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Lodge An Indoorsy Tour of America's National Parks【電子書籍】[ Max Humphrey ]

<p>Max Humphrey shines a light on 10 rustic National Park lodges in all their airy, timeworn splendor. No historic photos here; the images of the architecture and interiors are as they look today, highlighting these storied places in a fresh, alluring way. Sure, the lobbies are the main stage, but Humphrey touches on grand dining rooms, guest rooms, and rustic canteens alike. He writes about the buildings themselves in terms of the historical goings-on at the time, why they were built, and the players involved, highlighting notable architectural moments and period-specific furnishings. A smattering of pop culture history adds extra bursts of levity throughout.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,816円

The Flesh of the Matter A Critical Forum on Hortense Spillers【電子書籍】[ Amaris Brown ]

<p>Hortense Spillers is one of the most important literary critics and Black feminist scholars of the last fifty years. Her 1987 scholarly article “Mama’s Baby, Papa’s Maybe: An American Grammar Book” is one of the most-cited essays in African American literary studies.</p> <p>Edited by Margo Natalie Crawford and C. Riley Snorton, <em>The Flesh of the Matter: A Critical Forum on Hortense Spillers</em> is the first collection to take up directly how Spillers’s writing on literature, culture, and theory have been signal posts to the varied and universal threads of Black thought, as well as countless other areas of the academy. Interspersed with archival fragments from Spillers’s papers kept at the Pembroke Center for Feminist Thought at Brown University, the fourteen essays in this collection demonstrate a fidelity to the ways of reading Spillers has taught us, the nomenclature of enslavement keyed into the American lexicon, and the ways that history permeates our cultural boundaries today.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,869円

Vibes Up Reggae and Afro-Caribbean Migration from Costa Rica to Brooklyn【電子書籍】[ Sabia McCoy-Torres ]

<p><strong>Examines reggae culture as an expression of cultural, racial, and gender empowerment in the West Indian Diaspora</strong></p> <p>In popular media Caribbean culture has either been reduced to stereotypes of laziness, marijuana, and reggae music, or conversely, to an identity centered around a refutation of colonialism. Both are oversimplifications, and do not explain the enduring Caribbean identity and empowerment throughout the diaspora. <em>Vibes Up</em> offers an exploration of Caribbean culture as it is felt, understood, and expressed, centered on research conducted in Brooklyn and Costa Rica.</p> <p>Sabia McCoy-Torres demonstrates how reggae cultureーwhich encompasses the music and performance modes of both “roots” and “dancehall”ーhelps to shed light on dynamics relating to migration, diaspora, queerness, Blackness, and Caribbean cultural subjectivity. Through an examination of elements of the Black outdoors, including nightlife venues, sidewalks, and streets in front of homes, the book shows the important role that reggae plays in articulating the frustrations of migration, establishing community and belonging, and forming transnational relationships.</p> <p>Although reggae’s creators and producers are often perceived as homophobic, <em>Vibes Up</em> also offers a more nuanced examination of the transforming relationships between hetero and LGBTQ+ people in reggae spaces and the accommodation of an array of queer intimacies. The framing of Caribbean Blackness as an expression of perseverance, agency, joy, and the erotic, as opposed to a reaction to colonization, oppression, and enslavement, is a distinctly important and timely view.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,305円

Tales of Northumbria【電子書籍】[ Howard Pease ]

<p>Howard Pease's 'Tales of Northumbria' is a captivating collection of stories set in the ancient and mysterious region of Northumbria. Pease's descriptive and engaging narrative style brings to life the rugged landscapes, brave warriors, and mystical creatures that populate these tales. Drawing inspiration from Anglo-Saxon and Norse folklore, the stories in this book are rich in historical detail and filled with the magic and intrigue of the medieval world. Pease effortlessly weaves together traditional folklore with his own unique storytelling to create a compelling and vivid reading experience. 'Tales of Northumbria' is a must-read for anyone interested in historical fiction or folklore, offering a glimpse into a bygone era filled with adventure and wonder.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 300円

The Beatles - Let It Be Songbook【電子書籍】[ The Beatles ]

<p>(Piano/Vocal/Guitar Artist Songbook). This folio features piano/vocal/guitar arrangements of all 12 songs from the final studio album by the Beatles, including: Across the Universe * Get Back * I've Got a Feeling * Let It Be * The Long and Winding Road * Two of Us * and more.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,301円


J.L./VELDHUYSEN LOCHER, W.F. THAMES & HUDSON (UK)2013 English イギリス ISBN:9780500290736 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Art 5,931円

Jeff Buckley's Grace 33 1/3 JEFF BUCKLEYS GRACE (33 1/3) [ Daphne A. Brooks ]

