娘のレオノール・フレイタスとともに会社の経営を続け、レオノール・フレイタスが指揮を執り、女性が会社を経営するという伝統を強化しました。カーサ エルメリンダ フレイタスのブドウ畑は、セトゥーバル半島のパルメラの一等地、フェルナンド ポーにあります。当初、60 ヘクタールのブドウ畑には 2 品種しかありませんでした。パルメラ地域のフェルナンド ポーにあるカステランとフェルナン ピレスです。レオノール フレイタスは、革新的で独特の精神を持ち、トリンカデイラ、トゥーリガなどのさまざまな品種を導入しました。ナシオナル、アラゴネス、シラー、アリカンテ・ブーシェなど。 現在、カーサ エルメリンダ フレイタスには 550 ヘクタールのブドウ畑があり、その 60% がカステラン種、20% がトゥリガ ナシオナル、トリンカデイラ、シラー、アラゴネス、アリカンテ ブーシェ、トゥリガ フランカ、メルロー、プティ ヴェルド、ピノ ノワール、トリンカデイラ、プティ・シラー、カルメネール、モスカテル・ロクソ、そしてフェルナン・ピレス、シャルドネ、アリント、ヴェルデーリョ、ソーヴィニヨン・ブラン、モスカテル・デ・セトゥーバル、ヴィオジーニョ、エンクルザド、アルヴァリーニョ、ピノ・グリージョ、ヴィオニエ、ヴェルメンティーノ、ゲヴュルツトラミネールなどの白ブドウが20%含まれています。現在カーサ・エルメリンダ・フレイタスでは合計30種類の品種が栽培されています。■ぶどう品種:フェルナン・ピレス種 85%、アリント種 15% ■土壌:南部の土壌は浜辺の砂に似ており、地下水が豊富で、ブドウの成熟に重要な役割を果たしている。 ■栽培:30種類のブドウ品種を栽培 ■収量:年間生産量は約2,000万リットル ■収穫:手摘み収穫 ■地形:ポルトガル南部セトゥーバル半島のパルメーラ自治体の恵まれた地域 ■気候:乾燥した夏シノ・グランデ・ブランコ[2022]年は、カーサ・エルメリンダ・フレイタス元詰で、ポルトガル南部セトゥーバル半島のパルメーラ自治体の恵まれた地域、フェルナンド・ポに位置する。フェルナン・ピレス種85%とアリント種15%をブレンドし、緑がかった麦わら色で柑橘系やトロピカルフルーツを連想させるフルーティーな香りが特徴。良質できれいな酸を持ち、フレッシュで心地よく、フルーティな余韻が楽しめるアロマティックなポルトガル辛口白ワイン。限定少量入荷であり、愛好家にとって大変貴重な一本である。 999円

シノ グランデ ティント 2022 カーサ エルメリンダ フレイタス元詰 フレンチ&アメリカンオーク樽のバリックで4ヶ月熟成 赤 辛口 Sino Grande Tinto 2022 Casa Ermelinda Freitas Portugal Setubal Regional Peninsul

