輸入盤CD  [クラシック]
41677件中 1件 - 30件  1 2 3 4 5 6

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Ries/Schweizer Blaeserensemble / Notturni/Gran Partita (フェルディナンド・リース&モーツァルト: 管楽合奏のための作品集)

2013/9/24 発売輸入盤レーベル:CPO RECORDS収録曲:1 Introduzione: Maestoso - Tempo Di Marcha Moderato2 Larghetto Con Moto3 Introduzione Grave - Allegro Scherzo - Trio: Poco Meno Vivace4 Andante Con Variazioni5 Finale: Allegro Vivace6 Allegro7 Larghetto Con Moto8 Menuetto: Moderato - Trio: Scherzando9 Rondeau: Allegro Moderato10 Largo - Allegro Molto11 Menuetto12 Adagio13 Rondoフェルディナント・リース(1784-1838)というと、どうしてもベートーヴェンとの類似性ばかりが目立つ作曲家でした。しかし最近はその作品が見直され始め、その独自性に着目する人も増えてきたようです。このアルバムでは、そんなリースの2つの管楽のためのノットゥルノを聴きながら、ドイツ・オーストリアにおける管楽セレナードの伝統を体感し、またこの分野での偉大な先達となるモーツァルト(1756-1791)の「グラン・パルティータ」との比較も楽しめるという試みがなされています。リースの作品が単なる模倣ではなく、偉大なる才能の発露であることを再認識できる最高の1枚です。Cpo continues their exploration with Ries' Notturni for Winds, works exemplifying his great compositional talent. Although set for the same instruments, the works are very different in ambition and dimension. The recording also includes Mozart's Partita in B flat - better known as the Gran Partita - in the version for wind octet. This release is most highly recommended to all fans of good chamber music! 2,990円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Hauser / Classic【K2020/2/7発売】(ハウザー)

2020/2/7 発売輸入盤レーベル:MASTERWORKS収録曲:1 Swan Lake / 白鳥の湖2 Rachmaninov 2nd Piano Concerto / ラフマニノフ:ピアノ協奏曲第2番より第2楽章3 Caruso / カルーソー4 Air on a G String / G線上のアリア5 The Nutcracker Suite / くるみ割り人形より パ・ド・ドゥ6 Concerto for Clarinet / クラリネット協奏曲よりアダージョ7 Nocturne in C Sharp / 夜想曲 ハ短調 8 Intermezzo (Cavalleria Rusticana) / 間奏曲(カヴァレリア・ルスティカーナ)9 River Flows in You / リヴァー・フロウズ・イン・ユー10 Lascia CH' Io Pianga / 涙の流れるままに (リナルドより11 The Lonely Shepherd / 孤独な羊飼い12 Piano Concerto No. 21 / ピアノ協奏曲第21番第2楽章13 Nocturne / 夜想曲(弦楽四重奏曲第2番〜第3楽章)14 Nessun Dorma / 誰も寝てはならぬ(トゥーランドットより)15 Lacrimosa / レクイエムより涙の日(ラクリモーサ)16 Adagio for Strings / 弦楽のためのアダージョ2本のチェロによる超絶演奏で世界を魅了する2CELLOSのステファン・ハウザーが、ソロ名義=HAUSERでソロ・アルバムを完成させた。2019年6月、ロンドン交響楽団との共演により有名なヘンリー・ウッド・ホールで録音された。アルバムでは有名バレエ音楽やオペラ・アリア、ピアノ曲等クラシック名曲して親しまれている美しい名旋律の数々がセレクトされている。ハウザーは2CELLOSとしてデビュー前にも若手注目の演奏家として活躍をしていた。2010年ルカ・スーリッチと偶然ロンドンで再会、2011年1月「スムーズ・クリミナル」を2本のチェロで演奏した映像を投稿したのがきっかけで2CELLOSとしてデビューする。世界各地をツアーしながら表現の幅を磨いてきたハウザーが、自分をインスパイアしてきたルーツの[クラシック]を奏でた本作ではハウザーの色彩溢れる豊かなチェロの響きがたっぷり収録されている。2020 release from Stjepan Hauser, best known as one-half of 2Cellos. 2,290円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Christopher Tin/Royal Philharmonic Orch / To Shiver The Sky【K2020/8/21発売】