33 1/3 JEFF BUCKLEYS GRACE 33 1/3 Daphne A. Brooks BLOOMSBURY ACADEMIC US2005 Paperback English ISBN:9780826416353 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Music 2,376円

Shoes Page-A-Day(r) Gallery Calendar 2025: Everyday a New Pair to Indulge the Shoe Lover's Obsession SHOES PAGE-A-DAY GALLERY CAL 2 [ Workman Calendars ]

SHOES PAGEーAーDAY GALLERY CAL 2 Workman Calendars WORKMAN PR2024 Daily English ISBN:9781523524709 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Photography 3,643円


FRITZ SCHIDER DOVER PUBLICATIONS INC (USA).1957 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780486202419 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Art 3,168円

剪接室裡的故事大師:縱横好?塢50年、操刀《星際大戰》《不可能的任務》,奧斯?金獎剪接師的傳奇人生、永不過時的奪金法則及大導演的幕後祕辛 A Long Time Ago in a Cutting Room Fa【電子書籍】

<p>沒有他,不會有風靡全球的《星際大戰》,</p> <p>布?恩?狄?瑪、喬治?盧?斯、J.J.亞伯拉罕也將少一位並肩打天下的戰友。</p> <p>從《魔女嘉莉》到《不可能的任務》……</p> <p>他的50年剪接人生不僅剪出一部部殿堂級大片,</p> <p>也是好?塢最精采輝煌、承先?後的半世紀!</p> <p>21張影史大人物照片?25位攜手創造?史的先鋒級導演?50年好?塢幕後花絮</p> <p>「剪接」如何在影視後製階段為故事最終把關,成為隱形的決勝關鍵?</p> <p>從膠卷到數位、從線性到非線性、從實體戲院到線上串流</p> <p>奧斯?金獎剪接師始終追求創新的故事心法與電影信念</p> <p>布?恩?狄?瑪:「他是大師級人物!」</p> <p>J.J.亞伯拉罕:「一個擅長?故事的人!」</p> <p>「路克?天行者」馬克?漢米爾:「他的自傳是必讀之作。」</p> <p>專文推薦──</p> <p>李幼鸚鵡?鶉小白文鳥|影評人</p> <p>「原先我以為我在書的開頭就?到寶,要寫下來貼大字報,接著一路拜讀下去,?頁都有?得用我的粉紅筆畫重點的字句與理念,我被打敗了。這是一本有趣的教科書,卻是非常有趣的教科書,給?常識、送?智識,卻像伴?遊戲。」</p> <p>陳曉東|崑山科技大學視訊傳播設計系副教授</p> <p>「他的人生,是對「剪接師」這個行業最好的注解!」</p> <p>高鳴晟|電影剪輯師</p> <p>「?讀這本書不只讓我自己找到了重大疑問的解答,還順帶了解?史、文化、智慧、哲學,是一本?讀CP?非常高的好書!」</p> <p>口碑推薦──</p> <p>一頁華爾滋 Kristin</p> <p>但唐謨|影評人</p> <p>徐漢強|《返校》《鬼才之道》導演</p> <p>翁煌徳|臉書粉絲專頁「無影無蹤」版主</p> <p>葉郎|「葉郎異聞筆記」作者</p> <p>膝關節|台灣影評人協會副理事長</p> <p>?黒武士和路克手持的光劍顏色竟是根據剪接師的藝術史研究,才讓導演拍板定案?</p> <p>?開?近半世紀風潮的《星際大戰》,原本的結尾其實是……</p> <p>?如何剪接湯姆?克魯斯的最佳鏡頭,讓他年年都收到天王送來的蛋??</p> <p>?原本不受片商青?的電影,只因他更動一個鏡頭就順利發行?</p> <p>?「韓索羅」哈里遜?福特竟自掏腰包支付剪接酬勞?</p> <p>?大導演們各有怪癖!巴茲?魯曼希望?剪出一個又一個版本(直到最後一刻),布?恩?狄?瑪竟在剪接師工作時在旁朗誦自殺手冊?</p> <p>?人人尊崇的大導演セン姆斯?柯麥隆,他竟敢當?出言挑釁?</p> <p>?剪接師的資深經驗告訴他:片名如果有某個關鍵字就會拉低票房、某位演員主演的劇組最好不要加入……</p> <p>?當不了剪接師,還可以當「電影醫生」。他「治療」過的電影竟有李安的《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》?</p> <p>?為什麼喬治?盧?斯稱他為「救世主」?</p> <p>?好?塢最擅長的竟不是拍電影,而是「羞辱」……</p> <p>?預算超高、改編人氣IP,卻仍面臨票房失利的商業大片,以剪接師的角度來看失敗原因是什麼?</p> <p>?OTT串流平台當道、網路影評興盛,他認為當今影視?業最大考驗是……?</p> <p>?知道??