ワインのタイプ赤 辛口ワインのテイストミディアムボディ生産者カーサ・エルメリンダ・フレイタス元詰生産地ポルトガル/セトゥーバル半島/ヴィーニョ レジョナルブドウの品種/セパージュ アッサンブラージュCastelao(カステラン種)50%、Syrah(シラー種)20%、Touriga Nacional(トウリガ・ナシオナール種)20%、Cabernet Sauvignon(カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン種)10%生産年[2022]年内容量750ml ■さまざまなギフトアイテムをご用意しております。お中元 ギフト 御中元 お盆 お礼 敬老の日 クリスマス 冬ギフト お歳暮 御歳暮 お年賀 御年賀 お正月 年末年始 ご挨拶 バレンタイン ホワイトデー お返し 父の日 母の日 ギフト 贈答品 お土産 手土産 御祝 御礼 内祝い 引き出物 お祝い 結婚祝い 結婚内祝い 出産祝い 出産内祝い 引き菓子 快気祝い 快気内祝い 進学祝い 誕生日祝い バースデーケーキ プレゼント Wedding ウェディング ホームパーティ お花見 パーティ 退職ギフト 退職 就任祝いシノ・グランデ・ティント[2022]年・カーサ・エルメリンダ・フレイタス元詰・フレンチ&アメリカンオーク樽のバリックで4ヶ月熟成・ヴィーガン・ポルトガル・セトゥーバル半島・赤・辛口・ミディアムボディ・13.5%・エノロゴ(ハイメ・クエンデラ氏=Jaime Quendera)・ロットナンバー入りSino Grande Tinto 2022 Casa Ermelinda Freitas Portugal Setubal Regional Peninsula de Setubalポルトガル・ミディアムボディ辛口赤ワイン愛好家大注目!リスボンの南東の南ポルトガル・セトゥーバル半島から熟した赤い果実を思わせるアロマと、バニラのタッチのミディアムボディ辛口赤ワイン愛好家大注目!造り手の家族経営の「カーサ・エルメリンダ・フレイタス」は、1920年に南ポルトガルのフェルナンド・ポに設立された現当主で5代目のワイナリーでポルトガルの主要ワイン生産地のうち3つの地域(セトゥーバル半島、ヴィンホス・ベルデス、ドウロの3つの主要ワイン生産地)でワインを生産!ワインの品質は世界的に認められており、何百もの国際的な賞を受賞しています。(南部の土壌は浜辺の砂に似ており、地下水が豊富で、ブドウの成熟に重要な役割を果たしている。乾燥した夏には、近くの川からのそよ風がブドウ畑をリフレッシュさせ、ワインに滑らかさとエレガンスを与える。このような土壌では、カステラン種の赤ワインがよく育つが、現在では30種類のブドウ品種を栽培している。現在の年間生産量は約2,000万リットルで、同社はポルトガル最大の生産者のひとつで1999年以来、カーサ・エルメリンダ・フレイタスのワインは、世界中で1000以上の賞を受賞しています。)このシノ・グランデ・ティント[2022]年・カーサ・エルメリンダ・フレイタス元詰はポルトガル南部セトゥーバル半島のパルメーラ自治体の恵まれた地域、フェルナンド・ポにあるCastelao(カステラン種)50%、Syrah(シラー種)20%、Touriga Nacional(トウリガ・ナシオナール種)20%、Cabernet Sauvignon(カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン種)10%を温度管理されたステンレスタンクで発酵、長期間の果皮浸漬!フレンチオークとアメリカンオークの半樽で4ヶ月熟成で造られます!この親しみやすい赤ワインは、ジューシーな赤い果実味を持つ地元産のカステラン種と、黒い果実味と肉付きの良さをもたらすトウリガ・ナシオナールの個性が組み合わされたポルトガル赤ワインらしい味わいです!ルビー色をした凝縮したワインで、良質なタンニンに富み、非常に複雑で、熟した赤い果実を思わせるアロマと、バニラのタッチを与える木の香りが非常によく調和しています!また持続性のある長い余韻は、あらゆる肉料理、チーズ、ソーセージとも良く合います!ポルトガルの南部に位置するこれらのブドウ畑の土壌は、ビーチの砂に非常に似た砂で構成されており、水分が非常に豊富で、ブドウの成熟に重要な役割を果たします。乾燥した夏の間、周囲の川風がブドウ畑を爽やかにし、ワインに滑らかさと優雅さをもたらします。カステランが繁栄するのは、この砂質土壌です。セトゥーバル半島の特徴的な品種がカーサ エルメリンダ フレイタスのブドウ畑の 40% を占めています。受賞した各賞はマイルストーンでもあり、特に 2005 年のシラーはパリで開催された 2008 年ヴィナリー国際コンクールで世界最高の赤ワインとみなされました。現在、カーサ エルメリンダ フレイタスは、国内外のコンテストですでに 900 を超える賞を受賞しています。このワイナリーは 1920 年にレオニルデ フレイタスによって設立され、彼の孫娘ゲルマナ フレイタスが引き継ぎ、その後彼の曾孫娘エルメリンダ フレイタスがカーサ エルメリンダ フレイタスの名前の由来となっています。夫のマヌエル・ジョアン・デ・フレイタスが早世したため、エルメリンダ・フレイタスは一人娘のレオノール・フレイタスとともに会社の経営を続け、レオノール・フレイタスが指揮を執り、女性が会社を経営するという伝統を強化しました。カーサ エルメリンダ フレイタスのブドウ畑は、セトゥーバル半島のパルメラの一等地、フェルナンド ポーにあります。当初、60 ヘクタールのブドウ畑には 2 品種しかありませんでした。パルメラ地域のフェルナンド ポーにあるカステランとフェルナン ピレスです。レオノール フレイタスは、革新的で独特の精神を持ち、トリンカデイラ、トゥーリガなどのさまざまな品種を導入しました。ナシオナル、アラゴネス、シラー、アリカンテ・ブーシェなど。 現在、カーサ エルメリンダ フレイタスには 550 ヘクタールのブドウ畑があり、その 60% がカステラン種、20% がトゥリガ ナシオナル、トリンカデイラ、シラー、アラゴネス、アリカンテ ブーシェ、トゥリガ フランカ、メルロー、プティ ヴェルド、ピノ ノワール、トリンカデイラ、プティ・シラー、カルメネール、モスカテル・ロクソ、そしてフェルナン・ピレス、シャルドネ、アリント、ヴェルデーリョ、ソーヴィニヨン・ブラン、モスカテル・デ・セトゥーバル、ヴィオジーニョ、エンクルザド、アルヴァリーニョ、ピノ・グリージョ、ヴィオニエ、ヴェルメンティーノ、ゲヴュルツトラミネールなどの白ブドウが20%含まれています。現在カーサ・エルメリンダ・フレイタスでは合計30種類の品種が栽培されています。■ぶどう品種:Castelao(カステラン種)50%、Syrah(シラー種)20%、Touriga Nacional(トウリガ・ナシオナール種)20%、Cabernet Sauvignon(カベルネ・ソーヴィニヨン種)10% ■発酵・熟成:ステンレスタンクで発酵・フレンチオークとアメリカンオークの半樽で4ヶ月熟成このワインは、南部の土壌が豊富なセトゥーバル半島で栽培されたブドウから造られており、その土壌は浜辺の砂に似ており、地下水が豊富でブドウの成熟に重要な役割を果たしています。乾燥した夏には近くの川からのそよ風がブドウ畑をリフレッシュさせ、ワインに滑らかさとエレガンスを与えます。現在の年間生産量は約2,000万リットルで、同社はポルトガル最大の生産者のひとつです。 このシノ・グランデ・ティントは、ルビー色をした凝縮したワインであり、良質なタンニンに富み、非常に複雑で、熟した赤い果実を思わせるアロマと、バニラのタッチを与える木の香りが非常によく調和しています。また持続性のある長い余韻は、あらゆる肉料理、チーズ、ソーセージとも良く合います。この親しみやすい赤ワインは、ジューシーな赤い果実味を持つ地元産のカステラン種と、黒い果実味と肉付きの良さをもたらすトウリガ・ナシオナールの個性が組み合わされたポルトガル赤ワインらしい味わいです。 999円