2020/8/21 発売輸入盤レーベル: DECCA GOLD収録曲:2020 release. One of the most listened-to and performed hybrid artists straddling the contemporary classical and media worlds, Christopher Tin is a 2X Grammy-winning composer of concert music, film, and video game scores. Told through the words of great visionaries, To Shiver the Sky reflects the power of human spirit; illustrates a relentless need to explore the universe and defy earthly bonds, ultimately claiming a place among the stars. Scored for tenor, soprano, early music trio, chorus and orchestra. 2,590円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Christian-Pierre La Marca/Lise De La Salle / Paris-Moscou【K2018/4/20発売】
2018/4/20 発売カナダ盤レーベル:SONY CLASSICAL IMP収録曲: 3,090円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Beethoven/Richter / Richter Plays Beethoven: Last Piano Sonatas【K2017/4/7発売】

2017/4/7 発売輸入盤レーベル:URANIA RECORDS収録曲: 4,890円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Debbie Wiseman/Rosie Middleton & National Sym. / Espana - Tribute To Spain - Binaural Recording

2017/8/18 発売輸入盤レーベル:CHASING THE DRAGON収録曲:* 4,590円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Medtner/Alessandro Taverna / Piano Sonatas

2015/4/14 発売輸入盤レーベル:SOMM RECORDINGS収録曲: 3,290円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Rosanne Philippens / Insight 【K2019/5/17発売】

2019/5/17 発売オランダ盤レーベル:CHANNEL CLASSICS NL収録曲: 3,390円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Janacek/Anima Eterna Brugge/Jos Van Immerseel / Sinfonietta Op. 60 - Symphony No. 9 In E Minor Op.

発売日: 2015/9/25輸入盤レーベル: Alpha Productions収録曲:コメント:Jos Van Immerseel celebrates his 70th birthday with three important releases punctuating the year's end at Alpha: a symphonic program (Janacek, Dvorak), a chamber music program (Schubert) and a set grouping re releases of his French music recordings. With his musicians and companions from Anima Eterna, he has created a veritable musical troupe, in turn students, orchestral players, soloists... Together, they seek the sound and style corresponding to their ideal, waiting months if necessary for the appropriate instrument to be ready before programming it. Happy Birthday, Mister Jos!Jos Van Immerseel celebrates his 70th birthday with three important releases punctuating the year's end at Alpha: a symphonic program (Janacek, Dvorak), a chamber music program (Schubert) and a set grouping re releases of his French music recordings. With his musicians and companions from Anima Eterna, he has created a veritable musical troupe, in turn students, orchestral players, soloists... Together, they seek the sound and style corresponding to their ideal, waiting months if necessary for the appropriate instrument to be ready before programming it. Happy Birthday, Mister Jos! 3,290円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Beethoven/Itzhak Perlman/Marta Argerich / Kreutzer Sonata/Franck: Sonata

ベートーヴェン クロイツェル・ソナタ フランク ヴァイオリンソナタ2015/11/6 発売輸入盤レーベル: WARNER CLASSICS収録曲: 2,090円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Casella/BBC Philharmonic Orch/Noseda / Casella Orchestral Works 3

2013/6/25 発売輸入盤レーベル: CHANDOS収録曲:Forming part of the ongoing survey of orchestral works by Alfredo Casella, the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra and Gianandrea Noseda perform the Symphonic Rhapsody Italia, the Third Symphony, and the Introduzione, Corale & Marcia for large orchestral forces. International Record Review described Volume II as a "remarkable disc." 3,290円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Deutekom/Allers/Wiener Volksopernorchester / Most Wanted Recitals: Cristina Deutekom In Vienna

2014/7/8 発売輸入盤レーベル:DECCA収録曲: 2,290円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Dukas/Maltempo / Complete Piano Music【K2023/2/3発売】