一部電影其實可以拍三次──</p> <p>一次在編劇筆下,一次在拍攝現場,</p> <p>最後一次(或許也是最重要的一次),就在剪接師的手中!</p> <p>「剪接」,是一?什麼樣的工作?保羅?赫希?,當今電影業已然成為美術、攝影、表演等最卓越多重的視覺藝術薈萃之地,而「剪接」一職必須擁有綜觀上述領域的超凡學養才能勝任。好的剪接能讓一部電影從「好」變成「傑出」;剪接師不僅止於用畫面「?故事」,而是「影像表演者」;一位優秀的剪接師雖然沒有最終裁量權,卻能?擔任「故事醫生」,在影片後製階段,發揮製片人、導演、主創演員、發行商都不得不聽從的重大影響力。</p> <p>從《星際大戰》、《魔女嘉莉》、《?課天才》、《一路順瘋》、《?動原始碼》等劃時代巨片在製作上的獨到突破,到近半世紀好?塢面臨電影概念與硬體技術劇烈革新、潮流與市場巨幅波動的影史大事件現場,本書不僅是一位傳奇人物精采傳記,更是一部好?塢的菁華斷代史,獲列重度影迷必讀書單,亦是電影剪接與影視幕後的專業人士架上必收的教父級寶典。</p> <p>???「剪接」到底是一?什麼樣的工作?</p> <p>?對剪接師來?,拍攝好的所有素材──「毛片」,就是一個大寶箱,一旦??到寶,就必須讓這段影片在整場戲,甚至整部電影中發揮連貫前後劇情、捕捉故事核心的最大功效。</p> <p>?身為八大藝術之末的電影當中,幾乎所有職位都源於繪畫、音樂、戲劇等早期藝術形式,「剪接」是電影團隊中唯一發源自近代的技藝。</p> <p>?電影業已然成為當代最卓越多重的視覺藝術薈萃之地。其中,「剪接」是此種視覺藝術的核心。</p> <p>?好的剪接能讓一部電影從「好」,變成「傑出」。</p> <p>?剪接師不僅止於一個「?故事的人」,他也必須是一名表演者,盡可能在電影中放入個人風格與魅力。</p> <p>?資深剪接師教學時?:剪接只有兩項規則:不要讓觀?感到困惑、不要讓觀?覺得厭煩。</p> <p>???這本書獻給這樣的?</p> <p>?有志於投身剪接或電影幕後工作的?</p> <p>本書作者從開車送拷貝的基層工作做起,一路?經當代世界級導演,其剪接故事的想像力、執行力,與溝通協調技巧,皆?得師法。</p> <p>?愛好電影鑑賞、有志影評書寫的?</p> <p>「剪接」這?工作必須動用複雜的美學品味,必備視覺、故事、潮流敏感度、音樂等綜合鑑賞能力。對於愛好電影鑑賞、希望自我精進的影迷與影評書寫者,本書對電影語言之美的思考都會是?得借鏡的聖經。</p> <p>?對好?塢幕後花絮有興趣的?</p> <p>本書作者與影界大人物共創?史,剪接室裡也可?時時刻刻皆戰場,書中詳載?部劃時代大作如何突破故事類型藩籬與技術困境,令讀者有如身處與製片團隊、演員、配樂等多方交戰的高壓現場。</p> <p>從電影幕後,到剪接師如何與導演、作曲家反覆討論,</p> <p>論及電腦技術革命的影響前後,以及作為一個接案者早年不穩定的經濟與家庭生活……</p> <p>與25位導演合作過、40部以上電影的經?,</p> <p>榮獲多次殊榮的奧斯?剪接大師親授,身處好?塢的不敗祕訣:</p> <p>剪接,如何成為電影裡的「隱形」決勝關鍵。</p> <p>亞馬遜網路書店平均4.7高分好評──志在剪接與電影幕後的工作者必讀的一部作品!</p> <p>???各方重量級讚譽</p> <p>保羅?赫希在他的專業領域中是大師級的人物。他寫出了一本睿智敏?且引人入勝的回憶?,講述他自一九六○年代?期直到今日的電影剪接生涯。從備受讚譽的《星際大戰》到票房慘澹的《星際冒險王》,如果?好奇這些電影是如何剪接出來的,千萬不要錯過這本書。我不會騙?,因為我從他踏入這一行開始一直到《火星任務》都與他合作。保羅,恭喜?,?記下了我們早已忘掉的一切。──布?恩?狄?瑪(《魔女嘉莉》、《不可能的任務》導演)</p> <p>一個擅長?故事的人,當然能?寫出精采?倫的故事。這個男人剪接出我們熱愛的幾部電影,如今寫出了一本輝煌的著作,能讓?宛如身在剪接室裡。?問我覺得這本書如何?我會?這本書?對不是「隨隨便便」的作品。假如?想一探究竟,敬請開始?讀!──J.J.亞伯拉罕(《不可能的任務3》、《星際大戰七部曲:原力覺醒》導演)</p> <p>保羅以專業觀點寫出對電影剪接的?佳看法,我深信這本書將會成為電影製作人及電影愛好者了解相關技術與?史的重要著作。──泰勒?哈克佛(《魔鬼代言人》、《再看我一眼》導演)</p> <p>電影剪接師保羅?赫希既擅長?故事也?得如何表現出引人入勝的?容。他在這本書中以精采無比的幕後故事講述自己在這座電影遊樂場五十年來的職涯起伏,並且分享了多部經典電影和失敗作品的建構與解構,其中包括他與喬治?盧?斯合作的《星際大戰》和《帝國大反?》,以及他與布?恩?狄?瑪合作的十一部電影(《魔女嘉莉》、《天堂幻象》等),?容令人深感驚嘆。保羅從經驗累積而來的珍貴建議與見解,可為有志從事電影工作之人及電影愛好者提供?佳的?發。──沃爾特?默奇(美國電影剪接師)</p> <p>基於純然的卓越性、多樣性及文化影響力,保羅?赫希的電影作品不言自明。有人?電影是在剪接室裡完成的,這本書將為這項重要的電影藝術提供最全面、最具?發性也最清晰的描述。無論?是把觀賞電影當成休間活動的一般觀?或者是認真狂熱的電影迷,這本書都是必讀之作。」──馬克?漢米爾(「路画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,179円