The Magic Starts Here!: Three Magical Creatures Chapter Books in One: Puppy Pirates, Mermicorns, and MAGIC STARTS HERE [ Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen ]

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The Wild Adventures of Hopalong Cassidy ? 7 Western Classics in One Volume The Original Books Behind the Famous Movies Hero (Including Bar-20, The Coming of Cassidy and Others, Hopalong Cassidy, Bar-20 Days…)【電子書籍】[ Clarence Mulford ]

<p>Hopalong Cassidy is a cowboy hero created by the author Clarence Mulford, who wrote a series of popular short stories and many novels based on the character. In his early writings, Mulford portrayed the character as rude, dangerous, and rough-talking. He had a wooden leg which caused him to walk with a little "hop", hence the nickname. The characterーas played by movie actor William Boyd in films adapted from Mulford's booksーwas transformed into a clean-cut, sarsaparilla-drinking hero. Sixty-six popular films appeared. The Coming of Cassidy and Others Hopalong Cassidy Bar-20 Days Buck Peters, Ranchman The Bar-20 Three Tex Clarence E. Mulford (1883?1956) created Hopalong Cassidy in 1904 while living in Fryeburg, Maine, and the many short stories and 28 novels were adapted to radio, feature film, television, and comic books, often deviating significantly from the original stories, especially in the character's traits. But more than just writing a very popular series of Westerns, Mulford recreated an entire detailed and authentic world filled with characters drawn from his extensive library research.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

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<DIV>Climate change is profoundly altering our world in ways that pose major risks to human societies and natural systems. We have entered the Climate Casino and are rolling the global-warming dice, warns economist William Nordhaus. But there is still time to turn around and walk back out of the casino, and in this essential book the author explains how.</DIV><div>?</DIV><div>Bringing together all the important issues surrounding the climate debate, Nordhaus describes the science, economics, and politics involvedーand the steps necessary to reduce the perils of global warming. Using language accessible to any concerned citizen and taking care to present different points of view fairly, he discusses the problem from start to finish: from the beginning, where warming originates in our personal energy use, to the end, where societies employ regulations or taxes or subsidies to slow the emissions of gases responsible for climate change.</DIV><div>?</DIV><div>Nordhaus offers a new analysis of why earlier policies, such as the Kyoto Protocol, failed to slow carbon dioxide emissions, how new approaches can succeed, and which policy tools will most effectively reduce emissions. In short, he clarifies a defining problem of our times and lays out the next critical steps for slowing the trajectory of global warming.</DIV>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,205円

Western Classics Premium Collection - 27 Novels in One Volume Riders of the Purple Sage, The Last Trail, The Mysterious Rider, The Border Legion, Desert Gold, The Last of the Plainsmen and more【電子書籍】[ Zane Grey ]

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "Western Classics Premium Collection - 27 Novels in One Volume: Riders of the Purple Sage, The Last Trail, The Mysterious Rider, The Border Legion, Desert Gold, The Last of the Plainsmen and more" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Table of Contents: Betty Zane The Spirit of the Border: A Romance of the Early Settlers in the Ohio Valley The Last of the Plainsmen The Last Trail The Heritage of the Desert The Young Forester The Young Lion Hunter Riders of the Purple Sage Desert Gold The Light of the Western Stars The Rustlers of Pecos County The Lone Star Ranger: A Romance of the Border Rainbow Trail The Border Legion Wildfire The UP Trail The Desert of Wheat The Man of the Forest The Mysterious Rider To the Last Man The Day of the Beast Wanderer of the Wasteland Tappan's Burro Roping Lions in the Grand Canyon The Code of the West Valley of Wild Horses The Fugitive Trail Tales of Lonely Trails (Author's Account of American Wild West Trails) Zane Grey (1872-1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that were a basis for the Western genre in literature and the arts. With his veracity and emotional intensity, he connected with millions of readers worldwide, during peacetime and war, and inspired many Western writers who followed him. Grey was a major force in shaping the myths of the Old West; his books and stories were adapted into other media, such as film and TV productions. He was the author of more than 90 books, some published posthumously and/or based on serials originally published in magazines.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist: The Great Debate (Complete Articles & Essays in One Volume) Words that Traced the Path of the Nation - Founding Fathers' Political and Philosophical Debate, Their Opinions and Arguments about the Constitut【電子書籍】

