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Swiss Adventures Nineteen Days of Exploring Switzerland【電子書籍】[ Dorothea Chan ]
<p>n April 2023 I decided to show Switzerland to my online friend from England! For nineteen days in May and June we traveled all over Switzerland.</p> <p>First we took a boat trip on Lake Zurich to Rapperswil.</p> <p>We stayed in Grindelwald for a week and went on excursions from there: To the Eiger Glacier, Kleine Scheidegg, Grosse Scheidegg, Grindelwald Schreckfeld, Upper Glacier and Wetterhornhotel as well as Pfingstegg. We also didn't leave out the glacier gorge.</p> <p>Since we had hot weather, we visited several beach resorts: In Brienz, Lucerne and the Natural Swimming Pool in Riehen near Basel.</p> <p>From Brienz we drove to the Axalp and hiked on the Schnitzlerweg, where you can admire many carved works of art. Afterwards we proceeded to the Schweibenalp and after lunch hiked steeply down to the Giessbach Falls and the Giessbach Hotel, where we could refresh ourselves with a cool drink.</p> <p>In Zermatt we were also lucky with the weather and took the train to the Gornergrat, from where we could admire the Matterhorn. On the way to Basel we stopped in Montreux and walked along the lake to Chillon Castle!</p> <p>In Basel we stayed at the Spalentor Hotel with a view of the Spalentor! The next day I showed Sadie where I grew up. We took the post bus to Chall H?he after we had visited the church in Mariastein. From there we walked to the Bergmattenhof Restaurant and then down to Dittingen. We then took the post bus to Laufen and back to Basel.</p> <p>We crossed the Rhine by ferry and had a look at Basel. We also visited the Park im Gr?nen for a short time. Together with my daughter we cooled off in the Natural Swimming Pool in Riehen.</p> <p>Then we went to Lucerne. We enjoyed sitting in the garden restaurant in the evening next to the Reuss river!</p> <p>The next day I went alone to Zurich to attend a ceremony at the Krishna Temple with my daughter.</p> <p>We didn't miss Berne neither: We met up in the B?rengraben with another friend we knew from the internet. Both Sadie and Tamara can speak light language and did so in Berne.</p> <p>In Lucerne we visited the Lion Monument and the Glacier Garden and spent time at the Lido Lake Pool. Then we went back to Zurich.</p> <p>Last but not least, we visited the Rhine Falls and Schaffhausen. On the last day we enjoyed Lake Zurich and fed the swans.</p> <p>This had clearly been a marathon adventure! Sadie got to know a large part of Switzerland. Not everything: we left out Ticino and Graub?nden, it would have been too much.</p> <p>I hope that through these pictures you will participate in this Swiss Adventure with us!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
Nord- und Mittelengland Reisef?hrer Michael M?ller Verlag Individuell reisen mit vielen praktischen Tipps.【電子書籍】[ Dorothea Martin ]
<p>E-Book zur 3. komplett ?berarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage 2020 Der Norden Englands ? das sind geheimnisvolle Moore, wilde Bergregionen, atemberaubende Naturerlebnisse in vier herrlichen Nationalparks und zahllose stolze Burgruinen, die von einer wehrhaften Vergangenheit zeugen. Beschaulicher pr?sentiert sich die Mitte des Landes, wo sanfte H?gellandschaften, friedlich grasende Schafe hinter Trockensteinmauern, Fachwerkh?user und urige Pubs das Bild pr?gen. Typisch sind Gro?st?dte, die nach einer neuen Identit?t suchen und sich mutig modernisieren. Denn hier brummte einst Englands Schwerindustrie, die die Industrielle Revolution befeuerte und deren Profiteure ihr Geld in pr?chtige Herrensitze steckten. Ganz anders wiederum Englands Osten: flach, mit unendlichen Weiten, Seenlandschaften und kilometerlangen Sandstr?nden f?r das (extrem erfrischende) Bad im Meer.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。