The Ten Books on Architecture: Volume 1 10 BKS ON ARCHITECTURE (Dover Architecture) [ Vitruvius ]

10 BKS ON ARCHITECTURE Dover Architecture Vitruvius DOVER PUBN INC1960 Paperback English ISBN:9780486206455 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Architecture 3,960円

Weaving Patterned Bands: How to Create and Design with 5, 7, and 9 Pattern Threads WEAVING PATTERNED BANDS [ Susan J. Foulkes ]

WEAVING PATTERNED BANDS Susan J. Foulkes SCHIFFER PUB LTD2018 Hardcover English ISBN:9780764355509 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Crafts & Hobbies 4,276円

The Complete Guide to Handmade Stained Glass: 12 Step-By-Step Projects for Lead-Free Glass Art at Ho COMP GT HANDMADE STAINED GLASS [ Rosie Linebaugh ]

COMP GT HANDMADE STAINED GLASS Rosie Linebaugh PAGE STREET PUB2024 Paperback English ISBN:9798890030399 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Crafts & Hobbies 3,960円

Japanese City Pop 100, selected by Night Tempo (English Edition)【電子書籍】[ Night Tempo ]

<p>100 songs by 100 artists selected by a Korean producer/DJ with a keen knowledge of Japanese music such as Showa-era songs and city pop.</p> <p>シティポップブームの最重要人物であるNightTempoが選ぶ日本の知られざる名曲100!</p> <p>Unknown masterworks by Tatsuro Yamashita, Mariya Takeuchi, Taeko Onuki, Akina Nakamori, Hideki Saijo, Toshio Kadomatsu, Junko Yagami, 1986 Omega Tribe, Hiroshi Sato, Hiromi Iwasaki, and others are featured.</p> <p>Along with comments by Night Tempo, Japanese music writer Takashi Ikegami provides background information on the songs and the artists.Enjoy the extensive content that depicts the forefront of the city pop movement in 2022.</p> <p>Also includes artwork newly drawn by a popular illustrator tree13.Introduces Night Tempo's Showa collection of cassette tapes, audio gears, and other items.</p> <p>A talk with Davy of Neon City Records in Hong Kong, on the theme “what is Japanese city pop from an international standpoint?</p> <p>【Night Tempo】<br /> A Korean producer/DJ who has made a name for himself in the future funk community through reworkings of ‘80s Japanese city pop, Showa-era songs, and Japanese style disco tunes. Performs mainly in the U.S. and Japan. His re-edit of Mariya Takeuchi's “Plastic Love” sparked an internet-based Japanese city pop revival in the U.S. and Europe.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,210円


GEORGE BYRNE ACC ART BOOKS (UK)2023 English イギリス ISBN:9782812321542 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Photography 9,486円

Art Models Adhira224 Figure Drawing Pose Reference【電子書籍】[ Douglas Johnson ]