<p>Some of the greatest thinkers of the Revolutionary era took part in this extraordinary constitution debate that shaped the America we know today. Read their opinions and arguments on various topics including nature and powers of the Union, need for stronger Union, the judiciary, election organization, defense, taxation and many other subjects in order to understand how this debate influenced our present and shaped the very core of American democracy. The Federalist Papers are a collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay promoting the ratification of the United States Constitution. The work of the Founding Fathers who were opposed to or concerned with the merits of the United States Constitution, including Samuel Bryan and Patrick Henry, is collectively named Anti-Federalist.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

I AM BOND, JAMES BOND ? The Books Behind The Movies: Premium Collection ? 20 Titles in One Volume The Spectre Trilogy, Casino Royale, Diamonds Are Forever, Quantum of Solace and many more【電子書籍】[ Ian Fleming ]

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "I AM BOND, JAMES BOND ? The Books Behind The Movies: Premium Collection ? 20 Titles in One Volume" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Dr. No (Dr. No) From Russia with Love (From Russia with Love) Goldfinger (Goldfinger) You Only Live Twice (You Only Live Twice) On Her Majesty's Secret Service (On Her Majesty's Secret Service) Diamonds Are Forever (Diamonds Are Forever) Live and Let Die (Live and Let Die, License to Kill) The Man with the Golden Gun (The Man with the Golden Gun) The Spy Who Loved Me (The Spy Who Loved Me) Moonraker (Moonraker) For Your Eyes Only (For Your Eyes Only, Live and Let Die) Risico (For Your Eyes Only) Octopussy (Octopussy) The Property of a Lady (Octopussy) Thunderball (Never Say Never Again) From A View to a Kill (A View to a Kill) The Living Daylights (The Living Daylights) Casino Royale (Casino Royale) Quantum of Solace (Quantum of Solace) The Hildebrand Rarity (License to Kill) Extract: "James Bond suddenly knew that he was tired. He always knew when his body or his mind had had enough and he always acted on the knowledge. This helped him to avoid staleness and the sensual bluntness that breeds mistakes." (Casino Royale) Ian Fleming (1908?1964) was an English author, journalist and naval intelligence officer who is best known for his James Bond series of spy novels. James Bond is a British Secret Service agent and often referred to by his code name, 007.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Worlds of Exile and Illusion Three Complete Novels of the Hainish Series in One Volume--Rocannon's World; Planet of Exile; City of Illusions【電子書籍】[ Ursula K. Le Guin ]

<p><strong><em>Worlds of Exile and Illusion</em> contains three novels in the Hainish Series from Ursula K. Le Guin, one of the greatest science fiction writers and many times the winner of the Hugo and Nebula Awards.</strong></p> <p>Her career as a novelist was launched by the three novels contained here. These books, <em>Rocannon's World, Planet of Exile</em>, and <em>City of Illusions</em>, are set in the same universe as Le Guin's groundbreaking classic, <em>The Left Hand of Darkness.</em></p> <p>At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,494円

The Greatest Works of Emerson Hough ? 19 Books in One Volume (Illustrated Edition) Young Alaskans, The Mississippi Bubble, The Lady and the Pirate, The Magnificent Adventure…【電子書籍】[ Emerson Hough ]

<p>In 'The Greatest Works of Emerson Hough ? 19 Books in One Volume (Illustrated Edition)', readers are transported to the American frontier through Hough's vivid storytelling and rich descriptions of the landscape. Known for his realistic depiction of the Wild West, Hough's literary style captures the essence of the rugged beauty and harsh realities of Western life. The collection includes tales of adventure, romance, and the struggles of pioneers, providing a comprehensive view of the American frontier in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The inclusion of illustrations adds a visual element to Hough's narratives, enhancing the reader's experience and immersion into the stories. Hough's works are a valuable contribution to Western literature, offering a glimpse into the challenges and triumphs of the era. Readers interested in American history and adventure will find this collection a compelling and immersive read that brings the Wild West to life.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Bible Myths and their Parallels in other Religions Comparative Study of the Old and New Testament Myths and Miracles with those of the Heathen Nations of Antiquity【電子書籍】[ T. W. Doane ]

<p>Bible Myths and their Parallels in other Religions is a study the Old and New Testament Myths and Miracles being compared to mythologies of other nations and religions of ancient times, taking in considering their origin and meaning. Comparing biblical myths to those of other nations of antiquity the author shows that many of the Bible tales, mainly about Jesus, and of other legends, are often copied or borrowed from the myths of other religions. The book gives a good history of how long the idea of the mythological nature of the Jesus in the New Testament has been noted.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Book of Meditations & Morning and Evening Thoughts Powerful & Motivational Quotes for Every Day in the Year (2 Books in One Edition)【電子書籍】[ James Allen ]

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "Book of Meditations & Morning and Evening Thoughts" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Excerpt: "Let first things be put first; work before play; duty before enjoyment; and others before self : this is an excellent rule which cannot lead astray. To make a right beginning is half-way to victory. The athlete who makes a bad start may lose his prize; the merchant who makes a false start may lose his reputation; and the Truth-seeker who makes a wrong start may forego the crown of Righteousness."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous in Opposition to Sceptics and Atheists【電子書籍】[ George Berkeley ]

