CARVES  [手芸・クラフト・生地]
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2件中 1件 - 2件  1

16 monme Standards silk satin (110cm width), made in JapanSold in 1-meter increments [cut sale]Can also be used for herb dyeing Scarves Pillowcases Blouses Sheets silk100%Slightly heavier silk white fabric antibacterial deodorant

MAYUKO絹工房 Silk Factory
If you wish, we can also sew a scarf for an additional 1000 yen actual cost. If you would like to divide your order into several pieces, or if you have a specific size in mind, please write it in the final comment box of your order.。 This is a white fabric for large scarves and silk neckties ( Uses include dyeing with plants and trees ) This is the type used for brand name scarves. This is a plain satin, quite shiny.  This is a 110cm wide silk fabric. This silk fabric is made in Japan with a 16.5-monme standard and is soft.The unit price is 2,990 yen per meter, and it is sold in 1 meter increments. Scarf sewing is actual cost.[1,000 yen per sheet including shipping tax]. 草木染の方法  印刷用A4版のPDFファイル (1)Put about 20 to 30 times as much water as the weight of the cloth to be dyed in a pot and heat it. (2-3 liters of water for 100g of cloth) Add the plants and trees from the water and boil them for about 15 minutes. (If it is a tree branch, boil it for more than 30 minutes.) Place a colander in a bucket and strain the contents of the pot over a cloth. [The first liquid.] Put the remaining plant material in the pot again, add water, and make the second batch of dye in the same way. [Second liquid.] Combine the two dyes in a pot and heat. (2)Wring out the cloth to be dyed well, soak it in the dye, and dye it evenly by sticking it with chopsticks for 15 minutes. > Turn off the heat. Turn off the heat and let it cool down to lukewarm water. (3)Dissolve about 2-5% of the weight of the cloth in 20-40 times as much water as the cloth for the mordant (iron pyroligneous acid solution). * You can buy iron mordant for about 500 yen online. You can also boil vinegar with water and an old iron nail, and leave it for 7 to 10 days. Squeeze the dyed cloth well and soak it in the mordant for 30 minutes. (4) Rinse the mordanted cloth well with water and rinse. Put a pot of dye on the fire, add the cloth and cook for 15 minutes, stirring again with chopsticks. Translated with (free version) (5)Rinse the cloth with water until no color appears, dehydrate it, dry it in the sun, and iron it.  ▼ This is a customer's review of a face wash using Tango Silk.▼マツコの知らない世界 シルク シルクの魅力が紹介されます 11月23日(火)よる8時57分から。ぜひご覧ください。 ▼ I got this from a customer.[I tried using Tango silk for face wash!]←This is a review. Reference. Please tell me why Luk is good for you. 1. It is resistant to static electricity.Static electricity has a negative impact on the body. For example, when you wear nylon stockings, as much as 10,000 volts of static electricity is generated around your pubic area. Some people believe that this can cause menstrual cramps. In particular, silk underwear, which is a natural fiber, absorbs moisture very well and is less prone to static electricity. It protects the delicate female body. 2. Excellent moisture absorption and desorption effect. The body releases about one liter of water per day. Silk is about 1.5 times more water-absorbent than cotton, and it also has excellent moisture-dissipating properties. It can also be used as an ideal undergarment for women who suffer from rashes and itching caused by swelling. 3. It is odor resistant.  Silk has excellent water absorption and desorption properties, creating an environment where germs are unlikely to grow. Since odor is caused by the addition of sweat to bacteria, wearing silk products prevents odor from occurring. This is especially useful during the rainy season when odor is a concern. 4. It will prevent you from getting cold.  For example, even if you sweat in the heat of summer, it absorbs water very well, so it quickly becomes dry and does not cool you down. In winter, on the other hand, it is warm because it retains heat in the gaps between the fibers. By using silk for underwear that is in close contact with the skin, you can protect the lower part of your body from getting cold. 5. Moisturize your skin with amino acids  The protein in silk is made up of components very similar to those in human skin tissue. This is a customer's review of a face wash using Tango Silk. 3,608円

Bothy Threads クロスステッチ刺繍キット 「Christmas Scarves」 XHD54 ボシースレッズ 【取り寄せ/納期40〜80日程度】 鳥

【はじめにご覧ください】→輸入(取り寄せ)刺繍キットの納期について○出来上がりサイズ:26×26cm (刺繍部分だけでなく、余白を含んだサイズになります。)○キット内容:刺繍布(ツヴァイガルト社製)、刺しゅう糸、ししゅう針、図案・説明書(英語)、簡単な日本語説明。○イギリス製 (Made in United Kingdom.)○刺繍布目数:14カウント(1インチ≒2.54cmあたり約14目、10cmあたり約55目)※刺繍布に斑点が印刷されておりますが、図案は印刷されておりません。(3枚目の画像が一例です。)※フルクロスステッチとバックステッチの技法を用います。●納期について:イギリスからの取り寄せのため、納期は40〜80日程度を予定しております。ご注文確定後のキャンセルや変更を承ることはできませんので、予めご了承ください。●額縁について:本商品専用額縁の製造、販売はございません。※本商品画像デザインの無断転用及び複写は禁じられています。Bothythreads(ボシースレッズ)は、2014年、2015年The British Craft Awards(英国のクラフト・アワード)を受賞したイギリスの刺繍キット専門店です。カラフルで斬新なデザインは世界で大人気です。Bothythreads刺繍キット一覧へ クロスステッチ刺繍キット一覧へ 6,600円