<p>Draw, paint, sculpt the figure anytime and anywhere with this portable figure reference. This ebook shows you one pose photographed on a rotating platform with the photos making a complete 360-degree view around the figure. See 26 photos--one every 15 degrees as the models turn through a full circle, plus two overhead views. Choose your preferred view for 2D art, like painting, or see the whole figure for 3D art, like sculpture. Zoom in to see details in hands and face and other tricky areas, giving you even more options for how to use the photos.Whatever your goal, such as practicing to improve your skills, or creating a finished work of art, or just unwinding at the end of a long day with some figure drawing, Poses provide a quality reference you can come back to again and again.Don't spend hours searching for reference material only to find photos of questionable content and dubious quality. We've spent years in the studio and you get the benefit--expertly crafted photos designed specifically for figure art so you can get right to the part you actually like: creating art.This ebook has the Adhira224 Pose from, as shown on the cover.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 429円


ELIZABETH ZIMMERMAN SIMON & SCHUSTER USA1973 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9780684135052 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Crafts & Hobbies 3,168円

Operation Sock Drawer: The Guide to Building Your Stash of Hand-Knit Socks OPERATION SOCK DRAWER [ Knitmore Girls ]

OPERATION SOCK DRAWER Knitmore Girls INTERWEAVE PR2020 Paperback English ISBN:9781632506962 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Crafts & Hobbies 3,960円

骨骼之書:藝用解剖學入門 × step by step 多視角人體結構全解析【電子書籍】[ 鍾全斌 ]

<p>★ 設計學院 / 醫學院跨領域任教藝用解剖學學者</p> <p>★ 2020年獲JIA日本插畫家協會大賞銅獎</p> <p>★ 2018年獲徳國iF Design Award 傳達設計類 winners-award</p> <p>★ 2018年入圍華沙海報雙年展</p> <p>★ 2017年獲徳國紅點傳達設計獎Best of the Best獎</p> <p>骨骼,是理解身體運動與人體結構的關鍵部位。</p> <p>數百張step by step?驟詳解、人體骨骼全部位解?、多視角素描教學,</p> <p>初學者也能畫出完整詳細的人體全骨骼造型。</p> <p>本書特色:</p> <p>● 數據化的精準人體骨骼比例 ー 耗時三年去蕪存菁地繪製、編撰,精準地量測人體骨骼比例關係,標定明確的數據。</p> <p>● 創新化、?驟化的清晰教學 ー 人體骨骼step by step全部位解?、數百張多視角素描插圖教學,即便是繪畫零基礎的初學者,只要跟著分解?驟,也能輕鬆畫出完整詳細的人體全骨骼造型。</p> <p>● 科學的態度、人文的精神 ー 藝術、設計創作者描繪人物時靈光乍現般的手感,實質來自於科學的觀察與扎實的練習。因此本書以科學的方式,帶領讀者理解身體運動與人體結構的關鍵部位,並以具有人文美感的解剖圖,加強描繪的記憶點。?個單元的結束利用Final總結個人學習心得,避免讀者掉入學習藝用解剖學時常見的誤區。</p> <p>這一本書,能??助?:</p> <p>● 精細分析人體骨架,奠定人物描繪的札實基礎。</p> <p>● 建構解剖知識探索人體各部位骨骼結構與造型,突破學習難點。</p> <p>● 靈活運用於藝術、設計創作掌握各個角度人體描繪關鍵,孕育藝術作品中的生動感。</p> <p>剛接觸「藝用解剖學」的初學者,往往對於人體骨骼的描繪具有複雜、艱澀難?的印象,因此作者希望著作一本兼具「描繪?驟詳盡」與「量測比例精確」的描繪技法入門書籍,透過圖文搭配,step by step大量圖解?驟,解?人體骨骼各部位的尺寸及命名,帶領讀著理解全身骨骼的造型與比例。</p> <p>如果?從未畫過藝用解剖學,也不需要擔心,書中將會先針對描繪工具,進行入門的使用教學,接著將人體概分為頭頸、?幹、上肢、下肢,共4大章節12個小單元,依次探究骨骼各部位的精確畫法。從頭頂處由「左右頂骨」和「額骨」交接形成的「前?門」,到後?跟處有「阿基里斯腱」連接的「跟骨結節」;從手腕小姆指側圓形鼓起的「尺骨頭」到膝蓋下方微微隆起的「脛骨粗隆」,帶領讀著從全視角認識人體關鍵骨點。</p> <p>不想畫出的人物停留在火柴人的階段??想要在紙上畫出躍動的人體??這本書將會是?掌握全身骨架骨點的最佳入門書籍。透過本書100%還原的?驟指引,沒有任何繪畫基礎的初學者也能一?一?地畫出完整的人體骨骼結構。</p> <p>名人推薦</p> <p>◎ 鍾經新|大象藝術空間創?人</p> <p>這是一本引人入勝並著重在技巧性演繹的藝用解剖專業用書。</p> <p>◎ 塗至道Garytu|時尚插畫家</p> <p>鍾全斌老師對於應用解剖學的認識與研究精闢入裡,對於人體比例的刻劃絲絲入扣、相得益彰。</p> <p>◎ CASIMIR|藝術家</p> <p>人體結構是以畫人物為主題的藝術家最基本的入門門檻,經由本書理解人體結構再下筆,?對可以事半功倍。</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 3,185円