<p>George Berkeley's 'Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous in Opposition to Sceptics and Atheists' is a philosophical work that challenges skepticism and atheism through a series of conversations between two characters. Written in dialogue form, the book explores the nature of reality, perception, and the existence of God, making it a significant contribution to the 18th-century philosophical discourse. Berkeley's literary style is clear and persuasive, using logical arguments to support his philosophical positions. The dialogues are engaging and thought-provoking, making the book a captivating read for those interested in metaphysics and epistemology. George Berkeley, an Irish philosopher and bishop, was known for his idealist philosophy that emphasized the role of perception in creating reality. His deep religious convictions and philosophical insights likely influenced the writing of this book, providing a strong foundation for his arguments against skepticism and atheism. Berkeley's nuanced understanding of philosophy and theology shines through in 'Three Dialogues,' making it a seminal work in his body of writings. I highly recommend 'Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous in Opposition to Sceptics and Atheists' to readers interested in exploring complex metaphysical and epistemological questions. Berkeley's insightful arguments and engaging dialogues make this book a valuable addition to any philosophical library.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

THE DETECTIVE EBENEZER GRYCE MYSTERIES ? Complete Collection: 11 Mystery Novels in One Volume New York Murder-Mysteries: The Leavenworth Case, A Strange Disappearance, The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow, Hand and Ring, That Affair Next Doo【電子書籍】

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "THE DETECTIVE EBENEZER GRYCE MYSTERIES ? Complete Collection: 11 Mystery Novels in One Volume" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Detective Ebenezer Gryce Series is a collection of eleven novels featuring the author's main character, Detective Ebenezer Gryce of the New York Metropolitan Police Force. Anna Katharine Green is credited with shaping detective fiction into its classic form, and developing the series detective. Table of Contents: The Leavenworth Case A Strange Disappearance The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow The Sword of Damocles Hand and Ring That Affair Next Door Lost Man's Lane The Circular Study One of My Sons The House of the Whispering Pines Initials Only Anna Katharine Green (1846-1935) was one of the first writers of detective fiction in America and distinguished herself by writing well plotted, legally accurate stories. Green has been called "the mother of the detective novel". She stamped the mystery genre with the distinctive features that would influence writers from Agatha Christie and Conan Doyle to contemporary authors of suspenseful "whodunits".</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Notes from the Underground & Other Tales ? 7 Titles in One Edition Including White Nights, A Faint Heart, A Christmas Tree and A Wedding, Polzunkov, A Little Hero & Mr. Prohartchin【電子書籍】[ Fyodor Dostoyevsky ]

<p>Fyodor Dostoyevsky's 'Notes from the Underground & Other Tales' is a literary masterpiece that delves into the psychological depths of the human mind. The book is a collection of seven titles in one edition, showcasing Dostoyevsky's unique writing style characterized by introspection, existential themes, and profound character development. The stories in this collection offer a glimpse into the darker aspects of human nature, exploring themes of alienation, desperation, and the struggle for identity in a turbulent society. Dostoyevsky's use of first-person narrative adds a sense of intimacy and immediacy, drawing the reader into the complex inner world of his characters. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, known for his deep psychological insight and literary craftsmanship, drew inspiration from his own tumultuous life experiences to write 'Notes from the Underground & Other Tales'. His personal struggles with poverty, addiction, and political exile are reflected in the existential dilemmas faced by the characters in his stories. Dostoyevsky's profound understanding of human nature and his ability to capture the complexities of the human psyche have earned him a lasting legacy as one of the greatest Russian writers of all time. I highly recommend 'Notes from the Underground & Other Tales' to readers who are interested in exploring the depths of the human soul through thought-provoking and introspective literature. Dostoyevsky's timeless tales continue to resonate with readers today, offering profound insights into the human condition and the complexities of existence.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

KATHERINE MANSFIELD ? The Ultimate Short Stories & Poetry Collection: 100+ Titles in One Volume (Literature Classics Series) Prelude, Bliss, At the Bay, The Garden Party, A Birthday, Poems at the Villa Pauline, Child Verses and many mo【電子書籍】

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "KATHERINE MANSFIELD ? The Ultimate Short Stories & Poetry Collection: 100+ Titles in One Volume (Literature Classics Series)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Bliss, and Other Stories Bliss Prelude Je ne Parle pas Fran?ais The Wind Blows Psychology Pictures The Man without a Temperament Mr. Reginald Peacock's Day Sun and Moon Feuille d'Album A Dill Pickle The Little Governess Revelations The Escape The Garden Party, and Other Stories The Garden Party At The Bay The Daughters of the Late Colonel Mr. and Mrs. Dove The Young Girl Life of Ma Parker Marriage A La Mode The Voyage Miss Brill Her First Ball The Singing Lesson The Stranger Bank Holiday An Ideal Family The Lady's Maid In a German Pension, and Other Stories Germans at Meat The Baron The Sister of the Baroness Frau Fischer Frau Brechenmacher Attends A Wedding The Modern Soul At Lehmann's The Luft Bad A Birthday The Child-Who-Was-Tired The Advanced Lady The Swing of the Pendulum A Blaze POEMS Poems: 1909- 1910 Poems: 1911-1913 Poems at the Villa Pauline: 1916 Poems: 1917-1919 Child Verses: 1907 Kathleen Mansfield Murry (1888?1923) was a prominent New Zealand modernist short story writer who was born and brought up in colonial New Zealand and wrote under the pen name of Katherine Mansfield. At 19, Mansfield left New Zealand and settled in the United Kingdom, where she became a friend of modernist writers such as D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf. Like Woolf, Mansfield was also interested in the feelings and thoughts of her characters and hence her short stories show the complexities of a character's interior life in all its various shades.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