2023/2/3 発売輸入盤レーベル:PIANO CLASSICS収録曲:A new recording of all the major works for piano by a foundational figure in French music of the early 20th century. Born in 1865, Dukas could have (and probably did) compose a good deal literally and stylistically in the 19th century, but his fastidious craftsmanship and self-criticism saw him burn far more music than he allowed to survive. All of a sudden, on the turn of the new century, he wrote two large-scale works which bring together a reverence for the recent and long-gone past with bold new thinking of how to write for the piano. Begun in 1899, the Variations take an innocent dance theme by Rameau and subject it to a dazzling sequence of treatments coloured by strict counterpoint, dreamy rhapsody and a Lisztian scale of piano writing. Even more ambitious and contrapuntal in it's workings is the 40-minute Piano Sonata which has long been regarded as a summit of fin-de-siecle piano writing. The Sonata has often been compared to Beethoven's Hammerklavier Sonata for it's colossal dimensions, it's structural complexities and it's tightrope virtuoso writing. Dukas himself later discussed it's journey in terms of a symbolic victory over 'the beast within', and 'the triumph of Apollo over the Pythian serpent'. Vincenzo Maltempo follows in the footsteps of virtuosos such as Michel Ponti and Marc-Andre Hamelin, and shows himself equipped for the task, having already accumulated a critically acclaimed catalogue of hyper-virtuoso repertoire on Piano Classics, including five albums of Alkan, the Hungarian Rhapsodies of Liszt and the complete Sonatas of Scriabin. He possesses the virtuosity to burn which this music demands, but also the poetic sensibility to bring the most subtle nuances of colour to bear on two miniatures from much later in Dukas's career, a Prelude in memory of Haydn and a deeply felt tribute to the memory of Debussy which makes haunting reference to the Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune. 3,290円
【輸入盤CD】【新品】Sibelius/Anthony Collins / Symphonies Nos 1 2 3 & 4
2014/6/3 発売輸入盤レーベル:DECCA収録曲: 3,590円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】 J.S. Bach/Suzuki / Suzuki Plays Bach Organ 3 (SACD) 【K2019/8/2発売】

2019/8/2 発売輸入盤レーベル:BIS収録曲:Born within a couple of years of each other, Gottfried Silbermann and Johann Sebastian Bach were acquainted, and we know that Silbermann in 1736 invited the composer to inaugurate the new organ that he had built in Dresden's Frauenkirche. That instrument was destroyed during the bombing of Dresden in 1945, but some thirty of Silbermann's organs are still extant. From robust pedal stops providing a sturdy bass fundament to silvery flute stops, his instruments were famous for their distinctive sound and contemporary sources often made use of a play on the name of their maker as they praised their 'Silberklang'. Silbermann was based in Freiberg with his workshop only a stone's throw away from the cathedral, where he built his first great organ in 1714. One of the finest and best preserved examples of his art, this is the instrument which Masaaki Suzuki has chosen for the third installment in his traversal of Bach's organ music, following acclaimed recitals recorded in Groningen (the Netherlands) and Kobe (Japan). The programme takes us through various forms of organ compositions, including one of Bach's most imposing preludes (BWV 546) with it's intricate fugue, the multi-sectioned Toccata in C major (BWV 546a), examples of chorale preludes and partitas. Suzuki closes his recital with the famous Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor, probably composed during the same years that Silbermann was busy building the organ on which it is performed here.鈴木雅明 3,390円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Chierici / Peschatore Che Va Cantando【K2018/9/7発売】

2018/9/7 発売輸入盤レーベル: TACTUS RECORDS収録曲: 2,990円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Hemphill/Berne / Fantastic Mrs. 10【K2020/2/14発売】