Why It's OK to Enjoy the Work of Immoral Artists【電子書籍】[ Mary Beth Willard ]

<p>The #metoo movement has forced many fans to consider what they should do when they learn that a beloved artist has acted immorally. One natural thought is that fans ought to give up the artworks of immoral artists. In <em>Why It’s OK to Enjoy the Work of Immoral Artists</em>, Mary Beth Willard argues for a more nuanced view. Enjoying art is part of a well-lived life, so we need good reasons to give it up.</p> <p>And it turns out good reasons are hard to find. Willard shows that it’s reasonable to believe that most boycotts of artists won’t succeed, so most of the time there’s no ethical reason to join in. Someone who manages to separate the art from the artist isn’t making an ethical mistake by buying and enjoying their art. She then considers the ethical dimensions of canceling artists and the so-called "cancel culture," arguing that canceling is ethically risky because it encourages moral grandstanding. Willard concludes by arguing that the popular debate has overlooked the power of art to change our lives for the good.</p> <p>It’s of course OK to decide to give up the artwork of immoral artists, but ? as Willard shows in this provocative little volume ? it’s OK to continue to enjoy their art as well.</p> <p>Key Features</p> <ul> <li></li> <li>Offers accessible discussions of complicated philosophical topics like aesthetic value, collective action problems, and epistemic justice</li> <li></li> <li>Provides a unique perspective and underexplored argument on the popular issue of cancellation</li> <li></li> <li>Explores the role of aesthetic value in our lives, including its relation to our ethical decisions and our well being</li> </ul>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,551円

Music Theory for Young Children, Bk 2 MUSIC THEORY FOR YOUNG CHILDRE (Poco Studio) [ Ying Ying Ng ]

MUSIC THEORY FOR YOUNG CHILDRE Poco Studio Ying Ying Ng ALFRED MUSIC2015 Paperback English ISBN:9789671250419 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Music 1,742円

The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Writings【電子書籍】[ Edgar Allan Poe ]

<p><em>The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Writings</em> is a collection that displays the full force of Edgar Allen Poe's mastery of both Gothic horror and the short story form. This Penguin Classics edition is edited with an introduction and notes by David Galloway.</p> <p>This selection of Poe's critical writings, short fiction and poetry demonstrates his intense interest in aesthetic issues, and the astonishing power and imagination with which he probed the darkest corners of the human mind. 'The Fall of the House of Usher' is a slow-burning Gothic horror, describing the final hours of a family tormented by tragedy and the legacy of the past. In 'The Tell-Tale Heart', a murderer's insane delusions threaten to betray him, while stories such as 'The Pit and the Pendulum', 'The Raven' and 'The Cask of Amontillado' explore extreme states of decadence, fear and hate.</p> <p>In his introduction David Galloway re-examines the myths surrounding Poe's life and reputation. This edition includes a new chronology and suggestions for further reading.</p> <p>Although dissipated in his youth and plagued by mental instability towards the end of his life, Boston-born Edgar Allan Poe (1809-49) had a variety of occupations, including service in the US army and magazine editor, as well as his remarkable literary output.</p> <p>If you enjoyed <em>The Fall of the House of Usher</em>, you might like Horace Walpole's <em>The Castle of Otranto</em>, also available in Penguin Classics.</p> <p>'The most original genius that America has produced'<br /> Alfred, Lord Tennyson</p> <p>'Poe has entered our popular consciousness as no other American writer'<br /> <em>The New York Times Book Review</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 957円

Disney Peaceful Piano Solos Songbook【電子書籍】[ Hal Leonard Corp. ]

<p>(Piano Solo Songbook). Relax at the piano with soft and gentle arrangements of 34 Disney favorites for piano from their popular recorded collections. Songs include: Beauty and the Beast * Can You Feel the Love Tonight * Colors of the Wind * A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes * For the First Time in Forever * Go the Distance * How Far I'll Go * I See the Light * It's a Small World * Let It Go * Part of Your World * Reflection * When She Loved Me * A Whole New World * and more.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,647円

The Count of Monte Cristo【電子書籍】[ Alexandre Dumas ]