The Collected Works: 200+ Novels, Plays, Poems, Essays & Autobiography (200+ Titles in One Edition): Wilhelm Meister's Travels, Faust Part One and Two, Italian Journey...【電子書籍】[ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ]

<p>Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's collection of works, consisting of over 200 novels, plays, poems, essays, and autobiography, showcases the incredible range and depth of the author's literary genius. Through his writing, Goethe explores themes of love, nature, society, and the human experience in a style that seamlessly blends romanticism with classical influences. This collection is a treasure trove for any literature enthusiast looking to delve into the works of one of the greatest German writers of all time. The variety of genres and themes covered in this compilation highlights the diverse talents of Goethe and offers a comprehensive view of his contributions to the literary world. From the lyrical beauty of his poetry to the profound insights in his essays, readers will find themselves captivated by the timeless relevance of Goethe's works.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

EXTRAORDINARY JOURNEYS ? Complete Collection: 41 Adventure Classics in One Volume (Illustrated) Science Fiction, Adventure, Mystery and Suspense: Journey to the Centre of the Earth, From the Earth to the Moon, Twenty Thousand Leagues u【電子書籍】

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "EXTRAORDINARY JOURNEYS ? Complete Collection: 41 Adventure Classics in One Volume (Illustrated)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Five Weeks in a Balloon Journey to the Centre of the Earth From the Earth to the Moon Around the Moon The Adventures of Captain Hatteras In Search of the Castaways Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea A Floating City The Adventures of Three Englishmen and Three Russians in South Africa The Fur Country Around the World in Eighty Days The Mysterious Island The Survivors of the Chancellor Michael Strogoff Hector Servadac The Underground City Dick Sand, A Captain at Fifteen The Begum's Fortune Tribulations of a Chinaman in China The Steam House Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon Godfrey Morgan or, The Robinson Crusoe School The Green Ray Mathias Sandorf The Star of the South Ticket No. "9672" Robur the Conqueror The Master of the World The Waif of "Cynthia" North Against South or, Texar's Revenge The Flight to France or, The Memoirs of a Dragoon K?raban the Inflexible Adrift in Pacific or, Two Years' Vacation Topsy Turvy Cesar Cascabel Mistress Branican The Castle of the Carpathians Claudius Bombarnac Captain Antifer Facing the Flag An Antarctic Mystery Jules Gabriel Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist, poet, and playwright best known for his adventure novels and his profound influence on the literary genre of science fiction.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Witchcraft and Witchcraft Trials in Orkney and Shetland (Folklore History Series)【電子書籍】[ G. F. Black ]

<p><strong>A collection of court documents from the witchcraft trials in Orkney and Shetland in the 1600s.</strong></p> <p>Written in the local dialect, this volume contains a rare collection of typed court documents recording the trials of men and women accused of witchcraft. Reporting their crimes, their trials, and their punishments, this book details the trivial actions many people were arrested for and states the horrendous executions those found guilty faced.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,122円

CHRISTMAS ESSENTIALS - The Greatest Novels, Tales & Poems for The Holiday Season: 180+ Titles in One Volume (Illustrated) Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, A Christmas Carol, The Mistletoe Bough, The First Christmas Of New England, The【電子書籍】

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "CHRISTMAS ESSENTIALS - The Greatest Novels, Tales & Poems for The Holiday Season: 180+ Titles in One Volume (Illustrated)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: A Letter from Santa Claus (Mark Twain) A Christmas Inspiration (Lucy Maud Montgomery) The Gift of the Magi (O. Henry) The First Christmas Of New England (Harriet Beecher Stowe) The Holy Night (Selma Lagerl?f) Christmas At Sea (Robert Louis Stevenson) The Little City of Hope (F. Marion Crawford) Christmas in the Olden Time (Walter Scott) Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (L. Frank Baum) The Twelve Days of Christmas Silent Night Ring Out, Wild Bells (Alfred Lord Tennyson) Christmas with Grandma Elsie (Martha Finley) Little Lord Fauntleroy (Frances Hodgson Burnett) Anne of Green Gables (Lucy Maud Montgomery) Little Women (Louisa May Alcott) The Christmas Angel (Abbie Farwell Brown) Black Beauty (Anna Sewell) Christmas In India (Rudyard Kipling) The Christmas Child (Hesba Stretton) Granny's Wonderful Chair (Frances Browne) The Romance of a Christmas Card (Kate Douglas Wiggin) Wind in the Willows (Kenneth Grahame) The Birds' Christmas Carol (Kate Douglas Wiggin) The Wonderful Life - Story of the life and death of our Lord (Hesba Stretton) A Merry Christmas & Other Christmas Stories (Louisa May Alcott) Little Gretchen and the Wooden Shoe (Elizabeth Harrison) Where Love Is, God Is (Leo Tolstoy) Peter Pan and Wendy (J. M. Barrie) The Wonderful Wizard of OZ (L. Frank Baum) The Christmas Angel (Abbie Farwell Brown) The Tale of Peter Rabbit (Beatrix Potter) Toinette and the Elves (Susan Coolidge) The Heavenly Christmas Tree (Fyodor Dostoevsky) At the Back of the North Wind (George MacDonald) Christmas at Thompson Hall (Anthony Trollope) Thurlow's Christmas Story (John Kendrick Bangs) Christmas Every Day (William Dean Howells) The Lost Word (Henry van Dyke) The Nutcracker and the Mouse King (E. T. A. Hoffmann) The Little Match Girl ...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Smithy and Nobby Series: 6 Book Collection with 90+ Stories in One Volume From the prolific author known for the creation of King Kong, The Four Just Men, Detective Sgt. Elk, Mr. J. G. Reeder, Educated Evans, The Black Abbot, The Daffodi【電子書籍】