2020/2/14 発売輸入盤レーベル:INTAKT RECORDS収録曲:Tim Berne recorded for Intakt Records for the first time in 2019 as the saxophonist in Michael Formanek's Very Practical Trio with Mary Halvorson. Now the New York saxophonist, composer and bandleader presents a new album with his ensemble Snakeoil. After three albums this is the first Snakeoil record to be released on Intakt. The band balances the possibilities of composition, improvisation and the tonal possibilities of an acoustic and electric playing jazz band in an unmistakable way. The Fantastic Mrs.10 is one of Snakeoil's most mature and at the same time most edgy releases. Guitarist Marc Ducret joins the core quartet of Tim Berne, Matt Mitchell, Oscar Noriega and Ches Smith. The band's sound is also influenced by sound engineer and Berne's musician cohort David Torn, who completes the postproduction. Tim Berne says in the liner notes "I think this is the best one yet. That's a stupid thing to say, but it's kind of a culmination. Ches, Matt, Oscar - it's almost like we always forget what we did the last time out, and that's a really healthy amnesia. There's a dedication to moving ahead. They're truly into it, and it motivates me." 3,390円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】John Williams/Berliner Philharmoniker / Berlin Concert【K2022/2/4発売】(ジョン・ウィリアムス)

2022/2/4 発売輸入盤レーベル: DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON収録曲:(ジョンウィリアムス)John Williams/Berliner Philharmoniker - "The Berlin Concert" The history of film music would be different without John Williams. Cinema classics like Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Harry Potter are inextricably linked with his musical style. His soundtracks captivate listeners with thrilling, moving themes and a tremendous range of atmospheres and sounds. John Williams made his debut with the Berliner Philharmoniker in October 2021 with a series of sold-out concerts, and Deutsche Grammophon was 3,390円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Jonathan Antoine / Believe 【K2016/8/26発売】

2016/8/26発売UK盤レーベル:IMPORTS収録曲: 3,940円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Smetana/Hradec Kralove Philharmonic Orchestra / Ma Vlast

2016/1/8 発売輸入盤レーベル:ARCODIVA収録曲: 2,990円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Grieg/1B1/Skomsvoll/Bjoranger / Holberg Variations

2014/9/9 発売輸入盤レーベル:SIMAX CLASSICS収録曲: 3,290円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】 J.S. Bach/Lazarevitch/Rondeau / Sonates & Solo Pour La Flute【K2019/8/23発売】

発売日: 2019/8/23輸入盤USレーベル: Alpha収録曲:コメント:After the success of the Red, Yellow, Blue and Pink collections (a total of 56 reissues), which brought the pearls from the Baroque catalogues of the house labels back into the spotlight, here are fourteen new titles offering a chance to rediscover more Baroque treasures and rarities. Like the last series, this fifth installment also opens up to the Classical (Mozart) or Renaissance (Dufay) repertories - recordings that are an integral part of Alpha's identity and history. This series' reissues are performed by the finest musicians in the field; most of these recordings received one or more awards on their first release. The albums come with proper booklets, including notes in three languages (French, English, German). Photographers from many different backgrounds illustrate the covers of the series with their works: this time the main theme is the color white. The present album features Johann Sebastian Bach's Sonatas and Solos for Transverse Flute, performed by Francois Lazarevitch, Lucile Boulanger, Thomas Dunford, and Jean Rondeau.After the success of the Red, Yellow, Blue and Pink collections (a total of 56 reissues), which brought the pearls from the Baroque catalogues of the house labels back into the spotlight, here are fourteen new titles offering a chance to rediscover more Baroque treasures and rarities. Like the last series, this fifth installment also opens up to the Classical (Mozart) or Renaissance (Dufay) repertories - recordings that are an integral part of Alpha's identity and history. This series' reissues are performed by the finest musicians in the field; most of these recordings received one or more awards on their first release. The albums come with proper booklets, including notes in three languages (French, English, German). Photographers from many different backgrounds illustrate the covers of the series with their works: this time the main theme is the color white. The present album features Johann Sebastian Bach's Sonatas and Solos for Transverse Flute, performed by Francois Lazarevitch, Lucile Boulanger, Thomas Dunford, and Jean Rondeau. 2,290円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Beethoven/Wdr Sinfonieorchester / Complete Symphonies【K2019/4/12発売】

こちらの商品はネコポスでお届けできません。2019/4/12 発売輸入盤レーベル:PROFIL - G HAENSSLER収録曲:5CD 5,490円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】J.S. Bach/Sasa Vectomov / Cello Suites (2PK)【K2020/3/27発売】