<p>"Began to read 'Monte Cristo' at six one morning and never stopped till eleven at night." ーWilliam Makepeace Thackeray "Alexandre Dumas is more than French, he is European; he's more than European, he is universal." ーVictor Hugo "No novelist since Dumas has been more irreverent of the conventions of well-made fiction or any more determined to tell stories without identifiable centers." ーTerrence Rafferty Set against the turbulent years of the Napoleonic era, Alexandre Dumas's thrilling adventure story is one of the most widely read romantic novels of all time. In it the dashing young hero, Edmond Dant?s, is betrayed by his enemies and thrown into a secret dungeon in the Chateau d'If ー doomed to spend his life in a dank prison cell. The story of his long, intolerable years in captivity, his miraculous escape, and his carefully wrought revenge creates a dramatic tale of mystery and intrigue and paints a vision of France ー a dazzling, dueling, exuberant France ー that has become immortal.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 200円

Histoire de l'art pour les nuls【電子書籍】[ Jean-Jacques Breton ]

<p>Comme un immense mus?e, mais en moins poussi?reux... et en plus amusant !</p> <p><strong>A METTRE ENTRE TOUTES LES MAINS !</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,420円

Beauty Is a Basic Service: Theology and Hospitality in the Work of Theaster Gates【電子書籍】[ Maria Fee ]

<p>Grounded on a passionate belief in the integrative and unifying function of art that further incarnates God's hospitality, the book argues that the projects of Chicago artist Theaster Gates are theological sites, places to encounter God and his truth concerning place, people, and things. By exploring Gates' practices, attention is drawn to corollary actions of God's care, reconciliation, and vivification of creation and culture. Hence, Gates' hospitality points to God's hospitality.</p> <p>These qualities then become the framework of a theology of hospitality, which provides a robust paradigm for Christian discipleship and mission. The study gathers the work of theologians, artists, as well as other scholars from a variety of discourses and various traditions to advocate holistic stewardship of God's creation. These diverse voices comprise a rich conversation of theology and aesthetics to exhibit the way art can critique and resist various modes of Western detachment.</p> <p>Indeed, hospitality is paramount to this end, especially amid rising hostilities concerning land management. Gates' art programs defy the denigration of place, people, and things by engendering practices that validate creation and culture. By assessing Gates' work, a type of faith is exhibited that stretches beyond theological assertions to also comprise reviving embodied transactions.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,050円

The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot A Novel【電子書籍】[ Marianne Cronin ]

<p><strong>“A beautiful debut, funny, tender, and animated by a willingness to confront life’s obstacles and find a way to survive. . . . It celebrates friendship, finds meaning in difficulty and lets the reader explore dark places while always allowing for the possibility of light. Lenni and Margot are fine companions for all our springtime journeys.”ー<em>Harper’s Bazaar</em>, UK</strong></p> <p><strong>A charming, fiercely alive and disarmingly funny debut novel in the vein of John Green, Rachel Joyce, and Jojo Moyesーa brave testament to the power of living each day to the fullest, a tribute to the stories that we live, and a reminder of our unlimited capacity for friendship and love.</strong></p> <p><em>An extraordinary friendship. A lifetime of stories.</em></p> <p>Seventeen-year-old Lenni Pettersson lives on the Terminal Ward at the Glasgow Princess Royal Hospital. Though the teenager has been told she’s dying, she still has plenty of living to do. Joining the hospital’s arts and crafts class, she meets the magnificent Margot, an 83-year-old, purple-pajama-wearing, fruitcake-eating rebel, who transforms Lenni in ways she never imagined.</p> <p>As their friendship blooms, a world of stories opens for these unlikely companions who, between them, have been alive for one hundred years. Though their days are dwindling, both are determined to leave their mark on the world. With the help of Lenni’s doting palliative care nurse and Father Arthur, the hospital’s patient chaplain, Lenni and Margot devise a plan to create one hundred paintings showcasing the stories of the century they have livedーstories of love and loss, of courage and kindness, of unexpected tenderness and pure joy.</p> <p>Though the end is near, life isn’t quite done with these unforgettable women just yet.</p> <p>Delightfully funny and bittersweet, heartbreaking yet ultimately uplifting, <em>The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot</em> reminds us of the preciousness of life as it considers the legacy we choose to leave, how we influence the lives of others even after we’re gone, and the wonder of a friendship that transcends time.</p> <p>From the beautiful cover to the heart-warming story, The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot is a book that will touch your soul and make you appreciate the beauty of life. This literary fiction novel is one of the best books of all time, and it's perfect for anyone who loves novels about love, grief, and friendship.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 1,926円