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "Smithy and Nobby Series: 6 Book Collection with 90+ Stories in One Volume" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. Edgar Wallace (1875 - 1932) was an English writer. As well as journalism, Wallace wrote screen plays, poetry, historical non-fiction, 18 stage plays, 957 short stories and over 170 novels, 12 in 1929 alone. More than 160 films have been made of Wallace's work. Table of Contents: Smithy (1905) Army Reform Opinions of Private Smith (1906) Smithy Aboard (1909) Smithy and the Hun (1915) Nobby or Smithy's Friend Nobby (1916) Smithy, Nobby & Co. (1904 - 1918) The New Officer The Clairvoyant The Photographer Bertie Erudition Nobby's Part The Chef The New Rules Employing the Soldier Private Clark's Will The Faith of Private Simpson Uncle Joe's Tract Nobby and His Letters Jam for the Enemy Nobby on Getting Commissions…</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Language Diversity in the Sinophone World Historical Trajectories, Language Planning, and Multilingual Practices【電子書籍】

<p><em>Language Diversity in the Sinophone World</em> offers interdisciplinary insights into social, cultural, and linguistic aspects of multilingualism in the Sinophone world, highlighting language diversity and opening up the burgeoning field of Sinophone studies to new perspectives from sociolinguistics.</p> <p>The book begins by charting historical trajectories in Sinophone multilingualism, beginning with late imperial China through to the emergence of English in the mid-19th century. The volume uses this foundation as a jumping off point from which to provide an in-depth comparison of modern language planning and policies throughout the Sinophone world, with the final section examining multilingual practices not readily captured by planning frameworks and the ideologies, identities, repertoires, and competences intertwined within these different multilingual configurations.</p> <p>Taken together, the collection makes a unique sociolinguistic-focused intervention into emerging research in Sinophone studies and will be of interest to students and scholars within the discipline.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 7,343円

Time and Language New Sinology and Chinese History【電子書籍】[ Peter C. Perdue ]

<p>China’s past and present have been in a continuous dialogue throughout history, one that is heavily influenced by time and language: the temporal orientation and the linguistic apparatus used to express and solidify identity, ideas, and practices. Presenting a host of in-depth case studies, <em>Time and Language: New Sinology and Chinese History</em> argues for and demonstrates the significance of “New Sinology” by restoring the role of language/philology in the research and understanding of how modern China emerged. Reading the modern as a careful and ongoing conversation with the past renders the “new” in a different perspective. This volume is a significant step toward a new historical narrative of China’s modern history, one wherein “ruptures” can exist in tandem with continuities. The collection accentuates the deep connection between language and powerーone that spans well across China’s long pastーand hence the immense consequences of linguistic-related methodology to the comprehension of power structures and identity in China.</p> <p>Each of the essays in this volume tackles these issues, the methodological and the thematic, from a different angle but they all share the Sinological prism of analysis and the basic understanding that a much longer timeframe is required to make sense of Chinese modernity. The languages examined are diverse, including modern and classical Chinese, as well as Manchu and Japanese. Taken together they bring a spectrum of linguistic perspectives and hence a spectrum of power relations and identities to the forefront. While the essays focus on late Qing and early twentieth-century eras, they refer often to earlier periods, which are necessary to making real sense of later eras. The methodological and the thematic do not only converge, but also generate a plea for fostering and expanding this approach in current and future studies.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,838円

The Complete Works of Jane Austen: Novels & Non-Fiction (All 12 Books in One Edition) Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abby, Persuasion【電子書籍】[ Jane Austen ]

<p>Jane Austen's The Complete Works of Jane Austen: Novels & Non-Fiction (All 12 Books in One Edition) is a masterful collection of her timeless works, including famous novels like 'Pride and Prejudice', 'Sense and Sensibility', and 'Emma'. Known for her keen observation of social norms and witty portrayal of human relationships, Austen's writing style is characterized by sharp and insightful commentary on the intricacies of society in the 19th century. Her novels are filled with vivid characters, intricate plots, and clever dialogue, making them essential reads for anyone interested in English literature. The inclusion of her lesser-known non-fiction works sheds light on Austen's perspectives beyond fiction, showcasing her versatility as a writer. Jane Austen's enduring influence on literature and society is evident in the enduring popularity of her works, making this collection a valuable addition to any reader's library. Fans of classic literature, romance, and social commentary will find Jane Austen's Complete Works a delightful and enriching read.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