2020/3/27 発売輸入盤レーベル: SUPRAPHON収録曲:Bach could hardly have imagined how popular his cycle of Six Suites for Cello Solo would become nearly 300 years after he finished writing them in Cothen. There are more than 200 existing historical and contemporary recordings of "informed" and "modern" interpretations - that tells it all. The music makes extraordinary demands on players' technical and interpretive ability and their overall comprehension. In the suites, Bach managed to create music that is highly innovative (it is worth noting that the cello was still developing at the time), and yet he retained his stylistic purity and comprehensibility. While these are formally dance suites, the architecture of some of them is more like that of a cathedral, in part thanks to the wealth of contrapuntal writing. They are a great challenge for everyone who has mastered the cello, Sa?a Vectomov included. His first teacher was his father (he studied in Paris with Piatigorsky and Fournier and with Casals's assistant Alexanian). The playing of the young Vectomov was then strongly influenced by Rostropovich's teacher Semyon Kozolupov at the Moscow Conservatoire and by Andre Navarra in Italy. Besides his solo career, he also excelled at playing chamber music (Czech Trio, City of Prague Quartet) and was an equally wonderful teacher. For the recording of the Bach suites that he made in Prague at the Rudolfinum in the summer of 1984, he prepared himself for several years. In 1980, for example, he played the whole cycle from memory at a single concert. His recording can be characterized as having unmistakable beauty of tone, perfect intonation, and brilliant technique, but above all it is the deep comprehension of the "text" and the immediacy of the musicianship that make this recording something timeless and exceptional. Bach - Cello Suites: timeless music on a timeless recording. 3,690円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Anne-Sophie Mutter / Club Album: Live From Yellow Lounge (w/DVD) (Deluxe Edition)(アンネ=ゾフィ・ムター)

2015/9/18 発売輸入盤レーベル: DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON収録曲:In May of 2015, violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter gave a truly unique concert: rather than standing on stage in one of the world's renowned well-tempered grand concert halls, she spent two evenings playing in a tiny graffiti-scrawled nightclub in Berlin. Recorded in front of a standing-room only audience, this 2015 release and includes popular works by Bach, Copland, Gershwin, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi and many more. Mutter is joined by Mahan Esfahani, Lambert Orkis and the Mutter Virtuosi. 3,940円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】John Williams / Guitar Master 【K2016/5/20発売】(ジョン・ウィリアムス)

2016/5/20 発売カナダ盤レーベル:IMPORTS収録曲:(ジョンウィリアムス) 4,490円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Busoni/Piemontesi / Bach Nostalghia【K2020/9/25発売】

2020/9/25 発売輸入盤レーベル: PENTATONE収録曲: 2,790円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Elina Garanca / Sol Y Vida 【K2019/5/10発売】

2019/5/10 発売輸入盤レーベル:DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON収録曲:2019 release. Sol y vida is El?na Garan?a'sjourney to the South, from Spain to Italy and Latin America, and is her first album focusing entirely on non core-classical repertoire. Featuring jewels of Latin American song repertoire like Piazolla's Yo soy Maria, originally part of a tango operita and Gracias a la vida, one of the most covered Latin American songs in history both featuring guitarist Jose Maria Gallardo del Rey in new intimate arrangements. Many of the popular pieces have mainly been sung by tenors, like "Core 'ngrato", which was probably written for Caruso or the popular Neapolitan songs "Torna a surriento" or "Canto napoletano". 2,590円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Gheorghiu/Dariescu / Plaisir D'Amour【K2019/12/13発売】

2019/12/13 発売輸入盤レーベル: DECCA 収録曲: 2,590円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】VA / Sibelius: Great Performances

2015/9/11 発売輸入盤レーベル: DECCA収録曲:Various Artists -"Sibelius: Great Performances" Universal Music Classics; Decca; Classical Featuring some of the most legendary Sibelius recordings from the vaults of Decca's Mono & early Stereo catalog, this 11-CD set includes Jansen's Karelia Suite, the Violin Concerto in D minor with Ricci & Fjeldstad, Eduard van Beinum's Tapiola and Finlandia, Songs with Birgit Nilsson and Bertil Bokstedt, as well as Anthony Collins' complete Sibelius cycle - one of the first collections of the symphonies performed by one orchestra and conductor. 10,900円