メール便 TASCHEN タッシェン 9783836503990 Claude Monet クロード モネ アートブック 本 BOOK 英語版

デリシャス アメリカ輸入 セレクト
TASCHEN ベネディクト・タッシェン氏が1980年にドイツで創設したTASCHEN(タッシェン)は、アートブックのリーディングカンパニーとして様々な作品集やアート関連の書籍を20以上の言語で刊行。「革新的で美しいデザインの美術書を大衆的な価格で提供すること」を使命に掲げ、パリやニューヨークなど世界7カ国に出店している12の直営店をはじめ、計90カ国以上へ展開している。 商品詳細 著者 クリストフ・ハインリヒ 出版社 TASCHEN (GERMANY). タイトル MONET ページ数 96ページ サイズ 横21.5cm×縦26.4cm×厚み1.4cm 言語 英語 出版国 ドイツ ISBN 9783836503990 ※平置き・手作業で計測しているため、多少の誤差があることを予めご了承 ください。 ※輸送時の状況により角の潰れ、シワ、汚れ等がございます。 予めご了承の上、お買い求めください。 ※画面と実物では色が多少異なります。 【配送方法について】 ※こちらの商品はヤマトゆうパケット(7月までネコポス)でお届けとなります。 ・日時指定はできませんのでご注意ください。 ・規定数を超えた数量の場合、当店にて宅配便に変更させていただきます。 ・代金引換はご利用いただけません。 当店のサイズ採寸方法について 当店の不良品の基準について 3,980円

Art in the Cinema The Mid-Century Art Documentary【電子書籍】

<p>In the 1940s and 1950s, hundreds of art documentaries were produced, many of them being highly personal, poetic, reflexive and experimental films that offer a thrilling cinematic experience. With the exception of Alain Resnais's Van Gogh (1948), Henri-Georges Clouzot's Le Myst?re Picasso (1956) and a few others, most of them have received only scant scholarly attention. This book aims to rectify this situation by discussing the most lyrical, experimental and influential post-war art documentaries, connecting them to contemporaneous museological developments and Euro-American cultural and political relationships. With contributors with expertise across art history and film studies, Art in the Cinema draws attention to film projects by Andr? Bazin, Ilya Bolotowsky, Paul Haesaerts, Carlo Ragghianti, John Read, Dudley Shaw Aston, Henri Storck and Willard Van Dyke among others.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 4,513円

Elegant Boudoir Photography Lighting, Posing, and Design for Exquisite Images【電子書籍】[ Jessica Lark ]

<p>Creating passionate boudoir portraits is a many-layered process. If done effectively, you are not only taking a picture but you are telling a story. The finest boudoir photography creates an intimate moment that the subject can share with someone special. In this book, Jessica Lark details how she created her award-winning style and successful boudoir studio.<br /> For Lark, a boudoir shoot is more than just posing and lighting, it is an experience. A big part of that boudoir experience is the studio. The entirety of the intimate experience you are crafting for your clients is built on the foundation of authenticity they feel your space has. The comfort and inspiration that the subject feels from the space comes through in the photographs. Lark believes that the photographer and the experience inspire the women to create something beautiful to photograph. In order to master the art of seduction and create the boudoir experience it’s necessary to provide this intimate space.<br /> In an age where uninspired men’s magazine photo spreads and salacious social media pictures are what are considered sensual, Lark strives to create something alluring, inspired and seductive. This book has been created with the professional boudoir photographer in mind, those with the passion to create seductive portraits. She shares the secrets of her successful business, tips and strategies for creating both an environment for capturing beautiful photos and building a comfort level and relationship with clients that keeps them coming back for more.<br /> The intricacies of lighting, posing, hair, make-up, wardrobe, props and sets are covered. Separate chapters are devoted to her simple yet effective lighting and posing styles. When done well, artful posing not only flatters a woman’s features and diminishes any flaws, but it also looks natural, as if she is not posing at all. Lark uses lighting to add dramatic nuances to her shoots, creating shadows, depth or accenting specific details. You can be as creative with lighting as you are with hair, make-up, posing or set design.<br /> The concept of seduction is presented by Lark not just in her work but across everything she does with her business: website, social media, studio, products & services, personal interactions. Creating a cohesive experience from introduction, through the shoot, to selecting the final portraits is a cornerstone of Lark’s vibrant business.<br /> This book presents many gorgeous and sensual portraits capturing many moods and styles within boudoir: delicate, sensual, provocative, glamorous, vintage, pregnancy, erotic, bridal and avant-garde to name a few. Presented in a lush and easy to follow format, this book provides the instruction and inspiration to create stunning portraits that any woman would want. Master the basics concepts presented and execute them flawlessly for stunning boudoir photos every time.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。 2,699円