The Greatest Works of Jules Verne: 25 Books in One Volume (Illustrated) Science Fiction and Action & Adventure Classics: 20 000 Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in Eighty Days, The Mysterious Island, Journey to the Center of the E【電子書籍】

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "The Greatest Works of Jules Verne: 25 Books in One Volume (Illustrated)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1870) Around the World in Eighty Days (1872) The Mysterious Island (1875) Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864) From the Earth to the Moon (1865) Around the Moon (1869) Michael Strogoff: The Courier of the Czar (1876) In Search of the Castaways or, The Children of Captain Grant (1868) Adrift in Pacific or, Two Years' Vacation (1888) Five Weeks in a Balloon (1863) Robur the Conqueror or, The Clipper of the Clouds (1886) Master of the World (1904) The Adventures of Captain Hatteras (1866) Tribulations of a Chinaman in China (1879) Mathias Sandorf (1885) Hector Servadac or, Off on a Comet (1877) Facing the Flag (1896) The Begum's Fortune (1879) Dick Sand, A Captain at Fifteen (1878) The Survivors of the Chancellor(1875) The Underground City or, The Child of the Cavern (1877) Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon (1881) The Purchase of the North Pole or, Topsy Turvy (1889) C?sar Cascabel (1890) The Castle of the Carpathians (1892) Jules Verne (1828-1905) was a French novelist who pioneered the genre of science fiction.A true visionary with an extraordinary talent for writing adventure stories, his writings incorporated the latest scientific knowledge of his day and envisioned technological developments that were years ahead of their time. Verne wrote about undersea, air, and space travel long before any navigable or practical craft were invented.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

WAR AND PEACE Complete Edition ? All 15 Books in One Volume (World Classics Series) The Magnum Opus of the Greatest Russian Novelists and Author of Anna Karenina & The Death of Ivan Ilyich (Including the Biography & Memoirs of the Auth【電子書籍】

<p>This carefully crafted ebook: "WAR AND PEACE Complete Edition ? All 15 Books in One Volume (World Classics Series)" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. War and Peace is regarded as one of the central works of world literature and was first published in its entirety in 1869. The novel charts the history of the French invasion of Russia, and the impact of the Napoleonic era on Tsarist society, through the stories of five Russian aristocratic families. Time magazine ranked War and Peace third in its poll of the 10 greatest books of all time. This complete English version translated by Louise and Aylmer Maude was originally published in 1922. The Maudes are classical translators of Leo Tolstoy who worked directly with the author and gained his personal endorsement. This edition includes all 15 books + the first and second epilogue along with reminiscences. Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy or Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. Born to an aristocratic Russian family in 1828, he is best known for the novels War and Peace (1869) and Anna Karenina (1877) which are often cited as pinnacles of realist fiction. He also wrote plays and numerous philosophical essays. Table of Contents: Introduction Leo Tolstoy: A Short Biography "Tolstoy the Artist" and "Tolstoy the Preacher" by Ivan Panin "Count Tolstoi and the Public Censor" by Isabel Hapgood War and Peace Book One: 1805 Book Two: 1805 Book Three: 1805 Book Four: 1806 Book Five: 1806 - 07 Book Six: 1808 - 10 Book Seven: 1810 - 11 Book Eight: 1811 - 12 Book Nine: 1812 Book Ten: 1812 Book Eleven: 1812 Book Twelve: 1812 Book Thirteen: 1812 Book Fourteen: 1812 Book Fifteen: 1812 - 13 First Epilogue: 1813 - 20 Second Epilogue Reminiscences Reminiscences of Tolstoy, by His Son by Graf Ilia LvovichTolstoi My Visit to Tolstoy by Joseph Krauskopf</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

Employment Relations in Outsourced Public Services Working Between Market and State【電子書籍】[ Anna Mori ]

<p>Examining the consequences of the outsourcing of public services, this book explores the transformation of working conditions, employment relations and the role of the state under marketisation strain. It places these developments in a wider framework that incorporates the legacy of the national models of public administration and employment relations regimes in the public sector. Adopting a comparative perspective by focusing on Italy, Denmark and Britain, the author investigates and questions the influential interpretation of a spreading neo-liberal trajectory in public service working conditions and employment relations, and reveals significant diversity across countries mediated by national institutional configurations. Discussing the interplay between the austerity agenda in the aftermath of the financial crisis and the swelling of outsourcing practices in public services, this book responds to the scholarly call for an integrated approach towards institutions and actors. A valuable read for researchers examining human resource management, labour studies and public administration, this book provides a comprehensive overview of employment relations in outsourced public services.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 18,231円

The Bad Guys in Open Wide and Say Arrrgh! (the Bad Guys #15) BAD GUYS IN OPEN WIDE & SAY AR (Bad Guys) [ Aaron Blabey ]

BAD GUYS IN OPEN WIDE & SAY AR Bad Guys Aaron Blabey SCHOLASTIC2022 Paperback English ISBN:9781338813180 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction 1,108円